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... ■ ' THE AUSTRALIAN MARKETS. SYDNEY, February 15. Wheat, 3a 4d; chick (prime), 2s lid to lis. Flour, £8 10s. Oats: Tasmanisn white (feeding), 2s lOd to 2s lid; Victorian Algerian, Is lOd to Is lid. Barley: Cape, 2s 7d; English, 2s -Id to 2s sd. Maize, 2a 9d to 3s. Bran, 9d. Pollard, Is. Peas: Blue, 4s' 9d. Potatoes: Circulars, £10 10s. Onions: Victorian, £12. Butter, BSd to 3d. Cheese, 5d to 6d. Bacon, 6d to 7d. MELBOURNE, February 18. Wheat (firmer), 3s 'Id. Flour, £8. Oats: Algerian, Is lid to 2s; stout white, 2s 4d to 2s sd. Maize, 2s sd. Bran, 9d. Pollard, lOd. Potatoes, £7 lQs to £8. Onions, £9 10s to £10. ADELAIDE, February 15. Wheat-, 3s 4ld. Flour, £8 ss. Oats: Algerian, Is lOd; stout white, 2s 2d to 2s .3d. Bran, lOd. Pollard, Is. Potatoes, £7. Onions, £10. . ADDINGTON STOCK MARKET. (Per United Pkess Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, February 15. Tliere was a small attendance at Addington to-day, fnrmers being busy harvesting.. Tho entries, except those of storo shwp, wero moderate. Fat Cattle.—Although. the entry was sma.ll, consisting of only 152 bond, and mostly steers of prime quality, there was an extremely dull sale, and prices showed a further decline. Steers sold at up to -20s per 1001b, while cows went as low as 355. Per head steers Bold at £6 15s to £9 17s ,Gcl; heifers, £5 7s Gd to £1 2s Gd ; cows, £5 5s to £G 7s Gd. Fat Calves—A fair entry realised recent values, soiling at 7s Gd to 40s per bend, Store Cattle. —A email yarding met a very • indifferent demand, and values were barely maintained. Sales >wero effected at the fol-' lowing prices:—Yearlings, 22s to 20a; 15 to 18-months old, 43s to 52s Gd; two-year-old steers, £3 10s to £3 17s Gd; two-year-old heifers, £2179 Gd. Three-year-old steers were passed in at £4 2s 6d; dry cows, 30s .to £2 19s. ' Dairy Cows—A few good milke'rs were well competed for, and the high figure for recent times of £9 53 was made. Okl and inferior cows could scarcely bo given away. Fat Shejp—There was a small entry, and a very firm market for all descriptions. Prices were as follow:—Wethers, 20s to 23s 'Id; ewes, prime, 19s to 225; others, 15s to 18s Gd. ' Fat Lambs.—Tha a whole was of. good quality, anii both butchers and exporters competed freely, previous rates being fully maintained. Freezers sold at 16s 3d to 18s Sd, and butchers' lots at 15s to 20s 9d. Of the entry of about 3000 sheep, about 2600 were taken for export. Store Sheep and Lambs.—There was a very large entry, and all classes met a spirited, demand at full recent rates. Prices ranged as follow:—Ewes, 22s 4d to 17s lid; for two to eight-tooth, 19s Gd to 12s Si; for fullmouth and ■ aged wethers, 18r 4d to 15s; lambs, 15s. 7d! to 12s; merino wethers, 13s. Pigs—The entry was not large, but it was more than equal to the demand, and prices all round were lower. Bacon pigs sold at 36s to 48s, equal to 3£d to 3Jd per lb for approved weights, and 3d for hcnvy; porkers, 2Gs to 355, or id to 4Jd. per lb; large stores, 20s to 335; medium, 12s Gd to 18s; small, 6s to 10s 6d. A line of Tamwortb crosses from Chatham Island made. 18s to 20s Gd, ■/' WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Wednesday, February 15, 1905, Fat' Cattle.—2B3 head were yarded to-day, principally well-finished bullocks, with a few pens of prime cows and heifers, and the balance medium to inferior cows. As there ■will be no sale next week, this yarding had to supply a fortnight's requirements. Thera was a good attendance of buyers, and the 'sale opened firm, at a slight advance on last week's prices, which was maintained to the end Best bullocks, £9 10s to £10 10s; good, £8 10s to £9 ss; medium, £7 to £8;' best cows, £6 10s to £8; medium, £5 to £5 10sinferior, £3 15s to £■! ■ ]os.—-Tho National Mortgage • and Ageucy Company (Limited) yarded and sold: For Mr W. Thomson (Ayrshire Park), 4- bullocks at £7 10s'; Mr J Stanaway (Outram), bullocks at £7, 2 heifers at £5 ss; Mr Dore (Titri), 2 bullocks at £8 10s; Mr W. Kirk (East Taiori), 3 bullocks at £7_ss, 1 cow at £0. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 65 head us follows: For Mr James Patrick (Lee Creek), 0 bullocks at from £8 15s to £9 ss; Mr A. R. Forrest (Elm Bank), 7 bullocks at from £8 10s to £9 2s Gd and 1 cow at £7 2s Gd; Mr John Dove (Waihola), 3 bullocks at £3 12s Gd- Mr William Kirk (Mosgicl), G bullocks' at from £7 12s 6d to £3 10s; the New Zealand and Australian Land Company (Clydevale Estate), 16 cows at from £5 10s to £6 17s Gd; Mr James Robinson (Esk Bank). 5 steers at from £7 to'£B 2s Gd; Mr John Kirk (Jlosgiel), 3 steers at £7-7s Gd; a Southland client, 9 bullocks at quotations; Mr E. O'Reilly (Green Island Bush), 3 light steers at £G 10s; Mr W. Phillips (St. Leonards), 1 cow at £4; Messrs Sonntag Bros. (Kaikorai), 5 head at quotations.-—lJalgety and Co. (Limited) yarded 40, and sold: For.Mr Matthew Young (Nasebv), 14 bullocks at £10 10s to £8 17s Gd; Mr Jos. Smith (Stirling), G bullocks at £9 15a to £9 2s.Gd; Mr Jan. Scott (Owaka). 8 bullocks at £9 15s to £8 10s; Mr Jeo, Anderson (Palmeraton), 1 cow at £4 12s 6d; Messrs -Ross Bros., ■ 3 heifers at £4 7s 6d; !)' client, 7 bullocks to £7 17s Gd. Tho New Zealand Loan . and. Mercantilo Agency'tympany (Limited) sold: For Mr Joseph Crane (Otokia), 10 bullocks at quotations.—Donald Reid and Co. (Limited) yarded 62, and sold: - For Mr Glasgow. Lqgan (Owaka),-14 bullocks at £8 17s 6d to £8 lQs; Mr Adam Soilness (Otokia),. 2 bullocks at £7 10s, 1 cow at.£s 2s al;; Mr John Jaffray.(East Taieri), 5 heifers at£s 53 to £4 15s;" Mr James T, Gibson (Otokia), 10 .bullocks at, £) 5s to £7 10s; Mr 'Wm. Kirk (East Taieri), 4 cow 3 at £J Jos to £5 ss; Mr E. O'Reilly (Dur.edin), 2 bullocks at £5 : 12s Gd;- Mr Wm. Lindsay (Allantan), 7 bullocks at £7 to- £6 7s 6d, 1 heifer at £4 15s;. Mr Jarnes Patrick (Lee

Creek); 0 bullooks. at £7 7s fx}; Mr Jnmcj'Gd'.f (Inyormay), 6 heifers at £6 12a Gd to £5 2a Gd; and turned out jt unsold.—The" Otago Farmers' Co-operative'. Association of - Now' Zealand (Limited) yarded 88, and sold: For Mr W. Thomson (Ayrshiro Park), 2 bullocks at £7 10s; Mr G-. Wright (Green Island), 1 cow j Mt John Kirk (Mosgiel), 8 buUocka at £8,1 heifer at £4 7s Cd, 2 heifers at £? 12s 6d (all light-weights); Mr Wm. Kirk (East Taieri), 8 bullocks at £S 12s 6d; Mr W. Kirkland (Elm GroCe), 8 bullocks at £8 ss, .3 do at £7 10s, 1 do at £6 15s, 1 heifer at £7 15s; Mr J. H. Jaffray (East' Taieri), 1 bullock at £9 2a Cd, 2 do at £o 12s Cd; Mr B. Charters (Ury Park), 3 bullocks at £9 7s 6(1, 3 do at £8 15a, 8 do at £8 10a, 3 do at £3 2s Gd, 2 do at £7 12s Cd, 2 cows at £8, i do at. £7' 15s, 3 do at £5 os; Mr J. Gardiner (Green Island), 1 heifer at £5 7s.Cd; Mr J.^Dore (Titri) ° bullocks at £7 15s, 2do at'£7; Mr H. Rtithorford (Kaikorai), 1 cow at £1 6s; Mr O'Reilly (Dunedin), 3 bullocks at £5 17s Cd; Mr H: Harvie (Middlcmarch), 1 bullock at £8 12a Cd 3 do at £7, 2 do at £6 2s Cd, 1 do at £4 17s Cd, 1 heifer at £t 17s 63; Mr G. M'L'aren (Caversham), 1 cow; Mr Jamea Patrick (Leo Creek), 4 bullocks at £6 15a; Mr John Sidoy (Corstorphine). T heifers at £410s, Gdoat £4 sa.—Stronach, Morris, and Co. sold: For Mr J. Jack (The Glen), bullocks from £9 2s6d to £3 10s; ft cliont, bullocks from £7 5s to £6 15a.' •

Dairy Cattle.—Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Limited) yarded and sold: For Mr Thomas Finniu (Snddlo Hill), 1 cow and calf at £3 10s, 1 cow at"£2Mr D. Sutherland (East Taieri), 1 cow at £5 15s; a cliont, 1 cow at £5 12s Cd; Mr James Curio (Mornington), 1 cow at £4 10s; Mr W. Townley (Highcliff), 2 cowa at £3 16s, 2 cows at £3 8s; Mr J. Karetai (Otakou), 1 cow at £7, 1 cow at £3.—Donald Reid and Co. (Limited) yarded and sold: For Mr William Townley (Highcliff), 1 cow at £3 15s.

Storo Cattle.—Donald Tloid and Co. (Limited) yarded and sold: For Mr T. Bradford (HalfWay Bush), 1 cow at £G 17s Gd; Mr W. Gedde3 (Green Island); 1 bull at £12 2s Cd.—Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Limited) yarded 43, and sold: For Mr G. Taiaroa (Otakou), 2 cowa at £2, 1 bull at £2 sa, 1 bull at £1 Is, 3 steers at £2 10s; Mr T. Harwood (Otakou), 1 cow at £217 a, 2 steers, at £1 lis, 1 heifer at £2, 1 bull at £1 ;' Mr J. Karotai (Otakou), 4 steers at £1 13a; Mr D. Sutherland '{East Taieri), 4 steers at £1 7s, 3 steers at £2 10s, 5 heifers at £2 0s Gd; Mr W. Townley (Highcliff), 8 yearlings at £1 9s Gd; Mr A. M'Coll (Brighton), 1 heifer at £2 4s, 1 bull at £1 9s, 2 steers at £4.

Calvea.—Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold: For Mr James Birtles (Allanton), 4 at up to 17s.—rMcssrs Dalgety and Co. (Limited) yarded and sold: For Mr John Anderson and others, 10 head at market Eeid and Co. (Limited) yarded 19, and sold: For Mr F. Morice (Netherby), 14 at 20s 6d to 10s Gu; Mr William Lindsay (Allanton), 2 at 19s and 14s; Mrs Stevenson (Henley), 1 at 18s; Mr Walter Bla'ckic (Glasgow Farm), 1 at 9s; Mr Eunciman (Brighton), 1 at 10s.-— Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Limited) yarded 30, and sold: For Messrs Rutherford (Kaikorai), J. Barron (Anderson's Bay), T. Edwards (Outra'm), D. Young (Sandymount), William Townley (Highcliff), R. Miller (Sawyers' Bay), G. Taiaroa (Otakou), E. Charters (Ury Park), Muir Bros. (Wyllio's Crossing), calves at from 7s 6d to 345. Fat Sheep.—239o were penned for the fortnight's rquirements, chiefly prime wethers and owes, with a small proportion of medium quality sheep. At tho commencement prices were slightly better than last week, but hardened as tho sale progressed, till they wero fully Is per head higher than last week. Best wethers, 212s to 23s (a. few pens extra to 21s 9d); good do, 20s to 21s Gd; medium, 18s 6d to 20s; best ewes, 20s to 225; good, 18s 6d to 19s Gd; medium, 15s 6d to 17s. The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Limited) penned 489, and sold: For Mv John Barclay ('ic Houka), 65 prime wethers to 22s 9d; a south client, 6G wethers to 22s 6d, 67 ewes to 21s; Mr A. Brown (Abbotsford), 23 wethers at 21s 9d, 44 do 20s 3d, 38 do 19s 3d; Mr J. Neville (Ida Valley), 38 wethers to 235; Mr John Brace (Tho Firs), 22 ewes at Ifsa 9d; Mr Collis (Ngapara), 62 wethers to 21s 3d; Mr If. Mitchell (Portobello), 64 wethers .at '21s. Messrs Dalgety and Co. (Limited) penned 465, and sold: For Mr H. Morrison (Kumoroa), 47 wethers at 24a 3d; Mr Watson Shcnnan (Conical Hills), 56 crossbred wethers at 24s to 235, 5 halfbred do at 203; Mr J. A. Kirks (Dusky), 58 wethers at 22s Od to 21s 3d; Mr D. Andrew (Wingatui), 27 wethers at 22s 6d; Mr E. Murray (Warcpa), 140 wethers to 20s Cd; Mr E. Mitchell (Portobello), 62 wethers at 20s 6d to 20s; Mrs Fennessy (Ranfurly), 6 ewes at 18s 6d;' a clicnt, 65 wethers to 20s.—r-Thfl New ZoaAind Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold: For Messrs J. A. and D. M'Phail (Clinton), 41 crossbred wethers. at' 22a 3d, 20 do at 21s; Mr James liiglis (Milton), lfl crossbred wethers at 19s 3d; Mr Thomas Hitchon (Loyell's Flat), 2 crossbred ewe's at 20s; Mr James Brown (Green Grove), 1 crossbred wether at 20s, 35 do ewes at, 20s 6d, 30 uo at 16s 9d; a northern client, 45 crossbred welhers at 21s, 45 do at 19s, 28 do at 13s, odo at 19s Cd. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 552 as follows:—For Mr George Fox (Fairfax), 37 . prime wethers 'at 24s 9d, 23 do at Ms; Mr J. B. Coram. (Waipiata), G5 wethers at up to 24s 9d; Mi John Gibson (Ashley Downs), 39 prime ewes. at 23s 3d, 24 'do at 21s, 74 wethers at from 20s to 21s Gd; Mr Allen S. Orbell. (Tho River Station), 66 wethers at from 20s 6d to 22s 9d; Mr James Taylor (Wairuna), 62 wethers Qt ifrorn 21s 3d to 22s 6d, 8 owes at 22s 3d* Mr George Nichol (Taurima), 61 two-tooth wethers at from 215.t0 22s 9d; Mr Arthur Hurst (Braobank), GO wethers at from 20s Gd to 21 s 9d; Mr James Patrick (Lee Creek), 17 ewes at 19s; Mr. Andrew Todd (Mosgiel), 16 ewes .at 18s.—Donald Reid and Co. (Limited) penned 315, and sold: For Messrs Miller and Manson (Maiuigatua), 63 wethers at 22s Gd to 20s 3dMr Richard Mitchell (Portobello), 77 wetherL at 22s 9d to 21s; Mr James M'Elrea (Milton), 16 ewes at 19s Gdj'Mr E, B. Paul (Milton), 10 ewes at 18s 3d; Mr W. Tweedie (Milton), 18 wethers and ewes at 21s Gd to 19s; Messrs W. and D. Hamilton (Clarksville), 9 wethers at V- ewGS at 183 Gd ; Mr Finch (Milburn), 11 wethers'at 22s 9d; Mr Peter Sr°u 30 withers at 22s 6d; Mr j Walter Blackio (Glasgow Farm), 44 wethers rr-m" 3 '° ex Eobertson (Circle Hill), 2 wethers at 22s Gd; Mr John H. Allan (Holmes), 24 ewes at 19s to 18s 3d.—Otago Farmers' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Limited) penned 2G3, and sold: For Mr Jasper Clark (Lovell's Plat), 42 wethers at 22s 6d, 18 at 20s 9d; Messrs Murray, Kobcrts, and Co. (Gladbrook), 41 wethers at 22s Gd, 2G wethers at 21s; Mr James Patrick (Outram), 17 ewos at 19s, 18 ewes at 175.3d; Mr R. B. Paul (Milton), pen ewes at 18s 3d, 1 pen at lis; Mr John Peat (Hardens), 20 ewos at 19s; Mr D. Andrew (Tho Grange), 35 wethers at 20s 3d; Mr M. Finch (Milburn), 1 pen wethers at 21s; Mr R.. Charters (Ury Park), 20 ewes at 22s 3d, 1 pon ewes at 21s.——Stronach, Morris, and Co. penned 230, and sold: For Messrs Murray, Eoberts, and Co. (Gladbrook Station), 45 prime wethers at 23s 3d, 22 at 21s 9d; Mr W. Soutcr (Cranmore), 45 prime wethers at 21s; Mr.George Collis (Ngapara), 45 wethers at 21s 3d, 18 at 20s; Mr D. M*Lean (Hillgrove), 35 prime ewes at 22s 9d; Mr R, Mitchell (Portobello), 18 wethors at 2ls 6d, 2 at 23s 9d,

Fat Lambs.—97o penned, prices ruling similar to last week. Best, lGs to 17s, a few extra to 17s 9d; good, 14s to 15s 6d; others, 13s 6d io 14s. The National Mortgage and Agency Company (Limited) penned and sold: For Mr T, Neyill (Ida Valley), prime lambs at 16s to lGs 9d; Mr E. Mitchell (Portobello), 1 pen at 15s. Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold: For Mr F, T. Sinclair (Seaview), 120 at from 15s 3d to lGs 3d; Mr James Patrick (Lee Creek), 35 at to 34s Gd -D&lgety and Co, (Limited) penned Jl7, and sold; For Mr A. Todd (Alosgie!), 26 at 15s 3d to 14s 9d; Mr B, Mitchell (Portobello),- 20 at 15s 3d; Mrs Fennessy (Eanfurly), 65 at 15b to 14s; a client, 6 at lGs 9d.——The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold: For Mr Thos. Hitclion (Adams Flat), 3 at 17s, 15 at 143 Gd, 15 at 13s Gd; Mr James Inglis (Milton), 22 at 14s Gd; Mr' John Bruce (The Firs), 40 at los.—Donald Reid and Co. (Limited) penned 158, and sold: For Mr John Bruce (The Firs), 40 at 15s 9d; Mr William Tweedie (Milton), 12 at 15s 9d; Mr John M'Ml (Milburn), 15 at los 9d; Mr Hector Roulston (Milburn), 17 at Ids Oil; Mr R. B. Paul (Milton), 25 at 14s Gd to 14s; Messrs J. and H. Campbell (Milburn), 14s 6d to 13s 9d; Mr Alex. Robertson (Circlo Hill), 11 at 15s 6d; Mrs Agnes Strain (Milburn), 20 at 14s 9d to 14s Gd; Mr J. H. Allan (Holmes), 3at 14s Gd. The Otago Farmere' Co-operative Association of New Zealand (Limited) penned_ 235, and sold: For Messrs M'Clov Bros. (Gimmerburn), 35 at 15s, 30 at 15s Gd; Mr John Bruce (The Firs), 40 at 14s 9d; Mr John Peat, 53 at 16s Dd; Mr.E. Charters (Ury Park). 1 pen at 14s 90; Mr Godfrey Foster (Milburn), 18 at 15s 3d, 17 at 14s 9d; Mr 11. B. Paul (Milton), 18 at Us 3d, pen at 13s.—Stronach, Morris, and Co. penned 99, and sold: For Mr R. Rutherford (Poolburn), 15 very prime lambs at 17s 9d (top nrice), 27 do at 175.'27 do at 16s 9d; Mr D. WLean (Hillgrove), 30 at 14s 9d. Pig's.T-142 penned. Suckers and slips were in fair supply, but only met with a moderate demand. Porkers and choppers were keenly competed for, and sold at prices equal to thnsn obtained i(t last week's sale. ■ Suckers sold at 8s to lis; slips, 12s Gd to 14s; stores, 15s tq 20s; porkers, 21s to 23s Gd; jjght baconers, 30s to 38s; heavy, 33s Gd to 455; choppers,. 60s to 68s.—r-Wright, Stephenson, pd Cq. sold: For Mepsrs James Honlahan (iS'orthEast Valley), Thomas' Lee (Allanton), Young and Perkins. (Green Island' Bush), and T,, Richatds (North-East Valley), 5 ppn? at quotations.—The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agenoy Company (Limited) sold'l pen porkers at 30s. I)omikl Reid and Co. (Limi-' ted) yarded 64, and Bold;. For Mr Mark Finch (Milburn), 1 at 635; Mr W. Bowling (Middlemarch), 5 !\t 10a Gd; Mr George Cdufts (Taieri Beach), 1 at 355; Mr Robert Faitbairn (Taieri Beach), lat 283; Mr Wm. Thomson (Banks), ■12 at 10s to 8s 6dMr Walter Blackio (Glas-

TgovrFflrm), 10 at 7s to 6s; MrAndrow Todj (Johnston), 3 at 44s to Si's Gd; Mr Wm Lindsay.(Allanton), 3 at 45a; Mr J. M'Lehrj (Brighton), 1 at 455; Mr Thomas Leo (Allan* ton), 2 at 4G9 Gd; Mr Thomas Horn (Momona), 2 at 425.; Mr "Win. Baird (Allanton), 4 at 283 Gd to 26s 6d; Miss Wilson (Allanton), 2 at . 42s 6d;- Mr J. C. Rertton (Mosgiel), G at 27a to 24a; Mr T. Goodwin (Halfway Bush), 1 at 50a.— —Stropncli, Morria, and Co. penned ' 4G, and sold: For Mr S. Spratt (Sutton), 2 v baconers at.£2 5s 6d, Idoat £2 8s; Mr W. Craig .(Middlcmarch), 4 baconera at £2 9a; Mr R. Dowie (Springs), 2 baconers at £2 8s; Mrs Osbomo (Middlcmarch), 2 piga at £2 lis; Mr Gusa Carlson (Middlcmarch), 3 slips at 14s 6d, 2 auckera at 7s, 3 do at 13s; Mr C.D. Smith (Middlemarch), 1 baconer at 3Ga, 30s, 2 do at 39a, 2 do at £2 7a, 6 slips at 13s, 3 do at lis, 3 do at 12a; Mr M. Hanlou (Moonlight), 3 suckers at 10s 6d, G do at 7s.—' The Otago Farmers' Co-operativo Association of Now Zealand (Limited) penned and sold: For Mr M. Finch (Milbuin), Mr J. Matheson (Green Island), Mr H. Charters (Ury Park), Mr G. Metaal (Momona), Mr u. Adams (Green . Island), Mr T. Kobinson (Mosgiol), pig 3 at from IGs to £2 18s. Balclutha' Stock Sale.—Otago Farmers' Cooperative Association of New Zealand .. (Limited) report:.Wo hold our usual fortnightly sale at our yards, Owaka, on Friday : last,, when we disposed of 99 head cattlo. There was a fair attendance of farmers and traders, who competed fairly well for all lots offered up to a point, but lato values wora not obtained, and vendors had to accept lower prices in order to offect a sale, and tko result was "that a clearance was mado at fairly, satisfactory figures. A fow horses and pigs wore also disposed of at good values. ' . Rabbitskins.—No sales siuco last report. Sheepskins.—Largo catalogues wero offeree! at Tueadny's auctions. Competition was very keen, and prices received compare favourably with lato quotations. Quotations: Besti merino,' GJd to 7Jd; medium, Ed to Gd; best half bred, 7d to 8d; medium, 5Jd to Old; test) crossbred, 7d to 7Jd; medium, 5Jd to GJd per lb; polls, 23 2d to 3s; lambskins, 2s 4d.tcf 3a 3d eacli. Hides, —Large catalogues were submitted ftf) Thursday's 6alos. Thero was again a good attendance of , buyers, - and competition throughout was spirited, Quotations: Extra, stout heavy ox, 5Jd to Gd; heavj, 5d to 5Jd; medium, 42d to 4Jd; extra stout heavy cow, 4Sd to;42d; heavy, 4d to 4$ d; medium, 4jd to 4|jd; stags and bulls, 2d to SJd per lb; yearlings, 3s to Gs Cd; calfskins, la 6d to 3s; horsehides, 7a Gd to 10s each. Grain.—Wheat: Millers are fully stocked at present, and will only offer for prime lots, o£ which there are few to hand. Millers will not touch medium grade, and (Lis has to ha offered as fowl wheat. The export market is . quiet; Quotations: Prime imlliug, Ss Cd .to 3s 8d; best wholo fowl wheat, 3s Id to 8s 3d; broken anil damaged, 2a Gd to 3a per bushel (sacks extra). Oats: All linos are ill good demand, clearances being, effected at pricoa about equal to lato quotations. Quotations: Prime milling. Is 9d to Is lOd; good to besfi feed, Is 8d to Is 9d; inferior and medium, Is 5d to Is 7d per bushel (sacks extra). Potatoes.—Supplies are not so plentiful, and there is a better demand, prices in consequence being slightly advanced. Quotations: Best sorts, £5 10s to £7 ss; others, £4 to £5 per ton (bags in). • Chaff.—Supplies aro plentiful, and the demand is not so good, especially for medium and inferior qualities. Quotations: Prima oaten sheaf, £3 10s to £3 17s Gd; medium, £3 to £3 10s per ton (sacks extra). [Tho individual reports of stock agents, wool, rabbitskin, or grain brokers can be inserted in the Daily Times and Otcgo Witness at special rates,] FRUIT AND PRODUCE REPORT. Messrs Thos. Paterson and Co., auctioneers, fruit and produce agents, report for tho week ended Tuesday, February 14, as follows:'— Supplies of fruit from Toviot, Christcliurch, Nelson, and Auckland are not equal to domand, and prices have been as follows:— Oranges: Messina, none offering, worth 12s to 13s per half-case. Lemons: Messina, halves, 10s Gd. Bananas: Arrived! in bad order, and sold from 2s to 12a Gd, according to condition. Pineapples, 7s Cd to 9s per case. Tomatoes:! Christchurch, from 7d to 6Jd; locally-grown, Gd to 8d; Nelson, short supply, 12s to 13s Gd; Auckland, 7a Gd to 9s Cd per case. Plums: Nelson, 7s to 9s 3d; Teviot, 2d to 3d per lb'; Auckland Burbanks arrived good order and sold from 4s Gil-to 8s per half-case. Peaches, 2id to 7d per lb. Apricots, 2d to 3Jd per lb. Apples: 2s Gd to 5s per half-case. Gooseberries: Ripe, Id to 2d. Currants: Black, 2Jd to Sid; red, 2|d to 3d. Strawberries (nearly done), 85d to Is Id. Raspberries: Buckets, 4d per fb. Cucumbers, 5s to 6s per dozen. Grapes,.ls 2d to Is 4d. Produce.—Potatoes: Peninsula, 7s; Oamaru, Cs; Onioiis, 9s to 13s. Butter: Fresh, 5d to Gd (plentiful); separator, 7d to 8d -per lb. Bacon, Bid to 7.\d. Hams, 8d to 9d. Piga, 3id to 4d per lb. - Eggs, Is 2d. Poultry: In fair ■ demand—roosters, 3s to 4s; hens, 2a to 2s Gd; ducks, 3s to 4s. WEEKLY MAPiKET REPORT. M«««rs A, Moritzson and Co. report for 17681:' ending February 14:— Wheat: Velvet and Tuscan, 3s 8d to Ss 104; red chaff, 3s 7d to 3s. 9d; good wholo fowl wheat, 3a, Id to 3s 2d (ex stores). Oats: Prime milling, Is 9d; B grade, Is BJd; f.a.q. and C'grade Is 7Jd.Barley, 2s; milling, 2s 3d; matting, 3s to 3s 3d; Lakes, 3s 2d to 3s 3d. . Potatoes, 65s to 60s. Prima oaten sheaf chaff, £3 7s Gd to £3 15a; medium to good, £3 to £3 5s per ton; medium (neglected), £3 to £2 10s. Ryegrass: Farmers'' dressed, 3s to 3s Gd; machined, 4s to 5s per bushel. Cocksfoot, 31 d to 4Jd; machined, 51d to Cd. Hides: We quote—Prima ox, 5Jd to Gjd; cows, 4g& Tallow: Rough fat, clean, 13s Gd to 14s 6d; tallow in tins, 16s to 17s; casks, 17s 6d to 225; good in tins, 20a. . Sheepskins: Best, up to 10s; pelts, Is 9d to. 2s, Rabbitskins:! Autumns, 10Jd to Is;'-winters, 15d to 17J3; winter blacks, up. to Is lid; others in proportion. Poultry: Local—Hens, 2s Gd to 3s; roosters, 3s Gd, 4a 6d; ducks, 4s 6d, ss; geeae; js, 6a 6d; turkeys—hens, 5d per lb; cocks, 74 per lb (live weight). Butter: Fresh and aaltt 8d to 9d (little demand).

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13209, 16 February 1905, Page 9

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WEEKLY MARKET REPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13209, 16 February 1905, Page 9

WEEKLY MARKET REPORTS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13209, 16 February 1905, Page 9