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! Patrons—The Right ;Hon.i Enrlrof -Ranfuriy,' ■G.C.M.G., the.-.Higbi'.-Hon.: Earl -of,' Glasgow, KiCM-G. i President—Mr,.W; .'TOHsi, ..,-Vice,; presidents—Lieutenant ~';Siddall. (Inyercargill), ■Mr R.. Jackson,, (Dunedio), , Lieutenant Mohr. (Timaru), Mr.E. Strattoh' (Dunedin);. Mr', R. T: ;.Searell (Christchurcli), ,Mr J., Pooley. (Chriat•church), ■. Mr: J.. '.MitpholL (OamaruLMr ,T. Herd (.Wellirigtpn)..,.,Cotihcil4Messfa D.' Boyd, R. Cook, G. Croxfoicl,' H. 'Pavie, A.I. Swan/ .Hon. Treasurer—Mr';'T.";M. Gillies. '-Hon.Secretary—Mr' B.':•M'Lellon.":• Citizens'- Com-. mitteiP-Hi's Wbrsliip the Mayoi (Mr "W-.'Swan),' Messrs'A.: 'Bcgg;'P. Alex; Thomson, A. -Sligb,:-'M.H,R.V'.AV.:'Dawson,- 'Cy-F.. Greehslado,'James "Kiioxv'iJ.'^A.i'vX. Riedlc,- J.rRI 1 Morris,■'C.'-Tilburn,: J.^Gebbie, A. ;Tho'ms'on, X 'M'Kenzie,' W; :V; Haddock, 'James--Allen, M:H;R; • -General .'.•Committee-^-Mossrs-'..E.-Cook,, G.;Croxfbrd,';H.,Davie,, C.' Davie,' C. D. Ross, :E. Smith, and E.'.Stratton.l ..Contest Trcaaurer-^rMr,.,T-i. M. :Gillies.: Contest SecreUry^Mr.;R..M1Le11an.. ft ;...".;,.;-,;;: >;;■;>.:■:■/;.. ;'. jThe eighth'annual band'coriteß.t/'which is . lielcl siinder ;the aiispiees;df; the ■ Spited: :Brass Bands' Assbciation,'commenced in! DuneHih /■yeßii9r^iay;'./-Since' ) 'vthM/;'rann^l.;..Mn^petition. amongst tjie bands.of ithooplbny ; wa«*instituted "by the 'formationvof.',a t'lßands''; Association. about thetime of the New Zealand, and '.South j 'Seae^Exhibition ,:-a :marked -st-ijntilus '■ has been 'jtiveti'-to the cause of bv^ iri, the, colqny; ■ - and :the amount of interest, thatis being ■manifested; in;-the«'eomp;etitionsjasvljecairiinfc j greater,and greater. -The-last time, the contest .was;-.was. im.1896, and;-.last year-' it v/as Oamaru.s r Thej two', other, oecaBions,upon! which'coutesls were.held under the auspices.of; the; .1895, at Timnru, and 1894^,-at Jnyercargill.' -Inoljided ;iii the.pTofcramme-,tliw..y'ea.r Js,a^eompetitioh which did. not-find a place in. the "programme at the contest last.held hero^rnamejy,, a quartet competition; for two , cornets, horn,, and euphonium; of > the-eleven bands taking part, in the contest entered, fpr<the quartet competition. Eleven 1 bands; ha-ye. entered: for the 'seleotiqni.contest. 'The-y(,test;;. numbers,-., are. "Herold"..and. i' Falsto'ff;'';specially arranged.j by the well-knowiii,composers, H:.Round'and, Ord- Hume respective^.':■ The.-fsolo'. com'p.etitionsir are for', the 3 flat.' cornet, soprano. ecrnet, tenor horn,-baritone, \trombbhe, eiiphoriium, ;E flat, bombardon, and ;BB 'flat .bombardon. - Etefhfc .ba,nds entered, for the quickstep competition,-but three-,were,scratched— namely,-the Inyercargill:, Garrison, and-the.'Cen.terbury',-Engineers., ;'.; The /annbunceiherit. that: j;h'e.. bands would; : ca'ther-initKe/Pctagon'and.'fplay,' a'sra.' masked :■ ■'band;tlie..'.V,Moa JNlarcl!,"f.;b.y..Mr,,T.;-B.: Bulch ;-(the judge .who came from Melbourne'to judge the.Jast contest liere). ; -".attsact'ed,.a.ri immense j conqourse.-of, peop'ld.ijto',the'-streets.. The effects' of .eleven combined .bands -playins the well-known maorch waojawaited with higli. expectations,;, but .when r at'length the/massed" band'put in an, apppaTance, it prpvecl to ba 'but a". Jittle.larger, than ,an'ordinary; band', and ■ x'ertaanlyr'the ,yblumb J of:.'Bbun.d..w.«« h sq.ycel,r,. i • greater.than what ,ik hwrd.,wlieri_.a,,; marches ,tHrous!Hr thejstreets, a of, fact;-;.the: display, .was'hdisappoihtinjr,..,and it 'was certiinly'a'.ie^blf'^ff.ortljti'jcdrrj'fOut the promise publicly; rnadp'-.thatVithe'.'cpmpetitorß ■'wbukl'.-;mai'ch;thTO|U|fh;;&e'i'dity'.' i pl%pnit''as'.a,..,;..;,,;, V \'v !:•'.•;-. '/;"••':. :'.O'p". ,■-.•.;:..■,.-,. •■J!^pl^/)P^'^".p^B^^jE-to'.^l.bat^.c6il-;.'.' .■tWt'ierJ w -WBsi|ye^Hfer!y6^for4iiy J waß.,mOßtw6-; pitious:*.for.;the quickstep,,competition.'? .-The. . immense' crowds t .wKieli .thronHod :(he streets I ;followed;,the -.',.players','itjo'J: the' "daleddnmn. ground., where ■> the.'. -Vconipetition was! ' fo. intake-■;■. place,, -: ar.d ~.:;'the ,-<. co^fjequerice' m'.-.:the,':., jinderson's' '..Bay,?,;"roa3i,:. .for, 11 'J'sh6Tb%;'x>$£i6<l,' n .yf3£f ! - qnet';;-moyin{c;.v,Dlacjc ■ mas?)'from Princes,r'Btreot;.tp,.ihe,;..frroundli, j ya'nd 'theatiend-Snce 'during" the" afternoon was, | "exceedingly■ lar(?e._,.^-It'.Js ': :'aa .admitted truth! ■.that'forl.a' judke"tb'' give J satisfaction; to ;all, '."paTties iii' a.,mußiqarcont«3t-is]'a difficult performance, and'ttiergfpre'it is.a"feither iri '.thfl'^'pap':o{''laßt\';B',:]udße,.Mr : '.J.- Vl ff.''~Ottd' ; Schwartz,'of .Wollinßton,. thati'lie' shoiild'liave iri ';'.- this', the;." succeeding" ■. year,", again] 'been selected,to.fill thepnerbusijblti ■', He.jO'ccupied. a-seat'rg^, square," thel;ceritre;of the..,fieid,!and'whence he did' hot 'emerge till'| the.;competition waa.cpncludtjtl.., T,he ,compe't- ; | ing bands woryfudged'bu'lmusic,. marching,; j and.^drilli■'.••ui'dpthp^iud^es ,of-;..th6 .lw,o'; latterl . features 'in"'.the • competition were',Major. ( Jovt^ sey/ (of Timaru). 'Major '.Robin "(of. Dunedin), 1 and :;'Oaptain ■:; Ttotrester. (of.-, Oamaru). "..Mr Japies .'Kiipx -.dieted. as supervisor.: i:Tne' bands; firstdrew, lots.for 'places,, with, thp.rea'ult that ;theywent.'.out'.in', the" following:! order:— Stanmore; l,',N6rtK-En'st: Valley. 2,:- ■Ka.ikbrai' 3,; South' Canterbury .'4, .Wellington :Gafrisbn 5..! ■As each .band'advarie'ed' it-first • fell in for inspection'in two.ranks. Points'were'awarded.! for general, appearance, dressing^cleariliness of - in^trumente ; but,,.'in.;''the ' ,awardincc of, pointsj""uniforms '.were not considered.' \ The band '.then "moved ,;6ff ."Jilaying >the', quickstep, rnarching.bncea.rbuiid-.the':.parade ground to the: ''startinn;-p.bint:V The',':hext i mp'vement; was that the' band;mar.ehed''.off;in quicktimeand playih'g the' quickstep. over'.;a.',space' 0f.,100 yards," the" cbnditibris'TrelatiiVf? to'this.'being that thY distance""sKoiilA be;traversed'-in one1 -minute and in." 120 .'.-paces: 'After, one. or. two pth'erV'minor :evbtutioi?S,",tlie■•.test1 was .'at'ah end."' The first band, to appear— ihe Stariniore| 'Blind—had a. yacanby iri its r'aliKf iillcd' by.a; local,^^ player. .^ltVappears' that,■ their -'spprano1 cornetist was' uhable'tb come .to Dunedin f and' if" was agre'''allow ,]\lr Charles M''Glashan',J; of.the JECnikb'ra.i B>'nS; to make:;pood:.the'defi-!. cibney. '.The march'- itself :contains^some verypretty music: but it cannot1 be said tbrepre-. sent a very difficult'testr-1-pertainly not so diffi-. cult 'as,' for 'instance,' the' last' quickstep .test.. However,-there are' -passages -here^and there .which require-carefulVplaying;' Ayhile'!there is. also'sbme gotod Vbrk for the.bnss'insti'unients. ,Whereas''at"the',last cbritest1,.' and' that'-.the winning baiid-^did inbt:-Kave a drum-majbrj' "thisVyoar';.bnly';bne- -band waV headed by that^ imposing' dijrnitary.v.and,singular.! enough,''it 'was' ■the'^ihnirig'..-band. Tho result'"'of- -the "contest '.was/announced shortly before 5' o'clock,,, arid; was received .with ■cheers.'' It 'was '/as * follows, the, ■' maximum marke for the •drill bemg.Bo and'>fbr;,the music '3Q-.i_" -.-"•■ ";'■ '■'''•■ ."■''■■ ■■'/"&//<■ ''■"■'■■'■■ .:'-"■ .■••■' t'• 'QTJICKSTEF'COMPETITION.'- ■ Test' marchV. " The"■ Gladiator',;" '(H..'- Rpund).:, ' For:cash' prizes and points -in«the ■': Beasbn ! -Shield competition.':; -Bands,to 'be ;judged ' --on'OTnaic; marehirigj:arid'drill.'v'.'-.v .'.; -~ '■■ :■:■■". ~;:'.-■!:,■':.•; ft.;. Drills ;Musio. A ,. Tl-.'-'South Canterbury 'Battalion-,VB '■;...:: 29;.'. v . 107 •Wellington Garrison-. '.-; -70 .'. 30 ■.. .100,, ;Kaikorai:,:» ...:,- :>..;y\ ■>••: G9.:^:^Zo- '.'■ ~09 iNorth-East Valley.„„-. V.V: G5,.,,. :'28; : ,. ~.93 :Stanmore^, .'.'. : ■:-S.«-:-..\-\. 58 -:■■-.P 6-:!■■•- ,!83 '■ -■!. ,:j.';'.Winnefsof.Quickstep.'Contests. .;; ~, . :1894,'-at Invercargill-:.;'.::;'.-Inv«:cargiil Garrison, >1895;'-' at Timaru : .:..;■. .Timuru:;Garrison v1896;--at Dunedin'...-., ■'■:.,.:~.:-. ::Dunedin IJavals '1897,- atQamaru.;..:......'...:.Oamaru Garrison J1893/at Dunedin: ..Sputh;,Canter'b.ury:Battalion I .'i'-liB1 following is'! ari'analysis'-'o'f! theTscoruig. [of.'the diffbfen't. brands in the: military'.-porlibn 'of'-tlie'competition':-^' ■•■;! ■-' ■:••■' 'J ij-.-'- ■'■'■■■.:■■:■'; I: Stan'niofe:'T:;PbiritsI'fpr;,,inspept<iori.;(maxiinum ) .. :i20)710;! timeHakeri for' marching,looyds .(regtf-j Uatibii;' GOsefe)}- 60 l-ssec; .point's.'fpr'tiine 'in*' fmarching \maximum,i2o),..2o;''"jiu4nber,of steps; itaken in ..march-(regulation,; 120 v. paces), ',126; points for;steps taken in niarch (maximum, 20),. '14.; for, marching,v'wh'eeling'j^.diessing, Imaximuin, 20),.14;,;total.militnry.,points'(maxirnum, ,80),: 58.! .-■•. '■,-'-■(■. :--:!.-,,,,■.,; '~ ;■'■ ■%•.. .■: i North-East, Valley.—Points'-.'.for anspectioiii, >17.; time taken.for marching,,6o'l-sse'c;.,points-!for timoin marching, 20;-nuniber of,stops .taken !ih march, .129; points to. steps taken in march, ill; 'points .for. marching,*! wheeling, .dressing, i 17.; total.military points, 60.', ':■■' '•;.,', ~ ;!.., .... ; Kaikorai!—Points, for inspection, .17,;:., time taken for marchiiig, 59 4-ssec:;.. points' for time 'hi marching, 20; number of./steps!'..taken . in. 'march, 123; points' for"steps taken' ill 'inarch, 17; .points".'for'- marilnti'g,','whceling, 'dl'essiiig, 15;> total military;poin'l'3,.:G9: ■•'■'-."; !. ■;. :/■'. ' ■ ;. South, Canterbury!:Batallioii.^l'oints" fir in---1 spectibn;' 19;' time' taken; ..for nia'rcliiug^eOfiec; ■ .points for .'time in'- rnariliing,'.2o; '.' Istejis! token in marehingJ.ft2o; .points 'for steys ■'taken in'm'areh;'2o;'.pifints for jutE^'hing.-whecl-1 ;ing, dressing, 19; total milit;;«Ss»jint.S( .78.,, :■ ,-. Weliington or inspection,: 19;. time taken,for marehingy 60-'l-ssec;', pbints ; for.time' 'in niarching,' -20; -niimber: 'bf-l-steps itaken" in-, ;niarch; 12G; ipoinls-for -steps, taken.intmarch;----14; points for marching,-.;wheeling, ■;drc'srins;.- ---,- total military, points; 70.;; V,- . ;,,'.■/;., .-■- . \ ; *QtJiUi^'t^D^OLpiCONTESTS. _' v / ;;,In .the cyeniiig the solo'aud-.tlie quartet contests were commenced at the .Agricultural

Hall. . There yyaa.a somewhat Bparae attendance, but those :who were present manifested. the keenest interest in the proceedings, and the majority, of them remained till the last solo for,the night".was played, which was at nearly-, 11 o'olook.i The quartet contest was finished about 9 o'clock,; after which the euphonium solos were proceeded with and disposed of, aj-was also the baritone contest. All of-these were' accelerated by reason of defections in ihe ranks of those who sent in ehtries.: . For,> instance, only two out' of the five 'wlio. entered for the baritone _contest faced the audience, one of the contestants in the euphonium,contest stood out, and the Iriyercargill, City Guards' quartet stood out of the. quartet:contest. '.'. ..:-.; The "competitors in the quartet contest were from the Wellington Garrison, the Kaikorai, Starimore, , Duhedin Engineers, and North-East '■Valley.'■. The test piece was an arrangement of .'airs from ',' The Daughter of. the Regiment." ,The arrangement, while y'resonting no startlmg difficulties, is a boautifyl one. :It is a very fair test of the abilities of tho different performers, and the euphonium especially has a good deal of work to do, the running accompaniment which i? allotted to tliat, .'instrument, being, at once pretty, and' effentiye. - AH.thol contestants acquitted themselves creditably, arid, the result of the contest ;will-bo awaited with much interest. As.,al- " ready,'indicatedrrthis is the first time'that, a ;quartefc.icompetition: -has been introdured >at the..association's : annualcontests, and the ■perfo.rmane|B;'pf Jast,.evening more, than juetifies..the innovation.",-,,:: ~; .:, ~--- "'■ The euphonium.contestants were:-^ A. Donaldson, Wellington Garrison;-,A. Martin, Stanmore; Ai. W.right,, Kaiapoij.E. Smith, North-Eiisf Valley; D.'Boyd,. Dunedin Engineers; i and Ji A. O'Brieh, Dunedin Navals. Smith and O'Brien j-it may be mentioned, tied for first plaee'in. this contest Jast year, and singularly, they'led qfj in the above order last evening. The selected piece was "Fantasia Originalo !' .(Aefte), which, was; a fairly difficult'maUer of time, execution, and general .expression. ■ The solo, which was rather lengthy,;is;very pretty and resolves itself' into several movements, and variations. The player'31 interpretation'of was' remarkably even, arid possibly this will be found to be the closest of, the solo contests. ' .The baritone solo "Air Varie" (G. Herman), .was also a.:lengthy and, moreover, exacting number.;,:lt.contains some verj- in--tricato.,passagesj'...whicli'would test the capabilities; of. .any; jilayor, and both. performers seemed 'to have., surmounted the difficulties with'.sueces|. -It is i somewhat to be'regretted, by tHe: way, :that 'the baritone instrument is bo neglected by: bandsmen, for its capabilities. were'fully demonstrated by last night's performance..',■, ; '.: ' .-. 'The^accompaniments during the : eveningwere divided amongst Madame Yon Look (official, aqcompanist) and Messrs. Fi Stokes und Traversi (Wellington). . . i ; . .. , ■: To-day the solo competition wilL "be continued, commencing with the bombardon. It may be mentioned, that the .judge'will reserve all ;hi's:deci^ibi»:';tiH ■ next -Thursday night: ■ The. cpntest.'h'ill close on that evening, when a large, audience is j fully '■[ expected. • To-miglit' the:grand selection.contest by, the.full,.bands j •win.:be,corrimenced,.at-.the:Agricultural Hall..

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11307, 28 December 1898, Page 3

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UNITED BRASS BANDS' ASSOCIATION. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11307, 28 December 1898, Page 3

UNITED BRASS BANDS' ASSOCIATION. Otago Daily Times, Issue 11307, 28 December 1898, Page 3