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Medical. ~T\ X 3 I' !fi IC R'S kJ I'rlvaln Binp-inw/v, YW-.l.min Climn--1 era, 38 Limioton (.tiiay, Wi'lliiii'lon, opposite New Zealand CloUiiiiK I'Vfcosy liitaWioMj for Hie ■Ji'ieHtHlnrii'.ilSiwedv^urc'ijt Chronic, JHervour, and iilii«i.ill)i«c;-iat<!,. )Jr ;3j.;ffli- la Jtofiuliir Gradual, d Vnvslmn, educated at /Inward Ool'e;™, U.H. H-)-.i\s devoted a iifuthno to, audio fu:!,nowled|:od to ix) itio mo-it <ij-.iw.-i, I'hyiitsirji In lib BMemll.y Ib tin: UultcdStalhs. YouiiKl-JiiHitndMWdl<j-n[[C(lMßnwho aitfurfrom IVurvoiir; mid Physical Debility, liOji (-! Jiriergy iind Mr?nra-y, Kriif.tki.iti o-i thu Face, Muutal .O.MprMßloii,Kldiißy(irullil>«ldfrTri.iiibl.-a.N6unkl((l», !'M.< mialinm, ticmfubi, Sail, liliuum, I'nralyoio, l!itn, A«Uiui«, Catarrh, Jle.iii. iiiocuo/dravul, I'iloa, tea.', and ato tired of takin.. mineral drugo, will dn well to come iuul try thu Dontot-'o of euro, m It will, if propurly applied, ruliovo tliem of tlifireufioriiiKa Mid rontore them to u-jalth. Tha Bautor uson no mineral p.-opr.ratious; his treatment comilat wholly a the hbo of ve^Ublo romedlen. jjittiiy aru they wlio bnvo implanted in their syuteu:, by improper .lee of calomel, aca-U which uroducoan annual crop .it dlotaco. To lv.ah he would my, oomo and bo healed. It maUorii not what your trouMoa may be, eomo and let the Doctor examine your cane. If it is curable, he will tell you to; if Hit not.hexoM tell you that; for ho v.lll not underlain) a caao uuleas he (3 confident of efisctinir a euro. It will coat you .■i.itliing lor oonmiltnllijn, so plciiue call and ontisly /ourot-lveu that tiia Doctor understands your case, Ov S. Curee Humours and Dineason of tho Blood. I'o liodleti who nre afflicted by any of tho following •omplalntn,—Cold oxtromifcivu, weak elonmeho, lame md weak tuek6, nervous mid tick headaches, uonr,tipiition mid iiidi[(ouUon, rain in tho oido and unuk, 10-.tcli.m-ea, <to., £<:.—1 wish it distinctly mideruloud ',hat 1 do not olaiia to pur Conn impormbililiioa, or to ■lavo a power. AH applying to me will .•eoeiva my hunei't opinion ol their complnintu. Ho jjrperimontiui^. I will guarantee a posifcivo euro h) every cane I uudirtr.ko, or forfeit £2U(i. Consultation .n Ofilce or by totter, FKKit. Chargeo Moderate. Exam!ni:tion and Atlv'oe, A'l. Call or Address: Dr H. .T. Speor, Kilmeiotun Buildings, Auckland, H.Z. Offico Hours j »to 12,1 to 4, 6to 8 p.m.; Sundayi, ;i) to 12. M.B.—All Mudioinee neeeseary for a ooin,'<leto cure mm 1)6 sent fres from observation on raWi'tof cymptome. 23n I~Y"s AY E D MY LI FE. jjixtract from a letter of C. Fitzgerald, Esq., refet"nK °LAMPIOUOH'S I'YIiETIC SALINE, which is Effervescing and Tasteless, forming a moat Agreeable, Invigorating, and Hefreshing Draught. Drs Morgan, Turley, Can-Jackson, and many other medical gentlemen have given unqualified testimony to the importance of the discovery and the immense value of THIS GREAT KEMT3DY. Vitalising the blood, it enables tho constitution to resist climatic influences. It gives instant relief in Thirst, Headache, Sea or Bilious Sickness, Feverish Colds, Fevers, Smallpox, Measles, and Eruptive or Skin Complaints. It is an excellent mild aperient, acting generally im the bowels without purging or scouring. LAMI'LOUGH'S PYKISTIO SALINE Hay bo obtained of any chemist or' patent medicine ..Icaler, and of H. Lami'LOUhh, 113, Holborn, Lon;lon. E.C. niau TQiEPPEII'S TARAXACUM and PODOJL PHi'LLIK : A fluid combination for derangement of the liver. By gently stimulating action of ;he liver and alighting moving tho bowels the heavy, drowsy fooling, headache, pain beneath the ihouklers, at the ehes.t after e.itiug, unpleasant tante, and other indications of dyspepsia are removde. Taraxacum, aud t/oilophyllm are safer than jslorael or blue piil. iiottles, 2s Pd. Sold by all homiets. Inoist tin having Pepper'o. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIO. Q-HEAT BODILY STKENRTK. GREAT NKHVK STRENGTH. GUKAQ1 MENTAL STEBNGTH. GEEAT DIGHSTIVB SXHBHGTH. OBPPKR'S QUININE and IRON TONIO. I INVIGORATES, SIJPFOKTS, SOS'i'AIKS HOBUST HEALTH. PEPFEE'S QUINISB and IROK TOHIO. OITHEB NEURALGIA," WBAKM3SS. IfKBVOUS COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIO. INCREASES STRENGTH OF PULSE, GIVES FIRMNESS TO THE MUSCLES, QUICKENS FEEBLE CIRCULATION, OVERCOMES PROSTRATION, LANGUOH, &c. PEPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC, THE RECOGNISED TONIO. RECOMMENDED BY LEADING DOCTORS. ALWAYS ALIKE IN COMPOSITION. ALWAYS THE SAME IN EFFECT. DEPPBK'S QUININE and IRON TONICJL appetite, strengthens the stomach, slopping sinking sensations, removes indigestion, Heartburn, palpitation, cures dyspepsia, constitutional debility, restoring health, strength, and snergy. liottle cold everywhere. Insist on having Oi?prri>r's Tonic, made only at Bedford Laboratory, London. CIUIiPHOLINE LOTION CLEARS the IO SKIN, REMOVES PIMPLES. RKHOVUS BLOTCHES and SCURF. CURES KETJPTIOSS. ATTACKS OLD SKIN DISEASES. OULPHOLINE LOTION in a FEW DAYS (5 CLEARS OFF RED ERUPTIONS, SI'OTS aud BLEMISHES, ACNE and BLACKHEADS, HASHES and MSCOLOUEATIONS. SULPHOLINS LOTION attacks old deep-seated Skin Complaints, eczema, psoriasis,tetter,pityriasis, scaly formations, ulcerations, &c. All irritaMon iB allayed, these unsightly affections quickly (fielding to the purifying effect of Sulpholiue. Sold everywhere. Bottlee, 2s9d. QULPHOLINE.-An External SKIN REMEDY. 0 BEAUTIFULLY FRAGRANT. COOLING and REFRESHING. PRESCRIBED by LEADING PHYSICIANS. ABSOLUTELY PURE and HARMLESS. SULPHOLINE.— For tho COMPLEXION. SOFTENS and PRESERVES. GIVES a HEALTHY SURFACE. COUNTERACTS EFFECTS of WEATHBK. EMBELLISHES and IMPROVES. SULPHOLINS LOTION renders the moßt disfigured Skin presentable, combining the virtues of a medicated application with the attraction and luxury of a toilet preparation. Its peculiar property is to make the skin clear, smooth, supple, and healthy. Bottleß, 2s 9d. Sold everywhere. Made by J, Pepper and Co., London. TOCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIB _ELI RESTORER. THE SUEEST. TUB SAFEST. THE BEST. THIS CHEAPEST. T OCKYER'S SULPHUR HAIR RESTORER JU produces a perfectly natural colour. The gradual change is certain,and for removing scurf, beautifying and cleansing the hair, causing it to grow wherever thin, Lockyer's ia unrivalled. Large bottles, Is 6d. Sold everywhere. Made only in London. IPd A WONDERFUL MSDIOINE. — BEECHAK'S PILLS sre admitted by IKbouoands to be north a Guinea ■ Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders. »uch aB wind and pain In the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling '..'ier meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chib<, 3ushini>s of heat, loss ol appetite, shortness oi '>t«nth, costiveness. scurvy, blotchea on the skin, disturbed nleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and trembling Bensationi, Jtc. The first dose will give relief in 20 minuteß. Ihis is no fiction, for they have done it in thousands 01 cases. Every luSerer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For Females of all ages these Pills are Invaluable, is a few doses ol them carry off all gross humouri, open all obstructions, 2nd bring about all that ii required. No lemalo should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the syotem. If taken according to tho directions given with each box they will soon restore females oi all cges to Bound and robust health. For a weak stomach. Impaired dijjcttlon. and all disorders of the liver they act like •' JMGIC," and a few doses will be fc-xnd to work wonders upon the most important or&inß in the humxu. maehlna. Ihey strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the iong-loat complexion, bring back the keen edpe of ippetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole phyßical energy of the human frame. These are " FACTS" admittod by thouiaudß, embracing all clasa«a of society t and one of the best guarantees to tt c nervoufl and 'lebilitated is: 2EBCHAM'S PILLS have the Largest Sale oi Rny patent medicine in the world. Full directions are given with each box. Sold by HI Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers throvjhMit the Colonies. v K EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldest and Best Cough Remedy. K RATING'S LOZENGES. Oldest and Best Cough Remedy. K EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldest and Best Cough Remedy. iZ-EATING'S LOZENGES. JtX. Oldest and Best Cough Remedy. XT EATING'S LOZENGES. S\. Oldest and Best Cough Remedy. K EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldest and Best Cough Remedy. 17"EATING'S LOZENGES. JD^ Oldest and Best Cough Remedy. K EATING'S LOZENGES. Oldest aud Best Cough Remedy. XT EATING'S LOZENGES. J_\. Oldest and Best Cough Remedy. T7"EATING'S LOZENGES. i\ Oldest and Best Cough Remedy, T7-EATING'S LOZENGISS. XV Oldest and Best Cough Remedy. TT'EATING'S LOZENGES. i\ "Any Doctor will tell you" there is no better Cough Medicine than HEATING'S LOZENGES. One gives relief; if yon suffer from cough try them but once;'they ua'U euro, and they will not injure your health; they contain only tho Purest Drugs, skilfully combined. Sold everywhere in small tins. K EATING'S "WORM TABLETS. A PURELY VEGETABLE SWEETMEAT both in appearance and taste, famishing a most agreeable method of administering the only certain remedy for INTESTINAL or THREAD WORMS. It is a perfectly safe and mild preparation, and is especially adapted for Children. Sold in tins by all Chemists. Proprietor—THOMAS KEATING, London, Export Chemist and Druggist. 2ap BR J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CKLORODYNE.-Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly in Court that Dr J. Collis Browne was undoubtedly the inventor of Chlorodyne, that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to say it had been sworn to.—Times. July 13,15U4. Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne.—The Right Hon. Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians and J. T Davenport that lie had received mtormation to the effect that the only remedy of any service in cholera was Chlorodyne.—See Lancet, December 31,15154. DrJ. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne "is prescribed by scores ot orthodox practitioners. Of course it would not be thus singularly popular did it not •supply a want and fill a placo.'"-Medical Times, January la, 1868. Dr J. COIHS Browne"b Chlorodyne is the best and most certain remedy in coughs, coids, asthma, consumption, neura'gia, rheumatism, &c. Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne is a certain cure for cholera, dysentery, diarrhrca", colic, &c. Dr J. Collis Browne's Chlorodvne.—CautionNone genuine without the words '" Dr J. Collis Browne s Chlorodyne" on the Government stamp. Overwhelm! :ig medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Hole manufacturer. J. T. Davenport, S3 Great Russell Street, London. Sold in bottles at Is 1 Jd. 2s «.l, -Is (id. aud 1 Is. llja OTAGO WITNESS. — Problems acd Games arc pnbllotasd for tbo amujomant il tba Levers of Cfacis,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7636, 9 August 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7636, 9 August 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7636, 9 August 1886, Page 4