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The twelfth monthly meeting of the Dunediu Burns Club was held in the Choral Hall on Wed-' ne3day evening, when there was an nnususlly large gathering of members and friends.- The President (Mr J. B. Thomson), who occupied the chair, having nude a few preliminary remarks, the choir, under the direction of Sir J. B. Fergusson, followed with, ths part song " Scotland, ever dear," and subsequently rendered "A rosebud by my early walk " and ".The garb of old Gaul," all of which were given with efftc*. The recitation, "A Robert Bnrns Keverie," by Mr J. Muir, met with appreciation, as did also one by Dr Stenhouse, of an original poem by Colin Rae Brown. Mr J. Christie met with success in his singing of " Where has Scotland found her f»me," and Miss Cooper's rendering of "Lochnagar" was greeted with decided approval. Mr J. H. Morrison sang "Kate Dalryinple," Mi- J. Thomson " My ain fireside," Miss Thomson " Ths four Maries," Mr Simon "Robin Tainson's siniddie," Mrs Stevenson " I lo'ed ne'er a laddie but ane." Mr A. J. Burns "D'ye mind hug syne," aud Mr .1. Cooper "Wallace's laojent." all these performers' efforts being heartily applauded. Ouriug the evening the Hou. T.Fergus and DrMulhoiland save addresses, aud the concert terminated with the united singing of •• Auld !ans syne." At its conclusion the usual dance followed.

The following is the .fifth annual report, which will be submitted at the anuual meeting to be held next Wednesday night:- ---" In presenting the aunua! report of the Dunedin Burns Club on the completion of its fifth year of existence, your committee desire to congratulate the members on the success which has characterised the monthly and special gatherings throughout the year, and the enthusiasm which has been maintained. During ths wiuterinonths, when we had the most severe weather experienced in Drtnedin for many years, the attendance at our meetings was so good that, to pievent them from being overcrowded, your committee had reluclantly to somewhat restrict members bringing more to the meetings than their tickets justly entitled them to briug. At the smie time we always made heartily welcome the visitor to. our city, either from other parts of our owu co'.uuv or from places distant from New Z^alaud; ami it is worthy of note that not a few of those visitors have testified to the pleasure it gave thorn to spend a night at our social meetings lisUmng to the rendering of Scottish song and recital of Scottish story. • It may ba specially noted that some of our meetings during the year enjoyed the presence of several clergymen from Victoria on temporary visits to Dunedin, and the addrtssei given by them marked special items of interest and pleasure to those present. Without being invidious, mention may be made of the addresses by the Rev. Thomas Tait, of Melbourne, and the liev. H. J. Lewis, of Mornington.

"Our Hallowe'en and anniversary gatherings were this year held ss formerly, and both were carried out most successfully, notwithstanding that the latter function suffered from three considerable drawbacks—namely: Firstly, the 25t,h Jnmiury this year fell on a Saturday, thus debarring many citizens from being.present; secondly, the day turned out to be very wet, which no doubt had a bad effect ou our country friends; aud thirdly, our old and esteemed friend the Hon. Thomas Fergus, who was to have delivered .the anniversary address, was pruvented by -illness from beinj with us. Still, the attendance was large, and everybody seemed to thoroughly enjoy the entertainment.

" During the year upon which we hav« now entered unusual intere--t is being taken all over the English-apeakin; world in the various Burns celebrations. This is part y due, no doubt, to the fact that this year is the. centenary of tho poet's death ; but we think it is also largely due to the wider knowledge and greatly iucreasiaß popularity of his iiuniortil works. Iu view of these facts, we cannot help mueuiberinß that they are the dirwt fulfilment of the prophetic language Burns himself used on his deathbed At Dumfries to his 'Bonnie Jean'; 'They will think inair o' mo a hundred years hence.'

■" Iu this connection it will be remembered that your committee sent a special contribution by .members towards the fund for the erection ii the Highland Mary statue, which is to ,he unveilsd at Dtmoon, on the 'bonnie banks o'Clyde,'on 21st .lulrnext. Your committee also -propose sending Home a memorial wreath to place on the liurns Mausoleum at Dumfries, whore a large uatio'ml Gathering will take place on the same date. No rfonbt tho incoming committee will see that the Slst July is not forgotteu here. . ;

"We may state fur the information oF members that a new Burns Club has been started thin year m Wellington City, and held its first meetitiK on the anniversary. It proved a greet success. Sti>n* had beeu taken to form a clnb at Manaia, aud it is gratifying to note the contiuued prosperity of the Invercnrgill and Pahiatua Clubs.

"Thus it will bo seen that the Burns cult in surely and steadily progressing in our lnml awl something bsinß done to cultivate a love, oE Scottish song, music, and literature, and to pfi'petunia the memory of him who did aornnchlo raise these to a high standard. Your committee deem it at once a duty and a pleasure to acknowledge th*t in the ladies they have the. most powerful auxiliaries in promoting and fostering love for our national song and sentiment, nhdxhe luge and regular attendance of our-wives and bisirns has not a little to do with the clubs sustained success. It is also satisfactory to uotice the interest manifested by our young New Zealanders in the work of tha club, both as performers and listeners. , "As will be seen from the balance sheet, the club, continues to inake jurasmiss.tinau.ciallKL.the

amount to credit bsins £133 153 9d ; whilo assets in the shape of mii'itc, &o. represent £35 8< fid. Necessarily tin: c«"y:as! on of the club'-, atlV-ira Involves considerable outlay, and the .n'.iouut added to credit each y««r in not very large. Still it is satisfactory to not« that by the exercise of ' economy the club's- expenditura ia ktpt <t/ai\ within Its inc-ji.-je. The tota] number ol subscribing meinben is 470, including S2 ladies. "Thanks ara dnirrvedly due to th« choir and its conductor (Mr K-nfussin) for their continued and suecci'iful endeavours to render the club's gatherings attractive; and pleasurable. Your committee recognise t'ust the f.ervicon rendered by this valued adjunct to the club involve considerable self-sacrifice on the part of the choir m«rabern/and they trust that the organisation will in the future continue to be str^njt.beqed and enco-iraiced in iU work. The narvic«« of Mrs Todd an pianists during Hie year have been much appreciated. Mr JJ-:n«!'I ffendetsor. deserves 8P«ci«l mention for hi". j;or,d 'Mr.w nv M.C. at this various dances enj..ywi by the club members; and, generally, your c«iiiinittcc desire to express ._ their obligation to tha many member who have cheerfully assisted iu-carrying out the various *' functions of the club. "Your committee have pleasure in again re-cot-din" their high appreciation of the manner in I which Mr John Sent', carries out the responsible | duties of lion. triißSiirer to the clnb. He is undoubtedly 'the rijiht wan in the right place,' a remark which also fully applied to our worthy ! and enthusiastic pecrelary, Mr William Brown. ! Thanks arc aluo due to Mr'James Brown, hon. I auditor, and Mr Alexander Gray, the clubVpiper, i while it would be ungracious not to aoknowledce \ bore the help given in connection .with the iafe i custody of tbo club':) property by Mr Andrew ■ •Sntherla'nd. The retiring members of committed j thii year are the j>r<*M«nt, vice-presidents, treai wurer, and secretary, find Mf-ssrs James Cooper, [ John G'hri-itte, sn'i tii* H<in. Thomas Fergus, wh« i »ra all eligible for ri'.-ilcction."

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10625, 21 March 1896, Page 2

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DUNEDIN BURNS CLUB. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10625, 21 March 1896, Page 2

DUNEDIN BURNS CLUB. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10625, 21 March 1896, Page 2