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Wednesday, July 24.

Fat Cattle.—This week's supply comprised 122 head, varying in quality from little better than stores to extra prime. The feature of the sale was a piir of maenificent shorthorn bullocks, bred on the New Zealand and Australian Land Company's Clydevale estate, first prizetikers at the last Otago show, and sold at £'15 2s fid and £14 Ss respectively. These two bullocks will average from loOUlb ro 14001b each, dressed weight The only other lot of cattle forward calling for any special attention was Mr William Kirkiand's draft of prime medium-weights from Elmgrove. The demand throughout tin- sale was of an unusually brisk character, and prices, compared with last week's, advanced quite SOs per head Best bullocks brought £9 10s to £11; two or threa pens extra heavy weights, £12 Ms to £15 2s 6d • medium to good, £7 Ms to £8 17s (id; lightweights, £5 17s Bd to £6 17s 6d; best cows, £7 15- to £S ss; medium to good, £5 10s to £7 ss; light aud aged, £2. 12s fid to £5 5s — Wright, .stephesson, and Co. sold 47 head as follows: For Mr William Kirkland (Elmgrove), 11 prime bullocks (medium weights) at from £S 10s lo £11; Mr Thomas Mawhinney (White Sow Valley), 7 steers (light weights) at from £6 15s to £7 17s 6d;Mr Alexander Hastie" (Allanton) 5 light-weight steers at from £fi 7s 6d to £7 12* Sd; and Messrs W. Townley, Thomas Lvnn (Anderson's Bay), David Davidson (Saddle Hill), Oavid Mills (Green Bland), Archibald Ewing (Mont Grand), 'thonias Moloney (Purakanui). H. Drake, J. W estfold, Robert Brunton, and Thomas Godfrey, 24 head at quotations.—The New Zealand Loan a>;d Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold : For Messrs A and A. Sounuess (Otakia) 3 pens light kteers at £G 15s te £7 103, and 1 do heifers at £4 12s 6d.—The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) yarded 33 head and sold : for Me*srs Jame-i Smith and Sons (Roseneath), 14 bullocks at £7 to £9 7s 6d; Mr W. Beauchamp (Friston), 3 bullocks at £7 15s to £9 2i fid, 2 cows at £7 15s to £S; Mr A. Sutherland (Otakia), 4 bullocks to £? 7s Cd ; Mr A. Douglns (East Tai-ri) 5 heifers at £5 7s Gd to £6 10.-;; Mr W. Kirkland (Elmgrove), 1 bullock at £8 17s (id; Mr AY. Town--1-y (Kaikorai), 1 heifer at £4 17s 6d; Mr Casey (Purakanui), 3 cows at £4 17s 6d to £6. - Stronach, Bros, and Morris sold : Por Mr Mawhinney (Gimmerburn), bullocks at £8 2s (id, heifers at £9, and cows at £5 7a 6rl — Domald Reid and Co. yarded 37 and sold : Por Mr William Patrick (Balmoral), 3 bullocks at £15 2-, 6d to £10 10s; Mr J. A. Stewart (Montrose farm), S bullocks at up to £9 7s sd; Mr Thoma-- Mawhinney (Wedderburn), 7 bullocks at £!> to £S 103; Mr D. M'Lennan (Wedderburn), 5 bullocks at up to £6 2s fid, 3 cows at £7 to £5 12s 6d ; Messrs Murray, Holland, Townley; aad others, 11 head at up to £5 12s Gd.—The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) yarded and sold 30 head as follows : Por Mr A. Peat (Clarks), bullocks up to £9 2s fid; Mr T. Potter (Clarks), 2 bullocks at- £5 lis 6d, 2 heifers at £6 ss; Mrs BsUimrall (Olark'3 Junction), 3 heifers at £7 7s fid to £6; Mrj. Stuart 5 heifers at £6 17s (id, 4 heifers at £6 15s to £6 7s Od, 2 heifers at £5 7s 6d; Messrs Liston, Cross, Gawn, Pitzgerald, and others, 11 head at up to £6 ss.

Fat Sheep. — 2155 penned, including several drafts of exceptionally prime sheep—notably Mr James Hendcison's (from Kelso), Mr Georee Nichol's (from Abbotsford station), and Mr W. S. Morley's (from Stirling). The sale throughout was a very satisfactory one from tbe sellers' point of view, nrices, in the case of prime sheep, advancing Is per head. Competition was better ihaa we have seen it for some mouths past—exporters butchers, and graziers all being represented among the buyers present. In coi.sequence the improvement in values with which the sale commenced was maintained throughout; indeed, if anything there was a hardening tendency towards the clomj of th? sale. Exceptionally prim* and heaw. weight crossbred wethers brought from 14s to ISs 3d; prime ordinary weights, 12* to 13s 6'd ■ medium, 10s b'd to lis 6d ; light, 9s to ISs ; extra prime heavy crossbred ewei brought from' 12» to J3s; prime crossbred ewei, 10s rid to Hs Rd ■ medium, 7s 6d to Ss fid.—Wuionx, Stephenso\' and Co. sold 7J2aa follows :—Por Mr James Hen' derson (Kelso), 17 extra prime crossbred wether* at lGs 3d, and 39 prime do at 14s; Mr G-nr<t» Nichol (Abbotsford station), 30 very prime cro-V bred wethers at Ms 3d, and 30 at 14s •Mr Tnhn M'Phee (Bliddlemarch). 35 prime halfbred wcthe-S at 12s Gd. and So do (small) at lis 3d •M, TjX n £ Elliot (Mount Ross), 35 prime halfbred wetheiw 12s, and 25 do (smaller) at lis 3d ; Ifc John Beattie (Strath-Tnieri), 36 halfbred wethers at ££ 3d, 32 do (•-mailer) at Ifc 9a. 3<i balfbrS ewes at Hs 41, and 22 merino wethers a"- Q Messrs W. and N. Raid (Broomfield Mains'! sr crossbred wethers at 12s lld, and iW• „, \ Si ewes at from 7s 6d to Ua 3d MrSvi„ v"* 1 (Mosgiel), 60 light-weight crosfbred maiden ewes at 10 j!M to 11« Id • jfJ. j™ fc«f? T l (Southland), 120 halfbred wethers (tW«„f- ?« at from 10s to Ua sd; and Mr AW P£i '-at) (Rosebank). 42 light-wJight cr£ B bred w ß «.emiDf Ms Hd.-ViiE Mutual Awm (™ , ethe, lS nt ZmsLAXx, (LiM.TEDI penned 6SO 2Kh° F *F i lows: Por Mr William Morley' fflk^l

crossbred wethers and maiden ewes at 15s 9d to 13s 9d; Mr Wm. Moffatt (Te Houka), 32 crossbred wether* at 12-t 01, 27 do at lis 3d ; Mr J. Mo ley (luchclut-.a), 30 crossbred wetliers aud maiden ewea at lis 9d; Mrs Thompson (Middlemarch) 35 crossbred wethera at 11a 9.1, 25 do a' 10s 9d ; Mr D. Kenneay (Dunback), 33 crossbred withers at Lis, 24 do ar. 12. • Mr Wm. Grey (Milburn), 32 crossbred ewes at 13s, 23 do at lis ; Mes.-r's J. and a Wilson (Papakaio), 40 crossbred ewes at 12s 9d, f> do a*olla 3d> 3& halfbred ewes at lis 9d; Air J. Smart, 35 crossbred wethers at llsfld, 40 do at lis; ,^'",. A- M Donald (Clarks), 50 crossbred ewes (light-weights) at 8s 9d, 55 at up to 8s 6d.— Ihe JNew Zealand. Loan and Mercsntile Agency^ Company (Limited) sold: Por Mr .lames Liddle (laien Beach), 101 crossbred wethers and mal? eli™n e! t0, 12s 6d ; and Privately during the week 10(10 do for exrort at market rates —The I' armers Agency Company (Limiteu) penned 4WI and sold: dor Mr Jno. Anderson (Waiwera), w crossbred wethers Wi to lis 9d; Mr Jno. Howat (Milng), 25 crossbred wethers lis 3d, 3S crossbred ewes Kb; Messrs Walsh Bros. (Otakia), 44 crossbred wether.* Us; Mr .Ino. Kearney (Gim?u^ ur?)i IM crossbred wethers 12s to 13s, 96 halfbred do 9* Qth-DONALD Reid and Co yarded ,7 4 5 ad. sofe For Messrs 6. and J. Cumming (A.rthurton), 59 crossbred wethers and ewes at 10s Jd to 9s bd 2 crossbred ewes at 12s 6d; Mr D. M Lennan (Wedderburn), 166 halfbred wethers ?£ ,?r- CvV! n los 9d t0 9s M". Mr Nicolas Quinn (lsiatulnhi) 30 crossbred wethers and ewes at lis Jd; Mr. Robt. Shaw (Ardmovle), 60 halfbred wetheifTat lis 9d to 10s «d; Messrs Williamson liro/s. USentasken), 40 crossbred wethers and ewes at quotations. ...-.■

Lambs. —The Farmers' Agency Company (.limited) sold 87. for a southern client at 6s 3d to P- In" 3 Was the on]y lofc totiirarct to-day. rigs.—SO penned comprising all sorts. Demind extremely slack, and even at the low range of values now obtaining sales were most difficult to Sl|cc., Prime grain-fed bacon pigs told at from 2os to 38s ; porkers, 10s to 235; slips, 6s to lis; and s»™. 3s to 5s —Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 50 at quotations.-Tila Farmers' Agency J.ompany (Limited) sold 7 slips for Mr Jno. Dent Uuerua),atSs to 8s 6d—Donald Reid and Co. yarned- and -sold:' For Mr Nicholas Quinn (Makikihi);- 25 at up to 20s; Mr M. Hughes (Wingatui), sat bs; Mr R. Crawford, 2at 7s; Mt W. Blackie (£lasgow farm), 12 at Ss 6d to 6s; Mr WmV Shand (Keith Hall), 8 at 21s to 12s; Mr M'Kechnie, at quotations.

Store Cattle and Sheep.—As usual at this time ot the year, there are no transactions of importance taking place in either of these descriptions of stock.—l'he Mutual Agency Company of Nevv Zealand (Limited) report having sold 250 head of cattle during the week at full rates. Oountry Sales.—' he Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) report holding their usual f-rtnightly sale at Crown yards, Balclutha, on Friday, 19th inst. The entry was not a large one. but all-the stock forward was of first-class quality.- Buyers were numerous, and everything sola at full prices. Pat wethers sold at 1 Is, lis 9d, and 12s ; store lambs up to 7s Id ; and cows' from £6 to.£s. 7s6d.—The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency' Company (Limited) report haviug held their fortnightly auction tale on Friday, the 19th inst., at the Crown yards. Balclutha, which, considering the weather, was \vell_attended by both farmers and dealers. Fair, entries of both sheep and cattle were presented.' Oompetiti >n was keen, resulting in very satisfactory pricea being obtained for all the stock offered. The sales effected were as follows :—ll3 crossbred wethers and maiden ewes at Hr 6d, 15S do at 10s 6d, 20 head grown steers at £61359 d, 8 two-year-old do at ; £3 8s; 6 cows at £3 10s to £6 5s 1 steer at £5 155, 6 small steers and heifer* at £2 Us, 3 .heifers at £2 Us, 7 small pigs at 9s to 10s 6d.

Wool.—The London sales continue without change, and the advance recorded at the beginning ofthe series has been well maintained. American buyers, who are taking alarae portion of wool offered, are keen competitors for all descriptions o F better-class wools. Locally, the only lots offered ara bags and bjiles of oddments', but these are sold uuder keen competition at prices'which show an advance of Jd to fd per lb on those ruling before the opening of the present series of London sales.

m Sheepskins.—At the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday there was.a,very large attendance of buyers and others interested in the skin trade. Pair seized catalogues were offered, and these were keenly competed for and cleared at prices which show a slight advance on those ruling last week., Full-woolled and three-quarter-woolled skins are in most demand, while pelts are still somewhat.dlfficult to quit. Quotations are : Halfbred and crossbred three-quarter to full-woolled, 3s 9d to 4s 9d each ; do quarter to half-woolied. Is 9d to 3s 3d each: do lambskins, ls to 3s each; do j pelts, sdto lOd each; merinos, three-quarter to full-woolled, 2s 6d to 3s 6d each; quarter to halfI wonlled, ,*a to 2s 3d each ; pelts, 5d to lOd each. !-.,-. Rabbitskins.—-The cable news" from- London 1 regarding the sales.held there on Friday last is of a most disappointing character, values for full-fun-ed skins-being quoted at par to Jd perlb easier than tithe 'May sales, and lower qualities at. quite Id :less.:. Catalogues to hand by the San Francisco mail this week are also extremely disheartening-/ and it is apparent from them that many skins sold in this market last winter and purchased by speculators for resale at Home have, in many*instances, hot realised even cost here, while in other cases the prices obtained have been from Jd to id per lb less. In view of these facts it is not surprising that the upward course of this market suffered a very severe check at last Monday's sales, but it cannot bs said to be more tban was warranted by the state of the London market. Best skins declined fully Jd per lb, and other qualities at least Td. Tbe total quantity offered.was not great, and the following was the range of values :—Prime selected winter greys (thin pelts), ,lld to .lljd per lb; prime ordinary do, lOd tolOJd"; prime blacks, lOd to lid ; medium and low season, '6dL to 8d; other qualities in proportion., '" Hides.—Market shows no change. All good conditioned, well flayed heavy hides are in good demand, but dirty, bad conditioned hides have not the same attention. We quote : Heavy, 2Jd to 3d ; extra do,<3id to 34d; liaht to medium, ljd to 2£d inferior and light,"ldto lid per lb. Tallow.—A fair demand existsfor all classes of both rough fat and "tallow at quotations, which are:—For best rendered mutton, 17s b'd to 183 6d ; medium to good, 143 6d to 163 fid ; inferior to medium, 10s to 13s ; rough fat— best mutton caul, lis 6d to 12s ; medium to good, 10s 6d tolls; inferior to medium, 9s to 10s per cwt (ex store).' ,

Grain;— Wheat: Very little business is passing transactions being confined to small lots of milling and seed parcels. Values for these" remain the- same as when we last reported." We quote: Prime milling Tuscan and velvet, 3s 9d to 3«rlo£'d; good to hest, 3s Sd to 3s 9d ; medium, 3s 7d v to 3s 8d ; inferior, 3s 3d to 3s Hd' (ex store,: sacks weighed in, terms). Oate: The demandI'this week has been fairly good for small lofs* for the supply of local requirements, but ai the moment shippers cannot afford to/pay; present prices, and therefore sales in large quantities cannot be made at to-day's quotations. We quote: Be3t' bright stout milling, Is 9Jd to ls SJd : best bright stout short feed, ls Sjd to ls 9|d; medium to J?ood, 1* 7id to Is Sid ; inferior to medium, lssd to Is 7d; small lots of lone oats fpr seed, occasionally Is 9d to 2s (ex store, sacki extra, net). Barley : There is a slightly better inquiry, and prices have an upward tendency. AYe quote: Prime malting, 2s9d to 3s ; medium to good, 2s 6d to 2s Sd ; feed and milling, 2* to 2s 5d (ex store, sacks extra, net). Chaff: Supplies this week have been heavy, and values have in consequence dropped 2s Od to 5s per ton. We quote : Prime, £2153 to £2 17s 6d: extra prime, £3; medium to pood, £2 7s fid to £212s b'd ; inferior, 40s to 45s per ton (ex truck, sacks extra, net).

[.The.indioidual reports of Wool, Rabbitskin, or Gram Brokers can be inserted in the Daily Times and Otago Witness at special JJat«.]

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 10421, 25 July 1895, Page 4

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10421, 25 July 1895, Page 4

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 10421, 25 July 1895, Page 4