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. .. : . "■ ■■!Second Day— Tuesday. ■ 'i ■". Good;'progress was'made with this tournament j yesterday, and. nearly all the events "are now maa forward state.,; The weather,; though rather | cold, was- nne^'but a'^ strong wind during a poritioa of! the JSfternoon rendered play somewhat difficult. '.A1- good many spectators were pre.sent during the afternoon, and among them was a iargeproportion of ladies.I. In the gnnie 'between Miss Campbell and Miss Lean- the latter''played witlr.'.great steadiness, and made but few..mistake's," while' Miss Campbell played ''brilliantly at times,v but appeared ■ to;, become fatigued towards the close.-- A very close game took , place, between . Fisher, and J. M.. Marshall and Garaia and F.. Wilding in the •Men's Championship .'Doubles;-the'former winning after an obstinate fight.: In thc'Champion Singles Fisher and .Salmond both'hit hard, and there were some" capital rallies. Fisher played. ! close up..tq for the most .'part,-, and Salmond's, driving, .was. a conspicuous feature of - his:play. The game .between the other Fisher and.'Gore close/ Fisher, picking.up ; some1 of Gore's sharp-cuts very cleverly. Gore '• played splendidly, his. placing being especially good, a3 ;will be seen from' the scores. They- . played four sets. The feature,of the game between. Collins and C. Gore was the volleying of tho former." The event of the afternoon was the meeting of Parker and Cox, and great interest was taken in the game, eSioh player being ' awarded:-. hearty»i'ffpplause from' time ■to time.',ye a^i^rendid exhibition of tennis.r':A; 1 'noticeable feature,,was the. manner Cox followed.up his first:service and smashed Parker's:'return. His'table hand strokes'were low and 'very.well placed. It may ~be said with safety-that his-smashing "was almost' perfect.' •His service"; was also'very good, and his drives' y wet2 ; nearly,; if- nos as,good), as jParker^.s....J-Par.*; ■ Tier's; driving, was His- best}point, ■ but:-his' baok-s." hand play was not,so strong ,as usual.' He seldom played .up to, the net, ..and the few volleys he had were not taken well. In.the Ladies' Cha'mpibnshipl*i)oubles the ' Misses 'Simpson . ; played '; exce'e3inglys';weH, but Miss' Nunneley wa6:well:siipportod';byiher -partner, and.: the' , combination,was;-altbgether too strong;.'. .-/.;: ■ .- .;. To-day there'will be some interesting events, played,, chief amorig.them.ieing-.the Champion, DoubleI'between Cox' ana 'Collins1 and.'Parker and P. MarsKull, and the Champion Single be-: tween>J.l'M. ''and Cox. 'Spectators will', also; have an opportunity -of witnessing the play .of Miss.Nunneley. j ; : / ••-.-• ' .;' The following are tho results of yesterday's Play:— '..'. .'^■. J ■ ■ ■■..; •■■ ■ •':- ■ •:' -MEN'S' CHAMPIONSHIP; SINGLES.. ■ : '::. ':.'.,. ) ■.., First Bound ',":': ■'..■ .. . H. ; M: ; Gore: beat R.; ,P. ..Ward,"6—l/' 6—o. ' .Ward .then retffe,d.'■'., '. ' - W.E: Fisher beat C. F. Salmond,'6—3; 6— i) ' 6— i. r" -■••,■'.%.:'/•■'■ '■ vr'v; ■'-":: :■ '■ '■'■ 1 -~:. -i.:. : ''.Second' Round.! , '- ' G. St. G;I'Gore, beat F. Fisher, ,o^-6/ 6—4, 6—l ,I—G, 7—5.. ' ■■;., :■ ~ ~•■" ~i ~'., ,-. .-," ■:- C.'Cox beat::fl, A. Parker, 4—6,- 6—3, 6-^l,----6-3.' ■ '.. .I, ■;■ /■■• .;" - .■.';■■ J.-M. Marshall, beat W: E. Fisher, £-3,' 6—l, ;&_o.- ; .: \ ,:: ■■"'■■' '■'-- '' ;■. •■"■ '=■ ''; •• ': •" ■• ■■■■■<■ '■:■ -/.Third Bound. ■''■•:■'■ ■•!■' •' J;. TJ. iCpliins beat ,C. St. G. .Gore, 6—0,. 13—XI, e-r2.\ ; ..| .'.•-. -• -. .-: .-. , ■ -.-. J: ■••.■■ Peacock, beai E. Salmond; 6—i, 6— i. '■' LADIES' "CHAMPIONSHIP SINGLES. .">.', ~ <■';■. .First' Round. '.;.'. .'. ... ~ ■:' • Miss LoanI,beat Miss Campbell, 6-^-1, 2—6, 6-^:-: '■• . ■'■■ ;.'• ..'.■'.■ ■.■ ■' ■■'■■-' '■ ■' '■■" ■ .-, MEN'S ■CHAMPIONSHIP DOUBLES. •; ■ '-: .■-•■ ■' ;'/;:- i: First Rrand.'.;' ,'•" '•"'■ '' ■ G. Branson and C. Broad beat W. J. Barlow and C. ■>. Salmond):- 6—4,: 2---6, 6-rl, 6—2. ■ , , •' V- • ".'■'• ''■ Second .Round.' .: , : '.'" • F. M.-;B.VFisher- and JV M.'.Marshall- beat Garsia.and F; Wilding, 7—5,. 67-^, 6^4. .: H." A..:-ParVer ,>ns , P,. 'Marshall..beatL W.; M'Dpnald and'A. T. Spain; 6—4, 67-2, 6—o.' " k' ■ C. i:C:;Coi-''a'nd':J-. -N-'Collms beat Ward1 and Borrows/:6^-l, J'6^l, 7-is.:' . «-;-'- -- :-'- ■'■-■■, ; :: ;liADIBSj"'CHAMPIpNSHIP DOUBLES.^' Prizes':1 Gold medals/''aiid'trophies'presented' :■■■ by-Df Batohelor.and Mr'S. S.. Myers.- ---;.-',-. ::•■: ■ ■- -Fir^t Round. ' ' - •■'■-■' ; Misses'Xejih-and; ;Nunneley beat Misses E. and:M...Simpson,-.6nf9, 6—l. ■ . -. : , ■~,, , i.' ■ v.. ■ Second Round. ■■•. • . ■-:■ .' • Misses Harman and, Gordon scratched in favour of Misses M. Ramsay and Campbell. . 'COMBINED .HANDICAP DOUBLES. : ~....: . '.::•,' First Round. Miss• Harman and Williams-tscr) beat Miss Simpson and ;Yburlg (scr), 6—5, 2—6, 6—3.'- ---'. Miss Gore and-Collins (scr) beat' Miss Gordon aridiHenderEron,.(rec.i 15), 6-^l, 6—o: , combined Handicap doubles. .- ■ ■:-■■.■; -"^Second Round. ■ , . :. Miss Macleaa'and SKand beat Miss Lean and Gafsia, .6—r2, 6—3, 2-r-6. ,;.'., . ' Miss.Gorrie and Parker (owe 4-6 th of \S). boat Miss'M. Simpson an'd'Stvch'e (owe 3-6 th of 15), ' 6—2/3—6, :6—2..••■•'•." ■■" ■ .'-' ■',-.•.• ! 'V ' -MEN'S; HANDICAP/ SINGLES. j- v:.. •■.■" -■First Round.' ■• :" '• ' ' . . W. M.. Shand. (6we.4-6tli of; 15) beat P. H. Cox (owe. 2-6 th of 15), 5—6, 6—5, 6— i. ■-■. .; •!' ~:.'. : Second■' Round. ..■.' • •>:■ ■ F;. M. Turton' scratched in. favour of E. .Salmond (owe. 2-Gth. of ,15). .. .. ~ i Styche beat'Levien, 6—1,4—6, 6—3., '■' .W: Fisher beat Gresham, 4—6, 6—4,. 6—-4. ' ; ■ M'Leod' beat" Sh^hd, 3^6,' 6—l, 6^-5. ' :- Borrows (6we,15'4-6th) Deat R. Vincent (scr), ■ C—s,:6^-1.-:i,. vj-;;,, . ~-• - :.- ■ ,-. ' ■ ■ ■■ E. Colthart b>at.T. Seay, 6—l, 3—6, 6—3. E. M. Fisher beat Wilson, 6—2, 6—2. . ■; A. .W.jldmg-.:beat.:Bett,,.6^2,.6—3., -~.,..•;. .;..-. j ,A;Bbrrovys boat'E..p..,Arrnstrohg, 6—2/6—si 1 -"'r J','~'i./:ThiTi^IRounil.. -r . "..'...'... ' '. -J. M.'Marshall 'beat J. M'Leod, 6^l, J.—6,- ---■ :&^i: ■>■'■'■i'~f •'.&"!;■:»■■ '■■'■- -' '■:'■ ' : ■ ■ I (!■■ 'LADIES'*-HANDICiVP 'SINGLES;' ' !' '. \ ■■;■ ■'>;■>.' ■■-;'; First'Roundl -1' .:.-.. ; • Miss., Bathgate (rec. 30) beat Miss Kamsay :(rec. 15), 6--2J 6—5, .. . . r ... . , .- : ; .- . . .;'.' Second R-ound. Miss Bathgate beat Miss M. Ramsay, 6—2, '6-5: . '■•;- '; ' ' ' • ' ' '... .: ' Miss'Gor'rie beat Miss-Kiver, 6—2, 5—6, 6—2. ,; MEN'S HANDICAP DOUBLES. -■■■' k : ' -FiTst Round. . .'' F; and A.-Wilding (rec. 1-Bth of 15) beat C. Gore and 8.-Goring (owe 15), 6—2, 6—1.. : S.-Smith,and P.-Turton (scr), scratched in •^favour of H. Henderson and C.. OUivier (rec. :15), 3-6.' . . '•;■ ■:. ■■'■•■; A.'Young and J. Wilson (scr) beat J. M'Leod ; and W. Barlow, (serf, 6^-4, 2--6, 6^-2. •. ' . . ; ■ ' . : "Second Round. : ' -Levien; and Salmond beat Henderson and' :Ollivier,.G—s, 6—5. -~.. •• ■ ■ / .CCox and.H. Garsia (owe 153-6 th) beat E. and'T. Colthart (rec l-6th of 15),:3—6, 6—l, !.6—o. ' ■ ' ' ••■"'■ . :. C. White and J; Armstrong (rec. 15),' scratched :iu favourof Rl' P.' Ward, and -A: Borrows (owe ;15 3:6 th).': v.v 7■'•■■ j■■'. ..- . »,•■•■■. .■. 'P. Marshall, and-Peacock beat- Branson and:. 'Broad, 6—2, 6—4..- .:'.. ..- .. ' ■ •■, ' j F. and A: Wilding beat .Atkinson and Wil: sliams,1 6—5, C—3. ■, .. i: . "'.'• : ! :• " LA.DIES'..;HANDICAP' D'QUBLES. ;■-' •'■■'■■••' ; First Round. "'. : The ■■ Misses- Gilltison ; (rec. - '^6th' o!-15), ■■ scratched in fiivbut. of the-MisMes SlDipson;(owe 'L 5 3-Othi-. •' ■•;-...--..

> • \ Second Bound. . Misses Gorrie and.Bis3 (scr). beat Misses ,Gilchrist and' ;Hi3lbp (owe 16 !3-6th), :6—l, 6—0,, 6—i.-y• : ';'.- >"i :> £'.' :'-5,-.- ."■ .' : . •■■:■ Misses. Aitken arid Hanoanl (owe 6-6 th of 16) beat Mrs Briffault and Misa". Clarke; (re0...1-6th>. oUs),^i;'6^; v.":""."".;"•■;" " """ \ *'The following. notes of the first day's play were crowded out of yesterday's issue:—i ,_,.;. ''■' On account of the (large number; 'fit. ,entriejs • in the Men's Singles $45), alt the'prbgfe'ss' pos ; sible was • made with- them. In tho JMen's Championship Singles Borrows, the Otago Association champion, met "Parker,'the Auokland champion, and'although Parker won the first set—6, love—the remaining two ran up to 7—5 eachjvßorrows!>pTc'ssing"his opponent hard in these jtwo..sets;.,' Parkor'^:oyerhead-,smashing! was a. remarkable featureiof hjs play, and his ( back^h'and I:ilriyes ifrpreI'Very ;tcrisp: and. well: placed:-' j Borrows hit>'very; liarS,';some; drives 'past hfs ''formidable opponent. ' Tho Rev. J. JJ.-Marshall, beat his ,brother, P. Marshall, three sets to. one. ■ The lattci played a really gooa game, ana. showed himself to be in unusually strong-form. The winner played a .gpoa sound game, but scarcely did what he is capable of. doing, but probably as the xourna'ment advances lie'will be, seen to better aavantago.., There was- a, ijotracted tuosle -between Fcaco'ck andF. M. Bl Fisher, -the'latter winning after a severe struggle. Peacock, notwithstanding his youth, isa strong player, ana his performance was a brilliant one, although he was inclined to be reckless at times, while his opponent, with, probably more experience, played a steadier,game, and it was this and his good placing that gave him .the^ victory. In the Jfen-'.s. Championship'iJlJoubles, '•-W*rd;i»nd Bor-.rows,"-who at 'present -hold" the Doubles' '-Chairipionship for Otago,- beat W. K. "Fisher and Shand. . The losers played a very good game, particularly Shand, ana ran their opponents to 9—7 in the'final set. The winners got in some good drives ana volleyed well at times.. There was a really-good ...battle .'between, F. M. B. Fisher ana.C.St. G.'Gorp, jhe'Jatter owing his 'opponent f:l-M>-|-a 'merely'- nominal handicap. .Gore won.the first"set,-"and lost the next two. I'iah'er's play, good as it. is, is no doubt iriaae somewhat stronger by the fact' that he is a left-hand player, and he is notea for his brilliant service. ;\V. M'DonaM (Oamaru) was beaten by Levien after a- tight fight. Styche wh.B too steady, for Branson. Broad, with a big handicap, beat .Parker. The latter went in,for hara hitting;rather, than safe play,' asvhe might have done, :consi3ering ihe haa to allow his opponent, so :much of t 'ii .'lead.' This was probably due to Jus Having an^eye to^practice for the Championship Singles. Wara beat Williams. If the rest of his play wore equal to his service he would undoubteaiy be a very -hard.jnan;to.put down.. Tlie Rev. J. -If,. Mar■shall'agaih proved his handicap-giving powers by owing 4,0 to Henderson, and giving, him some .slight-advantage besides, 'and in the face of that beating him. He wili probably bo .heard of in the finals. It may- be mentioned that he was the winner of. tho Handicap Singles last ■year-at Auckland frorn'owe 40. In the Ladies' Handicap Singles Miss Nunnoley met. a young player in Miss Baker. ■ It was a rather unfortunate circumstance for'this young-lady to meet !so strong'a player;'1 and'the ; result was only 'what might naturally bo-"expected from such''a meeting. Miss M.-Ramsay;gavi Miss N..Gilkison 30, and beat her after a Vcll-contested'ganie: -In- the Men's Handicap Doubles a really good j match was played between F.-M. B. Fisher and the Bev.'.'.J.-M. Marshall and P. Marshal^ and , PeacookVithelatter.winning'by-two sets-to "one. F. and A. Wi/ding met and defeated C. Gore and B. Goring, and -the1- ex-doubles champion.. (F. Wilding) had evidently hot forgotten how to work in ..consort, with, a, partner with tho racquqt/,,": Collins '- and Styche, jagairist W.: Fisher iirid"'ShindV-proved too strong a combination, ana they won.two sets straight out. In tho Corabinca Doubles,- Miss M. Ramsay and Cox were far too strong for Miss Ramsay and Broad, whom they. beat, winning by two Bets in'succession. .Miss Biss and her brother beat Miss Aitken and Vincent, after a closely-:, contested game, by two sets to one. In the Ladies' Handicap Doubles it was soon mode eviaent that Miss Gore, and Miss Nunneley were much top lightly'handicapped, and their victory, over..'Miss*.-Maclean' and Miss Meares was a very easy, one/i although the losers played up pluckily. '.'■;• . The chief event—the Men's Championship. Singles—will probably . lie between ;the Rev: J. M. ' Marshall .and C. C. Cox. In, the.,- Men's -:. Championship <', Doubles,. ;Cox and Collins will probably bo heard, of in tho final, and thoir opponents are likely to be the Goro brothers. There i'io only one pair in it in tho Ladies' Championship Doubles, and the pair is Miss Lean and Miss Nunneley, who are .presumed to lie playing as Canterbury residents. The-Ladies' Singles .will most likely be 1 won :by Miss Lean, with Miss M." Simpson as zunnei-up, and the winner will then have iq meet Miss Nunneley .for the championship of the colony. .. _ ,' ■-.'-,'.. ..- . .. .

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11307, 28 December 1898, Page 3

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N.Z. LAWN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11307, 28 December 1898, Page 3

N.Z. LAWN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11307, 28 December 1898, Page 3