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(By Demos in the Otaqo Witness.)'

The, usual, committee meeting of the Dunedin Cyoliug Clah held on Tuurjdiy evening was attended by Messrs Matthews (in the choir), Bpeight, Boot, King, Gordon, Bell, and Crow (hon. secretary). A considerable amount of correspondence was dealt with, including a letter containing the following suggestions from a fub-commjMee appointed from bath clubs :—"(l) That tbe team race D.G.C. v. held on 18bh January, 1898; (2) that the first race for Mr Melville's prizes be held on Wednesday, 6th' November, and the winner of the first prize ceases to be.a novice only on winning the first prize- for' the three distances; (3) that members take advantage of the reduced tariff only on production of thfeir memb?rship tickets; (*; that the official dosing .of .tha_ .cycling season...-. be on' the last Saturday- of April ; (5) that '.in place of track races for ' roadsters' the definition or the race be 'for machines not under26lb weight,' to as to allow road racers to eompatc ; (6) that jt is desirable that the trophies ior race meetings be collected before the meeting is held; (7) that it ii highly desirable that tbe distances and prizes of outside cycling events be leferred to a sub-committee of both clubs ; (8) that a. letter bo Ksnfc to the executive of the New Zealand Cycliate' Alliance, complaining of the neglect of the ext cutive to keep the clubs informed of the meetings, &a., of the aHUiiee," All the above suggestion* were adopted, with tbe exception of the letter to the alliance, which is to te slightly altered.- It was resolved vuat a sir oke concert be held in connection with the openiug of the new club room. The seoretary intimated that, with the exception of one or two houses, a uniform tariff for cyclists is now in force throughout Oiago. Thirteen active members wore elected ■ The uew club room will liksly be ready on Wednesday, 23rd .—-Toe ota 8° Cjcling, Club's runtoMosgielbad to be put off last Saturday owing to tha txfcretntly unfavourable weather prevailing. The wind Wew very strongly from the sooth, and to add to this discomfort there were frequent heavy rain showerß, so all thought of a club run, in fact of riding at all, had to be given up and the fixture ab&ndooed. The ■oeaUisr next day was decidedly more pleasant, and a cumber of riders went as far as Evan.dsleiarid back. The souSh road wan not mvitiog, the strong southerly wind blowinc preventing pleasant riding. -•■•■•....-■• .- ..■■".■" .. ——,T^°»? who attended the sports hold at the Caledonian gicuud* ou Labour Day put ia a most.disagrteible time, ? Tha wiocf was high, and the loose material whicb wta lying thick on the track wan blown about iv every direction, much to the discomfort of sightseers. Th« bicycle r»omg was, v it always is, interest-, jng, and tbe wins were popular - .The track, raced on for the firri time sine* the improvements were started, was'in bad order for racing, surfaoe was too loose, ft v J? deril hldJ? !ry hard wwk t0 Plough through tho soft staff lap after lap. Tha banking is good, and the whole track ytxtiU only plenty of rain and good rolling to it a. very fast one The Caledonian Society had done all in their power to make it right for Wednesday's racing, but it w M not their K o6d fortune to have things as well as they and? the ridera could wish; ■ . .

-Membersi of the Danedin Cycling Club are reminded that the first dab run of the season will start from the club room, Manse street, at half-past 2 o'clock on Saturday, afternoon. The Otago Olnb, whose fixture for last Saturday afternoon had to be abandoned, have decided to hold the run—to Mc*eiel—on Saturday, 26th inst. '

There appear! to be some misconception regarding the race for trophies presented to the | DunedinCycling Club for competition by Mr W. Melville. The races are open to members of the Otago and Ddnedin Clobi who have never won | a first prize, and are not confined to members of | the Dunedin Cycling dub, as is'understood by Borne riders. I hope to see a good number of riders from both clubs face the starter on Wednesday evening, 23rd inst., when the firrt race, over a distance of one mile, takes place. i.;-. two. Victorian cyeliett, Messrs Barston and Hunter, who are just now mtking a tonr of New Zealand on their bioyolea, arrived at Donedin on Friday and left next morning, faoicg the strong southerly wind, and no doubt catching come of the raiu showers on their way to the hakes, via Lawrence. Since their arrival at Auckland on September 16 they have ridden on an average about 70 milwi a.d»y, and their übuhl stay is one night in each resting place, Mr Burnton ecaling over 14st, rides a Hnmber machine fitted with New Rapid wheels, and weighing 291b. • Last-Tuegday A. J;-Bed/, the winner of the 24.bou»' race held in Dunedin, attempted to lower the Winchester to Timara reoord (44min5?»ee) held by J. Whelen. Body put up a good pestformaace, but did not break the record, his time being 49min 3soo. — Tite annual general meeting of the North OUgo Cycling -. Club was held at the Globe Hotel, Oamaru, on the'Bth inst. Tbero I was a large attendance of members, and the balance sheet showed a credit of £9 Is Gd, the receipts for the year (including £10 0s BJ, amount in hand at the beginning of the year) being £8013s 9d, and the expenditure £81 12a 3d. The following offics-bearera were elected: Pa4ron,; Mr John M'Lean { president, Mr W. Bee; vice-presidents—Messrs O. B. Wise, B. Davidson, J. FamUton, W. Waddell, J. B. Grave, T. Forrester, and W. Lawsbn ; captain, Mr A. J. Grove; sub-captain, Mr J. Bapson; bugler, Mr D. Johnston; hon. treasurer, Mr W. Lawson; hoo. eeoretery, Mr A> 'Familton; auditor, Mr B. M'Dowell^ committeo—Messrs J. M'Lsren, W. Matheson, C. Church; W. Wyhe, W. Alexander, D. Miller, J. Bee, and H. Stamford. The opening ton is fixed for the 2*thinst, , ''..-'.' ■-— Tie Gore Cycling Club bold a road race to Ohadtin and back on November 6, ""—■ Aii impromptu 10-znUo bicycle race was 1 J" 1 under the auspices of the lovorcargill ; Uyoimg Clnb on the Union grounds on Ttie«Mjr afternoon. There were reren competitora,

and all Btarted from scratch. B. M'Ksnzie, who recently nnsuocossfully endeavoured to break the tecoid between Duncdin and lnvercargill, showed b3tter form, than the ctUetß, and won comfortably, with Phil Huir, who is just a lad, a very good second. The' time (34inin 20seo), considering the high wind blowing throughout tie race, is very creditable. The North Canterbury Bicycle Clnb shows a credit balance of £3 on the year's trantaotioQS. The following are the ufficeba&rers for this season:—Patron, Mr D. Buddo, M.H.E.; president, Mr J. Sansom; viccpresidenfcs —the Very Rev. Father O'Connor, Messrs H. Boyd, SI. Scott, and H. C. J. Bailey; captain, Mr A. C Wilmot; 6ubcaptsm, Mr H. Martin; secretary and treasurer, Mr D. Blake: committee—Messrs H. C. Wilson, W. BlacUett, K. Cook, J. Thompson, and G. Jones; contul and delegate to the Rangiora Athletic Association, Mr A. O. Wilmot,

The world's obampiou, Arthur Augustus Zimmerman, interviewed at Albany soon after his arrival, f aid in the coarse of the interview that he intends staying at Adelaide for some months for strict Inuring, in order to get into racing form. He will then visit Melbourne and Sydney. He has made no engagements, neither will he issue immediately a challenge, but he is prepared to race anybody or everybody who likes to engage in a contest with him. He intends to give cycling up professionally after 'his tour in these colonies. He will visit Western Australia at Christmas if passible, to bring the lending Australian cyclists over for the races at P. rfch. ■

The Premier of Victoria (Mr Turner) has taken to a bioyole. Judge Hamilton, Mr Leon, a lending barrister; and Dr Maudsloy are also credited with having token to ridiog the iron wheel

——The Wellington Cycling Club formally opened the cycling season in Wellington on Saturday; sth inst. Over 40 cyclists assembled and rode from the club room through the city to the BMin Reserve.

—— At Johannesbnrg on July 20 a race took place at the Wanderers'rink, three miles, bicycle against roller abates. Three skaters did one mile each against the same cyclist, who won easily. > General Bcoth h*« decided (says Bicycling News) in -favour of Sunday cycling, and his two eldest granddaughters, »gtd only 10 and 12, and their mother ride to and fro between HadJey Wood and High Barnet for the Salvation Army meetings on Sundays. The tcrtnu arranged by the syndicate which brought Zimmerman to Australia are exceedingly liberal. On arrival he was to receive £1000, ftiid in addition to this amount he is guarautetd one-half of what the first prize may bo in every race in which he competes should he lose, and, of coarse, the fall amount should be win. He also receives 25 per cent, of the net gate receipts at all meetings where he ride. In addition to this, travelling expenses and hotel bills, with incidentals, aic allowed him for bis wife and himself from the time he reaches Australia until he lands again in America after the trip He ia bound by agreement to stert m cot low than three races esch week, unites illness prevents him so doiug. He has won-during his career no less than 375 races, representing £12,000 in. prizes. He also holds 160 medals, 30 of which are champion medals.

—— A triplet of French, manufacture, which is to be used to pica the world's champion when necessary during his Australian tour, has been lauded in Melbourne. .

The World's Championship meeting, held at Cologne on August 18, w-.s not a gieat sacotss. The results of tbe raeie.g are »s follows :—One-mile Profeesioual Championship of tbe World, R. Pjotea ; time, 2<nin 3lstc (this race has to be re-run iv Pans owing to some) complications), Amateur Team Race (Country v. County)— Holland 1, with 9 .mints ; England and Belgium 2, with 11 point?; Germany 3, with 14 points; and Daumark \, with IS points. One Mile for Amateurs—Jaak Eden (Holland); time, 2min 333 saec. Oue Hundred Kilometres for Fi'jfesxiouala—J. Michael (fclngUod); time, 2hr 24miu 5fH-5«:o. One Hundred Kilometres for Amateurs —JI. Cordacg (Hollwad) ; time, 2hc 35miu 45 4-sse3.

■■- Mr and Sir* B. A Mcddock, who recently rode from Sydney to Brisbane and b»ck— about 1600 miles, —have been interviewed at various northern towns. Mrs Haddock told one reporter tbat she can rido 72'mUesa dcy over fair roads without feeliug tatigued. She attributes her ability to do such a long distance to tbe fact that she thoroughly understands how to poiitiou the body. Deportment, sbe admits, is not conspicuous among colonial cyclist?, and unfortunately it is a neglected, part of cultivation generally. Mrs Maddock says the mistake moat of our cyclists make is that they karn to ride first and think about deportment afterwards. Sbe bat no doubt tbat the lady cyclist has come to stay; their costume, sbe considers, is much more modest th«.n the modern ballroom dress, which no one takes exception to nowsda) s. It is merely the novelty of the thing that ban caused Dime Prudery to start up startled. Cycling, she Ass«r<s, is a harmless, useful, and healthful accomplishment for women wher properly and intelligently indulged in.

You never realiiehow many men there are who doa't carry a rspiiriaj; uutfit with them until you puncture by tile way, find yuu've left your own ontflt at home, and loo^iugly iuquire of each passing wheelman whether he can lend you one. ■ •' - •

Mr Speed, writing in Lippiooott'« Magazine, maJutains that the bicycle is the speediest mode of locomotion exceptiug a first-clus locomotive. A man on a bioyvle has covered a mile in neuly bilf a miuute leai tim» thau nil her a. paoer or a trotter, and hi* rccuni for a mile is (,no-toith of a second Itss tbau chut of thegreit ruuning borne Salvador, the fastest thoroughbred no for pruduced. In distance racing, wbe'her outhe read or the track, the bivycie rider has greatly the advantage of the bor<d, and can beat that caiuial at any distance, ttvj fai-ther the di<tauoe the gcester the sdvauUge in favour of the bicyoliat. iVr instance, la«l, year ou New J t riey.roadi2s miie» were oorerfd in lhr smin. 50 miles in 2ar 30mit>, lOOmilea in shr 35min, 2CO mites in 12.U- 44miu.

——Oue ol the must agouioitig period's in a cyclist's life i» when he has runted over a broken bottle, or hat felt a "'bump" oa the rim, and for lire eecoads can't decide whether its a puncture or not!

• —The French tax on cycles brings in close on £80,000 yet anonm.

" Our better-halves say they could not keep house without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is uf.ed in moro than half the homes in Leed«.—Sims' Boos., Leeds, Iowo." This shows the e&ieom in which that remedy is held where it has Been sold lor years and is well known. Motheis have loatucd that there is nothing 60 good for colds, croup, and whooping cough, that it cures these ailments quickly asd permanently, and that it is pleasant aud safe for children to teko. For sale by all leadiog ch£mistfl.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10495, 19 October 1895, Page 7

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CYCLING NOTES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10495, 19 October 1895, Page 7

CYCLING NOTES. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10495, 19 October 1895, Page 7