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Tim* Bam at Poet Oiiuiiii The New Zealand mem time at noon, taloulatcd for tho meridian of longitude, in time 11 hours 30 minute* east of Grosnwich, will be signalled once a neck by a tim« ball dropping at the initutt of mean noon. Phases ot tbk Moos. AfP.IL, Fir't Quarter 2 3.32 p.m. Full Moon !) 5.42 p.rn. Last Quarter 16 8.7 a.m. New Moon 24 3.37 a.m. Perigee 10 9.0 p.m. Apogee 26 0.30 a.m. Sun rises 7.5. wis 5.7. TUB WEATHER. April 26.-8 a.m.: Wind X.E.. light: dull. Noon: Wind X.K. light; dull. 5 p.m.: Wind X.E., lighi; overcast. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer . ... 29,7 29.6 29.4 Thermometer ... 45 52 53 FORECAST.-Mr Panlin advised al 10 oYlcck fas! night.: —"Squally to a pa Its X.W. to S.W. winds and heavy vain showers; indications stormy." WEATHER REPORTS. (Pit Usnr.n Peess Association.) WELLINGTON, April 26. The following are the weather reports at i p.m.: -• Mauiikau IJcads.-Wind X.W.. fresh: ba... 29.E8; tlier. 64; ►bowery; bar smooth. New riyiiioulh— vVind X.. light; bar. 29.70, thi-r. 61: rain ; -oa moderate swell. t'astlepoint.—Wind N.W.. frr=li; bar. 29.54. ther. 67: line, sf.i moderate. Wellington.—Wind X.X.W.. moderate gale, bar. 29.53. ther. 66; light rain. _ Westport.-Wind X.. fresh:' bar. 29.58, ther. 67. rain; fea .swell, bar moderate. Kaikoura.—Calm; bar. 29.37, ther. 57; fine, sea smooth. lllulf.-Wind X., fresh; bar. 29.22, ther. 54; overcast. .Strong wiml to gale Ijetn-een N. and \Y. and S.W.: glass rise after 10 hours from now: tides good: BCa rough; rain prohnble.—l!. A. Eiiwix. HIGH WATER. April 27- a.m. p.m. At Taisroa Heads 4.44 5.0 Al I'r.rt. Chalmers 5.24 5.40 At Dunedin 6.9 6.25 ARRIVAL. Ro=e Casey, s.s., 81 tons, MGilvr.iy. from Waikawa. Keilh Ramsay. ag<Mit. Rotomahana, ?..«., 864 tons, Stewart, from Lyttelton. .1. Mill?, agent. 11.M.5. Encounter, second class cruiser. SBEO tons. Captain Henry V. W. Elliot, from Stewart Island. DEPARTURES. Uimulaka. ?..«.. 7765 tons, Cameron, R.X.R.. for Tiinarn. New Zealand Shipping Company, agonls. WimmCTa.' c=.. 1872 lons. Wyllie, for Sydney, via Cook Strait. Xeill and Co.. agents. Passengers: For Lyttelton—Misses Bruce. Humphries. Mrs Lcele and two children, Messrs Fieklwick. Gilmour. For Wellington—Misses Galland. Darling. Mesdames ({•alland, Eggers. Messrs Ablfeld, Galiaiid. fvggelton, Huddlestone. For SydneyMisses Hughes. Tombc, M'Millan. Mesdames Hughes, Copland, Mr Watson; and 10 in the steerage. EXPECTED ARRIVALS.

Prom Liverpool.—Cassms, ship, v iled December 22. Da-lcairnie, ship, iade.l February 20. From Marseilles. — Caterina, barque, •ailed February 7. From Sydney (via Auckland).—Westralia, April 29. . , From Sydney (via Cook Strait).—Moeraki, April 23.' From Melbourne—Waikarc, May 2. From Auckland, Tarawera, April 27. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Westralia, May 1. For Srdnev (via Cook Strait).—Waikare, May 3. " For Melbourne (Tia Bluff).—Moeraki, April 29. For Onc-lnmga.—Corinna, April 30. For Auckland.—Tarawera. April 27. For West. Coast.—Koonya. April 29. MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN-GOING STEAMERS. TO ARXIVE. At Auckland. — Niwartt, left London March 2*; due May 30. Ardgowan. left Xew York February 16: duo April 20. Queen Helena, left New York, March 31. Matatna, left London April 5; duo May 18. At Wellington.—Tongnriro. |<?ft Liverpool March 25: due May 9. Waiwera, left London April 5; due May 25. Turakina, left. I»ridon April 20; due .Line '. At Port Chalmers.—Whakatane, due May 30. TO DEPART. From Lytlelton.-Raka.ia. May 12. From Auckland.—Kumara, April 28. From Wellington.—lfeex, April 20. Delphic, May 12. Dorset, May 20. lonic. May 24. Rimutaka, May 10. i'ongnriro, May 31. HOMEWARD BOUm Aotai. left, Lyiielton March 8. Cape Corso. left Wellington March. 10. I'aparoa, left Wellington March 15. rakeha. Ht. Wellington March 27. Ayrshire, left Pinion for Bristol Marcli 28. Corintliie, left Wellington March 30. Papanui, left Lyttolton April 2. Riiapolm, left Wellington April 12. Mamari. left Wellington April' 19. Waim&te, left Wellington April ?,1. Perthshire, loft. Wellington April 23. Gothic, loft Wellington. April 26. Bucpnliur. left Wellington for A'aucouver April 26. _—. -


AUCTvLAA'I), April 26.-ArrivoJ: Talunc. frosn the south; 1.30 a.m.. Manapouri. fiwn Sydney and the Islands; Waipori. front Westport; I'oua. banpio, from Lyttclion. KAIPARA, April 26.—Arrived: Brisbane, frorni Lyttelton; Zehiteur, barque, from isWeastlo. Sailed: Aratapu. brieanlino. for Lvttoltoti. WELLINGTON. April 26,-Sailed: 5.10 p.m.. Moerniki, for Lyttollon. Dunedin, (he BlufT. Ilolwr, and Melbourne. Passengers: For Lvttellon—Misses Gallami. Partridge. Ogle'. Ailken. .Maxwell, Duff. I<ovoridgo, litvdames ISrowcr. M'Kibbcn. Thomas." Ogle. .Allen. MTherson. Ilildrelb, Messrs Brewer. M'Kibbon. Thomas, Cliisliolm. Balfour. Davidson, [lushes. Allen. Schnldl. .loslinjr. Valentino. For Dutipdin Mivcs Watson. Michie, M'Donuoll, Allnull. Carey. Must'anios Anderson. Best. Most* Anderson. Berry. Cough. Brewer Fiiirbairn. For llobart—Mr Robinson and child. For Melbourne -Misses Kent, Johnston. Wadden. Ida, Wild. M'Grath. Mesdauies Kent. Jdhnston, Pprall, Slcadman. Mr Spratt, 'Master Steadmnn. Sailed. Paieena. far Lvtrolton. Passengers: .Misses Ferguson (2). Holdgato, M'Grath. Murray. Todd. Flavell, Messrs Todd. Parai'a, Whittakor. Best, Dighi, Allen. Brewer. Kidd. Campbell, Morse. Sailed: 8 n.111., Mokoia, for Napier. LYTTELTON. April 26-Sailrd: Mararoa. for Wellington. TI.MAKT'. April 26.—Arrived: 4 p.m., Rimutakn, from Port Chalmers. lir.Cl'T. April 26.—Arnvwl: Wanakn, from Auckland.


MTKLANI). April 26.-Arrive!: 11.5 a.m.. Imlradcvi. from London, via, Sydney. WELLINGTON, April 26. — Sailed: Buccntaur. fot Vancouver. Sailed: 3.30 p.m., Gothic, for London. I'rom Wellington—Miss Gerw, Mcsdames Arthur, Butlers, Clapp'erton. Dolaittour, Harris, Loiefstor, Luxford, M'C'nrlhy, Wats, Messrs Anderson. Butters. Delauton;', JJeritter (2). Matthews, M'Cartliy. Welch, Wilson. From Auckland—Miss Anlsebrook, Mesdamos Lister, Lund, Mosfen. From Napior-Mi.vps Boyd, Tottenham |2), Mesdamos Elbournc. Tottenham, Messrs Elhourne, C. A. Smith. Hansard (?.), Tottenham, Masters Tottenham (3). From Christ-elmrdi-Misscs Corfo, Melitus (2), .Mills, Knell, Mcsdamcs Harper, Militns, Major Doyle. Mr and Master Melitus. From Dimedin—Miss Shand. The vessel is also carrying 85 third-class passengers.

Tho Wimmera, Failed last evening for Sydney, via Cook Strait. The Tarawora is due here at 8 a.m. to. da)', ami fails again at 3 p.m. for Lyttelton.

The C'orinna is div from Timaru this forenoon, and. after <li?c!iarginfr cargo, proceeds to Port Chalmers to he docked for her periodical overhaul.

The dismantled steamer Southern Cross was offered to the Admiralty for target practice at sea. but owing to the authorities being unable to diverge from previous arrangements the Union Company's old steamer will bo lowed to sea shortly and scull led.

Captain Xcalo,, harbourmaster of Manukau, ha* reoeivad from Mr Richie, ol Orua. Bay, Manukau. a bottle which contained the following message:—" Thrown overboard by Monowai. hound from Sydney to Wellington, on August 23. 1904, at noon, in lat. 38.49 S.. long. 167.62 E. Strong S.W. breeze and heavy head seas. (Sd | F. Worrall, master." The document lias been forwarded lo Sydney, as rcqucstc.]. On her last voyage out from Home the New Zealand Shipping Company's Rakaia met with a fierce gale in the Tasman Sea, which lasted for four days. One fierce squall which struck the steamer carried one of the boats out of the davits, and it was considerably injured. The slorm was of a. cyclonic character, and during its height the barometer dropped down to 28 degrees, one of the lowest readings ever experienced by the officers of Ihe steamer. The iwlo was accompanied by a very high so", but beyond damage lo the bout the sloamer came... through it without any injury.


The second class cruiser Encounter, which was announced us long ago as November, 19D3, a= having Iscen selected for duty on the Australian Station, berthed alongside the George si reef pier at 6 o'clock last evening. She is the third of the second class cruisers stipulated for in the Naval Agreement, the olhcr.s being the Challenger and Cambrian. 11.M.5. Encounter, which is a sister ship of the Challenge' - , is a vessel of 5880 tons displacement, her principal dimensions being: Length, 355 ft; breadlh. 55ft: drnughl, 21 JR. Her keel was laid 'down at Devonpnrt on January 28. 1901. and her engines and boilers were constructed at Kovham. The launching ceremony took place in 1903, but she was only recently completed, the total cost of construction having been £429,577.

The armament of the Encounter consists of 11 6in guns, nine 12-nouwlcrs. six 3pouniiors, and Iwn machine guns. The indicated horse-power of her engines is 12.500, and her speed is approximately 21 knots.

11.M.5. Encounter, which is coming here lo relieve H.M.S. Wallaroo and 11.M.5. Katoomba. ordered Home some time ago. was commissioned al Chatham on December 19. Captain Henry V. W. Elliott, has associated with him the following officers: — Commander Frank 1). ({rover. Lieutenants Charles M. Foot, Edward L. Fvewen, Austin C. Ackland, Herbert (4. Briggs, and George M. Skinner, Engineer-commander Alfred Hills. Engineer-lieutenant Thomas A. Yenning. Lieutenant (Royal Marines) Robert C. Srarfe. Chaplain William Foster-Jones, B.A'„ Fleet Surgeon Herbert Holyoakc, Paymaster Arthur J. Dyer. Kurecon Roliert 11. M'C.iffin, M.8.. Kmjii'.cor.fub.lieiiionant Lawrence Y. Fowler, Assi-rtsnt Pavmasler James 11. Batchclor, ({tinners John T. Weaving. Henry J. Martin, and William R. Ileilbronn. Carpenter William G. Laneiett, ■and Artificer-engineer Frank \Y. Fcaver.

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Otago Daily Times, 27 April 1906, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, 27 April 1906, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, 27 April 1906, Page 4