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properties ior Sale and To let. H u ~r ? 5 s* MANUFACTURERS AND GENERAL AGENCY COMPANY. Clm'stcluirch: 145 Lichfield street. Dunedin: Moray place (opposite Coffee Palace). Christchureh.Box 4C5. Dunedin, Box 408. T»'.»gritrjs—" Huttons' Agency." Agents for Till!: SOUTHLAND TIMBER CO.UPANY-( Sawm i 1 J cr \ an< !' 1 'i lub « w I JMcrcbants. ROUGH and DRESSSED LINE..' -IN STOCK. Head Office: Esketrcct, Invcrcatgill. J. HENSLEY,'Manager. FOR SALE: Gentleman's RESIDENCE of 5 rooms, scullery, etc; three large vineries, fitted with latest modern appliances; large furnaces, etc; 00 splendid fruit trees; all on nice J-acre section, nicely laid out with garden, etc. A bargain. • •SELWYN.—Three C-roomed nOUSES; bathrooms, washhouses, hot and cold water laid on; pantries, and all modem conveniences; G sections altogether. Good investment. OAMARU.-BLOCK o( BUSINESS PREMISES, best position; good rentals; splendid investment. 03 ACRES, close to Dunedin; suitable for building sections or for factories; a rare chanco for good investment. GENERAL STORE, with Dwelling; stables, bakehouse, and butcher's shop; stock, £500; turnover about £3500: a good, profitable business. . 10,000 ACRES, improved; It paddocks: about 4000 acres good agricultural; large house, sheds, stables, stockyard; well watered; near Main South line; good property. Several HOUSEHOLD PROPERTIES, four (0 eight rooms, in City and Suburbs, Counlry Slorckccning BUSINESS; capital, £500 required; no opposition; splendid chance. Drapery PREMISF/S and STOCK (if required); splendid chance for pushing ran, 8451 ACRES (unimproved), North Island, Waikato District; splendid property; cheap; rare New 5-roomed HOUSE, Duddingston, N.E. Valley; splendid position; bargain. Loans Negotiated on Deeds and other Valuable Securities. GOOD GRAZING at Normanby to BET to Ist May, 1903. Two Paddocks splendid TATTM m?D/-tTTO P fin Fe ed, 48 acres and 1G acres; unstocked for IS fjjUrlJN rUI/nA./Uo K \j\J., months.:-John R c id nnd Sons, Liverpool street. LAND, ESTATE. INSURANCE. AND ' . . ■' GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, JJ|() T fiX S F6ll . SAL E. G and 6 Enchant Court, 1 '. . i 00 Preset, E.L.'MACASSEY&CO, T0 LRT: HOTEL BROKERS, VALUATORS, AND Superior 0-roomed HOUSE, Roslyu, with glass FINANCIAL AGENTS, coneorvatorv; close to tram. ■ SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, centrally situated. - WATER f™ ™™>™- EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE and SECTION, TTnTFT TiTTwrr,Tv t , ~ . Ileriot row. H °S »UNEDtt.-Lease or Freehold of , x ir-.t-class House, doing a large turnover. vnn _.. _ i ll °™'> NEAR DUNEDIN.-Freehold; close I,,KbAI ' I " ' lo railway line; doing a splendid business. Good 3-roomed HOUSE and J-acre; sunny . H.OTEL, SOUTHLAND DISTRICT-Three aspect; £240. i years'lease; rent, 235-per week; new Brick Choice 7-ronmed HOUSE and }-acre, Queen House, containing 14 rooms; wcli furnished stre»t, £850. | throughout, y Desirable 1-ACRE SECTION and 8-roomcd H0 SOUTHLAND.-Lease (four years) HOUSE; centrallv situated. of Splendid_ House, averag.rg £50 weekly; ; urst-class business; can bo lar»elv in. Choice J-acre SECTION (and HOUSE), suit- creased. "oiar o eiy inable for building upon. ; HOTEL,' GOLDFIELDS.-Freehold • Brick SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, Castle street, £G75. \ House, containing 9 rooms; an easily-run Superior eight-roomed HOUSE and SEC-: ~ * > ' a T ce ' ' WON. HOTEL. OTAGO CENTRAL.-Lease (two and m y - mS ' °' Rootl Bol,SD ' doi "i? s P lea " MONEY TO LEND on FREEHOLD ' . '„£ buoi,,l!ss ' an ' l close ln railwl| y line. SECURITY. UOTEL. GOLDFIELDS.-Freehold, includi ln R Bakery, Butchery, and Store; in splenLicensed Land Brokers under Land Transfer ; Tm i T 7 T ' lo^il y '4, n "' i doing lnrße turnom - Act. ■ HOTEL NORTH LINE.-Eight years' Lease Good House; rent, 60s per week; doing . . .1 ■ ~ , large business; no opposition. BOARDING-HOUSES. BOARDING-HOUSE, SEASIDE.-Five years' lease Splendid House; 20s per week rent; doing large business, especially in summer months. BOARDING-HOUSE, DUNEDIN.-Splendid gTEVWRTGHTBmS.&CO. Sl^ 5 can - aocomß ° a " te 12 AUCTIONEERS and LAND AGENTS, B0A D RD l I^" H0U r SE ' D ™EDIN, close to HOTEL BROKERS rnsi u mce.—len-roomed House, and can accommodate 12 boarders. 14 HIGH STREET, DUNEDIN. BOARDING-HOUSE, SOUTHLAND.-Lease of Splendid House; rent, 14s per week: HOTELS FOR SALE: accommodating 11 boarders. jpOLDFtELDS.-Frcehold HOTEL; fip-ton \X trade-averages £40; largely patronised , Wc . nre piepa red to Assist Suitable Buyers by miners; price £2,00; stock and.furr,, ure at wUh a p ortion o{ ft , ¥nA a ™ valuation. Continuance carried m this dis- required. 11 ' Particulars supplied only to genuine buvers fM-ORTH ot DUNEDIN.-LEASE of really by 1\ Good HOTEL; about 7 years to run; - „ T ~. n „.„,.. .' rent, £3; fine business; £400 goodwill; stock ' &■ ±>. MACASSEY & CO. and furniture at valuation. Situated in sound — ' — 1 district, where Continuance was carried. TOWN, on North Line.-LEASE Capitat ' ' Wedid&l. HOTEL; over seven years' lease; rent, ' ■ — 60s; ingoing, £1100.and stock; business, £30 News for the Asthmatic! MOUNto £35 weekly. Continuance carried in this'; V" TAIN KING ASTHMA'POWDER gives district. immediate .relief in the worst cases. Is NEAR ROXBURGH.-Good HOUSE, long ■ fir APTrp-Q TJ Al bttto ' — lease; rent. £3 10s; goodwill. £400; stock is B 41 PILLS and furniture at valuation; business, £35 Are warranted to cure Gravel, weekly. Continuance carried in this district. Pains in the back, and all kindred complaints. mOWN in SOUTHLAND.-HOTEL; lease, Free from Mercury. Established upwards of -». 7 years; rent, 70s; ingoing, £750; stock, 30 vears. In boxes 4s 6d iach, of all Chemists license at valuation. Good busmess. Apply ~,5 Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the -VTEAR LAWRENCE.-HOTEL of 16 room*. ; .^ oP™'™».0P™'™». *•>• Lincoln and Midbilliard room; nearly 200 acres of gud lancl Count Ks Drug Company, Lincoln, England; steady business; prhc, £1200. Jwid. , 6au TOWN PROPERT7ES FOR SALE: C^ KM V o **** 3 ™ TJATTRAY STREET.-The RESIDENCE T)I.OOD MIXTURE. iS. H TIIF GREAT vwtkuo RESTORKR. perfect drainage svstem; land has frrnlase of , Fo '?' Jl 1 ' 1 . cr ' BARINT ' "* Br '"oD 98JII to Rattray street, and a dentil of 84J[t to from AU ,' it cannot be too highly re, * o Zt"%wrJ to ,77 n * hm V\ y®*** *»•*■ «-- »i mood t^ STREET (off Ceorgc street).- Eczema, and.Sores of all kinds, it is never-failing and O DWELLING, 4 rooms; 2 Sections; £230, permanent euro. CUMBERLAND STREET.-Fine- DWEL R Cures' Old Sore. ' : .. LING of Grooms; bath and all conveni- £" res Ulcerated Soreson the Neck, ences; splendid section; first-class property; S™ {iS£^„r^ ? on the Face. *™»: tMms - (hires Rcnrvr Sores. TJROWN STREET.-Gentlcman's DWEL- . Cures Cancerous Ulcen. -S3 LING ot 8 large rooms; bath, hot and Cures Wood ami RI:W Disease!, cold water; evarv convenience; practicallv ' ; " rel OlwidularSwellings, new; £1100. Large amount can remain on -Cures Hie Blood from all Impure Matter, mort"ar» it K ner i"nr Fromwhatever cause arising, il ri vL rfll ™™« m • . Clarke's Blond Mixture i«H» only real specißc for ]&fAJ«OR PLACE.-RESIDENCE of flout and lllieurnatie Pains, for it removes the cAUSt UJL rooms; plastered throughout; beauii- from Hie Wood 111111 lioncs. ful house; every; £1100. As this Mixture is nleasint to the taste, ant] war. ranted free, from anything injurious to the most deli FARMS FOR SAT.F or! TOT FT f " tc constitution of either sex, (ho proprietors solici iaumb &AUI, uh iu Uhi. sufferers to give it a trial to twt its value. ]VfACRAES.-53G-acre. FARM; all well THOUSANDS OP TESTIMONIAL. ItJL fenced and subdivided: close to cream- Clarke's lllood Mixture is sold in brittle', Ss <M erv; well watered; bargain; £2 per acre. ' each; and in rases containing six times Hie quantity RIVERSDALE.-OJ3 Acres Fine River- w\» bank LAND; close to railway, school, post office, and dairy factory: price, £G. per : i,roxis:Jm..i, Iho tvorM. rrrnirictor*-THE I.IMCOI.N aero; terms-quarter cash, balance at 6 per I AND MIDLAND'COUNTIES 1)11110 COMPANY cent. I.INCOI.N. U.N'GLAND. Trade Mark-" BLOOD TMERI PLAIN.-Finest FARM on (be MIXTURE." „...„,„„, Plain; 50 acres, and all neccssarv Build- ! . insis; a. <rrand pronertv. I Purchasei-s nf Clarlre's Blnod Mixture shonlrl see T'it-citjt ii/i™ir"'riiiiir t r-n i that they fret tbe tremiine article. Worthless iraitaATERI MOUTH-FARM of 700 acres : Unn , ttre % olllet , mas ra | me j oB ~v uimrinchOed Freehold and 100 acres Government j vendor*. Tliewords "Lincoln and,Mlillanrl Counties Leasehold, with Dwelling (4 rooms), Stable, 1 Tir\K Company, Lincoln, England," are eneraved on and Farm Bnildinos; all fenced and sub- ; he Oovernment stamp, and " Clarke's Wor'd-famed 'divided: part black"wl rod pine and totara Nml Mixture" 'Mmi-n in the bottle, WITHOUT hush. The owner will sell at 35s per acre or ' WHICH NONE ARK fIESUIKr, lease at Is fld per acre. A certain income lo a j jy o ~^ oi v e ] m \ M the first apnearance of practical man. lIJ r. bad Cough.take TUSSICURA. It is TO LET.-OTAGO PENINSULA: 35 Acres ' infallible. la of Firsl-class LAND, with DWELLING ~—" and all necessary farm buildings; milk run (24; T> EEC H A M'S PILLS gallons); vent, 'i 7O per aiimrni; ahout tlueo 1 •*-» Cure Bilious'and Nervous Disorders, miles froni Town. { Constipation. Sick Headache, KELSO— We have for SALE an ESTATE I " d , i S e ?, li "l' Dyspepsia, of 220(1 acres of Agricultural and ! And all Stomachic Troubles. Pasloral Laud together with Dwelling of « -jj 33 E0 H A M'S PILLS rooms, da ry. byre, stable, mans hut, sheen- ,JJ Remove Wind andPains'in the Stomach, all in 11-nt order. The Est*.. AronJ( , g , -~, an( , Torpid Livers| is divined into 12 paddocks: the whole of (he y mme , Propfir Ass ! mi i ati o n of Food, land :s ploiwliable except 200 acres., .tins .s ■ strengthen the Stomach. an e::cellpr.t chnnce for anvone desiring a ciic.iii :— . freehold properly, as. owihu to the owner's TJ K E -C H A M'S PILLS. continued ill-health, the price has been reduced .O Make you Look Well, Feel Well, and ' to £2 10« per acre, to effect a prompt sale, Keep Well. Oi:!v £1000 in cash reouirrd; rest arranged. Remove Pimples and Blotches on the JTIOR ABSOLUTE SALE. HAIRY FARM. Skin. . silmted m Leifh Valley, conlaining i-0 Suitable for Old and Young. acres: splendid land: substantial 0-rcomed —~ _ ~"' ~~" p t T, T <3 Dwelling, byre for Bcows: 4J miles from (own. B-? J ' J ' \n A % p ll > >' b Grand low price. Apply at one, & SS^'SErS. Remove (he Result of Over-indulgence. SIEVWRIGHT BROS. & CO., Cure Restlessness and Insomnia. DUNEDIN. T» EEC H A M'S PILLS • D Are Specially Suitable for the REGISTER WITH US. QUICK SALES , Diseases and Ailments Common to GUARANTEED. Improve' the Complexion. Increase in Popularity. Beeeham's Piils have stood the test of over lib years withoiitthe publication of testimonials, as they Recommend Themselves. BEECHAM'S PILLS are sold everywhere, in boxes, Is I}d and 2s 9d, containing 56 Money. i " IJ m Mpßcli "' ? ' ■ ' COCKLE'S PILLS. FOR BILE HOLD and LEASEHOLD SECURI- : : " TIES; 4h per.cent, interest. (TtOCKLE'S PILLS. MILNE, FINDLAY, & WEILL, V ; ' FOR LIVER. T „ „ ~,. „, , Solicitors. COCKLE'S PILLS. Joel s Buildings, 10 Water street. Os FOR ACIDITY fVIJONEY to LEND on Freehold Security ' ill at lowest current rates of interest- .TACKLE'S PH,LS. Adams Bros., solicitors, Exchange Court. .' ■.. ' I'OR HEARTBURN. ' RUST MONEY TO LEND jpOCKLE'S PILLS. On Freehold Security or Municipal Dc- KJ FOR INDIGESTION bentures at Current Rates. The TRUSTEES. EXECUTORS. & AGENCY (TjOCKLE'S PI LL _ S A '_ __,_,__ ; COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND (LTD.). FOR RICK HEADACHE. 250 W. LAURENCE SIMPSON, Manager. PILLS THE PERPETUAL TRUSTEES, ESTATE, KJ IN USE EVERYWHERE. AND AGENCY COMPANY OF NEW • — ZEALAND (LIMITED) has MONEY to jpoCKLE'S PILLS. LEND on Freehold Security *~> FREE FROM MERCURY. At Current Rates. ■ ■ WtLTER HISLOP Mana»er. PILLS, MOUEY TO LEND, IN USD OVLR 94 YEARS. In any sums, on Freehold Securities. In Boxes at Is ljd, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, Us, and 225. MONDY, SIM, & STEPHENS, 2f Solicitors, 123 Princes street. '. nrmusT money to lend on free. 0l M^ak r Yend °- S lh tt^roM - X HOLD SECURITY, — .■■ •, In Large or Small Sums, for Long or Short _ A . floating has been conceived LOWFST rnRRFNT RATES OF by a , n -American, and a fine new sailing LOV.I.ST CURRENT RAlJib Ul Ymng Amoricail) ;, t „ aceflm . rATT,*>j irr-ATT.AW*Y modcto 250 pupils and 25 masters, and lor Solicitors nino months in ever y J" !t wi " be 10llin S Comer Water and Vogel streets happily, about on the ocean wave The idea (Opposite U.S.S. Company's Office), Dunedin. J 5 «"« the scholars should get the ful" , ■ r beiiofit of the sea air at a critical time in . MONEY TO LEND, their-development, arid that by. visits to all — the principal seaboard countries of the Tho' DUNEDIN SAVINGS' -BANK is world tiioy should acquiro useful knowledge prepared to LEND MONEY on TREEHOLD "'L' ,,0 u %? nn6l f "i"' 1 cust<>ras of mm y, J * peonies Tho school oourso coiers a period SECURITY at Lowest Current Rates 0 f f OHr ycarN and (ho fees for this time rRED SMITH 1 woik out at « like a thousand 15a Manager. - pounds.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12551, 3 January 1903, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12551, 3 January 1903, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12551, 3 January 1903, Page 12