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Business Notices, COMPANIA GBNISKAL DM TABACO DE FILIPINAS, MANILA. CAPITAL PAID UP ... £3,000,000 Sterling. The above important and powerful Company ha Ing for Bovoral years paßt shipped tliolr manufa tureß to Australia, and found them greatly approvci now deslro to Inform their friends and tho publ that they havo made nrrangomoiitß to extend the business bo aB to place their Cigarß within the reac of consumers everywhere throughout the coloniea. They draw attention to their brand! aa follov vli-! ~ c sibisio ") HABANO3 <pjfiN^Af 00UTADOS ( OAVITB ) Beaideo 31 Brands epeclal quality, equal to Havana! which may also be obtained, aud which are highl esteemed in Kuropo. The Company spare no expense to produce th beat leaf, and posseßß threo very large plantationßviz., San Antonio, San Rafael, and Santa Isabel comprising about 6000 acres, tho produce of which I not sufficient to provide for their output, but In Bhort time theße will be considerably enlarged. I] the meantime the Company have to "purchase, b'i aides, three-fourths of the whole tobacco produce/ in the Philippines. They warrant that only the beß Cagayan aud Isabela Tobacco is used In their mafiii factures. ; The Clgart may be had of all dealers and merchant! and wholesale houses can be supplied on application to the agents. P. HAYMAN and C0.,.i |,:i Dunedln, Chrislolmrch, Wellington, and Aupkland O M I T H and S~s^F¥^ OCTAGON.,/, ,! 11(>1 | r *..,,;,! -7i> JJI-i'CJ .1. Tii:-, <» We are now landing very large, Bhlnmputa v-,al kinds of Goods, bought by our prlnclpar (Mb E.'l* Smith), who la now iff Bugiajiiljtrom. tbslohetaesl manufacturers in .the World, .and are prepared tc BellatthefollowingpMtes¥d>&ih:-lJ''J!-rn>l a-iii Paperhanglii(?B,!ifor'f^el-15l^8 :«!,' nbwl SsVM^ <8i Papers now 2s 2dt<S<lPM> Is fld; le|fld'Pane»( now Ib. A large selecWh ofVervlcefflle Pipe&Wto perplece.i lo ir;;in yn;! viimii:.lnm Mod wMumimbm-, Genuine White Lead, 28s per ewt*,NNtp t 1 Lead, 28b per cwt: idiSnine'litea CMls%isfimtt*!a'pUreX 3ikdpSt galloti; Fine Hard Oaj<.%ainisll.|9sjSd.ner [gallofttf.iTurpentine, 3s Od per gallon;" Methylated piritB f (is.'per gallon. . , MWMKXf B -SMITHS SMITH. I* Hifsiatf Oai^a'j, 'rtrtilntiI'(iydV;wlde')!b^l tHe • boltedpisr-ynrd.fc Ql»itofltea^ei(]wMtßg|ass),,ropnd, .square,and oral, and Etyraised ;Standß—from la 9d 'Si&i''"" ; -.nrnNnrii: mi ivimtV-' ■r:r,i\\ilut)iir. ,■•' ftWpiw ! -siqtn Ilyw <« «K4WjfffiAiW?iWtKi. : elAi:larae;aaS))rtmentJpf A^ijßt»;,Tul:pijCpjiq H rß,^an-, Xds.i Stools, Oil Colour Boxes, Mduntlng Boards, letdfilng BWoRS.I Academy paid iMiDlkhrdßMilttU ihtad.KflA^WWtt'Wr! .'^^l^ gtffofl. 1. L'-Baqlra :Fio^erJ"(p'4ior-''ni«cne)'Ml (Ski^Hi very largcl v(arie()yv(Bo3)alitßiin»itOi.«Uoo»efrg?irrWU»»' 3si&«h'; l6in, 45,6 d each ; 20in, 7a 6d eagh; 2£jn, lQs ?a^ ?l^)in,'lW 'ea'clil' i'Dtoratedlin' mw Of OoiaSr, "''Mouldings from Is per length. ' Picture Framing ,dgifa at>the'1 loweßt.BriuesV /.Oil iPaiutlng's, Uthon '""OHATkpi'rJir'Mixlßti'p'Ailsfetmr'bbibiiWyda^ in ; iHlbtinaiftt«d lP efl;lfllv.- i ,-|f>nnj;m vi .!'it'<BteM;M'i!'SMl4!H!"jl Fw Soiy-AgenVs1 f<Sr"t«b "!&iScler w!Wiriliiw titiib™» pna\ the latest iand m6sfc,-.*nit4«Jiti'ki¥)wij; subs,!,!/iteTor stainedlglaas. It Is, irtvaluable for shutting i6ulfidlssgrfettj''vle^i('whore!"real» etained1 felaSs'I wptdd,)>e K».t»Bt,ly,if()(r : Amprp7;ng £alland Bto(roise ndow,a r windows In churqhej, ecnoolß, libraries, '•ftfr; *'c.r Samples'.'pSbTjOß'f.'le1. 'Wtftdbwe fittedVlth' ,Jlh^,?taiao^p 1 i'; : ,l)q feseep,a.t,the,^rehpuse.,Qj;. 1 ~, .1* .tow !■,■,-,,;.., ol l,:;:,:-,^^*.^^^ ....PalatiiiK.'.Papornanglpg, and Ginzliic done oi) the iorS:norißeranaiiirtihe'Vei>yil6'weßtpriceV.iM>/ • '""" "r* ■ :.m:l)!yn.'l -M> ,I,■,BMITHI« SMITH,;t ' n)'SigWWriMr*,ipf.oeVßtViWffio* (rWp aud-elcfjoriay execated:ln,.thß best styles at the lowest prices. rCalJp'o.SignV yha WitiSow''Ti6k>etß'-6upplled en She brtest aoMop,,^,^fge,,atfl(sk o^.pnal,fetters always, >n fcaa'dJ . ~.'., m .a ; ■-'"•'"-■■••'i ■»^.\ ■•"' ■» ■)i<-i. ll -, r ,!, ' lh-ir:)H S"fct!f!!r-'H' i;v'Stci'-!'d'M'l!!r'Hii ••'■■!•" '"itifi-A.iT'l'^lt'S :!fO F ;liflM'0"M;!l/iNTi. jifl:/,' ; I<i ■ -u-f-.-.!-. ■»!( v:..ii-: .l-uiii". i.iM-rj^l ! .:mihil l,;ir. ~~-,,} w U-u-.-.s <: ,\-n'.< ~ ') .h ift j Hl j. pHIOFLE'.OiM'NKWiZBiVLAiIDI."!!'!. .v J..'<>;-« I M".il'* .mfi-iWii'l riiMiMii: >:ii,! nun Oli-stani3iugFactß"slrbii(*lilioned aiiil 'confirmed W 'w-'ilf ; i"i"i-( lo v|,|,(ii^ .iiil:-^ r-i; hi i'ldm.-mi;, ■nil •i-Ulilversa!Bxpsriencajaitfl prpVedito itySin eyesy! ■i™v*\ TV,, 1-JiNri^lin „.,,.: 1n,!,,: ■'"","'■( tnn.-iDKyoi** DISPUTBJ (y< !>--vinn:, : ■'''•"tf'tUr/ia -./:.« Qlh! »■■>'• ■■.•»....h iu:,U ; "-'■ A i -I 1,. ■-'■ ■■ ■:■■{ ,:■ ■,i-!,,l i,n, '.iiimviM No eolf-pr.also is needed for ;i.""! ■"; i STBWAB'I'.:DAMfSON:&,,CO.'S:;H ■-,■>: v^HHid£'i>^i-')')LffV¥K •Va;t!/c'h:eJ3I: " • ' 'lihß'toußtant.streamorTes'timoniaisfromdel'igiite'd ',wearers' (jverswiUere; U^l)3,bo»tprpi>f .pf.iejXOflllence,: anSja comiJaWson'of FricWwM1 k't1 Imce'establlstftlle a_ , i -M-rn/n yv/oilh !>(!!: .jriKf!li|l :nfiin i; ffi»!ife ,t: .tiKi .[>, !J; !;bn;r -.m ~,: , i.i ■,: . i!it; ; v WOilLP-^».^fflg,S»^ftl^H W^TOffiilS;,, ...i ?aiei>the Uest, Cheapest, and most Reliable in the "ufe'Hn ! -ii'ilni mil l£2nrinoir(!i: Rir/vrioVi:') r'; W'SfeS itirSi^wWffi, c^mDniia^h^ou'ohiyf p^! .■■wriffi j r'oi'Rtivrii «ir( ni .tnornmsvi-y mo tin I chase only. [MUtEou IJRW DSSf f i-VW'JMTOUiffligl l"^a 'savlnKaU 1^" l'-i«»'-»<«o! ■imiTfn , .„[., .jriH-j-ifj _ot_yc{ triiirtr vl.-rin -i/j| ,1 ,-wn«W ; ~i v/f)on, , "l'sW\ ZtiMjMlS' ■WfAS*H'ifeM#OiHUM; v'' •■ 11 '■ ' ; -;:ncilj; aoulq Till >jiii:4!it lihi;!j;o.\ «i^"' i WiW^^SHTO *»W.nA ail! .j,,,„',,•.) f -i'Klaloo srM —hi: m>ifcr.y:>i> Hr;oiyirp r.-G.OMPAE'B!1 S J ODI r««ii iC«'s'Kygftßii'(SllveitMu'ntlrig o .-.l'-v-ff. ' Ji;- I< 9vw' £84W,w}tlvfl»J(toBi^p»t:W7a. ~;, sntimo-j j il^it'raj'tfweTlid'.'VßllQSS/wtli'anirftiia^itd .uo-t;ini! ,! -ir£B BsUjlorf J';u; y Inl/iniit?, IliwiiotJidii l\)6liPAE^StWalAdlCol.^*c'elsUr»ii{!lkfe^,,ilhan oiel | ' r >'!ieveH Jieß'lda',<»ifcH-<«hSr'#!«c«aS4ifSl().'i i/iil not 1 finrnii.) nt! (liw aiininM To hivo mlt il COMjEAKB S. D. and Co.'a Ladies' Silver Lever ■-,' { .ioi.V/.V , RHQig^a!.^ 7s .Dl(linrro7j:-lfiir i,;, 1! - •Il« ;h..>q ; ,„■! . O r,ll'..^[r. "1110 , m ,-il /17/mf) r ■<«jMPX^ f ft I J). Mfl,W» Ctono Lever jCrystal inUhVl face, £5 15s, Hunters £6 15s, witli any- ?"';■„„, •! ■■<wK&atmm™">">™<<v- h" V .' ' . ' -hn iihn'it lisinolo.Tfoini on ;)[|ril > 13 iv<iU ; Levers'£6 lpa, with thpaeadldelsewhere ■ ' moiM ' '"il8(\o2?" "°rmo '••'"'W,oir-ii;o(ll.')I/L': ! »i-.»i3 I "-illl !/l -OOfina lobnci ,t;,o 1.-ji-m:o V! , Cp^PAißEift p Wgndej:^!, Silver Deft-, ''•"■'■ , ance Hnntpra. £115s, with those retailed' iftilbV/ i r!'iJ^3lW. ' .'"oinitrioß j: - nilmvi r. ' .iioi>-.'JTi|'jh oilt Ho iioanoi 7(1 ;l-ji;h itv; . . ~ • , liaUway Leyerr «6 10s, with " other . 7- l!'*"!l1 \ i''\Mߣk>Z&W: "° «T» v, r ,|,.,T .■ loM'ji'M ! ovjiil Kfutim n'nani nuiiv/ rioiton^i i.CO»BABB)P«- RnW'V.rßtt^/M'fpeM^fl^KM v v:,,.-., J r Double Chronographs, open face, £1110s, ; ■',':; i ''r'ii:u'rii!erri£l:2flOs',i\fit) fiany'a'trSKJs. ' uto ■'' ; ■>;ri!!Wili[ lo j[w:t ono siM ol Kulti^aiwn ■'COMP'AKSJS. Dfa^ fSfoftifrWfWrlfiS'r.WrT^rf. ) oil! 1c i Jess .Hunters, £7 10s, with tlio«o abld at r ~' ! in'iJiilivn.'(Hia-tnJot ot I>a7!ik!!) .'i'rj~ ov/ .hjnr! . anything chiirgeu 50 per cent, more by ■.'.•> m.v j . w(fcheHfak'ers', !ll)"<l '!X'-' id Mj-.kouok! 30rf i-ite'&fh£t VtmMsu] p/fei/^nv^k |!;l;l!)uiui(lly charged. The difference will enow " ' ""'.' ITHE ACTUAL AMOUNT SAVED iniil^i* I :»fl .;..,.! ■:,:„ a i.i(:i<bnr) 7..1M-1 ■.:!! ,; t v, mi By eVjenyauqwholmjßfiirS&tlßowtb&MalflJfe.ll ''' '"." ! STKWAHT DAWSOH & CO.''"'''' dt'"'" "' ""'" i -i::>! y, I.'; i! -."itjj/d 'if;:iiir;!l 1,-f, :l i|^: :| ,,; [■mr.-y. ! , Im) ,j J; llim , 1,,;..,..,^. •„,■ ~ir,..1 (1p(1 f, „)..„ ,v /. ! Factory—Liverpool, Muj^ijjd^ . • f , , 1,„,,,,,,,,,-,,,,;,,,';;;:;;: .' " CBHRudriiOejvfliGratisajCopjtiofouf[ -~,•) K .,j fSPXBNDffi OM\VI^iW&i!iyD!HVAtfokl 'a^ . , ■ .3IHH-.IVU «iifl am' K-'■■•■\'i \ _JBWBLLEUY,pAMPHL|;T . anfl.'read'l'll''ilrfiirarf)icnl«rßlvaua'; M()sl)"WAilddrfxivj „,. ~' I "tv .i-.-.<---»i"Mi'vllr.ii-.uii,, ~;„>;',>,„'l,. Te'slijnonia|fi, u FrijC,by ppsf, fo.ijJj^Bti^na. ;|( i)|| . ~r ij ) : KTiflTi Ij:iipl IriTrrlilii Kl'ilil'ij, !:( 1,,|.; ,1,-^' ■rill ! '"" '-"rWOTBtAUBO": •'■'"■> <■'!'? .■•••■ m:-.< „ , ,a,St«fi to"lWitta<tttjltt!WHtoFklW(» 4wlfll«»t«ui '''i'roiniscs, Watches § qJ Kyerv Desci;iptibn,.'ub'maltor,whbm.tuey.iai**oiiglit ftfcrii: !,•■,•, J <^L &sssssss;, ■• ordinary.^jijw.^ealafld.i) pices-,.,W^tß)ije8 t^e; , N ,,., quiring oleanii(jj'c'iliißlJ>etuilnedto:cWß«om^B' !j'i'i , ii.Jita!-! ,Iml Milr vii[n»l^>Y .iioi Properly CleaneiJiwiUiinii.J«w lwur»,|;..., quired. All roiialjs^itone'lpnl|jliß^rerniseß'f1'! ;1' and Workmanship Guafinteea.'r.Tiii ■~! v.— i 7. .(>t.J : »l.|ui,)ii ii-ulw -;; ■i»lk )..-,,.! : ,1, „,„•..,, BTBWABT DAWSONi k OOi, ■!> "i>. .. ...,,■,. ;)■;■ SI PIIINCKS S'l'llKUT, DUNKptNj. 1. ~.. And at Auckland, Melbourne, Sydney! ■'"'•'

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7927, 19 July 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7927, 19 July 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7927, 19 July 1887, Page 1