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PORT CHALMERS. 'i'lus Bali at Post Ciuiusßa. The New Zealand mean time at noon, calculated for the meridian ot longitude, in time 11 20 minutes oast of Greenwich, will lie signalled ones a week by a time ball dropping at the instant oi nte&tl noon, A blue flan will be hoisted at the masthead, l'ort Ohalmars lifnal station, on tUo forenoon of the day when the time signal ii given. Piuseb or the Moon. FEERTTARr. FiKt. Quarter 2 1,0 a.m. Full Moon 11 4.7 a.m. Last Quarter ... 16 3.50 p.m. New Moon ... 23 7.37 p.m. Apogee 2 0.20 a.m. Perigee 14 0.30 a.m. Sun rises 5.27, sets 7.17. THE WEATHER. February H.-8 a.m.: Wind S.W.; weather squally. Noon; Wind S.W.; weather thick, rainy. 5 p.m.: Wind S.W.; weather rainy. 8 a.m. Noon. 5 p.m. Barometer 29.90 30.00 30.02 Thermometer ... 60 48 54 FOHHCASP.—At 10.15 last, evening Mr Paulin advi«nil " S.W. and S.E. winds, N and rain showers." WEATIIER REPORTS. (Per Uhitf.d Association.) WELLINGTON. February 14. The following tiro the weather reports at 5 p.m.:— Manukau Head?.—Wind \\., breeze; l«r. 49.87, lher. 70; gloomy; pea smooth. New Plymouth. -Calm; bar. 29.74, titer. 65; cloudy; sea smooth. Casllepnint.- Wind N.W., light; bar. 25.65. iher. 67; (inn; sea smooth. Wellington.- Wind S., light; bar. 29.59, thor. 63: cloudy. Weslport. -Wind S.W., breeze; | bar. 29.67, tlicr. 60; showery; sea considerable; slight Irush. Kaikonra. — Wind S.E.. fresh; bar. 29.(2, ilier. 60; gloomy; sea moderate. lilufi'. -Wind S.E., breeze; bar. 29.99, (her. 58; line. Strong Kinds to gale from between W. and S. and S.E.; glass further rise; tides high, sea heavy; rain probable, and weather colder.—R. A. Enwix. HIGH WATER. February 15- a.m. p.m. At Tiiniron Heads 6.45 7.8 At l'ort Chalmers 7.25 7.48 At Dunedin 8.10 8.33 ARRIVAL. Wimmera. s.s., 1872 ton*. Wyllie, from Melbourne, via llobarl anil the BlnlT. Ncill and Co.. agents. Passengers: Misses Chrystal. Frawley, Ferguson, Warren, Cartrill. Arthur. Moitlames Ferguson, Ooss, Hall, Tait. Williams. Messrs D. A. Cole, Cos;, lander. M'Crnbb. Menzies, Tait, Williams. Council, Deake, Curtis, Cleary, Wilson. F.rickson. departure. Hinemoa. s.s.. 282 tons, Bollons, for Southern lighthouses. ]•:XI'ECTKI) ARRIVALS. From Liverpool.—l'haros, ship, sailed October 50. C'assius, ship, sailed December 24. From London. —Hippie, f.s., If ft December 9. From Marseilles.—Calerina., barque. From .Sydney (via. Auckland).—Zealandia. February 15. From Sydney (via Cook Strait).—Moeraki. February 17. From Melbourne.- -Maheno, February 21. From Port Esperance.—Dilpussund, barque, early. From Onnhuno.i.—Corinna, February 16. From Auckland.—Waikare, February 15. I'ItO.IKCTED DEPARTURES. For Sydney (via Auckland).—Zealandia, February 21. For Sydney (via Cook .Strait).—Wimmera, February 15. For Melbourne.- Moeraki, February 18. For Onchunga.—Corinna, February 18. For Auckland.—Waikare, February 16. For 1 he West Coast.—Koonva, February 15. MOVEMENTS OK OCEANGOING STKAMHi;,! 10 Allium. At Auckland.—Star of Scolh'i.d. left London December 23; du" l'Vlirn:;i-.v 25. Perthshire. left New York December 31; due March 7. Papanui, left, London January 5, due February 23. Ktar of New Zealand, left. New York January £6; due March 30. Kumar,'], left London February 3; due March 23. At Wellington. — I'aparoa, left Louilon January 1; due February 1.9. Corintliic, left: Loudon January 11; due February 26. Enapeliu, left London January 26, clue March I?.. Mainari, left, London. January ?5. due Match 15. At I'orl ClnuiK-r.-.—Pakelia, iefr London January !): due February 28. Waimate, left, London F"hr:ary 4; due- March 26. Cape Corso. from New York, arrived Auckland February ft: due February 18. 1 in DEPART. From Auckland.- Tokomaru. February 28. Kainara. March 3. From Wellington.—Turakina. February 25. Atlieiiie. .March I. Paparoa, March 15. Corinlliic. Maveii 29. From Lyltelton.---Kaikonra, February 22. Aoiea. March 3. ltmiKWAi'.n nmiNi). Devon, left Wellington December 20. Tndraleina, left Auckland December 22. Ranga(ira, left Port Ciialmeiy December 29. lonic, left Wellington January 6. Wakanui, left, Wellington January 10. Waiwera. left, Wellington January 17. Niwaru, left Wellington January 18. Tongariro, left Wellington January 18. Morayshire, left Timsru Janu. ary 50. Whakatane. left Auckland January 31. Mafatua. left. Wellington February o. Karamea, left. Auckland February 7. SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. AUCKLAND. February 14.—Arrived: Hani'm Isle. banpicntine, from Newcastle. KAIPAKA, February 14.—Sailed; Defiance. brigantine. for Sydney. EAST CAPE. February 14.-The Tiihme passed nortli at 3 p.m. WELLINGTON. February 13.-Arrived: 8.30 p.m.. Elizabeth Graham, bnr(|ue, from Edithburg. February 14. — Arrived: Moeraki, from Sydney. Passengers for Dunedin: Misses Maekae, Lyster, Mrs • Cotter. Messrs Jeffrey, Hammond. MacNaughton. Ferguson; and 7 in the steerage. Sailed: 11 a.m., Ilawca, for Port Chalmers; 5.15 p.m., Capo Corso, for Lyttelton: Cambrian, JJ.M. third class cruiser, for Lyttelton. Sailed: Mararoa, for Lyttelton. Passengers; Misses Young, Sladden, Crowe, Blight, Delany, Jack, Mesclames Young. Slannon. Penrose. Bony nctt. Campbell and child. Palmer and child. Per'rott. llarley. Dr Young, Rev. J. N. Bttllle. Messrs Andewon, Tolhurst,, Slannon, Penrose. Black, Bennett, Campbell. Earnshaw, Burns. Homslcy. Easlon, Fre.vbcrg, llodson. Palmer, Flannage, M'Carthv. LYTTELTON. February 14—Sailed: Manuka, for Sydney, via East Coast ports; Rotomahana. for Wellington.—-Sailed: 4.30 p.m.. Waikare, for Dunedin. Passengers: Misses Ilawkcs and Montague, Mesdames Gilbert, Gawne and two children, Buchanan. Messrs Bcals, Buchanan, Heywood, Davis. Hiekev, Silley, Rosendal. 1 TIMARU. February 14.—Arrived: 6.30 Somerset, from Port, Chalmers. INVERCARGILL. February 14.—Arrived: 5 p.m.. Rimu, from Dunedin. SYDNEY. February 14.—Arrived: Maroro. from Wanganui SUVA. February 14.—Arrived; Manapouri. Sonlh Australian, and Fiona. THE DIRECT STEAMERS. HOBAP.T. February 14.—Arrived: Paparo», from J/ondon, LAUNCESTON, February 14.—Sailed: Indraleini, for Auckland. The s.s. Waikare. due hero this morning from Auckland, will sail at 6 o'clock tomorrow evening on the return trip. The Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's stoamship Tokomaru is exliecteil lo arrive at Dunedin to-day from Titnaru, and will take in a quantity of wool at the Victoria wliat'f. The Government; steamer Hinemoa loft the Bowen pier. Port Chalmers, at 7 a.m. ' yesterday for Capo Saunders and the southern lighthouses. The bulks Fclicitas and Cincinatfa were hauled into the Port graving dock yesterday for their periodical overhaul. There was a display of bunting over the offico of the Union Steam Ship Company and on vessels in port yesterday in honour ot tlio wedding of Mr D. A. Aitken, inspector for the company. The steamer Queen Helena, under charter lo the A. and A. line, is how on tho loading berth at New York for Australia and Now Zealand ports, and is timetabled to sail on March 31. The Queen JMoiia made a trip from New York to Australia and New Zealand last year. , Tho following is a list of cargo taken from tho wharves at Dunedin and''Port Chalmers for the West-of-E«gland ports and London by the steamship Somerset: — N 3460 bales itvool, 21 do rabbitskiiw, 576 do fax and toiv, 9i eases frozen peat, 1121 ilq buttor, 61? .-.ises frozen beef, 10,170

In consequence of the bad weather the attempt to refloat the Addenda has been postponed. The "kids have been washed away by the rough sea, and the cradle on which the vessel rested is damaged. In consequence the vessel now has a considerable list to one side. The arrangements for the attempt to refloat (he Addenda Veto almost complete,, and the destructive work of tho sea will be a loss to Mr M'Dougell, tli.'j owner. The first Russinn ship which lias ever arrived at Hobart'is the Imperator Alexander 11, with an immense cargo of Baltic timber, after a passage of 80 days from Sweden. She was formerly a British vessel, known is tho Grassondale, and was built at Workington ill 1885. A vessel having no holds is a novelty. Such a craft was recently launched at Auckland. She is built on the "scow" principle, and called the ICnroro. Although without holds the vessel, which is intended /or tho carriage of limber, can easily ace&mmodato 200,000 ft, of such cargo on her decks. Tho Knroro is 120 ft long, 32ft broad, and only 6ft deep. A steam hoist, is supplied to facilitate the handling of cargo. 'The New Zealand and African Steamship Company's steamer Ayrshire, from the West Coast, of England and Australian ports, is due hero about the middle of next week. Tho Ayrshire loads for West Coast, of England ports. Captain B. Coull has with him the following officers Chief, Mr C. Forder; second, Mr E. W. J. Nurspy; third, Mr \Y. M'Kcnzie; fourth. Mr H. Rose; chief engineer, Mr C. Howarth; second. Mr B. Uuttenvorlh; third, Mr W, Skinner; fourth, Mr S. Shean; chief steward, Mr 0. Henderson; surgeon, Dr Burns. The Iluddarf-Parker steamer Wimmera arrived yesterday morning from Melbourne and made fast to the cross wharf about 9 o'clock. She experienced dull, hazy weather, with an occasional southerly breeze and smooth seas. The health office was advised from the Bluff that there was a caso among ilie crew which would roquire medical inspection. The port health officer. Dr Hodges, accordingly slopped ihe ve?*f-I ofi' Port Chalmers, and kept her there till an examination of the case could l)e made. It, was found to be of a noninfectious nature, and the vessel was therefore allowed lo proceed on to Dunedin. Tho Wimmera sails from Port Chalmers this aflernoon for Sydney. NEW UNION LINER ATUA, According to present arrangements Ihe new steamer Atua. of tho Union line, will lcnve Port Glasgow for Australia next month; making a call al Durban en route. She is intended for the company's trade between Sydney, Fiji, and Auckland, via the Friendly and Navigator Islands. Excellent accommodation is provided for between 60 and 70 passengers, for whose comfort ihe most modern appointments have been introduced. A considerable portion of the vessel's space will be devoted 10 th« carriage of cargo, special provision having been mnde for frozen produce. The Atua, which is of about 3500 tons gross, 11 propelled by triple-expansion engines, capable of ensuring a speed of 14 knots an hour, and generally tho new vessel is said to resemble the company's old steamer Navun. Captain P>. D. Watson will navigate her to Australia. ' ' SHIPPING SURVEYS, Some inquiries made by a Daily Telegraph reporter regarding tho falling olf in tho number of ves-cis registered in ihe port of Sydney, have led to bitter complaints being made by owners and masters of ships against, the provision in the State Navigation Act, which allows of a certificate only bcing given for six months after each «urvey of a ship—in other words, which compels a ro-snrvoy every half-year. II is not, to this cause that the reduced number of registrations i.= ascribed, but Ihe shipping people do say that the requirements of the law have made llie port extremely unpopular, and are turning large sums of money and much wo'-k into other ports of the Commonwealth, herau.-n jn every other State iha survey certificate holds gcod for a whole year, and the certificates are operative in all the Siales in common. ————— POINT GKLLTIiIiANI) LIGHTSHIP. Arrangements have al last lyen completed for the removal of the Point Gelllbrand lightship olf Williamstmvu, and the ejection of a subiaminl pile light in its place. IJn several occasions il'i rlie past, ihe present lightship, although moored with heavy anchors and cables, has yielded to the inuiiome strain put upon it in heavy weal her. On one occasion the vessel dragged her mooring;, over the best: pint of a mile during a fierce gale, and narrowly escaped colliding wilh lb? breakwater pier. The depiiiinieut of p.ii'ls and harbours now announces that the lightship will be remove;! on or about the 12th J list. The new pile light, will he erected on the exact spot now orcupied by the iightship. While this work is being done, a gas-buoy showing a frreil red light will lr temporarily moored about 100 ft lo Ihe eastward of tie present lightship. A ves,-?! will also l>e moored 4Co;'i to Ihe southward of the gas-buoy, for ; ihe purpose of .signalling the position by means of lockcls in foggy weather. It is intimated that vesse's will l.e required io pass at Ica-t ha'f p. cable to ihe eastward of the gas buoy and signalling vrssnl. and at a. moderate speed, so as not lo interfere with pile-driving operations. During the erection of the pile light, a white light, will be exhibited at night from a mast on the eastern portion of the structure to indicate its position. There is a feeling among shipmasters that ir woti'd be preferab'e in the inleresh c-f safe navigation, if, instead of the gas-l/.oy. the present ligblshiu were securelv moored in Ihe snot indicated, whilst the work of constructili|g the pile light is proeeeding.-^Argns.

DREDGES FOR VICTORIA. The engineering firm of Stevenson and Cook, of Port Chalmers, recently completed a large bucket dredge named tho Smoko, and it is working very satisfactorily 011 the Ovens River, near Frcolmrgh, Victoria. This is the largest dredge now at work,oll the river, and. was built in record time for any dredge in A'ietoria, being only one week short of foiir months, and is without doubt the bcsl-lmilt dredge afloat, which speaks well (says Ihe local paper) for the staff of Messrs .Stevenson end Cook, tbe contractors, of New Zealand. The firm tvas represented by Messrs John Sic-vonson, jun., Thomas Maxwell (erecting engineer). F. M'Fadyen (builder), and an efficient staff, while Mr Han!ey is dredgemaslcr. Tho pontoon is 80ft long. 30i"f, beam, and has a deplh of 6ft bin. Tho innsiive winches, designed bv .Mr E. Rolxrts. Weigh about 12 tons, and an 18 horse-power horizontal compound surface condensing engine is used. She has a horizontal boiler of 24 horse-power, and Ihe pump is a 12in ronlrifugal supplied by Messrs Stevenson and Cook. The buckets are 4£ cubic feet, and are capable of treating 120 yards per hour, nnd work to a depth of 27ft. The sluice box is 63ft long and 4ft wide, and is fitted with Stevenson and Cook'« pa tent, distributor. The weight of tho machinery aboard the dredge is 160 tons. Messrs Stevenson and Cool; nre building a still larger dredge for the Excelsior Dredging Company, and aiso one for the HarrifFville Deep Load, which will lie finished about the end of May. . THE SIIAW SAVILL LINE. The following is an approximate timetable for the sleaiuers of the Shaw Savill and Albion line: — The Athenic, now loading in tho North, will sail for London front Wellington March 1; due April 12. The Tokomaru arrived at Auckland on January 22; now at Timaru; will sail from Auckland on February 28. The Aotea arrived at Wellington on February 8; loads at the Bluff, also northern ports; \\;ill sail for London front Lyttelton on March 3. 'The Pakcha left London 011 January 6 f6r Dunedin and Lvtleltoii; due Dunedin February 25; will sail for London about March 20. The Corintliio left Cape Town on February 2 for Wellington and Lyttelton; due February 26; will leave Wellington for London pn March 29. The Mamari left Liverpool on January 24, for' Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; dtfe Auckland -March 11; will sail from ihe colony on April 5. Tho Kuraara left Loudon on February 3 for Auckland and Wellington; due March 23; will sail from the colony on April 26. ' Tho Delphic leaves Liverpool on February 17 for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Dunedin; duo Auckland on April 8. The Maori leaves London on February 28 for Duitediti and Lyttelton; due April 18. The Gothic arrived at London on January 22; saikxl 011 February 8 for Wellington and Lyttflton; due March 27; will sail for London on April 26. . The Rangatira left Rio on January 29; due at London February 16. ' Tito: lonic left Rio on January 31: duo at. London on February 15; will fail for New Zealand March 8: due Wellington April 23. leaving »gain for London May 24. Tli? Waiwera -left Wellington oa January

17, in time to catch the March silos; due London March 3; will sail again on April 5; due in the colony on May 25. The Karamea left, Auckland on February 5 for London via Monte Video; due at London on March 24. The Matatua left Wellington on February 3 for London via Monte Video: due London March 17; will sail a?ain at the end of March; duo in tbe colony. May 18.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13518, 15 February 1906, Page 6

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13518, 15 February 1906, Page 6

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13518, 15 February 1906, Page 6