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Wanted Known. WANTUD KHOWN.—Rrent Ueduotlon In l'rlo Drain-pipes of all ilcforhiMon., Flower-pot Uoakale-po!.», Vaies, Fountains, Ohlmnoy-luiM, *cI.»ml)«rt\> HorthOiMt Vallay Pottery Wnrkt. a nYliTw^V H T ISLAND OYSIlill! Apply BLUFF OYSTEUINO COMPANY, Bluff or WM. INNISS, l'ort Chalmers. BLUFF OYSTEUINQ COMPANY. ■vi? * H 1 H D X X O W B ?> THAX IHI lUH-FUINTINS DHFAKTMHHT 07 riii OT&OO BAILS TIMIJB OJIfIOH It now furnlahed with one of the moit oomplot Printing Plant! In the Colony, n woll-ieleoted an. extemlv3 aceortnsekt of Typo and Material havlni reoontly been added to the Jobbing Plant. Bvor; description of Commercis Printing nndcrtaken am sieonted In the bent ityle «nd at oheap rates Show Bills, Streamer! Fosters, «ud Theatrics work of every detcrlptlon executed, and displayw on all the prominent hoardings in the olty. Th( Proprietor* of the Tiraoi having gone to great ex psnae In the purohaie »nd erection of« largo num bei of hoarding! for the display of posters In «i: nartt of thu olty, can vow slve s pabtlolty to thli a)iu> fif —.'1 irnatUlniMr «l»oirbof« In Uonsdln. | i, !»■■ I I | —^.—-^r*™— itWjjaWglt Miscellaneous Wants. Oath advartlsencnls under this hrad, not exceeding eixtaor. words, will bo ctisruod SIXPENCE. TO PAlNTlillS.—Wanted, Tenders for Fainting Cottage. —A. Anderson, clothier, ltattrny Btrcet. IQJy MONEY.— Cash Advnnced on Life Policies.— Henry Benjamin, London Loan and Discount Society, 3 Manße street. 19jy WANTED, PAKTNEK (with few hundreds) join in Agricultural and Sheep Farm.— Particulars Mrs Dick, liegiatry Offices. lfljy W&HTBD, THHATBICAL MAHAQBHB Mid Others to know that the Otago Daily Times nndertnkee the Posting of Woodcutt (any »!ie). Strßxmcri, Fosters, and ovory description of Printing on the moat promlntnt Dooltloua In iba Olty! on \hi ehortoti notins. For Sale Oieh adtrertlaementi under thli hod, Dot exceeding tlxtoen.worda.wlllbß oharged BIXPBHOB. / aiia; FOX SALE, Half-acre SECTION at St. Leonflr/lSj (near the Station).—Thompson, Quango Store. Forth street. '"jBJ/1 ALAKGB STOCK of APPLES, on Blighi'proo/ Stocks, yory clieap.-Qordon BrotheM.'ffiUfleH;' son's Bay, Diinediii. ;iqMi- ? FOB SALE, Two Government SECTf&N&lwlttr'j water frontage, in the townßhip.j^.Blue^kip.j Thompson, Forth street. t l»jy. "ITALUABLB PEOPEETIES for SAJL^^jAddrok, V Mr Wathon, newspaper proprietor, Evening1 Herald Office, Princes street. .rmnrrm mife)y; Oil SALE or TO LBT by TBNl3iSit',t'W69"ActU'' good Agricultural and Grajitdi .iaA^jp- -(nil! securely fenced, and situate DunljiyjkJQiptriet, Sliae Valley. Tenders to be in not KteV'ffiatfTHUl® DAY, 11th August next. TlieM^HestWifthyt'ender!! not necessarily accepted.—Fflf, JAS. M'ADIB, Shag Valley.^,, ~,,' „': 'i.J?& ".mix Jfii«a« lino l)ii? I To Let. Oush advartlaementi □ndor thUbefeJ, nofreiipejaicg' sixteen vordi, TtWb(i:e6ar'it«aSl2rilHUH. '':•"" : )vdt>?, .li'i[.|ilo:ii,in '".I ■:■«"' itii rpo LET, a Bupcriqfj.Si^-raftiJM^llCUlSßt.ieHeiiy,, X convenience.—Apmy'J"., KOyiil terrace.'' y.-i-.n v-iJ! f.», .iWtlil »ili 'in Idjyi TO LET, OFFlblfS'in1 Hl'irsSrlW'reVit! Ss^pe?1 week.-AppiyF.ria Sifo*deav3ffit{h Bferrfl. .1« ■.. ; .-■* 1" ■•'"■' l -» i;, .^'IVl TO .LET, OFFICES |li<t«b' m Saqufae,^.-t by, .ttye National Mutiwl^Llle^Asspjia^on^Wa^spn'Sj 0 LET, Foiir; Wtiui and Scuijefyf i'nD.u'doaji street, e?ery bo'nWSirL'Seel • ftnfy I*.'^?). Blackadder. ..',[ ~'■ [;. TC r)d ; mjWff .Vf .yi^jyc. mo LBT,Fi(/e3-ooSn«'d,ilbUS*,;bliti(roliffis Ifewir. 1 and fr,ui^gardau,i!r!l A itt()n*^ti;eet, TT ;Aj)rJy, ? J r , GardenTccrpoe. _^ |. ~.,, , T | ffiy TO LBT,.,.flj S [l^r : P9«jert , Ho WfilV/ Fjvß,r ffl mpd House ; TFour-roomed Houbo ; One-roomod House.-JBfefttt) iiha''€lo;^-v' ■'' r.wrhh-it'.^lizfjl 0 rilJß^.'iifejit;' l 6i:ite'fSpii > n"i!p'AiiTMT)!NTM" OFKlCßSiiSJMo(lierki^l(ft«mitlied.-'ian<i-ilan-./turtohed); 5s to IPs weekly. . , lftjy, '_W:" |[ f j?09i!1.- 01 1 ..onuft) bar. jfflfil.T i-'.I.mH. The bhbi'nor^DlMiii£it>^A,<ifiim\imeihd6, '"•'• '■;' • riojaeasioni ..KKaaest rH.oteliarßlenJ^etoj., U 1 /"IAMBRIDGK- HOHSB-,'. AUiertv attießtir-A,,^^, wfiQ^-cili&p Bo'knJbißd■^TA^Lisksriste'' J4 r .JMeMia*I*l«wY-t)ttB»; •temi!» Tj';pf6re6eloteli"' oook;;^jrii--gfa>HiMii),,qiatt?fiW<iswvAJfehi«»Kpt.n l . , .A/TBS IV*BBIJN .^eWMfbualHOrtair-ffllS^Ke-HrfeetlUi ItJ.". Giod ACCOMMODATION (Private Board, for Gentlemen and Families. Moderate (;cJmrBSB.| [rji.'qqr. /pvkl nynd ?.Uu\ir.q ;;ijivlfli4>' \n-.-r.- f y j ;."":^;;,''iHtogjf|i!'^rir> Hn •^:"- |||;n •"': i /17"16^''«E"w^BA'eANl>'!"' f;1' ;rr' rli ?in 7 v.ilj ni I : ■w};;nilbYJ lo^'jrigfiH viinH v/l ,Mv,"<f I(;ni"iio ] i'''"'o'' '('-> ,Tiiii>s>ii' finmnuimjH'.i-siv,' r.;n n^,'i Capf^!i'"v! •"r1 ;'«;;■">»•'■-•'»< T^MM-ir „ |R, .j'.^ajdhrpcandKeKeM'dajlliv) mi .ot ,r; t ->aM,Bo6i:) n . ■,',',;',',_, I »Tiviria.m»:iHiV/'v/l ".v.litifr ;;i,i a^pNi|fVA';Lli^1 SH';&Vo(i^?em)ai'sec(lriiy:o .■i} >.i-)r ' ■{■"'"'■'W ■'■"""■■'■ 'Cd .'ffi'ila v»Uo ixi. H ■.t^tß 110 llli"'i .■""J7^" s;:o!-: f- "dot. Inn „.„ ~.."! -:ni nn ; i-flUifitym Ir,oiirßi!'.-i,n ,i!aiir / ,:;? ; ',^; j ■'CUSTfIM.:H6I?SB';SQUA«IiI;MJ:»-.^lojyi i bold BBcHHtreK?"i-': '"' s-fii-xnovoiqrnt ;r , BscnrftTi siuWrAr.firiiiaii-ii.'hoiHijil nriot yd ,uo!.; "'■'■• 1 liiJ»Soi3L' BKITII, tl'iqiO 1 CaviggaLtoi!. , „.,,,,.„ j .I1,,.-, 1--1;: W:ns -JU I -J!''1'- ?''"'"■RJlfc(tlor^fla'tfotKi7'PUbllo;'ll •!s 6M v __ii'J-LU ■"■■'it Jiio-ißf; miClEhAtratt'.vtl •>!■«.11 :^,V 7 jl ) . n oa'.-fiVourtibSoiiteiJftßi SarnaiiHiwtjjßillwrH i( .. (i . iio AKaiT»,piiis»cp(n«p»«Mr» itwiirjm •» ppMjfltiQ Hflil*a{>iife<;lwio3 tilunv v.-jrit niiiaiiiil->V 'r*!HltirW! ■'"'■WSi'Tß'TTl'ii'ti '"'tf-6-Vnfrn'WnQ" '*'" '•xii.i! -"' "■' , 1 , ~ i <r,,<n<lr,tl)(.iv.mtv>imior--JaTu!>V-tft'!:«w " 'i, | vlni.rhi'. hl.-niv/ •{nolfT-rTTT'T —rrfTfrTTTTTT t ~, |"! vßusinteS'iiHotjiflfis,-. yk<i r>; .i,r-j-Saßhes,'D«((r3,''(iror«<itaVBsIt'i»cl\rar tirnd-sl)rliliililt)i' Tonguing.rf}i;aoVMiH ) , I l?]iirti||rt ) nan4/.S*wf»fl,-Brtllrti; sawing, Fret-cuttiiiK, and Turning of all kind's' done in Stock. ~, >. ~vMh.r,r,:im ,UUmn>\m! -liiiip :■ ■ nii-h ■■•!! i.S- ft^^PJfvlnn ,'[•! 30ju , Cpntraglors mid t l]ulluerß Mr 3::&m^smmw .wwr that his MAlDlsN''ffiiKi^C'itlT"ptefeai'lLlPe'm»y •Viiilwd intup-n 7'iill ii-:.ilv; 1v be of Interest to his many J'rikiiJsilnOtagovCOiraßSof tho same may l>u Obtainect (price ideacii)"from ' ' •i ik ■.:<vi\'.>.nvj.\". 1» vhlii Mr BitXfTkW'MTH?I I" siwi l«jy BoiiKsellei1, triluWslfeetl. !t D~ U N E D 1 NT N a" W"*2'tf A'tfi*^! Br Special Aitointmkkt to rtUjs.ExcßftijifKpi-.,,,; Sin William Dbummokd Jehvois, GoVMUNOIt-oi' Nmv Zealand. : , ,1 h■ • OOMPHUSSED MEATS "'"'''' "' (OIiAKCIE DllANl)). '•• clj:-[i( '.fill I) COMPKKSSKI) MUTTON (OIIiVKGIsBILLNU). NKW ZEALAND CANNING COMPAHY, I'UKVEYOHS of MEAT in GENBKAL. A. B )KNWELL. 16jy JOSEPH GILL 0T X S STEBL PENS. GOLD MEDAL, PAHIS, IS7B. Suld by all Stationers tliruugliout the World. 7ap 4?^ TO -£?/S Per day t0 be made by dv/M. 3^'*-&: persons of either sex, in their own localities, at work for 113. New buaiuras. All meet with wonderful success. Anyone can do the work. Capital not required We will start you. Outfit worth £1 mailed free. Die employment )> partluularly adapted to the region In which this publication circulates. Boyflimd^lrlß earn nearly as much nauaeu. Full particulars and instructions mailed free. How Is tho time—don t dolay, but write to ua at •noe.—Adclreo STINSOH and CO., Portland, Mslno, Uulted SUtei. ,11a

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7927, 19 July 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7927, 19 July 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7927, 19 July 1887, Page 1