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The following are tho results of the annual class examinations of tho University 'of Otago: — JUNIOR LATIN. , . Second Class.—Charles Gilbert White, Florence Fanny Bressey, William. Allan Arjuo'ur, Catherine Mary Robertson, Thomas Arthur Mac Gibbon, Malcolm Kennedy M'Culloch. Third Class: FloraM'Donald Balsilie, James Moreland, Jessie Bcgg Reid, Fra-icis Vemon Frazer, Walter Alexander Given, William Grant Hay, George Harry Uttley, Janet Archer Miller, Jane Catherine Brown, William Robert Brugh, William Eenton, Harriet Gow. Arthur Harry Cutler, Kathleen Daisy Aston, Paul Lemon, Thomas Paterson, William Rodger, John Shand Lonms, Aubrey Edward Aston, Kimpton M'lntosh, Barranee, James Emsley, Agnes Sinclair, Robert H. Stables. SENIOR LATIN. ' First Class: Flora Jamieson Wilson Hodges an.l John Laing (equal). Second Class: John Alexander Hay, Edith Lilian Brown, Susannah Cnthiu-me Campbell M'Knight, Alice Laura Winter Gruar, George Hamilton Thomson. Third Class: James Rankin Bartholomew. George Frederick Booth, V'vian Morgan, William Malcolm Thomson, Eva Marie Randle, George Gibson Howes, Jane M^Nab, William Caleutt Arkle, William Luther Moore, Frances Harriet Victoria Simpson, Mary Olive Cunnirighame, Neil Fleming, Frances Ritchie, Beatrice Helen Ban-, Isabella Annie Allan, John Davis Marks, Isabel Margaret M'Kellar, Edgar Ward; William Fulton Abel,' Annie Agnes Baird, .Joseph" Hunter, -William George Tait, Grace Evelyn Rule, Arthur Edward Jones. . . ADVANCED LATIN. i First Class: Leslie Edward Williams 1. Sci and Class: Flora Campbell, Charlotte Eliza MacGregor. Third Class: Annie Bauehop.- ---; JUNIOR GREEK. ; Second Class: Edward John Dick Hercus, Cyril Hocken Tewsley. • ' "■ JUNIOR ENGLISH. First''Class: Cyril H. Tewaley. Second Class: Catherine M. Robertson, Charles G. White, Ernest C. Clowes, A^nes Bremer. Third Class: Rosie Gleudining, Annie G. Fergus, Henry T. Blair, Robert N. C. Teunent. SENIOR ENGLISH. .; First Class: George E. Thot"«n«-. Violet M. Greig, George T. Palmer. Second Class: John A. Hay, Henry H. Barton, George G.; Howes, John Laing, Ernest G. Guthrie. Grace E: Rule, Jolin Kinder, Beatrice H ~-"r. Isabel M. M'Kellar. Third Class: Frs-f".* Ritchie/Eva M. Raudle, John Chisholm, ltobeit Stewart. , ADVANCED ENGLISH. First Class: Violet M. Greig. Second Class: George T. Palmer. HONOURS, ENGLISH. . First Class: George E. Thompson, Annie Bauchop. ; ENGLISH COMPOSITION AND RHETORIC. First Class: Cyril H. Tewsley, Catherine M. Robertson. Second Class: Charles G. AVhitc, Ernest E. Clowes, Agues Bremer. Third Class: Robert N. C. Tennent, Robert Stewart, Rosie Glendining, Annie G. Fergus, Henry T. Blair. Exempted student: Arthur E. Jones passed.the.Senior. English examination (third ADVANCED FRENCH. First Class: George Edward Thompson, Charlotte Eliza MacGregor, Leslie Edward Williams. Flora, ', Campbell. Second Class: George 'i'liorncroft Palmer. SENIOR; FRENCH. : First Class: H. Barton. W. M. Thomson, j Second Class: A. Baird, Tossie Reid,- E. M. ' Shand, Tessie Millar, Rose Glendining. JUNIOR-FRENCH. : ■ Second Class: Kathleen Daisy Aston, E. R, George Tubman. ' . . GERMAN. ' • ] '■'• Second Class: Jessie Florence Arndt. Third Class: Agnes Bremer. POLITICAL ECONOMY. First Class: Flora J. W. Hodges. Second Class: Alexander Inglis, Jame3 Nivei:, Theophilus B. Strong. Third Class: Wilkinson L. Harrison, Herbert C. Ooncs, George' F. Booth, Olive it. Cunninguame, John ■A. Robertson, John Chisholm, Thomas Paterscn. JURISPRUDENCE. Second Class: William Luther Moore. Third Class: George Hamilton Thomson, Eva- Marie Randle, (extra 'mural) Alexander Mary Brown. ; ' ';.'• ':■ ; ; ; : MATHEMATICS. ' ! Advanced Class: Linda Constunce Fenwick. ' ' Senipr Class.—Second Class: Susannah C. G. -M'ltjiigllt.- Third Class: William M. Thomsp.l. j ,'.'. '....-. ' •' ''■ • '■ , .; Junior Clas3.—First Class: John >Lar.g, Alice.-L. W. Gruar, Edith L. Brown, John A. ; Hay,: Harriet Gow. Second Clans':! Florence' 'P." Bressey; Frederick Thomas Seelye,' James Moroland, Cyril H. Tewsley, John S. Lomas, .Sidney P.. Street, William A. Armour, John N. ~R:Johie,i-.Wilkinson :L. Harrison, Herbert C. 'Jones,"Robert 'V. While, Mary''3-. Cunuingh'urne,. Walter A. Given; William'Rodger. Third ■•Class: iienry H.- Barton, Malcolm K. M'Culioch, hWjilliam Renton, George H. Uttley,. Robert H. Stables, Jessie B. Reid, Aubrey E. Aston, Henry R. Urquhart, Oswald Mosley, Jane K. Brown, Robert Stewart,'Grace Evelyn Rule, Frances H. •V. Simpson, Kenneth'M. Barrance', Gerhardt' A. • Ulrich, Arthur- E. 'Feathorstone, Ralph G. Stable's, . Christina Stenhousc. Jane A. M'Nab, Norman R. Fisher, Donald M'lvor, George Feu wick, Flora M. Balsille, Lilian .E. Spraggou, William Speuce, Herbert E. Allen; Robert M'lntosh, Myrtle E. Platts, John M'Kinnon, Stanislaus.C. N. Bell, Isabella, M. Macdonald, Leslie M. Jolly. .. .. ■ MECHANICS. ■ ' - ■ First Class: Sara Margaretta G-urdon. Second Class: Susannah C. C. M'Knight, Winifrede J. Bathgato, James H. H. Bnillie, Sydney C. Allen, Elizabeth W. Saunders, Joseph Hunter, Margaret A. Ramsay,' Violet Maud Greig, Thomas -A. Mac Gibbon. 'Third Class: Basil R, Lusk, Eleanor Mabel Shand, Harry George Joachim, R. V. White, A. Inglis, T. B. Strong, Norman R. Fisher, George W. Thomson, Tliornas .0. Bishop, Edgar N. Heycock, James M. Wilkie, Eldrcd J. D. Hercus. Harold T. Harman, William E. Barren, John A: Robertson,. Charles 'S./Beilby, Herbert'J. Buckland, George A. Gow. : JUNIOR PHYSICS (uECTURES). First Class: Leonard Smith Talbot, Arthur H. V. Morgau. Second Class:' William Newj lands, Winifrede J. Bathgate, William F. I . TO DARKEN GREY HAIR. V i Lockyer's Sulphur Hair Restoiir, quickest, : safest, best; restores tho natural colour. Lockyer's the. real English "Hair Restorer.' Large bottles Is 6d- everywhere.—Advt.

Browne, Alexander "Kinder, John D. Marks, Isabella A. .Allan, John Collie, Robert M. Erskine, Chares' JL Begg, E. M, Livesey, Ronald L. Henderson. Third Class: ThomasS. Fleming, Agatha, H. J. Adams, John F. Robertson, Eleanor Mabel Shand, Eussell T. Ritchie, Janies H. G. Kobertson, William B. Barron, Adam Hay Herbert J: Buckland, George Budd, Edward A. Do Lautour, Donald M. JJoss, Walter H.. Fearless, Norman K. Fisher,' Duncan M'Coll. Qualified for Medical ■ Intermediate:. Eliza- | lieth C. Gunn, John Findlay, Garnet W. ■Hardy. •'. • ' > ■ . " ~ • Advanced Physics.—First Class: Henry Fawsit Skey. Third Clubs : James M'lntosh Sin.mers. ' PRACTICAL PHYSICS. First Class: Onusby G. Adams, "William Newlands. Second Class: Winifredo 0. Bathgate, John Collie, John D. Marks, Arthur H. V. Morgan, William JY Browne, Bobert M. Erskine, Thomas S. Fleming, Leonard S. Talbot, Adam Hay, Agatha H. J. Adams, Alex. Kinder, Edgar N. Hoycock, Isabella A. Allan, Ernest M. Livesey. -Third Class: Charles M. Begg, Basil W. Lusk, John F. Robertson, William E. Barron, Walter 11. Pcurless, James M. Wilkie, James H. G. Eobertson, Eussell J. Ritchie, George W Thomson, Norman 11. I Fi-'<cr, Donald M.. Ross, Elizabeth C. Gunn, George A. Gow, Leslie M. Jolly, Isabella M. Macdonald, John Findlay. Qualified for Medical Intermediate; Garnet CHEMISTRY. Lectures.—First Class: Frederick T. Seelye, Alexander Kinder, Sidney P. Street, Herbert Black, Agatha H. P. Adams, John Neville Eitcliie, K. M. Barrance, John 11 Marks, Konald L. Henderson. Second Class: Oswald .Moslcy, J. Russell Ritchie, John F. Robertson, Gerhardt Adolph C. Ulrich, Leonard S. Talbot, Donald M. Eoss, H. E. Allen, Isabella A. Allan, William F. Browne, Eva D. Esther, Ralph Gordon Stables, Walter H. Fearless, John Findlay. Third Class: John Collie* Ernest M. Livesey, Philip H. Mules, William Neil, James Armstrong, George Fenwick, Colin H. Gordon, Garnet W. Hartv, Duncan M'Coll, Stanislaus C. Napier Bell, John M'Kinlay, Frank H. Statham, Helen Baircl, John 11. Fraser, James L. Blakie. Practical.—First Class: John D. Marks, Vivian Morgan, Frederick T. Seelye, Lionel Bray, Donald M. Rosa, Ralph Gordon Stables, /Sidney P. Street, John N. Ritchie, J. Russell Eitcliie, Kimpton M. Barrance, John Collie, Alexander Kinder, ■■ Gerhardt A. C. 'Ulrica Second Class: William Neil, H. E. Allen, Ernest M. Livesey, George is. Smith, William I<. Browne, Frank 11. Statham, John M'Kinlay Isabella A. Allan, Ronald G. S. Orbell, Walter A. Given, Eva D. Esther, Oswald Mosley, James Coombs, Stanislaus Napier Bell, Agatha H. J. Adams, Emma Bishop, K. M. Mackay, Leonard S. Talbot, John F. Robertson. Third Class: John Findlay, Ronald L. Henderson Percy E Holmes, Horace S. Kirkland Duncan M Coll H. G. Eobertson, Garnet W Harty, Walter H. Fearless. _ Quantitative Chemical Analysis.—First Class: Frank Cutton, William Roye B C m'T A S, econd clR!!S: Otto Bishop, Herbert Black Alexander Hay, Robert Hay, James ■B. Macdonald, Robert M'lulosh, George Royse, George Geoff. Sale. Third Class": — Davidson, John M. Fraser. ■,o'S.™ Chemistry—First Class: Thomas M'Kibbm, Walter Shand, Helena Baxter, | Prank A. Beit, William Newlands, Andrew .1 Crawford, BrifTault, James Brush, Walter W. Moore, Emily Ridley. Second Class: William F. Paterson, Stuart A. Moore-, John Findlay, Ronald L. Henderson, Philip H Mules, Emma Bishop, Peter Gow, Gabriel M' ?Ti 1' w?n? s Balt°"r- ThM Class: James Arkle, William M'Ara, Helen Baird. BOTANY. Paper and Practical (combined).—First Class: William Newlands, M.A., and Leonard Smith Talbot (equal), William Frederick Browne, Charles Mnekio Begg and Ernest Milhngton Livesey (equal). Second Clas-• John Davis Marks, Alexander Kinder, Jam-s Herbert Graham Eobertson, Ronald Lennox Henderson, Elizabeth Catherine Gunn, John J'rew Robertson, Donald Murray Ross. Tlrrd Class: Garnet' Wilson'Harty, Eussell lan Ditchie, Walter Hugh Pearless, - Waddell, I Ronald Graeme Scott Orbell, John Findlay. PALEONTOLOGY. Second.Class: Francis'A. Cutten. MENTAL SCIENCE. Senior.—Second Class: Thomas A. Hunter 1, Reginald Moore 2, Joseph Shore 3, Marion Thompson 4. Junior.—First. Class: Edith Brown, Flora Hodges, William L. Moore, James Ni"en Thomas A. Mac Gibbon, Ernest G. Guthvie and William E. Hay (equal), Sarah M. Gordon. Second Class: Margaret A. Ramsay, William R. Brugh, Robert M. -Erskine, Willian- C Arkle, Joseph Hu-.iter, D. W. Kennedy, James fclnishe and Eldred J. D. Kerens (equal). Arthur H. V. Morgan, Francis V. Frazer, T. b. Strong and. Thomas -S.. Fleming (equal), Arthur H. Cutler, William F. Abel and William Spence (equal).- Third Class: James lugs, Violet M. Greig and Paul Lemon (equal), James Frtrqnharson and William E. Tait (equal), William D. M. Glaister, A<*nes Sinclair. History of Philosophy.—First Class: Frank Dunlop, Reginald ■> Moore. Second Class: Thomas A. Hunter, Marion Thompson - MINING.

First Course—Second Class:, Francis A. Cr.tten,.Geovge W. Thomson, Edgar N. Heycocl:, Ormsby G-. Adams, Basil,R. Lusk, W. E. Barren, Robert M'lntosh, Andrew Campbell. Third Class:' E. A. do Lautoiir,' Thos. 0. Bishop Adaui Hay, W. G. Royse, Herbert J. Buckland, Charles S. Beilby, James B. Macdonald Leslie M. Jolly, Walter A. Riddell. PALEONTOLOGY. Second Class: Francis, Ai Cutter.. MINERALOGY. First Class: William S. Watt. Second Class: Basil R. Liifk, M'Gregor Wilkie. George Watt Thomson. Third Class: James B. Macdonald and Charles S. Beilby (equal), Robert M'lntosh and Walter A. Eiddell (equal), Edgar n. Heycocl; and George H. Joachin (equal), Thos. O. Bishop and Aubrey G. Gow fequal), William E. Barron and Arthur C.:Buckiand (equal). PETROGRAPHY. ' i Second Cip,ss: O. G. Adams, Adam Hay, I Geoff. G. Sale, Andrew Campbell, M.A., E. A. de Lautour. Third Class: Willisun G. Royse, Colin Campbell, George H. HoyEe, George H. Joachim. ; MINING- GEOLOGY. First C'mss: Sidney P. Street, Fred. Thos. Seelye, St. C. Napier-Bell, A. Mosley. Secon-l Class: Gerhardt A. C. Ulrich, J. N. Ritchie, Thos. 0. Bishop, Herbert E. Allen. Ralph G. Stables. Third Class: John M'Kinley, Frank H. Statharn. GENERAL GEOLOGY. First Class: Thos. 0. Bishop, H. Black, Fred. Th. Seelye, — Barrance, St. Ch. Napier Bell, Sidney P. Street, J. N. Ritchie, Herbert E. Allen, W. E. Barron. Second Class: Gerhardt A. C. Ulrich, Ralph G. Stables, Oswald Mosley, Frank H. Stathnm. Third' Class: John M'Kinley. APPLIED MECHANICS. s First Class: Francis A. Cutten, Ormsby G. j Adams. Second Class: Geoff. G-. Sale, Andrew Campbell. Third Class: E. A. de Lav- 1 tour, "William G. Royse, Robert M'lntosh, Leslie M. Jolly, George H.Eoyso,, Claude Gregg, N. R. Fisher. ,■ . ■•" ' SURVEYING. . First-Year's Course—First. Class: A. Campbell. Second Class: George W. Thomson, Basil ■E. Lusk, and Charles S. Beilby (equal). Third Class: Walter. A. Riddell, G. Aubrey Gow, Edgar N. Heyeock, H. T. D. Harman, and M'G'regor Wilkie (equal). .' Second Year's Course—First Class: Francis A. Cutten and Ormsby G. Adams (equal). Second Class: James B. Macdonald, Adam Hay, and George H. Joachim (equal). Third Class: William G..Royse, George H. Royso, and Claude- G. L. Gregg (equal). - BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS. First Class: T. 0. Bishop, B. C. Aston, J. B. Macdonald, B. R. Lusk and N. R. Fisher (equal), G. Sale, Geo. W. Thomson, H. J. Buckland. Second Class: J. M. Fraser, A. Matheson, Wm. Jolly, G. Wilkio, E. Heyeock. Third Class: Arthur Buckland, W. A. Riddell, S. Harman, C. S. Beilby, G. H. Gow, E. A. Ncave, W. E. Barron. i ■ ■ ESSAYING.' . : First Course.—First Class: A. Campbell, W. A. Biddoll, J. B. Macdonald, W. Watt, H. Black, G. H. Joachim, G: H. Royse, W. G. Royse, R.. M'lntosh, C. S. beilby. Second .Class: E. A. Neave, H. J. Buckland, J. m. •Fraser, H. Hannupi-E. A. .de Lautour, A. Matheson, A. Bucklanc? , - '. Second Course.—o. G. Adams, B. C. Aston, C. Gregg, A. Hay, G. Neale, G. Sale. -'■ METALLURGY. ' ' First Course.—First Class: 0. G. Adams, B. C. Aston, H. Black, Andrew Campbell, M.A., F. A. Cutton, J. .-B. Macdonald, A. Riddel 1. Second' Class: C. 'S, Beilby, R. N. Fisher, H. Joachim. Third Class: Colin Campbell, J. M. Fraser, K. Matheson, R. M'lntosh, E. A. Ncave, Goo. Orbell, Stanley Reid. Second-Course.—First.Class: O.G. Adams, F. A. Cutten, B. C. Aslcn, J. B. Macdonald. Second Class: A. Campbell, M.A., J. M. Fraser, Geo. Orbell, Herbert Black. Third Class: Alex. Riddell, H.Joachim, R. M'lntosh, Norman Fisher. DRAWING. Model Drawing and Practical Geometry.— First Class:- Gerhardt A. C. Ulrich, Francis A. Cutten, Fred. Thos. Seelye, Sidney P. Street, Thos. ; 0. Bishop, H. C. lNapier 8011, Ralph G. Stables. Second Class. Frank H. Statham, Herbert, G. Allen; Oswald Mosley, John M'Kinley, J. K. Ritchie. Solid. Geometry and Machine Drawing.— First Class: M'Gregor■ Wilkio, Basil R. Lusk, Gcorgo W. Thomson, W. S. Watt, B. A. de Lautour (in solid geometry only), G. A. Gow, Herbert J. Buckland, W.-E-. Barron. ■ Second Class: Arthur Ch. Buckland, Adam Hay. Third Class: Leslie M. Jolly, Walter A. Riddell, Colin Campbell. Machine Drawing only.—Third Class: James B. Macdonald, Norman R.'Fisher, A. Matheson, H. T. D. Harman. CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY. Second Class: Charles G. White, Agnes Sinclair, Eva Mary-Randle, Neil Fleming. Extra Mural Students.—First Clasß: James Bankin Bartholomew. Second Class: James Grant, Edgar Ward, Douglas William Kennedy, Alexandra Mary Brown, G. H. Thomson. Redcupie GnowN Beand Galvanised jtron i is the iron to use in exposed positions.—Advt,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 11263, 5 November 1898, Page 6

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UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 11263, 5 November 1898, Page 6

UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO Otago Daily Times, Issue 11263, 5 November 1898, Page 6