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Tuesday, March 22.

Fat Cattle.—2oo head yarded. After last week's over supply, this number proved in excess of the trade's requirements. Bidding was very slack, and prices ruled rather easier, excepting in the case of very prime cattle, which realised late rates. Best bullocks brought from L 8 to L 9; good bullocks, L 6 to L7los; light bullocks, L4los to L 5 10s; best cows, L 6 to L(i 17s 6d ; good cows, L 4 to L 5 12s Gd ; aged and inferior cows, L 2 to L 3 10s,—Wright, Stephenson, and Co. sold 69 head ns follows :—For Mr James Gow (Invermay), 10 very prime shorthorn steers at from L 9 to L 7 iOs;

for 51>s Catherine Miller (liraemore), 2 prime steers at LS 23 (id, and 3 prime heifers at L 6 5s to L 6 17s 6d; for Mv John Douglas (Mount Royal estate), 8 prime cows at L 5 125.6 dto LG ; for Mr David Sutherland (Lochend), 6 heifers at L 4 17s till to L 5 7s 6d ; for Mr Wm. Townley, 5 cows at Ist ; for Mr Peter Duncan (Waikouaiti), 8 cows at LI to Lslos; for Mr Thomas Godfrey (Pine Hill), 10 cows at from L 3 10s to L 5 15s; for Mr John Warnock, 4 cows at quotations; for Messrs John Allan, A. Campbell, Isaac Green, G. Geddes, Thomas Lynn, and J. J. MAuley, 13 cows at current rates.— The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold: For Mr Wm.

Quin (Maori Kaik), Mr John MAuley (Portobello), Mr Alexander Douglas (Riccarton), Mr David Sutherland (Lochend),. Mr ..Thqmas Kirk (East Taieri), Mr A. Lee Smith (Lalteholm), Mr "William Lindsay (Greytown), Mr John Baynes (Maori Kaik), and others, bullocks to L7l7s (id and cows to L 5 15s.—Donald Reid and Co. yarded and sold : For A. Lee Smith (Lakcholm), 7 heifers at Lsto L 4; for Mr Archibald Rutherford (Kaikorai),

3 cows at L 3 8s fid ; for Mr A. Dwyer (Portobello), 2ycows at L 4 2s 6d; for Messrs T. Kirk, John Kerr, and others, 7 head at quotations and turned 16 head out unsold.—The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) sold 29 head as follows : For Sir W. Dickson (Portobello), 2 cows at L 6; for Messrs.- Dickson Bros. (Belmont), 1 heifer aft' L 6,1 bullock at L 4 ss, 2 heifers (light) at L3l2s Sd, 2at L 3,1 cow at L2l2s;. for Mr A. Campbell (North-East Valley), 1 cow at L 3 15s ; for a client, 1 heifer at L4l2s 6d ; for Mrs Miller (Maungatua), 2'heifers at L 5 17s Gd, 3 bullocks (passed); for Mr T. Shields, 1 heifer at L 4 lls, 1 cow at L2l2s Gd; for Mr George Wallace, 1 heifer at L 5 2s 6d; for Mr J. Wright, 2 heifers at L 52s fid; for Mr W. Lindsay (Greytown), 2 bullocks at L 7; and for different owners, several head of light cattle at quotations.— John Gri.ndley (on behalf of the Fanners' Agency Company, Limited) yarded 35 head, nnd sold as follows ;—For Mr R. Robinson, jun. (Berwick), 14 bullocks from Lsl7s 6d to L7lo=, S heifers from L 3 17s 6d to L« 8s (id ; for Mr R. P. Sharp (Henley), 12 heifers (small) from L3ss to L4l7s 6d; for Mr W. Lindsay (Greytown), 1 heifer (small) at L 3 155.-—Stronach Bros, and Mortiis sold:—For Messrs R. and G. Wilson (Port Molyneux), bullocks at LG 17s 6d and L 6 5s and cows at Lsl2s6d; and for Mr I. Green, light heifers at L 2 7s 6d. Fat Sheep.—Owing to the meagreness of the supply, only 596 penned to-day prices hardened to the 'extent of from Is to Is 6d per head. Best crossbrsd wethers sold at from 14s 6d to 15s b'd ;

medium do do, 13s to 14s; crossbred ewes, 11s to 13s 6d —New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company (Limited) sold:—Foi' Mr John Nyon (Peninsula) and others, crossbred ewes and wethers at quotations.—Donald Reid and Co. yarded and sold:—For Mr William Thomson (Banks), 8 crossbred wethers at 14s; for Mr James Gny (Milburn), 63 do do at 12s 3d to 10s 3d ; for Mr Robert Runciman (Kuri Bush), 28 do do at 11s 3d. —The Mutual Agency Company op New Zealand (Limited) sold 259 as follows:—For Mr John Henderson (Bulyondale), 34 crossbred ewes 12s 6d, 35 at 12s 6d, 39 at 11s 3d, 28 at 11s ; for Mr D. Murray (Pukerau), 38 crossbred ewes at 9s 3d, 40 merino wethers at Us ; for Mrs Heads (Milburn), 23 crossbred ewes at 11s, 17 merino wethers at 6s 3d; for Mr W. Mabbs (Saddle Hill), 12 half bred ewes at 10s 6d. — The Farmers' Agency Company (Limited) penned 229 and sold as follows:—For Mr Hugh Cameron (Waitahuna), 64 crossbred wethers at 13s 9d, 30 at 13s, 25 at 12s 6d; for Mr A. Douglas (Ilopehill),

■« do do at 15s Cd, 42 at 14s 9d, 17 at 14s (3d, 8 at 14s. - .

Fat Lambs. —The small number forward were of medium quality only, nevertheless they sold well realising up to 10s 3d.—The Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency- Company (Limited) sold : For Mr John Nyhon (Peninsula), 34 at 9s Bd.—Donald Ueit> and Co. yarded and sold : For Mr William Thomson (Banks), 3G at 10s 3d to 10s, 33 at 8s 6d ; for a client, GO stores at 7s 7d; for Mr R. Runciroan (Kuri Bush), 13 at 10s. 27 at 8s 3d. — The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) sold for Mrs Heads (Milburn), 37 at 10s 9d to 11s.

Pigs.—Only 9 suckers penned. There were buyers present for an unlimited number of grainfed bacon pigs and porkers, and for half and threeparts grown well-bred stores. Consignments for next week's market are bound to make very full values, as buyers for both fat and store pigs are numerous and their wants are pressing.—Donald Reid and Co. sold, for Messrs A. and A. Souness (Otakia), 5 at 10s ; for Mr Joseph Mawson (Purakanui), 4 at 9s 6d. ■ \

Store Cattle.—The demand continues good and well-bred cattle whether of mature a^e or young find ready sale, either at auction or privately.— Wright, Stephenson, and Co. have sold during the week 258 head, consisting of 116 three and four-year-old bullocks, 72 two and three-year-old steers, and 70 yearling steers at very fair prices. Store Sheep.—The number offering for private sale is not large, and as the demand has not lessened values continue to rule very much in favour of the sellers.—The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) report having sold privately during the week 3995 sheep, made tip as follows:—2000 full-mouthed merino ewes, 470 four and six-tooth crossbred ewes, 537 mixed crossbreds, 300 crossbred wethers, 240 crossbred ewes, 44S crossbred ewes, and with 2252 sold at the Milton sale, a total of 6247 sheep. On Tuesday, March 22, they held a sale of store sheep at Clinton, full particulars of which will appear next week.

Stud Sheep.—The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) report the sale of a large line of Southdown rams to a southern buyer at a satisfactory figure; also, the sale of 100 stud Leicester ewes to a North Island buyer. Country Sales. —On Thursday, March 17, The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) held their usual fortnightly sale at the Milton yards, in connection with which 2757 sheep were penned. There was "a large attendance, including a number of outside buyers, and the sale was one of the most successful held in this district for months past. For all lots of young and sound-mouthed there was a keen demand— the only lines which failed to find purchasers being two pens of aged ewes and a line of lambs, for which latter 10s 4d per head was offered and refused. The following represent the day's sales : 44 Leicester ewes at 15s 3d, 202 four and six-tooth crossbred ewes at 11s, 28 crossbred ewes at 12s Bd, 200 crossbred lambs at Bs, 110 merino wethers at fis 4d, 29 crossbred wethers at 12s 6d, 55 halfbred ewes at 9s, 393 halfbred ewes (in very low condition) at 8s 2d, 437 quarterbred and halfbred mixed two-tooths at 9s 4d, 471 halfbred lambs at 7s 9d and 7s lOd, 99 cull lambs at 4s 2d, 21 cull merino ewes at 2s 6d, 55 crossbred ewes at 9s 3d, 40 aged ewes at 5s lid, 60 cull lambs at 3s 7d. On Friday, March 18, The Mutual Agency Company of New Zealand (Limited) held a displenishing sale of live stock, farm implements, &c, at Rosebank farm, Mosgiel, for Mr Peter Cooper, who has recently disposed of the property in question. The day being unsuitable for harvest work, most of the Taieri farmers were present, and the various lots siibmitted changed hands under a brisk competition at prices which must have been satisfactory to the vendor. Dairy cows sold up to L 7 2s 6d, draught horses (broken) to H9 10s, unbroken colts to LlB, drays to Ll4, harness, implements, &c, relatively good prices. Kam and Ewe Fair.—This takes place at the Burnside yards on Friday, 25th inst. Property Sales.—Donald Reid and Co. report:

In conjunction with the National Mortgage and Agency Company, Invercargill, we held a sale of landed property at Invercargill on Friday last, the 18th inst., when we submitted 11 farms, containing 2367 acres, of Mr John Shand's well and favourably known Centre Bush and Boggie Burn properties, for sale. These properties are admirably situated, being quite handy to the Inver-cargill-Kingston main line of railway: superior land, fenced and otherwise improved. There was a large attendance of farmers, land .buyers, and speculators present, and much interest manifested in the sale. Buyers evinced considerable hesitancy in their bidding, and appeared to consider the reserves too high, the result being that only one farm—lot 1, containing 109 acres, at Centre Bush, all fenced, and 12 years down in English glass—was disposed of at the auction, the price realised being LlO per acre; Mr Ralph Swale, purchaser. There have, however, been inquiries since the sale, which are likely to result in several of the farms being placed at the very reasonable reserve prices which have been fixed. Sheepskins.—There was a fair attendance of buyers, and bidding was spirited at our auction to-day. A fairly large catalogue was put forward, consisting of nearly every description of woollen and bare skins, which sold at a slight decline on last week's values. Quotations : Dry skins, crossbred, low to medium, Is 4d to 3s fid; do do medium to best, 3s 8d to 6s 6d ; do merino, low to medium, 9d to 2s ; do do, medium to best, 2s 4d to 5s 6d; do pelts, medium to best, 9d to 2s 6d; green skins, lambskins, Is lOd to 2s 8d ; do pelts, Is 8d to 2s 6d. Rabbitskins. —No sales were held this week, and in the absence of further advices from London we can quote no change. Hides.—Market unchanged. Tallow.—There is a fair demand for all qualities both of rough fat and tallow, and as both manufacturers and shippers are ready buyers consignments are easily placed at quotations. Quotations: t ?o nin mvxe. tt tallow, in shipping condition, Ll9to +11 fi o ? n- t ,9> olmtry lots in Packages: Prime tallow, LlB to Lift • medium tallow, Lls to Ll7 ; inferior LlO to LU- best caul fat, Ll3; mixed Lll 103 to Ll2 10s ; inferior, 1,9 to lAO. Grain.—Wheat: Considerable quantities of new wheat have been offered and received into store during the past week, but as buyers are not inclined to stock themselves, further than to meet actual requirements, a considerable portion has failed to find purchasers. So far the greater portion of what has come forward has been of medium quality only, and unless there is a change in the weather experienced for the past fortnight the wheat yet in stook must necessarily be more or less damaged. This, together with the fact that immense quantities of the north crop is badly damaged, may have the effect of encouraging holders of prime quality grain to hold; but should there be sufficient prime wheat harvested in the sou,h and should advices of the London market be not more favourable, we cannot see that there is any ground for the hope. QuotaS lonij~~?nm# Inl I lhn?' 4s t0 4s 2d; medium, 3s 8d to 3s 11; inferior, 3s 3d to 3s 6d Pats?; The deliveries of the new crop have as yet

been on a very limited scale, and as there has been a fair inquiry during the week prices' are un«changed. It is, however, solely owing to the fact of the scarcity, that prices are maintained, and unloss Australian markets are more active thanthey are at present a fall in Values here must inevitably be the result. Quotations- jr-Prime-milling, Is 6id to Is 7d ; heavy brigfrk feed, Is 6d to Is 6Jd; inferior to medium. Is 4d to Is 51(1. Ryegrass : A moderate demand, for shipment, is ■ yet experienced, but unless the seed offered is of exceptional quality buyers are not iTiclined to buy stock. Transactions have this week- subseiquently beon on only a limited, scale, but, asl suitable i'sced is not too plentiful prices are maintained;- Quotations:—Ordinary machine-dressed, 3s 3d to 3s 9d; do farmers' clean dressed; 2s Bd: 1» 3s;; heavy seed off old pasture, 3s 3d to .45."

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 9382, 23 March 1892, Page 2

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WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9382, 23 March 1892, Page 2

WEEKLY LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE REPORT. Otago Daily Times, Issue 9382, 23 March 1892, Page 2