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Tho annual show held l»y tho TapanuiHorticultural Society wasagain open in tho Tapanui Town Hall on Saturday night, when there was att excellent attendance, not only of Tapanui residents, but also of people from the surrounding districts. Tho standard of vegetables and flowers—in fact' of almost everything shown this year—was dot so high as it has been on previous occasions, but this' is to be attributed to Ihe exceptionally bad season that there has been, this year. Tho judging was done by Mr Samson, of Invercargijl, who' considered that on the whole, allowing for' the bad season, the show was a good one, and could comparo very favourably with those held in other districts of Otago. Tho exhibition , of roses was good as far as quality was concerned, but tho number of entries was very poor. The sweet peas were in themselves ai3o good, but were to a certain extent spoiled by tho cramped manner in which they w«re laid out. Tn the fruit section the judge expressed himself of the opinion that tho red currants were excellent, mid were certainly the best ho had Been for some time. Tho champion rose of the show was tho Marquis of Londonderry, exhibited by Mr John Campbell, who also gained first place for the best hybrid perpetual. A number of fine exhibits was shown by Mr Campbell, in particular a splendid display of asparagus and , one of pelargoniums; and in the fern section he gainecHbe three first places for foKage plants and tho first place for growing ferns. Tho displays of pot plants and palms by Messrs Howdcn and Moncrieff and Mr H. M. West attracted the attention of a large number qf spectators, and were nndoutafly wll worth seeing. A new feature of the show this year was tho introduction of an industrial section, in which prizes were offered for ■wood-carving,, painting, drawing, and different displays of fancy work. Judging by the number of entries, and also by tlie quality of the work exhibited, this section was one of the TOOst > successful of the show, and one which is likely to bo again brought into future sbows. The following is a list, of the prizes in they different sections:— Section 1.-G-REENHOUSE PLANTS, in Pots. Prizes, 3s and 2s. Sin"le fuchsia. Three entries—Jno. Campbell 1° 2, and 8- ;•••■■' _ „ , . Two single fuchsias. One entry—Uγ Jiouert--801! 1. _ Two double petunias. One entry —Dr Robertson 1. Specimen plant. Three entries—Jno. Campbell 1, Miss Quin 2 and 3. Double geranium. Two Campbell 1 and .2. Single geranium. Two entries—Jdo. Campbell 1 and 2. . Two single geraniums. Two entries— Dr Robertson l and 2. Two double geraniums. One entry—Dr Piobertson 1. Ivy-lexved geranium. Two entries — Jno. Campbell 1 and 2. Pelargonium. Two entries— J. Campoell 1 and 2. Two pelargoniums. -Iwo entries— J. Campbell 1 and 2. Two foliage plants, distinct genera. Three entries— J. Campbell 1, 2, and 3. Collection growing Joins. Two entries— J. Campbell 1. Pot o! lobelia. One entry— J. Campbell 1. Pot of asparagus. Three entries— J. Campbell 1 and 2. • Single geranium, four cut blooms, varieties. One entry—Dr Robertson 1. Section 11-BORDER PLANTS. Throe African marigolds. One entry—Dr Bobertson 1. Three French marigolds. Three entries—Dr Robertson 1, 2, and 3. Four carnations. Nine entries—G. W. Cunningham 1, 2, and 3. Four picotees. Four entries—G. W. Cunningham 1, 2, and 3. Best pansy. Three entries—E. Brsindigan 2 (no first award). Three fancy pansira. Four entries—Dr Eobcrtson 2 (no first award). _ Four hollyhocks. Two entries—Kiss RobertEoso, hybrid poipetnal (open). Fivo entiic3 —J. Campbell 1 and 2. Two roses, teas, buiis. 3?ive entries— J. Campbell 1, Miss Qnin 2. Collection six roses, teas, buds. One entry— J. Campbell 1. Collection six roses, teas, liybrid perpetuals (open). Two entries—J. Campbell 1. Show dahlia, double. Ono entry— J. M'Coll 1. Ono dahlia, double, any variety. Four entries—Miss Robertson 1, W. Spark 2, D. JI'CoH 3. Three cactus dahlias, varieties. Five entrie3 —Dr Robertson 1, 2, and 3. ; Three dahlias, single. Fonr entries—J. Campbell 1, 2, and 3. Fonr verbenas, varieties. Ono entry—R. Braudigan 2 (no first award). Gillardia, three varieties—K, Bra-ndigan 1 and 3, Dr Robertson 2. Three phloxes, pcrercnial, varieties. One entry— J. Campbell 1. Four phloxes, drummondi, varieties. Five entries—Dr Bobertson 1, Mrs M'Lood 2, W. Spark 3. Tbrco penstemons, varieties, Two entries— 3. Campbell 1 and 2. Three anthirrhinums, varieties. One entry —Dr Robertson 1. Four stocks, varieties. Two entries—R, Brandigan 1. Best collection cut annuals. Two entries— I?. Brandigan 1. Best collection cut flowers. Two entries— Mrs G. G. Sim 1, Dr Robertson 2. Hand bouqnet (ladies). Two entries—Miss Perry 1. Table bouquet. Two entries—Miss Perry 1. Three bnttonholo bouquets. Six entriesMiss Endey 1, Miss Perry 2, Miss Callender 3. Bouquet wild flowers. Two entries—F. Perry 1. Special table decoration, 4ft x 6tt, set as for dinnor table.- Fivo entries—Miss Callcmder 1 and 2, lbs W. T. Istcd 3. Decorated hat. Eight entries—Misa Perry 1, Miss Endey 2, Miss Qnin 3. Decorated basket. Seven entries—Mies Quin 1, Mrs Robertson 2, Miss Perry 3. Sweet peas. 12 varieties, three of each. Six entries—A.. Munyard 1, S. King 2, Mis 3 Jarrold 3. Sweet peas, six varieties, three of each. Fivo entries—S. King lj Miss Jarrold 2, R. Brandigan 3. Section 111.-FRUIT. Dish black currants, bohches.-. Fonr entries —G-. Jarrold 1, Miss Jarrold 2.. .. Dish red currants, punches. Six entries— G. Jarrold 1, Miss Jarrold.2, Miss Quin 3. Ono dozen gooseberries, heaviest—G. Jarrold 1, Miss Robertson 2. One dozen gooseberries, dessert., Six entries —G. Jarrold 1, T. Cangs 2, Miss Cameron 3. One pint red raspberries. Four entries—A. Munyard 1 and 2, MrsW. T. Isted 3. Dish of pears. Two entries—D. M'Coll 1, Miss Robertson 2. Collection of small fruit One entry—Misa Quin 1. Collection of.applies, eight varieties, three oi each. One entry—M. Fleming 1. Plate applies, six varieties, one of each. Two entries-J.'Campbell 1, J. A. M'Coll 3. Best dish of plums. One entry—Miss. Robertson 1. Section IV.-VEGETABLES. •Two cucumbers, frame. Three entries—Miss Jarrold 1, G. Jarrold 2 and 3. Two cahDnges. Fonr ontries— J. A. M'Coll 1, T. King 2, J. A. M'Coll 3. Heaviest cabbage. One entry—Miss Quin 1. Two cauliflowers. Four entries—G. Jarrold 1, A. Munyard 2, J. A; M'Coll 3. Six onions, for table. Fivo entries—A. Mason 1 and 2, A. ,Munyard 3. Two dozen pod peas, two varieties. One entry—Miss M'Donald 1. HaJf-pint shelled peas. Four entries—A. Sliven 1, D. M'Coll 2, Miss MTJonald 3. Collection of peas, three varieties, six pods each. One entry—Miss M Donald 1. Two dozen potatoes, varieties, one dozen each. '• Fivo entries— J. A. M'Coll 1 and 3, D. Ji'Coll 2., Collection of potatoes, four varieties. Four entries-W. Reddit 1, J. A. .M'Coll 2, D. M'Coll 3. , Six stalks rhubarb. ... Two entries—Miss M'Douald 1, T. King 2. Six stalks heaviest rhubarb. One entryMiss M'Donald 1. Six spring onions. Ono entry—A. Mason 1. Crown of eschalots, large. Three entries— T. King 1, R. Brandigan 2, A. Munyaid 3. Crown of eschalots, small. Three entries— J. A. M'Coll 1 and 2. .A. Munyard 3. Three turnips, table. Four entries—A. Stivon 1, J. A. M'Coll 2 and 3. ■ Three beetroot. One entry—Mrs J. Hunter 1. One dozen broad 1 beans, pods. One entry— A. Stiven 1. One dozen long-pod beans:. Two cntriesM'Donald 1, S. King 2." Three cabbago lettuce. Three entries—W. Quin .1. ■■■:•■■;. Threo cos lettuce. ■' Four entries—S. King 1, W. Quin 2. . Three parsnips. . Throe entries —.Mrs T. Hunter 1, A. Munyard 2. Collection of vegetables, varieties. . Three SDtries-J. A. M'Coll 2 (no first award). Section V.-JAMS and JELLIES. Strawberry. Three entries-Mis Eudey 1, Mrs Robertson 2. .Plum. .Three entries—Mrs Eudey 1, Miss il'Donaia 2 and 3. ' p '

Raspberry. Eleven entries—Miss , Callender 1 aud 2, Mrs Steel 3. Apricot. Five entries—Miss Steel 1, Miss M'Donald 2, Mrs Stoel 3. Peach. Two v entries—Mrs Lischner 1, Mrs Eudey 2. ' . Black currant. Five entries—Miss Quin 1, Mrs Endoy 2, Mts Dacker 3. Gooseberry. Two entries—Mrs Lisclmcr 1, Mrs Eudey. 2. Chen) , . One entry—Mts Lischnsr. Any • other variety. Two entries—Mrs Dacker 1, Mrs Eudey, 2. Marmalade. Five entries—J. A. M'Coll 1 aud 3, Miss Wet-Bey 2. Quince jam, ; One entry—Miss Quin. Collection of jams, four varieties. Six entries—Miss M'Donald 1, Misa Dacker 2, Mrs Isteed 3. Gooseberry jelly. Eight entries—Miss liind 1, Mrs Isteed 2, Mts Eudey 3. Red currant jelly. Eleven entries—Mrs Eudey 1, Miss Dacker 2, Mts "Whitenext 3. Black currant jelly. ■ Four entries—Mrs Eudey 1, Mts Calendar 2, Mrs Intend 3. Apple jelly. Nine entries—Miss Lind 1, Mrs Eudey 2, Mrs Isteed 3. Collection of jellies, three varieties. Eleven entries—Mrs Steel 1, Miss M'DonaSd 2, ilrs M'Leod 3. Any other'variety. Six- entries—Mrs Eudey 1 and 2, Mts Steel 3. Section VI.-PRODUCE. Two pounds fre3h butter. Five entriesMiss Quin. 1, Mrs Steel 2 and 3. ■ Jar salt butter, 21b to 51b. Three entriesMiss M'Dorald 1, Miss Sim 3. Home-made bread. Ten entries—Miss Brandigan 1, Miss Beattie 2, Mrs Brandigan 3. Plain scones. Eight entries—Miss Callender 1, IMisa M'Donald 2, Mrs A. Steven 3. ' Fancy scones. Two entries—Miss M'Donaid 1, Mrs Eudey 2. Best dish pastry, varieties. Two entriesJames Reddit. Oaten cake. Ono entry—Mrs Isteed. Fruit cake. Three entries—Miss M'Dona-ld 1, Miss Quin 2. Sponge cake. One entry—Misa M'Dohald. Bottled sauces, varieties. One entry—Mies M'Donald. Bottled fruit, varieties. Four entries—Mrs Eudey 1 3. A. M'CoN 2, Mrs Isteed 3. Three bottles home-made pickles, varieties. Two entries—Miss M'Donaid 1, Miss Qum- 2. Ham,. unsmoked (storekeepers barred). Three entries—P. M'Cann 1, A. Munj'ard'2. Ham, smoked. One entry— Jfisa Quin. Roll bacon, unsmoked. Two entries—P. M'Cann 1 and 2. ' t Section VII.-FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN. Prizes: 2s Gd, Is 6d, and Is. Buttonhole. Nine entries—\V. Campbell 1 aud 2, EUiot Rodger 3. Haua bouquet. Two entries—P.ose Dale 1, Frank Dale 2. Decorated basket. Four entries—Violet Quayle 1, Sarah M'Donald 2, Rose Dale 3. Decorated hat. Nine entries—Francis Dale 1, Violet Qnaylo 2, Sarah M'Donald 3. Best collection cut annuals. Two entriesRose Dale 1, Francis Dale 2. Three stocks. Five entries—E. Jarrold 1, Kiltie Jt'Leod 2. • Three Shirley poppies. Six entries—Walter Eudey 1 and 2, Frar.ci3 Dale 3. Collection sweet peas, six varieties, Eight entries—May Ottrcy 1, Lizzie Keir 2, Jβ. Jiirrold 3. Phlox Drummomli,' three varieties—EmmaMoore 1, E. JnrriSd 2, Katie M'Leod 3. Three pansies—Lizzie Keir 1 and 2, Sarah. M'Donald 3. Threo spikes mignonette—W. Brandigan 1, W. Campbell 2 and 3. Section VIII.-INDUSTRIAL SECTION. Specimen fretwork. Two entries—W. -Morrieon 1 and 2. . . % Specimen woodcarving. Seven entries—W. Morrison 1 and 2, K. King 3. Specimen hitudiwork in wool. Five entries —Hiss J. G. Smith 1, Miss Bessie Gorman 2. Freehand drawing, of flowers.' One entry—Miss Agnes Al'Farlano. Beet painted p'.aque. Five entries—Miss Dale 1, Miss Montgomery 2. . Three photographic views. One entry—H. Nicholle2. Specimen drawn thread work. Two entries —Miss Howat 1, Miss E. Chittock 2. Specimen mountmellick work. Eight en-trie«-Mis3 B. Edgar 1 and 2, Miss Eethel Shepherd 3. Specimen netting, guipure. One entryMrs Gourley 1. Fancy crochet work, in\ cot-ton. Two entries—Miss Gonrley 1, Miss W. Gouria-yS Fancy work, ojiy sort not catalogued. Eight entries—Miss Flossie Burrcll 1 and 3, Mrs Isteed 2. Best cosie. Tliiee entries—Misb Davidson 1, Mrs W. Mason 2. Six worked, button holes. One entry—Miss J. Murray 1. BesMressed white shirt and collar. Three entries—Mrs Muson 1, Miss A. M'Donald and Mtb Blaok (equal) 2. Four serviettes, different designs arranged for dinner table. ■ Five entries—Miss Callcnder 1 and 2, Mrs Isteed 3. Ecsfc map of South leland, drawn by school children. Six entries—Agneg M'Fariauo 1, Oames Clonsron 2, Marens King 3.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 13207, 14 February 1905, Page 7

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TAPANUI HORTICULTURAL SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13207, 14 February 1905, Page 7

TAPANUI HORTICULTURAL SHOW. Otago Daily Times, Issue 13207, 14 February 1905, Page 7