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Auckland, Ktbruary 5. The Alameda, with tho San Fnwci.-oo mail, arrived at 7 o'clock this morning. She biinKs the iollowliij passengers for New Zealand:— Miss Upton, Mrs Darker, Messrs F. W.JI. Halleday (ex-Oovornor of Virginia), C. Mulfroy and wife, D. Klcholls, Shirlock and wife, Harniston's Circus Company j !,lx steerage.


7dra Jas. Urowmj-Potter, the actress, has sailed •fr.uu London to Australia to till an engagement with Williamson, (turner, and Musgrove. The town council if Dublin voted down by a large majority a resolution inviting tho Queen to that oily. A petroleum ship caught tir.s at Smulerland un January 8, and was burned witli three other vessels. SirC'liarius Kuss-ll has ha-.n retained tv watch lhu pruc ediiifis in tlm CUolmd scandal case on behalf of Vrince Albert Victor.

'L lie Mov. V. Byug, tho Queen's chaplain stud chaplain to tho House of Commons, lovanted on January 2, owing to turf debts. Mr CiTiidslone will shortly publish a critical reviuw of Lord Teum sou's poems."

Aoiy Sueru in irmdo a successful tfeiiiC at Berlin on January 4.

The liwi'lli of the Cznrof Hiissia is reported to bo Ho is aiuiiiosrfl to be ouffering from the. effects of p.itjoneil food.

Thorok.s been unusually tempestuous weather all over the. United otates. A train with 51) tons of posUl matter was derailed anil burned at Sydney (.iSeb.) on January fl. Fortunately tho Australian overland mail escaped by tlia delay of tho Atlantic! steamer.

Tlia Boston Merchants' Association adopted on Jauunry j resolutions .favouring tho free admission of wool.

Bloody Hots have taken place in the Southern State* between tho whites and blacks.

Matters in Ura/.il have bcoomo settled, but there vim previously mow lighting and bloodshed tliuu reported.

It ii Ktiiic-Jl that Gilbert and Mlirau have quarrelled about, thu "Gondolier" Company that, vnul to America, and h>ivo dissolved partnership. It is report!;,! Sir A. Sullivan had um.lo overtures tv .■Emjciiu Field, of Chicago, t.itake Gilberts efforts for her if lease. They claim newlj discovered evidence. Mr Thomas Cook, senior member of tho wellknown excursion lirni, died nt Xnornycrolt on Jauuarv | The formal betrothal of the I'riiici."* Mury of Teck has been arraugeiltii take place niter Easter." Tho Queen he* sent Prince Henry of liattenberg ■nliro.ul lor reasons, which are said to'bo of a domestic Hidiuo, lint subsequently forgave and recalled him. Tim German (iovernnrent linvo decided on further sumaiueut. ami tho opandau sum factories aro kept .«oiii K night ami day.

Premier Timid stnt a circular letter to chambers of commerce tliruiighout. France aslii:g thosi- b.idies if they would support a till giving won.en engaged in aiivtradun right to vote tor judges at thecom-■nierc-Lil tribunals.

"Miss Sterling e'.tered 'a oag* of lions at Heziers on ■Jauusry 7 supposing that the animals were hypno-tl-i'd and harmless. But for iircricrcpee nt the Jion tiimcr she would have hmi torn to pieces. As if, was, she badly lacerated. Ht'o innde n stcond attempt a fow days altenvards, when the lion inflicted stilt mure serious injury. Oue of her lower limbs had to be amputated.

hYidunca wna dizeoveitd recently connecting Olga Gouts Cliareuie, a ynmiK imd beautiful girl, with a Nihilistic plot at Warsaw to assassinate' the Czar. Ttiu duet "of police attempted to arrest her on January W, whou she shot him dead and then blew out her own brains.

Tiio condition of tho Czar w?s reported as serious <>r. J«miirv2. A p.inic .vas caused the preceding evening by a report of his death. 'Jhe Imperial fluird was confined to the b:irraclis,audall the functionaries 011 active duty were ordered to remain at th-ir p'Bti.

Tlitrty-twu Kusstan officers were arrested for con-sim-iev against the C/.ar. Thr st..ry tliKt th« Cz-ir was poisoned br Nihilli-ls la revived. It is now reported Hint hi* doctors have observed in l'im sy-mpcoms of cutantDiis poisoning alter wearing Ha German uniforms.

La grippe, us the Kusslan influenza is call.d, has licwhio a vf ritable scourge in America, 11? we '.I as in Kmope. Four thousand deaths had occurred hi I'uris during the wee],- ended December 28, a large proportion of them being due to tills disea-o. There •were 200 deaths from the same cause during the same period in !).-,ntzic. An autopsy on n subject at Ver-niUes showed the state of the'lungs to be exnetly similar to that in cows whic 1 have died from rinderpest. Tho epidemic is reported to be on the increase In I!u3sia. Iti America the disease is spreading in every direction, being particularly severe in Canada, where pneumonia seems to follow an attack of layrippe. Heaths occurred from it in Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia. Troy, nnd other places. lo some instances there are fever mid headache, wilh severe faside, pains, which ■quinine and aufiphyrine fall to cure; in such eases the disease develops into typhoid, generally wilh

A London cablegram states that 22 men implicated in the Cleveinn;! .street (West iind) scandal have fled from England, and that by the timo the Scotland Yard detectives tanvo finished their investigations not one of ths Clevelund habitms will bo left in England. The total number of fugitives is put dowji »t 80.

In the divorce suit brought by Captain O'Shea against th» Irish lea-ler no damages lire claimed The petitioner alleges that acts of adultery were committed between April 188.1 i-.nd the date'of the petition. Air Fnniell, in a communication to the Pre:mHii's Journal, says that since IBSO he has resided at Captain O'tS'im's house, awl <<as fre<ni nily there when the latter was absent, while ho was cognisant of Ms be:nj» (here. He further declares that Houston, secretary of the Patriotic 3-ea«ini, instigated O'rihea to bring this suit in order to diminish tho damages which lie (Parnell) might obt-itu frura The Times. Houston replied tbat he had no knowledge of the suit until the announcement of it appeared in the papers. The sum of IOO.OOOJoI have been paid by Cornelius Vamlerbilt for Turner's picture "The Graud Canal «[ Venice."

A wordy war at the Pelican Club, London, on January 8. resulted in a free fight, during oliioh Mitchell. Ifcepugilist.bratLord'Afthdeville'eereielv.

A murderer linmed Higgenbjthara, who killed a Mormiui, was hanged at' Madrid eh" January 7, Wlicn the body fell the noose openci an old wouud ■in the neck, where he hail stabbrd himself with sui--jldat Intent when arrested. The blood spurting out •deluding the hangman's assistant.

Sh'jbrigantiiio'Cz'irewirz was: ant flown mid sunk in the Irish sea by the White Star liner Britannic, on Xho night of Jamiurt 3. '.[lie captain of thti Gzarewitz was lj".t.

Hubert Browning's funewl services took place at Westminster Abbey on December 3. Ttiu body was placed in a polished plain coffin, on which was ft tra-ill brass pl.ifco tearing the da'.es ot hi 3 birth and death, v/.-eaths from Lord Tennyson aud MiiS Browning were placed on the coffin. Henry Irving, Bancroft, Sir John MilUiU, Aim Tadema, aud Sir '.theodore Martin also sent, wreaths.

Thomas Qiiinn, M.P.. declares the Irish party lias tllreot proof that the O'Shea ca3e originate!'withthe London Times for the purpose of ditei- editing Mr l'arniill.

The west bound Union Pacific fast mail train was Out '.it seven "c.irs five wera burned, together with nearJy 60 bags of postal matter. The loss to the railway company was about 30,000d<.ils. but cocij.-w-cd to t.he damage to persons whoso lettera were in transit this is nothing. The forward mail ear. '"Fortmiatelr.the^t-israship Gallic was detained on her Western Atlantic trip, otherwise V!'O Koglisa mail for Australia, which was on board, would have been transferred to this trainbandalUost in rhe wreck and burning. Pari3 despatches of December 30 quote private letters from Ht. IVoereburg to (.he effect that the turn of the influenza but a much more serious matter. While in apparently good health ho was seized with pains in the stomach after leaving the table, iiis attendants became greatly uhirmed and summoned a phyniciau who administoieu remedies for poison. The co'.irt story to that the poison was found mixed with the food which the Czar had eaten. The nihilist! confirm the report, and boast that the poison was administtred by one of their number. The Czar's condition was critical for some time, but powerful antidotes and skilful treatment saved his life.

Karlv on the marnltif; of January 1 a are broke out in tlie Forest Gale Pauper Kchool for bnvs and girls in London while they were still asleep, aud in fi short tims 26 in the upper 3tnrey were suffocated. Fifty-eight wore safely taken Irom the buildings. 'Ihere were 6UO persona altogether in the inetif.utiou. The female department, whero there were 250 girb, was not fct.uchfd. The hoys had retired the previous evening in good spirits having been promised a /We on Kew Year, and the building wan decorated throughout for the occasion. Of the 20 boys who lost lives only two were burned to death The h< ro of the time" was a boy who acted as mouitor in tlu fatal ward. Through his efforts many boys were literal.y driven from the building' and he ee,Wd the work of r»aeue only when forced back by the flair ea. Karl Formes, the well-known and popular operatic basao, died in San Francisco in December 15 of pneumonia. The great singer wajboraat Mulheim-on-the-KhineinlSlO.

Hfiiry George, author of " I Jro°ress and Poverty," lifter a lecturing lour in the West, will from San Vrancisco for Australia on February S. He intends to piomnlgale his peculiar views throughout the colonies.

Wardner, n thriving town of 1500 iuhabitanf-L .1, Idaho, and iv most important place iv the Great Canon D'.Uene mining district, was completoly destroy d by fire on January 8.

Dom I'edro was much affected by the death of his wife. When he arrived at tbe bedsida ha knelt and kissed her f..rehead; hedid not apeak for 20 minutes,

and then he said, "I have experienced the worst trial Go:i could inflict. H.-r faithful and affectionate companionship his sustained me for 46 years. God's will be done." Noticing hi 3 wife's eyes still open ho lost command of himself and exclaimed, " Is it possible that those dear kind i-yes will never again brighten when they 6ee me?" Having closed her eyelids he reverently kissed them, and the.} asked to be left alons with his dead. He so rent lined for a long time. When he became calm he askec the attendants to keep all quiet until the Lisbon fete wan ended. Governor Goodall, of Rew Hamp-hire, issue;! the following extraordinary proclamation on December 18:-" In view of the'various and heinous crimes within the p*st few v< ?Iu directly t-aeeab'e to the me of intoxicating liquors, in the' ot which the criminal laws have bern fisigrantlr violated. Now, therefore, I warn all persons" engaged in the illegal and deadly traffic to desist therefrom immediately, au:l I call upon the .ttorncy-oeneral, toldlers, aud sheriff* of counties, the inavors nf cities, and select men, (mil all other officers throughout the State, and upon all good citizens of every party to unite in one supreme effort tn clone up and euppre33 every liquor saloon of any description within our bo.-ilers. let no guilty man escape. I cannot refrain from urging all churches, temperance organisations, and a;l . persons who desire the best, good uf t.he commonwealth to redouble their efforts to promote personal tempt ranee amrng our ptople." It Is reported that the Pekiu authorities are about to issue a silver coiunae. Th« church at Ai:c La Chapelle. which contained the tomb of Charlemagne was dastroyed by fire on January ii.


The Riverside Mill*, a<.or,;ia, irere burned on the night of January 10, aud 40 men wire bu-.L-d by tho ftillliujmilli. A movement ia on foot in Sew York to huild a continuous »yß!ei:, begiuning at the southernmost) point in Mexico UiH is reached by rail from tho United States through trj Central Amerioa. aud thn Isthmus, and running wall iDto South America.

A plague of diphtheriaaml black tongua was raging in the mountain districts of Western Virginia on January 7. Tho county had erected a temporary hospital aud many physicians and nurses were attending. Ths flrimnel mansion at Fall river, Jlajs., was burned on Decninner 19,'ocelher with the fr.rno'iß collection of Aictie rrlirs and emios it coiil.aii.ed. They lm'l been gathered together by vir Clritnnel's father, and consistrd of mementos and trophies of the Arctic expedition of Dr Kane, while on his pearch for John Franklin. Tliere also n famous riaintliiK. " The Pliidlnp of Sir John Franklin." Tlie collection was valued intrinsically at IMJ.Ol.'fldols

Tbo scale of wages insisted ou by the Pennsylvania Qoal miners was signed on December 30. It io their

ultimatum, and if not agreocl to by the operators on May 1. that, day will sea a strike of 100,000 men, the largest, co.U strike in the history of America.

On December 27 the Catholic Church ol tho Saorod Heart, the Sisteis' School, and priests' house adjoining, and seven other dwelling houses, at a place called ,I'laina, la., were wrecked by a big caveiu on the earth's surface, owing to undermining by a colliery. In conic places thu earth had gone down 12ft. Tim loss to property was IOO.UOOdoI, and many persons are injured.

liliodv riots took jilatfe iv Jesbup, Augusta, and Mncjn, Oeoii-'ln, on Uhi-istuißS Day. Several white men as w ell as uegvooß were killed. The trouble iv Jusaiiuwasduiitoablaok desperado named Urower Who came into town to celebrato the day. Nine men were killed ami ii:i many more badly wounded. The military wem called out both at Jeasup and Mncon, where the rl t was terrible in fierceness and duration, it had all the leatmea ol a pitched battle.

A mob of several hundred men raided tho gaol and Harwell courthouse f^outh Carolina on Dicetnber as, overpowered the gaoler, end took out eight negrots charged wiih murder and shot them to death. A coloured citizen mra meeting was held In Colombia, South Carolina, on January 1 to t.ike action In regard to the lynching of their follows. Kesolutions were adopted urging Coloured men not to hold indignation meeliugn nor agitato in favour uf retaliation, but advised them to seek residences in other seel ions of the State and elsewhere.

A party of til persons met to sup at the residence of a friend in JUronn's Vale, Minn., on January B. Among tho meats served were s-tutag-js, ami -15 of the Russia who partook weri) seiieii with vomiting and fell upon onu another on the lloor. One victim died the following morning, and 20 others are so low that, recovery is not expected. Ihe sausage meat was trldiiiiißcil.

A terrible fall occurred in the Lane, mine at Aniielo Camp. Oalaveras County, California, (in Sunday, Dec-mber 21), burying and crushing to death "l« miners. 'J he mioo is aaid to have been improperly timbsred, and the men were told to beware, but. neglectid to heed tho warning. An artesian well, completed at Woonsocket recently, broke loose oil January 11 at hiilf-paßt 7 a.m., and will (lood the town. A solid column of water as big as a man's body is t.t.rowu 16ft high from the top ol tho atand pipe. The engine honso rapidly with quicksand, and the lower p.uta of the I own were scon under water. No power cm control the well. At present more water comes from it th.-in runs in tho neighbouring river, A gnat roaring is heard for miles.

A terrible evctone swept tho Sou!hern St.itoß on Januuyia. In the village of Clinton (Kentucky) 11 persons were instantly killed and 53 wounded. Sixty houses »vro demolished. The weather this sensoa has been more than usually tempestuous all over the country, and iv Ihe mountains a greater depth of onow has fallen than ever known before. Trains have been showed iv, and when not impeded by suow have been blown from the track by the force of the wiud. Iv California especially it was uphill work Halting tho mail express matter through to the interior (owns. Passenger traffic was out of the question.


A letter received from Captain Howland, of the whaling barque Canton, at New Bedford, MassMchuaets, January 13 (dated nr. sea December 5, aud postmarked Capetown), gives an account of the loss brill-oof the Kiigllsh barque British Monarch, 1262 tons, of Liverpool, from Hamburg to Sydney, luaded with general cjrgo. Captain Howland Bays:-" lam on my way to Capetown with part of the crow of the British Monarch. On November 20 the crew discovered tho sliip was on fire, aud tried to get at 10 tons of dynamite which were locited near the fire, intending to throw tho stuff overboatd, and then start the Bhip for tho C'.ipe of Good Hope, 'ihe fire reached tho dynamite which exploded with terrible force demolishing the vessel. The second mate's boat became separated from the rest aud nothing was Been of it afterwards." Two boats containing Capt.dn William Marrow, the first officer, David Wnlsh, and others, were picked up. Tho vessel was owned by Henry Terence and Sons, of Liverpool.

THH SMITH-SLAVIN PIUZB FIGHT. The pußilistic contest came off on the morning of December 23, on private grounds, tijree miles from Burgon, Belgium. The struggle was for the heavy weight championship of ISngland. Fourteen rounds were fought and Slavin. the Australian slogger. had things all his own way from the start, but he was most shamefully treated by Smith aud his friends, In the fourteenth round he made an appeal to the crowd for fair play; but Smith's sympathisers derided him, and raising a cry of " Police! " bolted. Smith also ikd, but Slavin remained in the ring. The alarm of police proved false, and when the English bruiser returned with his followers the refeiee refused to allow the li'^ht to g.i on. He said it was impossible to obtain fair play, and deola.-cd tho tight a draw. At the ring's side the proceedings were disgraceful. During tho pronre-s of the battle the ring was twice bfokeu into by Smith's frioads, and some of tho crowd kicked" Slavin severtl/. He was also attacked by outsiders when he fought Smith to the ropes. Slavin claimed the fight intha ring after Smith withdrew, but the referee, Vesey, was intimidated by threats against his lit", and ret.iscdto allow the cfaim. Slavin went into the iightiu earnest from the llrst. and the London sporting man assert that he won it fairly. They arc disgusted with the ruffianly conduct of Smith's frieuda. Not only did they me their fists and fest in attacking the Australian, bub they beat him with sticks against the ring.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 8721, 6 February 1890, Page 3

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THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 8721, 6 February 1890, Page 3

THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 8721, 6 February 1890, Page 3