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Businesa Kotlow. V DBESDEN PIANO AND MUSIO warehouse, Bl PMNOM BTBHKv i *~*" P I A 71 O Ft By HAAKK . tipp' BC3WEGHTEN BOHULTZ KIIRBAR ROBNIBOH SOHIEDHAYER ft SOIIKE And ttao MATCHLESS MIGNOM (Warranted (or 10 SWbY At WHOLESALE PRICES FOB OABBV Or on tho TWO YEARS' HIRE SYSTEM* Sole Agents for tho Celebrated SUIIH AMERICAN ORGANS ; (From 20 Guineas). Ploaiao Nob.—Ko matter where you Hvo yon eta Purchase one of oar Celebrated Inßtrumonta by Paying a Small Deposit, and the Balance Extending ovor Two Years. HEW MUSIC By Every Mall Steamer. J. A. X. BEIDLE, 1M Manager. THE MUSIO WAREHOUSE. ABOUT TWO HUNDRED PIANOS, HARHONIUMS, AMERICAN ORGANS Always In stock to select from, which tor superiority of Tono, Touch, DuraWllty, nod Pitcs Ma Unsurpassed. F. BEB3ON & CO.'S PHOTOTYPE BRASS INSTRUMENTS, SI MEDALS OF HONOUR. CHAS. BEGG & 00. aupply thelf customers on the moat teTOnrable Terms lor Cash or by Instalments, and solicit an intpectloa ol their Block. Small Oooda and Fltanj^io over; Instrumsnt ' WORK AND 8H 0 W .X 0011 B. 31 PRINCES STREET, DUNEDIH. EBIABIIMHBP U YIABB. ,H]> A E. THOMSON & 0 0., WINE and SPIRI2 HEROHANTB, B COLONIAL BANE JSWH.DJNQB, BOHD SIBIII, D U N E D I N. Sole Importers of LAtJQER FILS1 CHAMPAGNE Publications. SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1885. BRIGHTNESS AND LIGHTNESS. NEW STORY, BRILLIANT AND POWERFUL, Entitlup ri AMI 0 h A: A GIEL WITH A FORTUNE, By JUSTIN M'OARTHY, M.P., Author of ''Ihe Comet of a Season," "Maid of Atbenß," " History 0! Our Own limes," fee The Conductors of the QTAGO TITITNEfS hare much pleasure In announcing the conoluelon off arrangements for the early publication in the columns' of their Popular Weekly of a new and splendid Story by that highly popular and attractive author, Mr Justin M'Carthy, M.P. While distinguished ob the Historian' of Our Own Times, of which be has given a picture with a force and beauty of word-painting charming as any romance, he has achieved not less eminence as » Novelist. His Stories have commanded the warmest*. encomiums of the Press. His plots are remarkably skilful and ingonlous; his characters, although clten taking extraordinary ways, are extremely natural; his colloquial parts are always good; even hit ' descriptive matter Is thoroughly entertaining; and' his language and Btylo of treatment bright, pleasant, and attiactive. Such are the qualities and merits I which our readers may rest fuUy assured will characterise tho new Stjry, " Caraiola, a Old with a Fortune." The Novel opens with a singularly delightful picturo of Fltznrseham, and before many chapters are read a fascinating interest Is felt in tho further development of that evidently remarkable I character, Mrs Pollen, whose vivacious intellect, sparkling wit, and perfectly original Ideas will afford one of many fertile sources of pleasure in this, Mr McCarthy's latest work. The Opening Chapters of the new Story will appear n our columns on SATURDAY, APRIL 26, and tho j Conductors of the Paper will macb appreciate the cordial co-operation of present readers of the Novelist Columns in making this announcement widely known, amongst their friende. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON NOVEL 3 BY JUSTIN M'CARTHY. "THB COMET OF A SEASON." " Khtertainlng from tha first lino to the last."— Spectator. } " All are good studies ol character.. ' The Comet ot a Season' is pleasant and clever."—Athensum. "A work decidedly worthy of the accomplished author.—Figaro." " " There Is abundant evidence of the brightness and lightness ot Mr trG&rthy'e imagination, and of hll power of seeiDg into the motives of mankind."— Scotsman. "In all Mr M'Carthy's recent novels there Is a bright originality In the central conception, and an' lngeulous picturesquenesH in the grouping of the subsidiary characters, which are irresistibly attiactlve."— Acadomy. "Alw&ys a flavour of world-wido experience,' of great familiarity with tho fancies and tollies of the hour."—Manchester Examiner. " A decidedly clever novol. Many of tho scenes— Buch a? the fire in the church and Montana s first revelation of bis mission-are described with great power."-St. James' Gazette. : " Has from first to last a clear, subdued sparkle, very pleasant to the eye and grateful to the fancy. One of the best novels of its class we have recently had."- British Quarterly Review. " The conception is worthy of Balzac; the execution Is exceedingly skilful, and by no means deficient in appropriate power. Tho Interest of the story It Increased by an easy avoidance of everything in the shape of bad taste."—Graphic. " Mr M'Cartby's new novel may be confidently recommended to anyone who wants amusement The characters form excellent contrasts, and mix well."— Westminster Review. "MAID OF ATHENS." " Throughout a piece of free and gracoful writing, marked with much original thought and observation. —St. James' Gazette, " Light and amusing."— Athonteum. " The production o( an artist who has discovered the true bent of his genius in fiction."—Scotsman. " F.-om first to laafi a very charming novel."— MorLing Post. "■So pleasant a book that it would be easy to extond our notice of it"—Standard. 11 Clever, and In parts even a brilliant performance.' -Pall Mall Gazette. " Tho various characters In tho novel are admirably drawn."-Brltißh Quarterly Review. " The light of chivalry plays round his short etoryy ■ which tho author has bO skilfully (.interwoven with the threads of the chief intoiott as to lift tho whole work far out ol tlio range of ordinary fiction."—Daily News " Though Mr Justin M'Cartby ofton takos us far aflold in iho company of his heroos and horolnos, he has the capacity of investing all places ho touches with interest, and inspiring us with concern for the fate of thosa who move In the most distant scenes. — Cork Examiner. "Tho story is n pretty ouo, and Is well workod out. The skill with which the author hag blendod the llghtor with the dark features of his (Margarites) characters is beyond a 1 praise."-Academy. "Itls an almoßt perfect piece of workmanship. A scholar, a critic, a chronicler of his own time, like the author, muatj lave had strong temptations tokput scholarship, analysis, and antlquarlanlem Into hll . story; but Mr Justin M'Carthy, when he Is writing a novel, is all novollst."-Spectator. " Is a book which has almost overy quality desiderated in a good novel. The s'.ory la constructed with* perfect art. Tho moial tone la healthful, and the skill dlsplavod, both in the dialogue and the doscrlplive parts, is of» very high order. The characters are real men and women, and not moro puppets. —Congrcgatlonaliut. " The ontlro story la interesting and amusing."— Literary World. A NEW STORY, BT JUSTIN M'OARTHY, M. P., ENTITLED C A -M I 0 L A: A CURL WITH A FORTUNE! Will to commenced in the O.TAGO WITNESS ON SATURDAY, ArRIL 18, 1885. OTAGO WITNESS.—New Btwlos— l«g«»«<»i» «l O«li?laH H«»t«l. Frine. If,

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 7224, 13 April 1885, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7224, 13 April 1885, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 7224, 13 April 1885, Page 3