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Medical EROU'fl INJECTION---Hygienic, Infiillihlc.aml I'.vs.Tvnf iv<\—Cinra promptly without additional means all rarnt or chrunic JMseaßes of the Urinnry Orgimii. Sold in Paris by J. VmUiV, (successor to Ilrou), Pharma.-ien, IUJ linn Ilichelieu. In Diincdin by KiMU'TIIOKNU, I'KOSSKH, and OO.'S I2jy NW ZKALAND DJiIJCI CO. (LTD). <\Mifi tiOX. of. OLAKKii'fc; U i.l i'lhhS VP is wiirKiated to ourci all of the ■.irli!r.vy orR-wiß In either ccx (acijuh-dd or eoiißtftuliioual), ((ravel, and palno in tho back.—Sold iv boxes U tiit uaoli, by nil Uhomiats.—Proprietor.): The Liujoin and Midland Counties Drag Company, Linooln, ltiigiand.—Who!<uiilo Aqcnts, Sarolcy and Bonti. l>ml»n. r.11.1 nil ttin whnl»ui!o hows. OOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED . £ JL 'of POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANSII3ED |& POWELLS BALSAM 01' ANISEED ["£« POWKLL'S BALSAM OF ANiSEKD ml J ra " TJBAD," Sufferers from Cough and JLBj Bronchitis, the following letter from tinltev. Horatio Huberts, jO.D. :—" Dear Sir,—A few days ago I addressed :\ letter to you in commendation ot your famous old cough remedy, aud having since known its eiUeney as superior to liny other preparation, I consider it to bo merely a public duty tv certify as tho exuorieiicn of my own family and frieii'.s, to the value of tho Balsam of Aniaeed as the cheapest and best remedy for coughs and colds.Yours faithfully, 11. KoiiHKTS, Olnoy Bucks.—To Mr Thos. Powell, Albion place, Blaekfriara road, " H.M. Gunboat Netloy, Wick, Scotland. "TTVEAK SIB, —Having had a most disAJ ti-esßiiiK and severe cough which caußed me many sleepless nights and restle6sdays, I was' recommended by his lordship the Karl of Caithness to your most' invaluable 'Balsam of Aniseed, and I can assure you with the first dose I found immediate relief, even without having to suspend my various duties, and the lirst small bottle completely cured me: therefore 1 have the greatestconlidenct in fully recommending it to the million. " (Signed) W. Li.s-zur.r,, '•H.M. Gunboat Netley." miIOSE WHO COUGH;AT NIGHT will JL lind Immediate Uelief. ' POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED.— Tho following letter has been received by Mr T. Powell from Wm. Boards, Esq., an agriculturist and land agent residing at " Nightingale Hall, Edmonton. " Dear Sir,—l have recently suffered much from a most violent cough, proceeding from a tickling in my chest, which no remedy out of many I resorted to could allay. My head was constantly aching, and my whole frame was entirely shaken. Having seen the goad effects of your Balsam of Aniseed in several members of my family, I purchased a small bottle, and when going to bed at night took a teaspoonful in two tableßpoonfuls of water just warm. The effect was immediate; it arrested the tickling in my chest. I slept well, and arose perfectly restored in the morning, with theexceptiouof debility, arising from fatigue by incessant coughing for some days previous. My cough entirely left, and has never returned. Having since heard of a lady in the neighbourhood who for a long time had laboured under a most distressing cough, and who had resorted to every remedy within her knowledge, I sent the remainder of the bottle to her, and that longstanding, obstinate, and (as she thought) incurable cough was perfectly cured. For coughs, colds, shortness of breath, asthma, tickling in the throat, and all pulmonary affections, this medicinewill be found invaluable.—l am, dear sir, yours very truly, " Yfar. Eoaiim." "To Mr Thomas Powell." mRULY AN EXTRAORDINARY EXJL PECTOItANT. Mr Thomas A. Sheridan, of Elphln, Ireland, writes :—" For three days and nights I was a strati ger to rest and sleep; racked and almost killed with a hard cough, I tried all kinds of remedies, but to no purpose. At length a friend kindly supplied me with a quarter of a small bottle of your Balsam, and told me to try it, which I accordingly did. The result has been miraculous. The cough has almost ceased, and 1 have once moro found out (thanks to your Balsam) what it is to enjoy sleep and life." ITS EFFICACY IN CASES OF CONFIRMED ASTHMA IS MiOVEUBIAL. TIE OLD COUGH KEMEDY.—The remedy "o rare .aid proved effect" for Couzlis, Asthma, and Bronchitis—POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. Sold by Chemists. Trade mark, " Lion, Net, and Mouse," POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED LOUSENS the 2PHLEGM IMMEDIATELY. The Dean of Westminster's Verger writes :—"I was advised to try the Balsam of Aniseed; I did and have found very great relief. It is most comforting In allaying irritation aud giving strength to the voice." X lONEL BEOUGH, Esq., tho Eminent JLJ Actor, write:—"l think it an invaluable medicine for members of my profession, and have always recommended it to my brother and sister artistes." Chateau de Montabor, Aveyron, France. The Due de Montabor writes :—""From the lirst dose I felt great relief, the bad symptoms grew feebler, the irritation of the throat was calmiuir down, and I recovered the sleep which had nearly left me." POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. INVALUABLE FOR BRONCHITIS AND ASTHJI.i. Thellev.Wm. Lush writes from Stixwold Vicarage, Horncastle : " For the past 12 years I have been in ths haVit of using myself, giving away, and recommendingyour Balsam. I should not be exaggerating if I said I have never known it to fail. Whenever I have had a cough I use it iv perferonce to anything else, and again and again it has cured nnHE SOOTHING EFFECT of ONE JL TEASPOONFUL taken in a littlo water on going to bed is KXTRAORDINARY. No family should be without it. OOLD by Chemists and Medicine Vendors Wholesale Agents in the Austiialian axd New Zealand Colonies :—Sydney—Elliott Bros., Hoffming and Co. Melbourne-Felton, Grimwade, and Co.; P. and S. Falk; Rocke, Tomsitt, and Co.; Kosenthall; Hemmous, Laws, and Co. Brisbane— Elliott Bros.; Berkeley, Taylor, and Co. Adelaide— Faulding and Co. New Zealand—Kempthorne Prosser, and Co., Dunedin, Auckland, Christchureh, and Wellington; and of Pharmaciens in most of the chief towns of Europe, and of all respectable Chemists throughout the world, at Is I£il and 2s 3d each. PItOPBIETOn, THOMAS POWELL, 4 Albion place, Blackfriars road, London. "'Observe—Tho words "Thomas Powell, Blackfriars road, London," arc (by pel-mission of her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners, of Stamps) engraved in white letters upon a red ground, in the Government stamp affixed over the top of each bottle, without which the}' cannot bo genuine; also trade mark— LION, NET, AND MOUSE, on the outside of tho wrapper. ASK FOE POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. "OOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. "OOWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. POWELL'S BALSAM OF ANISEED. P" OWELL'S" BALSAM OF ANISEED. syu QTEEDMAN'S SOOTHING POWDER? k9 50R CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH. CAUIT'ON TO PURCHASERS. The value of Vnis well-known Family Medicine has been largely tesVi-rJ iv all parts ol the world, and by all grades ol soc:t!y, lor upwards of 60 years. Its well-earned extensive sale has induced Spurious Imitations —some ol which iv outward so closely resemble the original as to have deceived many purchasers. The Proprietor therefore teele It due to the public to give a special caution against the use oi such imitations. Purchasers are therefore requested carefully to observe the four tollon-ing distinctive characteristics, without which none aru genuine:— Ist. In every case the wordß John Stkedman. Che.mis-t, Walwohth. Sukrky. are engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each packet. i!nd. Each Single Powder has directions for the dose, and the words, "John Steedmau, Chemist, Walworth. Surrey," printed thereon. 3rd. The name Steedraan ib always epelt with 4th. The manufacture li carried on solely at Walworth, Surrey. Sold in packets by all Chemists and Medicine Veador3 at Is ljd and 2s 9d each. Sold by Kempthorne, Prosaer. and Co.. Dunedin, Otago. FOB THS BLOOD IS THE LIFE." CLAB X B S TTOP.LD-FAWED 81.00 D MIXTDKK THK GREAT BLOOD PURIFIERandRBSTOREH, Has the LAHGEST SALE of any Medicine in the World. For oleansing and clearing the blood from all its ities, it cannot bo too higly recommended. Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and 6oreß of all kinds, it is a never-foiling and permanent euro. It Cure-i Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Keck. Cures Uloemtfid Sore Lega. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulceri. ' Cuveo Blood and Skin Diseases. Curee Glandular Swelling;.!. Clears the Blood from all impure matter. From whatever cause arising. Ac this mixture is pleasant to the tasta, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of oiSier Bex, the proprietors solicit sufferers to jjivo it a trial to te3t its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all Parts. Sold in Bottles, 2s 9d each, and in cases, containing six timeo the quantity, 11s each—sufficient to bft'ect a permanent cure in the majority of long--tandiug easen—by all Chemists and Patent Medioiue Vendorß throughout the world. THE LINCOLN AND^^IDLAND COUNTIES DHUG COMPANY, LIHCOLH, ENGLAND. Trade Mark—"BLOOD MIXTURE." Bxport Agento—All the London Wholesale Houses. Agents for New Zealand; KHMPTHORNE, PROSSER, and CO., Wholesale Druggietß, nmTOl^M and AUCKLAND. (POCKLE'S PILLS <U FREE FROM MERCURY. (SpiOCKLE'S PILLS \j FOR LIVER. COCKLE'S PILLS \J FOR BILE. (POCKLE'S PILLS <U FOE INDIGESTION. /MOCKLE'S PILLS *O FOR HEARTBURN. /nOCKLE'S PILLS \j FOR SICK HEADACHE. /PCCKLE'S PILLS \j FOR ACIDITY. COCKLE'S PILLS \J IN USE EVERYWHERE. .(POCKLE'S PILLS \J IN USE EIGHTY-FIVE YEARS' In Boxes at Is Hd, 2s Sid, 4a 6d, 11s, and 225, Of all Medicine Vendors throughout tho World.

—The Austrian Count Breuner imported three pair of wild turkeys from America iv 18S0, and had them sot free on his estate on the Danube, not far from Vienna. The game-keepers report this year that birds have increased to the number of nearly or quite 500, and turkeyhunting on the Danube promises soon to be counted among the Viennese sports,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7636, 9 August 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7636, 9 August 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7636, 9 August 1886, Page 4