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It is intended to build a swimming bath at tho Papanui School. Tho Ago says that a much larger area of land in the Masterton district is being put down in potatoes than last year. Stons aro about to bo taken to work up tho Hospital Sunday movement in Wellington. Tho Ashburton Mail states that the recent rain has been responsible for tho death of a good number of lambs among flocks that have recently commenced lambing. Several threshing machines have been out during the past few weeks engaged in spring threshing in tho Ashburton district. In tlioM cases wliero the stacks have been properly thatched, the grain has wonderfully improved since it was put in the stack—in some instances in a damp condition. The Drainage Hoard has started operations, which me-ar muddy thoroughfares Avoid discomfort by wearing Mallach's boob, Royal Arcade. .. ■ At the annual »necting of the Christehurch Anglers' Club it was stated that one member alone had taken 1035-Jlb of trout during the past season, whilst three others captured about 18151b among them.

Sucrasful attempts have again been made in Melbourne to convert bank notes pf a low denomination to a higher one by the simplo expedient of erasure and the substitution of the desired figures. A number of such notes have been passed 011 trades people. Brown, Ewing, and Co have just opened and make sac suits to order from £4 10s. their new Spring Suitings for gentlemen, Patterns on request....

Through the death of Mr Joseph Kennedy, St. Columbkillo's Roman Catholic Church, Woodville. benefited to a considerable extent. The legacy enabled the debt on the church to bo wiped off, and a substantial balanoo is left in hand.

! A honeymoon couple had an_ unusual experience in the Bine Mountains (Now South Wales), They went to the Federal Pass at Katoomba on August 28, and, losing their way, had to spend tho night anionc; • tho crullics. Tliey were found by a search party Hext day, none tho worse for their adventure. Dairy-farmers who require a Cooler, Aerator, Separator, or other Dairying Applianpe should call on, or write to, A. and T. Burt (Limited), Stuart street, Duncdin. Agents for tho Alpha Laval Cream Separators.'... , Relative to tho present high price of I potatoes, in tho summary for the English mail in tho Christehurch Press of October, 1863, the report stated: "We quote potatoes ' at £22 10s per ton, and very scarce." In another part of the same paper, giving retail prices in Christchuroh, potatoes are quoted 1 at 2id per lb. ' I Owners of the several clover sliellers in the Ashburton district have been busy during tlie' nast few weeks threshing the clover crops, which cover a much larger total area • than was the ease last- year. It is pleasing I also to note that'tho yields this year are | much better than any recorded for the last season, while the seed taken as a whole is more developed, and, in consequence, much heavier. . On and fifter Ist September the price of "Bruco"! coal will be 20s per ton, the proprietors lieing convinced that at such ,i nrioe the public will give it a fair trial. Therefore, coal-dealers should bo asked for "Bruce" c0a1.... . M'ss Potts,' one of the mo?t popular and brilliant hostesses in Philadelphia, has l>cm arrested, charired with havins stolen a diamond riner' while on a visit to a prominent ! family. Detectives allege that Miss Potts J has systematically robbed her guests and lier hosts.. The notice have drawn up a I list of Kems which.she is alleged'to have ; stolen, the values of which vary from £100 to £500 an'cce. ' The deatlris renorM of the oldest inhabitant of BacchusAfaw-h (Victoria). Mr Jas. Bansley. who claimed to be 103 years of »"e, hiving been born at' New TJorf-n-TasmanisV' 011 April 22, 1f,02. Fe had ! resided nt BnrdutO'arsh for over GO year?. Special, parts made to pattern • for any make of oyelo,;, Ropaim of all kinds, enamelling and nlatjpg nt lowest prices: good work guaranteed.—'W. A! Scott, 155 George street.... At-tho Onera House, Wnnganui,.ln«t week, ; tbo Rev. jL. \t. Isitt said that as tho result {■of inquiries he _had mndo as to the condition of thinjrs in tho Wanganui "Wtorafe he was ;ednvinw<d that it. was well within the power of the people to achieve victory at. the loci poll. Tt simply needed energy and intense enthusiasm on the rart of. (he people, and "No-license" would bo carried. -

! • Woods' Grea» Peppermint Cure, for • coughs and colds, never fails. -Is sd.u;. >■ A-skewd speculator (says tho Graphio) is buying property in every , picturesque dis- ..» .trict within 20 miles of London. lie maintains that tho increased use of motor can will in tho immediate futuro raiso the value of aJl_ such property, as hundreds who now live in Mayfair, South Kensington,, and other low-lying districts will removo to tho outskirts of the town.. Frank H. Blakeley, surgeon dentist, 174Princes street South (ovor Kilroy and Sutherland's). Telephone 1483.... ■ 1 The executors in the ostato 'of John Plimmc.r (deceased) have decided to appeal against tho decision of the Chief Justice in the caso in which Janet Plimmcr, widow of tho dcoeased, sued for furthor consideration than her allownnoo of £150 a year. Tho court awarded the plaintiff £1000 in a lump sum abovo hor allowance.

It is reported on reliable authority that the complete -flotation of a company to dovelon tho I'arapara (Nelson) iron deposits is likely to bo effected in England in loss than two months. Valuable options have been secured by the promoters from adjoining property-owners, in _ addition to tho lease of tho iron and limestone recently granted at tho Warden's Court and now oh its way to England. 1 Thorn is'every indication of an early spring. Wo would therefore remind cur lady patrons that lii our dressmaking department" we aro now prepared . to execute their orders. All our work is finished and fitted in an artistic manner, arid satisfaction is assured.—A. F Cheyno and Co., Mbsjpel and La'wrence.... Tho shipping companies tradine between Jicw Zealand and London report that there is a marked scarcity of cargo offering Homewards as compared with the past few years. The lack of cargo has already resulted in several largo steamers being diverted to Australia for Homewird loading. The Star of Scotland and tho Papanui have sailed for Sydney, and the Mamari is to proceed to Port Pirio, South Australia. A startling. experience befell a young man named Finney at Napier. Smcllinc strong fumes of gas, the youth proceeded to look for tho causo in the customary but dangerous , stylo with a lighted match. Oft, entering ono of the rooms a loud oxplosioti octirred, which lifted tho ceiling'somo four inches, shifted a partition throe inches, and blew tho doors out. Finney, except from tho shock he re'eeivod. was unliarmcd. Our .early shipments of summer goods from London, from Paris, and from America havo been opened up and marked off. They compriso lovely blouses made from soft Japanese silks, and dainty muslin fabrics richly trimmed with lace, and as they rango in price from 2s lid to 30s, wo giiaranteo to suit the requirements of every lady; also the finest raugo of kid gloves ever stocked in the .'colony, in white, hlack, and every colour, at 2a 6(1, 2s lid, 3s 6d, 3s lid, 4s 6d, 5s 6d, 6s 6d, at T. Ross's, direct importer.... In December, 1903 (says tha Christchnren Press), a complaint of an overcharge mado liy a country telephone office was acknowledged by the chief of tho department, iiml referred to tho accountant of the Treasury, it is presumed, to make tho refund of the trifling sum of 6d. Applications since made to havo the matter settled wore of no avail till tho 2nd inst., when tho sixpence was returned to tho person aggrieved after a Japse of 20 odd months.

According to Dr Arthur, JI.L.A., who is just no\v .advocating, through tho medium of public meetings, the encouragement of immigration to Australia by State aid, New < South Wales has a shortage of EO.OGO women. This is a matter which, the doctor thinks, ought to bo remedied as soon as possible. Speaking at Mosmau, ho said that auy scheme which would help to bring out good domestio servants and iyoung women from agricultural districts in tho British Isles and elsewhere, who would be willing to become, wives and mothers. should_ be enoouraged, and it was a matter to which, in his opinion, tho Government ought certainly give inimediate attention. The sentiment was favourably received. Saving money is tho objcct of evorjr thrifty housewife. -She bitterly objects, to seeing an article priced lower than she paid for it. Tho best way to avoid this is to have a look at tho Mutual "Stores winter 6alo before purchasing anything. We can guarantee that, quality for quality, wo can show you goods unsurpassed anywhere. Tho proof is written in plain figures and easily read....

The story .of a kiss and its consequences was told . in the City Court, Melbourne, recently; when a man named Sidney Jlartin was charged with insulting behaviour, which, it was shown,. consisted of kissing his wifo in the street'. Tho prosecuting constable snid that tho defendant caught hold of a woman, and kissed her and pulled her up against a wall. Ho also pulled a muffler from hor ncck, Whon witness spoko to him about his conduct, ho said: " She is my wifo, and I can do what I like with her."-(Laughter.) Tl:o man's wife, when called to give evidence on his behalf, said sho did not like him kissing her in the street, and she told him not to do so. Tiic magistrate told her to tako him homo and give him a lccturo on how to behavo in the street. t Tho South Diinedin Firo Brigade organised and carried out a parade on Sunday morning, and several other brigades sent representatives. Firemen aro not fineweather birds, so despito tho repellant woather conditions tho muster was satisfactory, about 50 • men turning out. They were led by tho Navals' Band under Bamisorgcant Yeoman, and mado a bravo show as thoy marched through tho mud from Oargill s Corner to the South Dunedin rresbytorian Church, where thov listened to an lnrtruotm) sermon preached by tho Rov. R. Mackic. The following brigades wore represented at tho parada:-South Dunedin. Captain Price and H men; Caversham, Captain Foster and 12 men; St. Kikla Captain M'lvenzie and 13 men'; and Hillside Workshops, Captain Wilkins and 10 men.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13386, 12 September 1905, Page 8

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OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13386, 12 September 1905, Page 8

OMNIUM GATHERUM. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13386, 12 September 1905, Page 8