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CHRIST'S COLLEGE v. OTAGO HIGH SCHOOL, COLLEGE WIN EASILY. (From Our Special Corrkspokdent.) CHRISTCHURCH, August 6. ■ Christ's College defeated llic Otago Ilo.ys' High School by 22 points (two goals and four tries) io nil. The College team wa„ much heavier than the High School players, and attacked nearly all the game. Their hacks proved very fast, but they lest many opportunities by wild passing. Tho School backs played pliickily, and tao'-lcd well, but could not keep pace with their opponent. The School forwards played a fine gam o , beating the College in the' scrums for the ball, and also in the looso work. A. l'alei'Kjn did a tremendous amount of work on tlio wing, and Dallas, Barton, and Littlcjolni were also prominent, but all tli« forwards played pluckily. 'Hie College opened with the wind, but the School kept them out for 29 minutes, wben Parkinson, their fast wing (hrce-<|uarler, got over. He .'cored twice again in the first spell, but no goals were kicked. Tn the second spell the College attacked, aud Cook scored twice in the first seven minutes, Saunders converting lioth tries. Then the High School kept tho College out until within two minules of lime, when a. fine pasting rush between (he College backs let Cook in neat the corner, no goal resulting. Anderson was very prominent among the College team forwards, and Ferguson, Cook, and Parkinson among the. backs. While, nt centre Ihrce-nuarler, did a lot of work, I>ul, cut in far too much anil lost opportunities (hereby. Heid played an excellent game at five-eighths for the School, and ('ahlei and Edie wore very prominent at times. COUNTRY MATCHES. Our Alexandra correspondent stales that the finnl maleh for the Vincent County Hag was played at Alexandra between Alexandra anil Cromwell on Saturday. A splendid game resulted in n draw, Alexandra wins the fag for 1906. Mr E. MarsJin acted a* referee. Our Si. Pathiiiis correspondent wires as follows:—Tlii* Si. Bat bans and Ranfiirly foams met at, Ranfiirly on Saturday in the second round for the Maniototo banner, and after a fust and interest ing game St. Ballmns won by 16 points (four tries and a potted goal) to 3 points (a try). THE VINCENT TEAM. Our Alexandra correspondent stales that tln> following been picked to represent Vincent against. Dunediii and for the inti;r-TOinit.v matches:-Full back, ,7. Davidson (Clyde); liiree.fpuirlors-Dwver (Upper Cliifhn), T. Cahill (Alexandra).' D. Cahill (Upper Clulha); five-eighths-Var-roo (Clyde). W.. King (Alexandra): half back. K. Jelly (Upper Clulha.); forwardsThomas and T.vziml (Upper C'lutlia), Morgan, M. Kane, 11. Williams (Alexandra), Mohalski and Crawford (Clyde), Templelon (Mataliimiil); emergencies—.l. Richardsoil (Alexandra), 11, Partridge (Cromwell). The manager is Mr K. Muslin.

OTA CO 15UGBY FOOTBALL TNIf)X. The weekly meeting of the C'ominillee of Management of the O.K.F.U. was held J,ml, evening, the president (Mr A. C. HanIon) occupying (he chair.

Mr 0. O'Snlliv.iti reported that in the Tainri Hovers v. lliivctisbmirno match on Saturday he had had lo caution Iwo of the Hovers players for illegal tackling, and iinolher of lite same learn for questioning Ihc referee's ruling. The eonduct of the spectators at the. match, which was played .tf Mosgicl, was also complained about.—Air (TSuiiivaii, who attended the meeting, said I hut a fi'iv of Ihe spectators had come to his assistance lo help him eL-ar the crowd from the line, but none of (lie officials of the local club hud offered to help him.—lt was decided to place the players' names on Ihe cautioned players' list, and lo tvrito lo Iho liovcm Clul) notifying it that if better control was not exercised over sjjeetators Ihe union would seriously consider the question of the disqualification of the ground.

A hoy who Iml boon reported for using bad Inngnugo m a spectator in tho Third (trado I'iralps—lioverj match did not appear in response to tlio committee's summons, and it was decided to writo to tho boy's parents telling (hem of his conduct, ai'd (hat if there was a repetition lie would be warned off all grounds under Iho jurisdiction of the union.

An application from the Taranaki Union for financial assistance towards the tour of their representative team was held over vntil next iiKvHjng. The Alu.nnlira Wcdnc-ilay team applied Tor permission io play a match at Wuikouaili nn Iho Bth insl.. Mr Bestieaux lo act as manager.—(lranted.

(.'ousidoration was given to a. malior tilfceling tin; transfer of a player from the Tokoinairii'o Jhib to Iho Union Club which bad been granted by ihe Flag Committee and MilKeriuontly cancelled, it having been ascertained that the player was not a resident of iJimedin, but merely travelled from Hilton to Dmiedin 011 Saturdays to play in the matches—Tho Union Olub wrote that when they applied for the transfer I hoy were under the impression that- the player wiw a. resident of Hip town. II; was decided to accept the club's explanation. and al»o to uphold Iho cancellation of Ihe transfer.

Tho Secretary of the Southland Rugby Union wrolo stating that the Southland representatives would leave on the 17th for lluneilin by the 6econd express, and would number not less than 21 men, under tlm management of Mr D. Ueddes. The team would probably lea to for Wellington 011 Monday, the, 20th.—lloeeived.

The Tort Chalmers Club protested against iho Fourlh tirade match Alhambra v. Port Chalmers being awarded tothc former 011 tho ground that Alhambra played a Port Chalmers Olub man who was a Third Orado player.—lt was resolved that tho Alhambra Club he written lo for an explanation.

W M'Donald, referee for the Alhambra and University match on Saturday reported having litul occasion to caution an Alhambra player for charging a.ll opponent, after such player had kicked tlio ball.—lt- was decided to plaeo the player's namo on Iho list of cautioned players. Correspondence was received from the Shag Point Olub with reference to tho complaint of Mr 11.l 1 . W. Bell, referee in tho Shag Point v. Waikoimili match, that tho former team had left the field without just cause.—lt was decided that the captain of the Shag Point Club lie disqualified till the end of tile season, that the secretary of the elub he written to informing'him of tho serious character of the offence, but intimating that it would bo overlooked 011 this occasion so far as Ihe team, oilier than tho eautain. was concerned.

Messrs Henucll and (tlendining. who had witnessed tho sevon-asido tournament at lloxhurcli. appeared before the committee on liehalf of the Coal Creek team and explained llnM the nlav throughout was "willing,' 1 hut thai the rough play was caused by a liimcrick player. As for the Coat Orcek-Milh'r's Flat match on July 21, Mr Ilennetl said that ho saw the match, and is far as he knew there were 110 disqualified men playing.-The Miller's Flat and Coal Creek Clubs also vvroto staling that no disqualified men were playing.—lt was decided to accept the statoinonU of the clubs.

P. 11. Campbell applied for permission for the Boys' Hijdi foboo) First and Second Fifteens to play Wnitoki High School First and Second on Tahiinu Park or Bi.shopscourt on Saturday morning.—ll was decided to graui the use of Taliuna Park.

The Secretary reported thai hp had he"ii verballv informed that the referee in the Ziu.ija.ri-Pirates Fourth (Irade on Saturday had ordered two players off tlie cround. tint no report on tlte matter had l>een received.—lt was decided io write to the referee making inquiries. Mr W. J. Wilson mentioned that in the Alhambra-Soiilhern senior match 011 the Caledonian (iruund, an Alhambra player had boon cautioned, and the fact had never been ropovtnl to the committee.-lt was deeided in this case also to request, the referee for an explanation (I. (i. Uenniston applied for the u?e of Talnnia Park on Wednesday afternoon for a mutch between the Bank of Now Zealand and (lie Union Steam Ship Company.— lieferi'.--|] to the Viae Committee to act. W. .lolmstim (Alhambra). ilisnualitied until the end of ihe fra-on for illeeal tackling ill the Ailiambra-Duncdin match, wrote as follows" In reference to my disqualification. I iiesicf vou to reconsider your decision to expel me till (he end of the jpason 1906. Thi? to rue i> vrn- ?ov<»re, And cortaiulv makes nn» fool mv position vorr much. I jurnftstlv a-li thai you eive my aopoal your favoinal>i*> < amelioration ant l mitigate iho sontouco n:tsspc] noon ni<\"—On tho motion of Air Sincoi'k, ecconriwl I>y Mr 0. Macdonal'l. :r. was rcsolvod—"That the (V>inmitfro. fully into tho matter of tlx* disqualification when iho punishment was motofl out, cannot its way to reopen flw»

Mr Dov was manager of the Otaw representative team to visit Southland 'file appointment of matiarers for <'w northern tonr was ?et down for consideration at next meeting.

OTAGO FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION. A ooinmittco meeting of tire Otago Footbill Association was held last night in Moray plate. The members present were— Messrs Emslio (chairman), Brickcll, Clark, Anderson, Duncan, Crawley. Soundy, Illingworth, Monerieif, ami W. *H. Irwin (secretary).

Tho Chairman congratulated Mr Anderson on his appoint men t as delegate from Mornington, and was sure his club had mado a wise selection in appointing humMr Anderson returned thanks for his welcome.

At a previous meeting Mr Gage, the referco in the recent Kaitangata. match, sent in his resignation in consequence of tho way lie was treated al- that matchOn tho Chairman's suggestion it was decided lo ask Mr Gage to reconsider his determination.

The Chairman drew aitr-niion to the action of the Kaitangata Club in playing in a halfhearted manner in their recent game when it found it was hopelessly losing. It was a. question for tho committee to consider whether anv further action should 1m) taken in the matter. —After discussion it was decided lo take no further notice of the subject, hut ft hope was expressed that, tiro team would play a. more sportsmanlike game next season.

Tho Town Cleric, .Si. Kikla, wrote that on the Works Committee's recommendation a further two years' of Culling Park would be granted to the association, and that a fence creeled, in terms of the first, specification, the O.F.A. to pay cost of same befotw the work is put in hand.— Received.

A letter from the municipal department of tho City Council was read reporting the account, of £17 ?,s 2d, rost of fencing the Oval, to be substa.ntiallv correct.—Attention to be drawn to former correspondence that had pawed in connection with the matter.

Tho Chairman reported with reference to the St. Kikla ground that the necessary deposit had been paid, ami an assurance was .received that, tho fencing would bo proceeded with and carried out in a proper mailt er.

It was rrsolved that a letter he sent lo tho Hon. 11. M'N'ab congratulating him on his inclusion in the new Ministry.

The following 1 cam was appointed to play against Tiniarn. at Tintaru, on tlic iii-t.. (lie Dunedin team lo love on Wednesday. and have a smoke concert, tended to it on arrival, and nut tin al the Queen's ]Ioi.el: — Asliton (Soutlicrji). P.eobr (Koslyn), Ailehwon (ltoslyn). D. O'Connor (Telegraph), Grenfell (Mornington), Rosa CiV!r>!frapli), Hotting (Mornington), Sligo (Southern; captain), Pickard (Jlornimrton), Hil'ikcr (Southern), Illingtvorth (Telegraph).

The following alterations to the grounds for next .S;'tnrdayV: nwtohes were made:—Senior. Northern v. Koslyn, at _ Culling Park; Wakari v. Southern, at Northern (3.30 p.m.). Junior: Mornington Av. Sout.liorn, at. Oval. It. was agreed that, tho tournament be managed bv a eomrnitl'.'O consisting of Messrs Briekoll. Anderson, Webster, and Sound,v: entries to be dor/csiled with tho secretary of the O.F.A. nol later than 5 p.m. on Thnr.-dav ne\t. Tho .Southland delegate (Mr Brielcel!) reported thai. livo teams woi'o playing at fnvercargill. one being at Underwood and ■mother team in course of formation at Riverlon; and six seiiool tennis wvo playing. Th,- liiveroargill (earn desired a tiyim lo visit it on Wednesday, fflth inst., and tho local learn was quite willing to bilM tho visitors — liesnlvcd that players willing lo mnke- the trio on ill? terms named send ill t'uir names lo the secretary forthwith.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13665, 7 August 1906, Page 3

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FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13665, 7 August 1906, Page 3

FOOTBALL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13665, 7 August 1906, Page 3