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Properties For Said and To let G- AE,II o w &~ s T/E wak t, BANK OP NEW ZEALAND BUILDINGS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS. FOB SALEi ..... FARMS—Wo liflvG severnl (irst-clnaa Ofago Farina. SOUTH DUNEDIN—Good 5-roomed noUSE; dose to tram and handy to' Workshops. Suburban SECTIONS; good situations; reasonable prices DAIRY LANDS-We have, several Blocks of Excellent Land, in Rood North Island districts. CITY—Good HOUSE, 0 rooms; h.p. boiler, bs.lh; "excellent view; flvo minutes from Post Office; a cheap Property. SEASIDE BOARDING-HOUSE lor Sale, to Let, or Lease; easy terms; Cratrclnss connection; sickness cause of disposal. BELLEKNOWES.-Good }, J, and Acre SECTIONS: good view; sunny aspect; cheap. LITTLEBOURNE.-Good 7-roomcd HOUSE; J-acro Section. TO LET: £? I^r I ?F KI) ' HotJSES -- 3 Rooma . jr °ra.V place; S Rooms, Manor place. ST. CLAIR—Good HOUSE, 11 rooms; every convenience; nioderalo rent. WANTED TO PURCHASE: For fruit-growing, 10 ACRE'S or more. • •...•''. HOUSE, G rooms, North Ditiredin; also, 9 or 10 rooms, North Dunedin- House ot 7 rooms, near Octagon; G Rooms, Roilyn. MONEY TO LEND. INSURANCES (FIRE and ACCIDENT) EFFECTED. PAR K, REI N OLDS, & C 0., MANSE STREET, DUNEDIN. AUCTIONEERS, LAND SALESMEN. COMMISSION AGENTS, VALUATORS AND ARBITRATORS. Properties Sold by Auction or Private Treaty. The Sale and Purchase ot Hotel Pronertv ™T'' Y „ r C1 w 1 ?- , "S" 9 i 1 " 1 "!-- Vnlnalioiwof Hotel Furm'luro ami Sln>* made, filiations Made for Probate, Loan, and olhor purposes. Partnerships Adjusted. Properties Advertised in this Column Free ot Cliarpo. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING HOTELS FOR. SALEGOLDFIELDS HOTEL. Cromwell District.; doin.r a firsl-'olass (radc- XIOJO MINING DISTRICT-FREEHOLD BAKERV. BUTCHERy! and BTOR# in splendid >° c ? &> »"™K'"f P« annum. Inline, about £2000 (halt cash). FREEHOLD HOTEL, on Main Railway line, with capital trade; salcvards; 40 acres splendid land; £2400; stock, furniture at valuationGOLDFIELDS HOTEL and B0 ACHES and STONE.BUILDINGS; 14 rooms, stable.; gold-mining district; .-MO; Mock and Furniture at valuation. ' • OTaGO CENTRAL—Splendid HOUSE, averaging about X6O per week; railway communica1^1 ' FllU Particulars on application. GOLDFIELDS TOWN-BRICK HOTEL (9 r00m.,) and FREEHOLD; ingoing, lump sum, £800; terms arranged if necessary. An easilv-run place. ABBOTBFORD—Opposite railway station, " THE PINES." a'beautiful property of nearly 4 acres, exquisitely laid out; flower garden, orchard; hollow-wal! concrete Hou'e, 10 rooms; bay windows; bathroom, stables, coachhouse, etc., etc.; splendid orchard and kitchen garden. One of (lie best suburban properties near Dunedin. No charge is made if no sale is cflectcd. N, & E - s - PAT-ER SO N, LICENSED SURVEYORS. LAND BROKERS, ESTATE AGENTS, Etc., 73 PRINCES' STREET. FOR SALE: We have Two Commodious RESIDENCES, with 2 or 3 acres of ground, within two miles of Post Office, from £2000 to £2500. Full particulars on application. CITY.-Dul:o street: Nice G-roomcd RESIDENCE, with modem conveniences; bath, hot . water, copper and tubs built in, etc; with large Section, over Vacre; £773. ClTY—Lcca street: Comfortable HOUSE of 5 rooms; bav window and verandah front, . with bathroom, etc.; on Freehold Section; must ho sold,'owner'leaving: U% CITY.-North end: Two Choice RESIDENCES, 8 rooms, for Private Sale; particulars on personal application only. ROSLYN.-Handsome Modern RESIDENCE.of 8 rooms, with bath (hot and cold water), gas, electric bells, largo rooms; lovely view; on Freehold Section; bargain; £850. ROSLYiY-Beta street: HOUSE, 5 rooms; bathroom, scullery,- lraslihouso, copper and tubs built in; ground 4-acrc; cheap; £450. STREET (just above Cathedral)._HOUSE, G rooms, scullerv, etc.; bay window and verandah; J-acre Section; nice garden; £07n. ROSLYN—Bishopscourt: New HOUSE. 5 rooms; bathroom, naillry, scullery, i. and c. water, electric bells, and all other modern conveniences; £525. ROSLYN._CIK.ap Home fpr Family: HOUSE of 7 rooms; washliouse. copper and tubs built in; large Section; sunny aspect; just off High street; £75 deposit, balanco arranged on easy terms; price, £525. FARM, over 100 acres Freehold. 11 miles from Town, with a First-class DWELLING; stable, bvres, etc.; price, £430; deposit, £100. TO LET: ; ■> ROSLYN—Bishouscourt: HOUSE. 5 rooms; modern conveniences. ROSLYN (Best Parti-8-ronmed HOUSE: modern conveniences. MOUNT\-GTON._fi ROOMS; ail conveniences ROSLYN.-SIX ROOMS; all conveniences. . john ¥~eTd ~k SONS, ESTATE AGENTS, VALUATORS, ARBITRATORS, SHAREBROKERS, SURVEYORS, Leases, Mortgages, and Transfers.Prepared. „ ,„, "^ll^"; 1 ; A ,*j 3.93. TOWN OF ARDEN.-SECTIONS 10 and 3-172. 175-ACRE FARM, 14 miles from Dun- 11 Block VI. edin, and 11 miles from railway station; 3-15.1. RORT,YN.—The Two Best VACANT in six paddocks; 4-roomed House, stable, STTES in High street. barn, byre, etc. Price, 50s per acre. 3-04. HTLLENil—Really Good FARM of 230 3-171. SOUTH DUNEDIN.-Choice Freehold acres, with comfortable buildings; mice. PROPERTY, containing 4 rooms, bath- 70s per acre, clso 300 Acres without liniltjTOom, scullerv. washliouse (with fixed cop- in<">: in rend heart; nricc, 45* r*r acre. per and tubs), Shacklock range, fixed 3.130. WATTCARV—OOO-ACRE FARM, in 3 • dresser in kitchen;' let at 12a a week. paddocks; 3-ronnied Cottage; plantations, Price £-220. and terms if desired. , etc.: £(01; a harmiin. 3-ICB. DUNEDIN.-Cbarming RESIDENCE 8.124. MUSSELBURGH—Choice SECTION in London street, containing 8 rooms, bath in TrinrM slreet; £fio. (hot and cold), and all conveniences, with 3.110. BRlGHTON—Siilendid FARM of '.GO J-acre land; view unsurpassed. A rare acres, in good hnrt; superior buildings; opportunity. suit retired party or practical farmor. 3-148. MOERAKI.-Two - roomed COTTAGE, 210. HTTNEnTN--Ru««ell stmt: 2 good with }-acrc land, in best position: between HOUSES of 0 .ivd 3 rooms respectively: (he properties of J. R. Sinclair, Esq., and cm I l»r?»>n f(SO. Mrs Mnrcntt, 3.151 Large GENERAL STORE; doing capi--8-184. rrEOROF. STREET NORTH—Pretty tal business. Brick RESIDENCE, 5 rooms; bath, wash- 3.123 TnWEDIN-Snlimdid Freehold PRO- . house, copper, etc. Full particulars bn PF.RTY. centre ot town, villi Dwelling. application. • '~ radii-"!"!» *< lis a week: a bare-niii: £2000 3-liri. DUNEDIN-Splendid HOUSE of 5 S-114 UUNEDIN-Kn-ierinrNewßayWindow rooms (plastered); rlmrming view; five Verjnflnh HOUSF. corner Dniidas and minutes from Post Office: £500. (hilt streets: mils(he sold; great barnain-2-7. HELENSBURGH TOWNSHIP.-Cheap W™. T 0 LET ° ' SECTIONS. 101 Acres 1 Rood 23 Poles. wi»h 6-roomcd 3,159. PINE ITTLL—SO ACRES, about five House, stable, bam. 12-stalled .byre, etc.; miles iron: City; Hut and Stable; bargain ■ n,, e miyfrnm Mcrton Creamery. -£200. BROCKVILLE (Kaikor«\.-4.l ACRES; low 3-161. ST. KILDA.-Vacant SECTIONS for >»nt tn irn P r P v,.,„>„,, nT . SALE 0- LEASE. FURNISHED HOUSES -Several we'l-fur-S-15n. ST. CLAIR.-BEST SITE in this nished Residences in city and suburbs. favourite suburb for. a gentleman's rcsi- VACANT HOUSES—Splendid House, 20 dence: area, la Ir 28.4n: bargain. room«, ■$K Clair, charming grounds: 3-IS4. DUNEDIN.-HALF-ACRE in Cumber- superior ResMence and 4 'acres land. land street, with Lnrsc and Substantial Anderson's Bay; 8 rooms. Soroenfino BUSINESS PREMISES, covering half avenue; 4 rooms. St. Kftta; Cargi" strept. the land. H-rooms; George street, 9 rooms; St. Clair 3-141. ROSLYN.—LoveIv Oiurrter.ncre' SEC- ■ ' room?. . ■ TION, with good HOUSE of 8 rooms, in Two VT 'ATS in Pvinc-. street; centre of city; best part of Bruce street; a. bargain, £550. nnssession Ist February; would eu'b--3-153. CAVERSHAM.-Stonc HOUSE of 7 .'liv!d» if necessary. large rooms, and J-acre land; close to rail- Several FARMS, from -<i to 12Si acres. Full way station. particulars and conditions of lease from us 3-145. HOICONUI DISTRTCT.-Good FARM NORMANBY, NORTH-EAST VALLEY --' of 200 acres, four and a-half miles from Dairy FARM of (in acres; all in grass; Gore, in several Haddocks, with 4-roomed ryiod dwelling and lar»e byre. house. 8-stall stable, barn, etc. A great ' MONEY tc LEND on FREEHOLD bargain, £800; ana terms if desired. SECURITY at 5 per cent. .TORN EEID & SONS, CORNER BOND AND LIVERPOOL STREETS. D, M. F I~A & Gj o7 RATTRAY STREET, DUNEDIN, AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, VALUATORS, Etc. We have the following PROPERTIES FOR SALE:— MACLAGGAN STREET.-G-roomcd DWELLING; scullery; latest conveniences; nice front section; will be sold a bargain. . ... Several Nice DWELLINGS For SALE-South Dunedin, Roslyp, and Noil-h-Enst Vallev WOODHAUGH.-£100: J-acre SECTION; 2-roomed COTTAGEIj a nicef cheap little\o- - < ■ L i 250: }-acro SECTION; outhouses, fruit garden; close to -Moraington tramshedj- a n'co building site. , First-class BISCUIT BRAKE, to work with either steam or hand power MECHANIC STREET, N.E. Vallcy.-5-roomed HOUSE; two hothouses; three Sections bowling green; grounds highly improved: all modern conveniences. ' ELM SECTION: 8-roomed House, with modem conveniences; a nice wonerlv Corner MELVILLE and WALKER STREETS.-Two-storey Brick DWELLING, 7 roomsshop and workshon; will be sold cheap. . ' ST. CLAIR.-1-acre SECTION; Dwelling. 7 rooms; h. and c. water; modern conveniences Wc have Several HOTELS on our hooks for Sale in Town and Counlry. ALLANTON.—IO-4 ACRES; C-roomed Dwelling; all nece«sarv outbuildings. KURIBUSH.-52 ACRES: G-roomed Dwelling; and oulbiiil'din»s. AKATORE.-500 ACRES; first-class grain, pasture, or turnip land. TAIERT PLAIN.—SOO ACRES; the best and most highly-improved property on the Taieri. PROPERTIES BOUGHT or SOLD on behalf of Clients. Loans Negotiated. Auction Sales conducted in town and counlry. All business entrusted to us will have careful attention. We Advertise in this Space Free of Charge to our Clients. ' . . Telephone No. 822. ' .

LAND AGENCY -■ A. WASHER 1 CO., HIGH STREET; .ROSLYN, AUCTIONEERS, LAND, ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENTS, VALUATORS, Elo, We have the following PROPERTIES for SALE:ROSLYN, FREDERICK STR,EET.-7-roomed HOUSE; bath, every convenience; splendid situation; largo section; close, to tram. BISHOPSCOURT—S-roomed HOUSE; lovely view; every convenience; new. ROSLYN.—WeII-built 4-roomcd HOUSE; fireplace' in every room; washliouse tubs etc.£360; a rare bargain. ROSLYN—7-roomed HOUSE; every convenience; dose to train;'£6 0 5 • ROSLYN, FORTH STREET—Neat 4-roomcd HOUSE; scullery, etc.; a bargain ROSLYN, NEWINQTON—Seven-roomed HOUSE; fronting electric tram; bathroom; all conveniences. ROSLYN, BETA STREET—Splendid 7-roomed-HOUSE; bath, scullery, hot and cold water, pantry, etc, TO LET, 7 and 8-roomcd HOUSES (hotand cold-water, every convenience) in Roslyu. TO LET, SHOP and DWELLING, City road, Roslyn. Persons wishing to PURCHASE HILL PROPERTIES should first. COMMUNICATE WITH US, as wo confine our business strictly to Roslyn and surrounding districts. We ADVERTISE PROPERTIES FREE OF CHARGE. MONEY TO LEND ON APPROVED SECURITIES. AUCTION SALES CONDUCTED IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. Telephone 1370. B U S T O N & PATTERSON (Business Established 1861), ALBION CHAMBERS, 41 DOWLING STREET, ESTATE, FINANCIAL, AND INSURANCE AGENTS. PROPERTIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS FOR SALE. MONEY TO LEND at Current Rates; TERMS to suit BORROWERS. PURCHASERS FOUND FOR EVERY CLASS OF PROPERTY. • READY INVESTMENT FOUND FOR LENDERS on FIRST-CLASS SECURITIES, '' RENTS and INTEREST Collected; ESTATES MANAGED. BUBTON & PATTERSON, ACCOUNTANTS, VALUATORS, ATTORNEYS, TRUSTEES, AND LICENSED LAND BROKERS.' MORTGAGES and TRANSFERS PREPARED.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 12551, 3 January 1903, Page 12

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Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12551, 3 January 1903, Page 12

Page 12 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 12551, 3 January 1903, Page 12