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Tho thirty-third annual conference of representatives of the Methodist Church of New Zealand was hold in Trinity Church, Dunodin, commencing .on Thursday, February 23, and continuing until Monday, March 5. At all the meetings there were good attendances of ministers and laymen. On the opening night, tho retiring President (the Rev. J. Newman Buttle) gave a lengthy address, in tho course of which ho touched on many matters affecting Church government and work, and referred in forms of satisfaction to the downfall of the Balfour Ministry in England. Tho Rov. T. G. Brooke, of Mornington, Dimedin, was seleoted as Mr Cuttle's successor in tho office of President.- During the sittings of tho conference a very large amount of business was transacted. The contingent fund showed an incomo of £1184, and a halanco left for future contingencies of £352. A considerable time was taken up with consideration of tho Young Men's Forward Movement. Gratification was expressed at the work done by tho organising secretary (the Rev. C. Porter), and it was unanimously resolved to continue tho office. A commtiteo was Bet up to watch and foster the appointment of deaconesses throughout the Church in Now Zealand. At present there arc eight deaconesses working for the Church in the colony. Provision wbs made to enablo the lay members of tho Stationing Committee to sit. in that committee in future during all its sessions. It was reported that tho total value of church properties was £343,177, upon which there is an indebtedness of only 13 per cent. During the year no less than 19 shops had bcon erected, which would be a very valuable endowment to assist in carrying on church work in Ihe future. The Rev. 11. Bull was reappointed connexionnl secretary. The Rev. E. P. Blamires, of Rolortta, was given permission to visit England, and acordingly rests this year. The Rev. J. N. Buttle, general secretary of tho Home Missions Committee, reported that the committee had met and agreed to the following resolution:—"That this Conference of the Church in New Zealand respectfully recommends lo Iho Conference of New South Wales that tho legislation of the last, general Conference in regard to Fiji be suspended till the General Conference has had an opportunity of reconsidering if." He moved

—"That tho committee's resolution be agreed 10. The Rev. S. Lawry moved the previous question, lie thought this was a matter in which they should not interfere. The Rev. Mr Ginger seconded the previous question pro forma. The Rev. Mr Fee said they were in danger of having their work in Fiji wrecked, and (hoy ought to pause before they followed the advice of Mr lawry. The Rev. Mr Blade said the missionaries in Fiji had declined to work under the constitution. They should be further heard. They were not heard at Brisbane nor at, Melbourne, and Fiji had not been finally or fully heard on the subject. At this stage it, was_resolved that the discussion he continued in committee. On, resuming, the secretary reported that the resolution had been agreed to. and it was resolved lo forward a copy of it to the New South Wales Conference. It was reported that, the. number of members in the .Methodist Church in the colony in September. 1905, was a.s follows:—Auckland district, 3310; Wanpanui district 1908; Wollimrton district. 2155: Nelson district, 1056: Canterbury district, 3753: Otago dis. I rid. 2197; Maori members, 1314. Altogether there were 14,409 European members (or 485 more than in September, 1904), and 1314 Maori members (or 41 lea than in September, 1904). or a. total of 15,723 in the colony. The superintendents of the four ports in the colony were appointed chaplains for naval affairs, and it was decided to forward their names lo the Rev. 11. W. Allen, Methodist, chaplain to the army and navy at Home. A"pastoral session was .held on. February ?,7. It was decided thot the following probationers pass in their years:—M. A. R. Pratt and A. J. Seamcr, who have travelled three years; E. 0. Blamires, A. M'Bean, G. F. Stockwcll, and J. Wilson, who have travelled two years; F. Copeland. A. 0. Rnndorson. M.A., and It. F. Williams, who have travelled one year. P. 1!. Pans and G. Snadden were rereived as probationers. W. W. Avery, li. H. Wvlie. C. Blair, E. Cox, W. G. Maslin. .1. D. M'Arthur. and F. Rands, most of whom have been at the college, are to continue there. The following were received for theological training :-A. Alton. W. A. Barley, C. B. Jordan. C. 11. Olds. J. Richards. C. Roberts, and It. B. Tiiisley. Mr ,1. R. Clark, of Pahnoislon South, was received as a probationer. The Revs. H. Hare and Y. 11. Papnkaktira, native preachers, remain on trial. Mr O. M. Piper was received n.s a native preacher on trial, with permission to sproid two wars at (lie Canterbury College, where he has obtained a scholarship from the Department of Education. The application of Ibe Revs. W. Keall and W. B. Marten to become supernumeraries, on account of failure in health, was granted; and the resignation from the ministry through ill health nf the Rev. ,7. Belfon was accepted. Verv hisrh testimony wtis borne to the worth and work of these gentlemen. The Rev. W. Raumber was very heartily welcomed back to regular work.

On the following day a proposal by the Pi"". Mr .loughin, with reference to minis, teriii! inlorcbmngo.'. with Britain, was discikjed. and it was resolved: — "Thai the ndvisabilily of oponing mi negotiations with the British rnd ol.h»r Conferences to see'lie, if possible, ministerial interchanges

for short, terms',' by mutual consent, of British and colonial ministers, bo referred to iho following committee:—The Bevs, H. P. Dnrabury, W. Baumber. T. A. .Toughm, and S. Lawn*. Messrs A. V. Drayton. W. Hi. !v-ed, and G. .T. Smith—lhe committee to report to next conference." 'Die following motion, with reference to Vather Gitlos's jubilee, was carried unanimously: — "This Conference feels honoured in having amongst its members Vafiner Giltos, of Auckland. It heartily congratulates him on attaining the jubilee of his ministry. It recognises his beneficial influence among the Maoris, and desires to thank God for tlie long and eventful life of our beloved faflier, and prays that he may be spared for many yea.r* to wield an influence for flcxl and to labour in His Church." Vnl.hcr fliltoa. on rising to lc-snnnd. was greeted with hearty applause. The Rev. H. L. Plamires, of Wellington, was. on a ballot, elected secretary of the, Men's Forward Movement. The affairs of Wesley College, Three King', were dotilt with. Tn connexion with the mailer the principal (the Rev. J. H. SinimmuM prmentrd a teport detailing the history of the college. Tlie Rev. .T. .7. Lewis moved— "That the Confewsnee rejoices to learn that, at the onenitig of tlie British Parliament the Speech from tlie Throne gave the assurance, of an amendment of the Eduoilibn Act: trusts that its unjust olaui-rs will lie removed; and congratulates the 'passive veailers' on the fact that their sufferings for conscience sake had not been in vain." The motion was niireed to.

It was decided that Messrs R. B. Tinsley, John D. M'Arr.lmr, and Frederick Bands be received into the college for theological training: that Mr O. B. Jordan g'o to Ihe institution at. his own expense: that Mr W. A. Bnrley continue his tfniversity studying : that Mi O. Roberts he received for circuit work: and that Mr A. Allen. Mr 0. Olds, and Mr .1. Richards lie received for home mission work until vacancies arise in the rollege. One of the most important matters dealt with was the nucstion of an Independent Conference for New Zealand. Tlie Rev. S. Lawry brought up the report, which recommended that it was desirable that the Now, Zealand Conference should renew its request for independent legislative powers, provided that the proposal was first approved by a majority of the quarterly meetings and Synods. The committee also reported certain findings as t'o constitutional changes and methods. Mr La.wTy moved in accordance with the recommendation of the committee. The Rev. H. Bull (Christehurch) moved as an amendment—" In tho opinion of this Conference, without pronouncing for or against tho principle of an independent Conference for New Zealand, it is inopportune at the present time to refer the matter for further discussion to the lower courts of the Church." After a lengthy and vigorous delate the previous question—" That the question be not now put"—was carried by a large majority. Interesting and important reports were presented on temperance and morals and 'on Maori missions. It was agreed that the next Conference be held in Christehurch.

/Tho election of chairmen of districts resulted as. follows:—Auckland. Rev. G. Bond ; Wellington, Rev. P. W. Fairclough; Canterbury, Rev. W. Lee; Otago, Rev, C. H. Laws; Nelson. Rev. C. H. Garland. The President (Rev. T. G. Brooke) is chairman of the Wanganui district. The Stationing Committee presented its third sheet for consideration. A motion that the committee again retire to consider one or two matters was being diseusssd, when tho President announced that he had received a telegram informing him of tho sudden death at Gisborne of the Rev. G. Houneell. It was resolved to forward a telegram of sympathy to Mrs Houn6eJl, the motion being carried by members standing in their places, and the Conference at once adjourned as a mark of respect to their late brother.

Subsequently the list was • adopted in the following form:—

Auckland District.—J. A. Lnxford, 0. Bond, G. W. J. Sponoo, W. Grigg, T. W. Ncwbold, W. R. Tiicli, with H. H. Lawry, J. Law, and J.. S. Smalley, supernumeraries; chaplain, Now Zealand militia. .1. A. Lnxford;. Wesley College, .7. H. Simmonds; Auckland Mission, B. F. Rothwcll and .1. Wilson; north Shore, S. Griffith 'and G. S. Cook, with .1. S. Rifhworth and \\. G. Thomas as supernumeraries; Maori Mission, W. Gittos and A. J. Seamor; Manukau, W. Slado and a horho missionary, with W. J. Watkin as supernumerary,' M-ahurangi, J. D. Jory and a home missionary; Thames, R. Taylor; Upper Thames, J. Blight, J Dukes, G. Snaddon, and a homo missionary; Franklin, J. J. Mather, and one wanted; Cambridge, W. 11. Beck and a homo mi&>.ionary; Hamilton, T. Fee; Huntly, W. W. Avery; Paparoa, R. P. Koall; Northern Wairoa, W. Wills and a homo missionary; Whangarei, T. F.-Read and a homo missionary; Ratorua, A. J. Reed; Hokianga, P. Rakena. and T. Heretini; Kaipara, H. Paul; Waikato, H. Hare; Whangar'oa, H. Sonata, with W. W. Pcwn ami H. Kingi supernumeraries ; Tauranga, Coromandcl, Hclensville, Aotoa-Kawhia, Bay of Islands, and Whanguroa—homo mission stations.

Wanganui District.—Now Plymouth, T. G. Brooke, R. F. Williams, with W. Cannell as supernumerary and a home missionary; Waitara, J. J. Pendray and E. D. Patchett; Stratford. J. W. Griffin; Elt.ham, C. 15. Godbohoar; Hawera, S. .1. Gibson; Patea, J. Thomas; Opunake, J. W. Worboys; Wanganui, .7. G. Chapman; Aramoho, W. J. Oxb'row: Rangitikci, T. G. Carr; Sandon, J. G. W. Ellis; Fcilding, C. E. Beeeroft; Palmorston Norlh, .7. J. Lewis and H. Beggs, with W. Keall and G. S. Harper as supernumeraries; Kimholton, a home missionary; Taihapc,' F. Oopeland: Wosfc Coast .Maori Mission, T. G. Hammond and R. Haddon; Waimariuo and Mokan-Katieke, home missionaries.

Wellington District.—Taranaki street, P. W. Fairclough, C. Porler, with H. B. Redstone as supernumerary and F. W. Isitt without pastoral charge; .lohnsonville, C. C. Harrison; Wellinglon Mission, one wanted; organising secretary Young Men's Forward Movement, 11. L. Blamires; Wellington South, W. ,7. Williams; Unit, S. J. Garlick and R. Wilson, with W. Martin and W. Kirk as supernumeraries; South Wairarapa, B. H. Ginger.R. Riohards, and a home missionary; Mnslerton. .7. N. Buttle; Napier, A. O. Lawrv; Hastings, W. Tinsley; Gisborne. C. Griffin; Ekolahuna, G. T. Marshall; Dannovirkc, T. T. Thomas; Levin-Olaki, .7. Wriglev and P. R. Paris; Waipawa, G. Frost; AVocdville, W. S. Bowie; Pahiatua, T. F. Jones. Nelson District.—Nelson, C. 11. Garland, with .7. Crump as supernumerary; Richmond, S. 11. "D. Pcryman; Blenheim, C. Pennoy and H. Ranston; Ilokitika, W. ,7. Elliott; Greymouth, D. M'Nicoll; Motucka, C. Roberts; Reef I on, T. W. Vealie; Westport, M. A. R. Pratt; Kumara, Haveloek, The Sounds, home missionaries. Canterbury District.—Durham street: H. R. Dewsburv. W. Ready. T. R. Richards, and A. B. Chappell, with E. S. Bnnn, ,7. Orchard, and .7. Smith as supernumeraries; connexional secretary and authorised representative, 71. Bull: Christ-church Mission, W. Baumbcr; Christchurch South, S. Lawry, '7. A. Lochore, and L. M. Isitt without pastoral ohargo; St. Albans, W. C. Oliver; Papanui, T. N. Griffin; Lyttclton, W. Lee; Springston, 0. Aboniethy; Tai Tapu. B. .7. .lames; Lccston, T. E. Thomas; Kaia-poi, 11. E. Bellhouse- and E. 0. Blamires; Rangiora. .7. T. Pinfold and A. Asheroft; Oxford-Malvern J. P.. Clarke; Timaru, S. ,7. Scrpcll: "Wniinatc, T. A, Joughin; Temuka, J. H. Haalam; Ashburton. A. Peters and G V. Stockwcl!; Willowby. T...T. Wallis: AmVrlcy and Banks Peninsula, home, missionaries. Otago District.—Trinity Church, C. If. Laws and a home missionary; Central Mission, W. A. Sinclair: Cargill road, T. Trestraii and 0. Eaton; Mosgiol. A. 0. Rantlcrson; Mornington, D. >1. Murray; Roslyn, A. N. Sootier; Southern Maori Mission, Neho Hemi Papakakura; Port Chalmers, J. Ward; Balelutha, F. W. Boys; Milton, C. 11. Sfanda.gc; Lawroncc, W. Dawson; 7nvercargill, A. Mitchell and A. M'Bean; Oamaru, L. Hudson; Gore, .7. A. Hosking; Otautau, W. Beckett; Roxburgh, W. Grcenslade: Cromwell, A. Reader: Riverton, Tapanui, Palmcreton, and AVinton— Home missionaries.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13545, 19 March 1906, Page 2 (Supplement)

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METHODIST CONFERENCE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13545, 19 March 1906, Page 2 (Supplement)

METHODIST CONFERENCE. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13545, 19 March 1906, Page 2 (Supplement)