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The last shipment of machinery for the Vincent Extended dredge wa3 landed by the Mokoia- yesterday, and will go forward to the claim without delay. Messrs ■ Tonkin and Co. have the forwarding of thiscdiupnny's niaohi-

The Secrelary of .the Nelson Creek Gold Dredging Company reports that advice, dated the 20th inst., has been received.from the Uredgemaster, who is now on the claim, that the contractor's gang of men have arrived at Greymbuth, and that-erection of the machinery will be gone on with at once.

The Secretary of the Endeavour Gold Dredging Company repoitc that the pontoons for the dredge are well advanced, and will be month. The engine and a large portion of the machinery have gone forward to the claim,"and'*the contractors are pushing on with the balance ofthe machinery. An Auckland telegram states that', the return from the Kauri Freehold Gold Estates for four weeks is 11340z .bullion, valued at £2323, from 1753 tons of stone crushed and 1564 tons by the cyanide process;-

The directors ot the Miller's Flat-Electric Dredging Company held an informal'meeting on Tuesday, 2ith iust., to receive'Mr White's (the late dredgemaster's) report. After a short discussion a retirement was made to Wain's Hotel, where a, nice little dinner ..was' held as a parting to Mr White, who is leaving to take charge of the Government sanatorium, electrical work at Rotorua. The Chairman, in wishing Mr White every success in his new position, commented on the valuable services rendered to the company, and thanked him on-, behalf of the directors and shareholders for the efficient way and energy displayed: by him in bringing the dredge to its-present position. Mr John Riley also spoke, .and expressed his regret at losing'the services of so promising and capable a gentleman, and'also called to mind the pleasing reminiscence that he owed his life on. one occasion. to Mr White's services. Mr White, in-reply,- regretted having to sever his'connection with the company, but he felt sure he was doing, right'in the course he had taken.' Among other things he felt bound to say 'that he. had left everything in working trim, so that lio time would be lost in getting to work as soon., as .the contractors delivered the elevator and screen, which were, lie. understood, well in hand. Ho was pleased the directors had appointed .Mr Milson to succeed him; as he felt sure they would not find a more competent, careful, or painstaking dredgemaster on the river—at least this was his opinion after nine years of experience with him. Altogether a very enjoyable evening was spent,< and the meeting broke'up at' a quarter to 11 o'clock.

The'prosiDecting of the Cornish Point claim by boring is being gone 'on with' (gays the Cromwell Times), and in the first bore put down we hear bottom was found at a deoth of 22ft. ■ .


Sales were effected yesterday at the following premiums:—Bendigo, 10s; Endeavour, 0s; Monte Christo, 10s 3d; Nelson- Creek,. 18s Gd; 'Paotolus No. 2, Is; Pitetolus No. 3> 2d and par: River Molyneux, 9s Gd; Royal Maori, Is; Teviot, Gel. Sales also'took place, at the fol:o\ying prices:—Central Electric, £3 17s, £3 17s 6d, and £3 15s; Cromwell,' £4 17s. and £4 17s 6d;- Dunstan Lead,. 345, 32s . 6d,'.815, and 30s; Electric, £2 13s; Gold Queen, 37s 6d; Haitley and Riley, £10 lls Gd and .£lO 15s; Junction Electric, £2: 5s and £2 5s Gd; Leviathan, 35s 6d; Magnetic,' £3-Is'6d and £3 Is; Moa Flat, 22s and 20s; Upper Magnetic, 26s 6d; Vincent, £3 lls, £3 10s, £3 9s (10 shares), £3 8s (5 shares), £3 Is and £3.; Vincent Extended, £2 Is 6d; In' addition to the above -ales were recorded at the following discounts: Arthur's Point, 4s; Island Creek, :2s; Ponsonby, Is.

The following are yesterday's latest quotations, subject to the usual brokerage: — Ahaura River—Buyers, par, sellers 5d p.

Alexandra Lead—Sellers Gs p.

Alpine Consols—Buyers £1 16s 3d, sellers £1

Alpine No. 2—Selleis £2. • Arrow Junction—Sellers Is 6d p. Arthur's Point—Sellers 3s dis. Bannockburn,Creek (paid)— Buyers 6s, sellers

BiackwiUev—Sellers 6d p. ' " Blue, Bell—Sellers la dis. ; . Britannia—Buyers Is dis, sellers par. Broad Creek—Sellers Is p. Cairmnuir—Buyers 9s, sellers 10s p. Central Charlton—Sellers par. Central Electric—Buyers £3.155, sellers £i. Central Magnetic-^-Buyers par, sellers 9d p. Charlton Creek—Buyers £1 4s, Chatto Creek—Buyers £1, sellers £1 Bs. Clyde—Sellers £4 10s. Cornish Foint-^-Buyers 3s dis. Cromwell—Buyers £4 13s, sellers £4 18s 6d. Dobi-on No. 2—Sellers Is p. Dunedin—Sellers 9s. ' Dimstan Lead—Buyers £1 9s,'sellers £1 10s 6(1.

Eclipse—Buyers 9s Gd, sellers 10s 6d p. Electric—Buyers £2 12s 6cl, sellers £2 13s Gd. Electric Extended—Buyers 13s 3d, sellers 16s 9d.

Extended Fourteen-mile Beach—Buyers 2s GcV p.

Ericksou's Reward—Buyers 5s Gd, sellers S3 p.

Evans Flat—Buyers £1.. First Chance—Buyers 18s 6d, sellers £1. Foley's Creek—Buyers' 2s, fid, .sellers 3s p. Fourteen-mile Beach—Buvera £1 18s 6d, sellers. £2 Is. - ■ Galtce More—Buyers 5s 9d, sellers Gs. Galvanic—Buyers £1 2s, sellers.£l 4s. Gibb's-.Beach—Buyers 4s, sellers 3s dig. Gold King—Buyers 3s, sellers 5s Gd p. Gold Queen —Buyers £1 15s, sellers £1 17s. Golden Beach—Buyers £1 ss, sailers £2. Golden Bed—Buyers £1 0s 6d, sellers £1 4s. Golden Link—Buyers 15s, sellers lGs 6d. Golden Mile—Sellers Is Gd dis. Golden Molyneux—Sellers Gd p. Golden Point—Buyers £1 2s Gd, sellers £1 3s 6cl.

Golden Roxburgh—Buyers ss, sellers 2s dis. Grand^Junetion —Sellers 6d dis. Great Beach—Sellers 3s dis. - Great Centra!— Buyers 7s Gd, sellers.9s p. Greenstone Junction—-Buyers 23 p.' ' Grey River Consolidated—Buyers 3s, sellers 4s p. ■ '

Halfway House—Buyers £1 13s Gd, sellers £1 18s.

Hartley and Ri'.ey—Buyers £10 Us 6d, sellers .CJO 14s. Hokilika Extended—Sellers par. Holdfika River—-Buyers 2s p. Inch-holme—Sellers Is p. Island Creek—Buyers 2s 6d, sellers 2s dis. Junction Electric—Buyers £2 5s 6d sellers £2 Gs Gd. •Jutland Flat—Sellers 3s. Kelly and Casey—Buyers 6s 4id, sellers 7s 3d p. Klondyke—Buyers Ba. Kphinoor—Buyers 3s .'id, sellers 6s p. Lawrence—Sellers £2 ss. Leaning Rock—Sellers 3s dis. Leviathan—Buyers £1 15s Gcb

Maerewhenua—Sellers par. Magnetic—Buyers £3, sellers £3 2s. Manuherikia —Btiyers £5 10s, sellers £5 13s Gd.

Meg and Annie—Buyers £2 5s 6d, sellers £2 7s 6d. JVlerrimac —Sellers £1 8s 6d. Moa Flat—Buyers 18s 6d, sellers £1 Is. Nelson Creek—Sellers £1 p. New Alexandra —Sellers £1 Is. New River—Buyers Is, sellers 3s 3d p. Ngapara No. 3—Sellers £1 5s 6d. North Beach—Buyers 6d dis, sellers 3d p. Nugget—Sellers 9s. Orwell Creek—Sellers 8s p.

Pactolus No. 3 —Buyers lid dis, sellers 3d p. Riley's Beach—Sellers £1 15s. Bise and Shine—Sellers Is p. Ross Flat—Sellers. 2s dis. Roxburgh Jubilee—Sellers 5s 9d p. Ruby—Sellers Is dis. Sailors' Bend—Buyers £2 Bs, sellers £2 lls. Saltwater Creek—Buyers Is, sellers 6d dis. Second Magnetic—Sellers £1 19s. Teviot —Sellers Is p. Upper Magnetic—Buyers £1 6s 6d, sellers £1 9s. Victory—Sellers 3s 3d p. Vincent—Buyers £2 17s 6d, sellers £3. Vincent Extended—Buyers £1 19s, sellers £2 3s. Waimumu —Buyers £1 ss, sellers £1 7s 6d. Waimumu Central—Sellers 83 p. Waimumu Extended—Sellers 19s. Westland—Sellers 3d p. OTAGO STOCK EXCHANGE. Sales were made yesterday at the following premiums:—Boundary Creek, 3s 9d; Electric Extended, 16s; Gentle Annie, 9s; Grey River Consolidated, 2s 9d; Kelly and Casey (new issue), 6s Kd. Sales also took place at the following prices:—Central Electric, £3 17s 6d; Hartley and Riley, £10 15s; Junction Electric, £2 ss; Vincent, £3 lls 6d. The following are yesterday's latest quotations : — Ahaura River—Sellers 6d p. Aldinga—Sellers Is p. Alexandra Lead—Sellers 8s p. Alpine Consols—Buyers £1 16s 9d, sellers £1 19s. Alpine No. 2—Sellers £2. Bald Hill Flat—Sellers par. Beauruont Lead—Sellers Jd dia. Bendigo—Sellers lls 6d p. Big Flat —Sellers par. Boundary Creek—Sellers 6s p. Brandy jacks—Sellers par.Cairnmuir—Buyers 10s, sellers 12s 6c! p. Central Electnc—Buyers £3 16s '6d, sellers £;{ 19s. Charlton Creek—-Buyers £1 ss. Cromwell—Sellers £d. iJunedm—Sellers lls. ■ Electric—Buyers £2 12s, sellers £2 17s. J'Jlectric Extended—Sellers 17s 6d p. Endeavour-—Buyers Ss, sellers 10s p. Evans Flat—Sellers £1 4s. • Excelsior —Sellers Is p. First ■Taieri—Sellers Is dis. Fourteen-mile Beach—Sellers £2 ss. Gal tee More—Buyei'd 5s 3d, sellers 6s 6cl. Galvanic —Sellers £1 6s. Gentle Annie—Sellers as 6d p. Oibb's Beach—Sellers 17s. Gold Czar—Sellers par. Gold Creek—Sellers 15s. Gold Deposit—Sellers par. Gold Kii;g—Buyers 3s, sellers 6s p. Gold Queen—Sellers £1 18s. / Golden Bed.—Sellers £1 ss. .Golden Molyneux—Sellers 3s 6d p. Golden Vein—Sellers Is dis. Great Central—Buyers Ss 3d, sellers lls p. Great Western—Sellers 6d p. Greenstone Creek —Sellers' iss p. Halfway Heuse—Sellers £2 Is. Hartley find Kiley—Buyers £10, sellers £10 12s 6d. Inoh-holrue—Sellers Is p.

Inch Valley—Sellers £1 15s. Junction Electric—Buyers £2 4s, sellers £2 7s

Klondyke—Buyers 10s Gd. Last Chance—Sellers par. Leaning Rock—Sellers par. Leviathan—Buyers £.1 13s, sellers £1 16s. Magnetic—Sellers £3 ss. Maori King—Sellers Is p. Meg and Annie—Sellers £2 Bs. Moa Flat—Buyers 19s, sellers £1 3s. Nelson Creek—Sellers £1 Is p. . New Alexandra—Sellers £1 Gs. New, Rive Is p. No Town Creek—Sellers 4s Gd p. Olrig—Sellers £1. Orwell Creek—Sellers 7s p. Otago—Sellers £1 10s. Otama —Sellers par. Pactolus No. 2—Buyers par, sellers 2s p. Reeves' Proprietary—Sellers £1 Is' 6d. Richard's Beach—Sellers £1 7s. ' Riverbank—^Sellers 15s, River. Molyneux—Sellers 12a p. Second Magnetic—Buyers £1 14s, sellers £1 |173 Gd. Shotover—Sellers par. . Stillwater Creek —Sellers par. Tacon's Cardrbns—Sellers Is 6d p. Three-mile Greenstone—Sellers 2s 3d p. Vincent—Buyers £2 19s, sellers £3 10s. ', Vincent Extended—Buyers £2 2s 6d, sellers £2 4s Gd. Waipuna—Buyers 2s Gd p. Wet Lead—Sellers par.

'Willoughby Cardrona—Sellers 2s p, Yellowstone—^Sellers Is p.

THE EQUITABLE STOCK EXCHANGE report as follows:— '

Sales.—Gunton's Beach,, par; : Junction Electric, £2 5s 6d; Meg and Annie, £2 7s 6d; River Molyneux, 10s p; Vincent, £3 13s. Buyers.—Electric, £2 ■ 15s; Enterprise, £5; Golden Falls, Is 6d p; Golden Point, 225; Great Central, 7s p; Hartley and Riley, £10 10s; Meg and Annie, £2 6s 6d; River Molyneux, 9s p; Second Magnetic, £1 10s; Teviot, Is p; Vincent, £3 10s.

Sellers.—Ahnura River, 9d p; Alpine Consols, £2. Alpine No. 2, £1 19s; Blue Bell, par; Central Charlton, Is p; Dunedin, lls; Electric, £2 18s Sd; First Taieri, 2s dis; Golden Chain, 6;1 p;' Golden* Falls, 7s p; Golden Mile, 2s dis; Golden Reward, par; Golden Ripple, Is p; Golden River, 2a 6d p; G olden Run, £2 15s; Grand Junction, Is p; Great Central, 10s p; Grey River Consolidated, 4s p; Hartley and Riley, £11; Inch-holme, 2a Gd p; Magnetic, £3 2s 6d; Meg and Annie, £2 10s; Moa Fiat, 235; No Town N0..2, 3d p; Olrig, 245; Orwell Creek, 6s; Gd 'y>;, Premier Waikaka, Is 6d p; Prince Imperial,'2s dis;-Reeves' Proprietary, 22s 6d; Richard's Beach, 28s; River .Molyneux, 12s p; Teviot, '2s ,'p; Vincent, £3 15s; Vincent Extended, £2 10s; Vulcan, Is p; West Matau, Is dis; Wca Lead, Is dis; Woodstock, 3s-p.

NUGGET GOLD DREDGING COMPANY. The adjourned meeting of shareholders in the Nugget Gold Dredging Company (Limited) was he-Id, last night in the Dunedin Stock Exchange room. Over 30 shareholders were pre- ' sept, and Mr R. J. Hudson, chairman of directors presided. Resolutions to the following effect were, after consideration, of the position of the company's affairs, put before the meeting separately by various shareholders, and unanimously adopted:—" 1. That the directors ask the shareholders to join them in a guarantee to the bank to the extent of £2000. 2. That the directors bo empowered, in case the bank will net entertain the proposal for an advance to pay the liabilities of the company, to issue debentures to shareholders in such form as they may think proper. 3. That the directors wait on Messrs James Gray and John Paterson, who are vendors, with a view to get them to join them in guaranteeing the batik, and 50 obtain for the company the necessary relief, d. That the t directors, after making satisfactory arrangements financially, be empowered to engage a competent dredgemaster to work the dredge, especially where the £ood returns were got, and follow same into the banks."

In response to the' first resolution a number of shareholders—business men of influence and good standing in the city—intimated their readiness to join in the proposed guarantee, and their names were accordingly added to those of the present directors. Most, if not all, of the shareholders present appeared to be very strongly of opinion that the claim had not been sufficiently tested, and many expressed the opinion that, under the management of a thoroughly competent and experienced dredgemaster and by using the elevator, good ar,d payable returns could be obtained by-working into the flat where leads of gold are known to exist. In reply to a question, it was stated by Mr W. A. Smith (representative of the consulting engineer) that the dredge was capable of carrying an elevator of much larger dimension." than the present one if such should be found necessary, but such a contingency was not at all probable.

NOTES FROM ALEXANDRA. (From Our Own Correspondent.)


Messrs Nees and Co. supply the following report to the Herald on the undermentioned dredges, foi whicli they are contractors: — Fraser Flat Company: A proper start was made on Tuesday. Sixteen mcii arc employed on the pontoons, which will be the largest in the colony, being 126 ft long, 9Jft deep, and 51ft wide overall. Each pontoon will be divided into six water-tight compartments. Arrow Junction Company: The whole of the framing is up, the bottoms are in. and the men are busy caulking. Central Charlton Company: The re-erection of this dredge is pretty well finished, .and will shortly be handed over to the company. Waitaliunn Gully Company: The timber is all 011 the claim, nncl the construction of the pontoons will bo commenced shortly. British Lion Company: The timber is being carted to the claim. Broad Creek Company: All the timber is in Dunedin, and as soon as the roads are in better order the carriers will convey it to the claim. Enficld Company:

ECZEMA, MOST TORTURING OF SKIN humours, is instantly relieved, and speedily, permanently, and economically cured by warm baths witii Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, gentle anointings with Cuticura Ointment, the great skin cure, to instantly allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and noothe and heal, followed by full deses of Cuticura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse th 3 blood, when physicians, hospitals, and all other remedies fail. More great cures of torturing, disfiguring Eczema are daily made by the Cuticura treatment than by all other ston and blood remedies combined. Price, the Set, Ga; or, Soap, In; Ointment, 2s Gd; Resolvent. 2s Gd ; all chemists. *

The timber is lying at Cutram, and as soon as the roads permit it will be carted on to tho claim. Bucklerburu Company: All the timber is now lying in Dunedin awaiting a favourable opportunity to be despatched to the claim.

]\ TOTES FROM CLYDE. (From Oub Own Correspondent.)

CLYDE, July 2G. The Molyneux is little over 2ft above the normal.

A meeting of shareholders in the West Matau Company is called for Saturday night to consider what, steps should be taken to wind up the company.

The boiler for the Alpine Consols dredge is on the road, and a quantity of machinery for the Vincent Extended dredge. A large quantity of machinery for the Blue Duck Company is lying at Kanfurly and Wedderburn.

The JXatau dredge is waiting for a new screen.

The Klondyke dredge will resume shortly. The Meg and Annie Company's dredge is expected to be in full going order in a fortnight.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11796, 27 July 1900, Page 6

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MINING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11796, 27 July 1900, Page 6

MINING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11796, 27 July 1900, Page 6