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.RACING IN ENGLAND. A London cable states that the City and Suburban Handicap resulted thus:—Dean Swift 1, Golden Measure 2, Douetla 3. WELLINGTON AUTUMN MEETING. (Fir UxriED Ps»r,s AssocuTroN.) . WELLINGTON 1 . April M. Tho Wellington Knciii" Club's autuiuir mealing commenced to-day. The weather piomised Ono for the afternoon's sport, but a light drizzling rain set in when the Challenge Stakes came up for decision, and continued almost without interruption until the close of the proceedings, For an oft' day there was a go<jd attendance, and prominent sportsmen from othW parts oi the colony wore con spiei',ou.« by their presence. Speculation was brisk, the 'sum of jS]'2.4GO, including .E'leVl! on tho double machine, being put through the machine, as against £6337 for the corresponding day of last year. The double machine paid out on the winning combination^— Mystification (Thompson Handicap) and GTcnlowjrt (Railway Haudican)— t'67 16s. The racing generally was good, and interesting finishes were in evidence in m;s: of the events. Isoli'.q withdrawal from thf ChnHcuge Stekes was a grep.t disappointment to the sporting public. Achilles appeared to have the race won at any stage, though Exmoor and Clanchattan ran we'll. The winner was loudly cheered on returning io scale. A Tine field iincd up for the Thompson's Handicap, which resulted in Mystification, an outsider, securing the honours. The. improvements made on the course since last meeting were favourably commented upon. This arrangements of the meeting were satisfactory, Results: —

FIRST HURDLE HANDICAP. Of loOsovs; second horse Msnvs. One mile and three-quarters. 311—Mr 0. H. Prosscr'a blk e. Wnitarere, by Torpedo—Rivulet, syrs, 9.10 (M'Comion) 1 24i-Mr Brown's Hydrant. 9.10 (Carmont) 2 85—Mr Whitney's Defoe. 0.8 3 Also started: 311 St. Lyra 11.10, 97 Slow Tom 10.7, 5S Ko'hnmii 9.5. 150 Cassiopeia 0.0. Slow Tom lMtlo the running, and held his position ai the head of affairs for most of the journey, when Waitarcrc put in a strong bid, and, though challenged by Hydrant, came away in the straight, and won easily by two lengths. Hydrant beat Defoe by half a length for third place. Slow Tom and St. Lyra finished fourth and fifth respectively. Time. 3min 30 2-ssoc. Dividends, £3 2s and £[ 25. WAIWKTO HANDICAP, Of lOOsovs; second horse lOsovs. Seven furlongs. 213—Mr A. F. Douglas's b g St, Albert, by St. Audrey—Rivulet, Gyrs, 7.0 (Reid) 1 404—Mr 11. Fricdhnder's Czarevna, 7.8 .. ?. 329—Mr Prosser's Marguerite, 8.2 .... 3 Also started: 87 Maui 7.0, SOS Polvcaste G.l.'J

When the barrier went up Cztircvna and Marguerite dashed to the front. St. Albert cut down the leaders half a mile from home, and. coming on full of running, obtained the verdict comfortably by two lengths; Czarovmt, who came strong at the finish, beating Marguerite by half a length for second place. I.'olyeasto finished last. Time, lmin 3-ssec. Dividend. £5 4s.

SILVERSriIEAM HACK HANDICAP, of SOsovs, Seven furlongs.—Destruction. 7.10, 1; Cavntina, 8.0, 'J; liiflc Maid, 7.12, 3. Also started: Mollis 8.10, AVailcthe 8.2 Mcrriniac 7.12, Moccasin 7.1, Won by about threequarters of a. length. Time, lmin 31 3-ssec. Dividends. £3 <ls 'and £1 19s.

THOMPSON HANDICAP, Of JOOsovs; second 40?ovs and third lOsovs. One mile. 125-Mr G. Hunter's ch h Justification, by Aprcmont—Mystic, 4yrs, 7.2 (.Tones) 1 237—Mr l'\ Prcston's'b g Apa, 3yrs. G. 7 (D. Price) 2 IoS-Me.-srs Douglas's hv f Polyanthus, <yrs, 8.0 (O'Brien) I .. ..' .. .. .1 Also started: 17!) Signalman 9.0 (Ashby), 274 Gold Crown 7.0 (Jenkins), 221 King Bi'llv 8.0 (Doelev), 308 Solution 5.7 (Buchanan), 150 {Starshoot 7.10 (M'Combc). 238 Delaware 7.10 (Hewitt). 120 Mobility 7.2 (Lindsay). 144 Jolly Frinr G. 1.1 (Reid), 45 Aberration 0.7 (Wilson). When the harrier went up Polyanthus shot to the front, with Mobility and Solution in close attendance. Signalman was left at the post. Before the sixth furlong was covered King Billy was in the lead with Gold Crown, Polyanthus being close on his girths. Solution now moved up to the leaders, Delaware meanwhile falling Ito the rear. Solution, Polyanthus, and Mystification closed on the leader three furlongs from home. Gold CrDwn at the same time lessening the gap between himself and King Billy. On coming into the straight Mystification displaced King Billy in the lead, while Apa and Polyanthus shot to (he front, followed by Solution and Gold Crown. Justification's position wa.s never seriously threatened at the business end of the journey, and he romped home an easy winner bv nuite a length and a-half, Apa getting the verdict from Polyanthus by nearly a length. Gold Crown. Solution, and King Billy, who were closely bunched together, were the nearest to the leaders. Time, lmin 42 4-ssec. Dividends, £11 lis and £2 Is. RAILWAY HANDICAP, Of ISOsovs: second 20sovs. Six furlongs. 401—Sir G. Clifford's b f Glenowlet, by Cianranald—Aladowla, 3yrs, 8.6 . (Jenkins) 1 428-Mr C. H. Smith's Gawain, 7.9 .. .. 2 220-Mr J. M'Laughlin's Contender, 7.0 .. 3 AUo started: 33-3 Ails* 8.8, 147 Medallist 7.0, Stronghold 8.4. Ails», Contender, and Medallist were the

first to break the line, and that order was maintained to the third furlong post, when Glenowlet and Gawain made a big bid and took leading positions. Entering the straight the colours of Gawain wcro to the fore, but Glenowlet put in a resolute challenge, and a fino race to the winning post resulted in Glenowlet's favour by a length and a-quarter, Contender being two lengths astern ot Gawain. Medallist was the last to finish. Time, lmin 10 3-ssee. Dividend, Jtf Bs. Glenowlet and Stronghold were bracketed. PLUNKET NURSERY HANDICAP, Of lOOsovs; second horse 20sovs. Five furlongs. 171—Mr J. Monk's b c William, by Conqueror—Moroze, 7.4 (Olliver) '.. .. 1 IG3—Hon. J. D. Ormond's br c Ito. 7.4 (Lindsay) 2 IGI-Mr 11. M'Manaway's bllt c Mahnla. 6.13 (Reidl 3 Also started: 279 English Channel 8.4 (Telford), 172 Grand Slam 8.4 (O'Brien), 402 Minijesia 8.3 (Williams), and 152 Snowstell 6.13 (Jones). Ito and William were the first to show in front. Snowstell lying last. Ito and Grand Slam carried tho field, along for two furlongs, when William dashed to the front, English Channel at tho same time moving up. The position were unchanged until reaching the straight, when English Channel compounded. William, who showed a good turn of 9peed, came fast in the last 300 yards, and caught the judge's eye by a length to the good of Ito, who was troubled by Malmta in the final stages of tho journey, and just managed to secure second ' place; Time, lmin 3 3-ssec. Dividends, £5 19s and £2. NORTH ISLAND CHALLENGE STAKES, Of 400sovs; second SOsovs, and third 25sovs. Seven fur'.ongs. IIG-Mr J. Monk's cli h Achilles, by Medallion—Nereid, Oyrs, 10.1 (Jenkins) .. 1 Mr J. Monk's br g Exmoor, fiyrs, 9.3 (Olliver) 2 42—Sir G. Clifford's b c Cianchattan, 4yrs, 8.11 (Cotton) 3

Also started: Stronghold 9.0 (Ashby), From a good start Achilles was the first to show in front, with Exmoor, Cianchattan, and Stronghold in the order named. At the fourth furlong Stronghold's colours were in xhe ascendant, but Exmoor soon displaced iiim in the lead, and Achilles quickly followed suit. On Hearing tho straight Achilles was in tho van, with his stab!o mate half a length m the rear, Cianchattan being about the same distance in front of Stronghold. Full ot running, the champion swept past the judge's box, despite n resolute challenge by Exmoor, by half a length. The samo distance separated Exmoor and Cianchattan. Stronghold was right out' of it, and finished nearly six lengths astern. Time, lmin 31sec. Dividend, £14s. TINAKOKI HACK HANDICAP, of SOsovs. Six furlongs.—EUrida, 5.5, 1; Hatley. 8.9. 2; I-lonyhnhmn, 7,12, 3. Also started: Devonia 7.10, Hiro 7.7, Mata Ari 7.3. Elfrida, after laying last for nearly three-parts of the distance, enme through his field in great style, and, stalling off a spirited challenge by Hatley, gained the verdict by barely half a length. Time, lmin 17scc. Dividends, £3 14s and £1 Cs.

The following are the Wellington Racing Ciub's weights for the second day: —

Second Hurdle Handicap, of lUOsovs. One mile and a-half. —St. Lyra 11.4, Wailarcre 11.0, Killarnoy 10.12, Slow "Tom 11.0, Weary Bill 10.10, Magnificent 10.10, Defoe 10.0, Wind 9.3, Apiti 0.10, Narcissus 9.0, Dalkcy 9.0, Lissa 9.3, Kohunm 9.3, Cassiopca, 9.3, Mocassin 9.0, Stockade 9.0.

Hutt Handicap, of lOOsovs. One mile— Exmcor 0.0, Black Reynard 8.8, Polyanthus 8.8, Mystification 8.4, Slarshoot 7.13, Roscal 7.5, Marguerite 7.5, Czarevena 7.8, Apa 7.4, Prelude 7.2. Beau Seatou 7.0, Submarine 6.12, Pretty Maid 0.10, Jolly Friar 6.10, Maui G.lO, Aberration 0.7, Hydrant C.7, Polycasle 6.7, Fancywork 0.7. Muritai Hack Handicap, of SOsovs. Seven furlongs.—Lady Dayward 9.0. Ellerton 8.10. Elfriclti 6.9, Destruction 8.7, /Bolus 8.6, Cavatina 8.6, Armamcnto 8.4, Wailethe 8.7, Riflemoid S.l, Anrangi 7.13, Honyhnhnni 7.10, Mcrriwai 7.7, Devonia 7.0, Soult Maid 7.6, Morric Rose 7.4, Iliro 7.2, Highland Fling 7.2, Gauze 7.0, Xavier 6.11, Pylchley 6.7, Esign 6.7

Autumn Handicap, of 300sovs. One mile and n-etiarter.—Achilles 9.9, Boomerang 8.9, Signal-' nnin 8.0, Gold Crown 8.4, King Billy 8.1, Lethcrin 7.13, Myslilicalion 7.11, Solution 7.11, Savoury 7.10, Sturshoot 7.0, Botrrrasque 7.4, Lyrist 7.3, lioseal 7.3, Flainen 7.2, Clanclutttaii 7.2, Terrapin 7.1, Apa 7.1, Czarevena 6.10. Mobility 0.10, Beau Seatou 6.0, Jolly Friar 6.7, Abberration G. 7, Submarine 0.7, Hatley 0.7, Spoil G. 7, Sandy 6.7, Cyrus 0.7. Suburban Handicap, of laOsovs. Seven furlongs.—Exmoor 0.2, Boomerang 9.0, King Billy 9.0, Black Kcynard 8.10. Polyanthus 8.10. Ailsa 8.7, Starshcol 8.4. Ballarat 8.4. St. Albert 8.2, Marguerite 7.11. Chryseis 7.11, Gawain 7.11, Mobility 7.6, Sir Geraini 7.5, Captain Shannon 7.3, Declination 7.2. Submarine 7.0. Tikirawa 0.11, Hir.urewa G. 7, Zetland 6.7, Fancywork 6.7. Variation 6.7, Black Squall C.7, ], 6.7. Pacific Handicap, of l.iOsovs. Sis fnriongs. fllenowlcl 9.12, Loftus 8.6, Petticoat 8.1, Contender 8.1. William 8.0, Moscow 7.13. Prelude 7.13. Grand Slam 7.1G, Munjista 7.11, Medallist 7.11, Ellerton 7.10. Jto 7.7, M.e.rriwai G. 12, Mahufti 6.10, Snowslcll 0.7, Balsam 6.7, Sandix 0.7.

Belmont Hack Handican. of SOscvs. Six furlong.'.—Ellerton 0.0, Elfridtv 0.0, ITstlcy 8.11, Moral 9.9. Armamento B.S, Windy 8.7. Sylvan Tide. 8.0, ITonylmhnm 8.0. Tupono 7,12, Mcrnwai 7.5, Tek'aimii 7.5, Highland Fling 7.5, Halsam 7.5. Good Sight 7.5. Soult Maid 7.5, Hiro 7.3. Secret 7.3, Matara- 7.3, Pnpu 7.0, Xavier 7.0, Skyc G.lO, Mahaki—Banlisk gelding '6.7. LOOKING FOR A CHAMPION OAKSMAX. (PjS I'tllTFß I'IiKSS ASSOCIATION.! CHRISTOHURCII, April 26. There is r. probability of I?. Arnst. the wcli-V.nown cyclist, winner oi the. Sydney Thousand, being given the opportunity of distinguishing himself in another branch of sport. A number of gentlemen interested in nport hsvo been impressed with the possibilities as all oarsman of a man of Arnst's physique, and to-night a preliminary meeting was held to discuss the question. If the movement takes practical shape the New ZealandsT will be given the benefit of coaching by a former holder of the world's sculling championship.

The newly-formed Y.M.C.A. Wednesday Hockey Club held its first practice on Wednesday afternoon at Forbury Park, when there was a" turnout of members, and an enjoyable, afternoon's play was indulged in. Several of the players are new to the game, but the club is fortunate in pissrroing the services of an experienced and efficient coach in Mr Mills, who took part in the game. The club has every prospect of a. highly .■successful season. Members and intending members are invited to take part in the next practice at Forbury on Wednesday next at 3 o'clock.

The members of the Battalion Association Football Club meet Ibis evening in the Garrison Hall for the purpose of selecting a team to play the Northern on Saturday.

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Otago Daily Times, 27 April 1906, Page 5

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SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, 27 April 1906, Page 5

SPORTING. Otago Daily Times, 27 April 1906, Page 5