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Dally Times Office, Wednesday evening. The amount of Customs Keveuuo received today

on Roods ontered for consumption was £1652 2s 2d.


. A meeting of the creditors ol A. A. Meinrath, importer, was held at tho Supreme Courthouse yesterday, to consent to the deed of assignment. Mr Fitchett attended on behalf of the debtor. Debts amounting to .6735810s 30d were proved. It was stated that tho debtor's wife was ill in Sydney, and that ho was very anxious to go over on her account, and also to procure certain vouchers relating to his Sydney transaction?. After much discussion it was resolved to adjourn the meeting tor a week to allow time for production of voucher?, and in the meanwhile to direct the trustees undor the deed to apply to the Court for power to deal with the tenders for stock.

Mr Donald Stromach (on behalf of the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Limited) reports for the week ending 13th December as follows : —

Fat Cattle.—33s head were yarded, including 100 stores and dairy cows; about half ot these were little better than store 3, which led to good competition fur prime [quality, and equal to la3t week's prices being obtained. Bullocks brought up to £13 12s 6d, and cows from £G to £3 10s per head. We solda draft on account of William Shand, Esq.—bu locks at from £0 6s to £8 ; cows, £6 7s Od ; 'calves, 20s to 445; and wo quote be.f at 2es fld to 25s p:r 1001b. Fat Sheep.-The pens contained 3389. This large supply had the effect of reducing la»t week's prices at least 2a per head. - Crossbrcds (shorn) brought from 8s to 12s. Our sales to-day were :- On account of Fleniiniraud Hedloy, 259 crossbreds at lls Sd ; W. and r. Little, 30 crosbbrens at 11s 9d ; James Mem, 16 crossbreds at 10a ;T. Geary, 12 erossbreds at 10s 3d. We quote crossbred mutton (shorn) ]Jd to 2d per lb. Fat Lambs.—B74 head yarded, and sold at about equul to last week's values, say 4s 3d to 9s 3d. We sold, on account of Messrs Cruickshank, Mortal, Jessop, Jas. Mem, and T. Geary, at from 6s Gd to 8s 3d. Pig?.—l7o yarded, and sold at from 2s9d to 07.°. ft-jre Catt c—He held a sale of mixed stores at Mosgiel on Friday, the Blh inst. "fhere was a larte number of buyers, competition being spritcl. We .ioiosidif bullocks at from £3 17s 6d to £G, stesrs at from &i t) £3 15s, and heifeis at from £2 2s 6d to Hi 17.s Gd. We purpose offering, on account of Mr W. L. Kiddell, at the i-ame place, on Thursday, 21st Deramb r, at 1 o'clock, 12j head, nejrly all bullocks and stec s i 1 forward condition.

Woi-J. - Our latest cablegram from London, dated Bth, is us follows:-'-The sales closed firiniy, and complied 120,000 bales; IG.OCO have been luld over; 60,000 have been taken for export. Superior greasy, marke, unchanged; medium and inferior greas , market easier; lens-stapled merino scoured and flue crossbred, market firmor; coarse crossbred h»3 declined Jd to Id-, inferior scoured, mirket easier; combing (washed), market unchanged ; clothing (washed), market easier. Long • stapled merino is in demand, but short growth is neglected ; fine crossbred is in ilcunnd, but coarce crossbred ia neglected. Lambs', market is unchanged." In consequence of the Ciiristchurch wool sales being held on Tuesday, 19th inst, we have postponed our second sale of tho'Eeason till Wednesday, 27th December. Sheepskin-I .—On Monday last we submitted a large catalogue, when there was the usual attendance. Biddings were livelier, and all lots sold, showing a blight improvement 011 last week's values, more especially on m-.rino skins. We quote as follows :- Stil'ion Mid dry skin?, 2s 3d to 5s 3d fur croa^reds, and 2s 4d to 5s 5d for merinos; butchers' green crossbreds, 6s to 6s ld ; merinos, 4s 7d to 5s 6d; lambj', Is 3d to Is 4d ; -pelts, Ud to lOd. Jtabbitikius. We did not offer any this week. Hides are saleable at recent rates, say 3d for light, 3Jd for medium, and 4d for 661b and over. Tlio=e prices are not procurable unless they are in good condition and free from culs and ollal.

Tallow —We offered and sold medium rendered at up to 30s; lough fat at up to 21a. Grain—Wheat: One or two salei of choice milling wheat have been made during the last few days at from 4.s 4d to 4s 5J ; but this by no mam* indicates a diinaud 011 the r^t rf millers, «ho are patiently waiting a further decline in prices. There is no demand for medium and infeti r, and to efii-ct sales lower prices would have to lie taken. O^t-i : Stocks are inclosing-, and as dealers' idta of va'ue do not Come up to growers', very few s.les are tifected ; theiefore quotations wid be nominal. Pri.-nc milling, 3. Id-to 3s Uil; jniiiw Iright feed, 3s to 8s ld; inferior and disco oural, 2s Glto 2s lOd. B-irley : Prime uniting samples couM be placed, but the demand for other descriptions is quiet.

.Messrs Wriout, Stki'HE.\'S.w and Co. report fo r the we.k ending i3lh December as follows :—

Ft Cattle.—The supply to-day wa3 a full one, 235 beiii' yrnlttd. I hese for the most part consisted of cutie of medium to good qualify, the latter including diafts from ihe Windsor Park and Giadbrook Kstati-s aii'i I.'almorul Farm. Fur eitde of prime quality tt ere a good .demand, and last week's j.rces for these wer^ will nnintaincd; inferior ;nd medium qualilv, however, Bold at prices little better tha-i store rat-'s. Wu sold 71 head as follows:-For Edward Mculuve, Esq. (Windsor P.irk), 10 masnillcent shorthorn steer, at from £12 10s to £13 l-2s Gd (, £!3 53 per head) ; for Andrew Grant, Ksq. (Tei'iuka), 20 bullocks. (lieht-weights, medium Viaiiti) at from £5 10s to £7 7s flit ; for lViiliam Aifrc'k Kaii. (B hnoral Farm), 10 bullocks at from £8 10» t> £12 2s GJ, and 6 heifers at from £6 5s to £3 2s 6,f; for ilr Ja. es Brown (Ewt laieri), 7 builockg <li..|it-»-c'i;irs)atfiom £7 tj i 7 12s Gd, and 2 heifers at"t7-S.-i -"and for Messrs W. Jully, P. Ryan, T. Leal, and others, lii head (mostly cjivs) up 10 £7 17s Cd. We quote te.iliy piimo beef at fully 25s per 1001b, and meJium and inferior at from 20s to 22s OJ. Fat C ives.—Jiightetn penned. We sold 6at from 181 to 20s. Fat .-heep.—The market was completely glutted today, 3359 sheep being penned, and chiefly crossbreda of good to piime quality. Bidding, was very slack, and prices, as compared with last week's, ruled from 2s to 2s 6d per head lowir. Our sales were as follow : —On account of Me-srs Murray, Roberts, and Co. (Gludbrook Estate), 403 prime hatfbred wethers at from lls to lls 3d; on account of Mr Edward Lee (Temuka), 208 very prime crossbred wethers at from ]Is 3d to 128; on account of Messrs Somerville Bros. (Waitepeka), 40 halfbreds at 9s; on account of Mr Jas. Allan (Washdyke), 105 crossbred hoggets at 0s Gd ; on account of Mr David Brunton (Merton), 108 erossbretls at 83 9d ; on account of Messis Craig and Wylie (Taieri), 18 crossbrcda at 9s 3d ; on account of Mr J. Freeman (Green Inland), 61 cros3breds at 10s. We also turned out unsold 24S very prime three-quarter-bred wethers on account of Kdward Menlove, Esq. We quote prime muUon at 2u per lb. Fat Lambs.—The supply was an excessive one, 842 hem" penned. Wo cold 252 as follows :—For Mr U. Charlton, 2S at Gj 9d ; for Messrs Cmiir and Wylie, 28 at Gs 9d; for Mr Win. Robertson (Palmcrat-in), 40 at 7s Gd; for Messrs Ross Bos. (Meadowbank), 9G at from Gs to Gs 6d ; and for Mr John Draper (Tokomairiro), CO at 4s G J

pj.rg._i7o penned. Wo sold 150 as follows :—From Windsor Park, 20 at from 39s to G7s; for Mr Edward Lee (Temuka), S8 at from 2Gs to 41s; and on ace lint of Messrs Vf. Irvine, James Biahop, and others, 92 at from 2s 9d to 45s oaeh.

St 're Cattle.—Wo have to report an improved do-, mand for well-grown bullocks in forward condition ; prices, however, as yut sbow but little improvement. At the Burnside Yards to-day about 100 were offered We sold 74 head, including 24 thm> and four.year.old steers at £5 10s, and 16 two and thrce-yrar-old steer 3 at J. 4 os; also 18 cows and heifers at fiom £2 12s Bd to £3 Cur sales were on account of Messra Meo Brothers (Brighton), William Jolly, and Thomis Geary. On TuesJay next we shall offer U0 head at Ifosj'iel. Store Sheep.-Th! demmd for croa^beds of both sexes, and good breeding merino continues brisk; there are, however, very few of tho fo'mer description offering at present. We have several good Ut* of merinos for sale. During the wtek we have placed 1000 /nixed crossbieds at a satisfactory price Horses.—We have no change either in values cr demand to note. At our weekly Eale last Saturday a modera'e amouut of business in both draughts a-.d linht-harness hordes was transacted a', quot.uio/is. On Saturday, 16th inst., we shall offer on account of Mr F. G. Pogson (Blackstone Hill), and Mr H. K. Taiaroa, over 20 useful draughts an! first-class eaddle and light-harness horses. We quote flrat-class draughts at from £30 to £35; medium, £15 to £25 ; good hacks and liaht-harncsj horsts, £15 to £20; medium, £10 to £12; light and inferior, JC3 to £7. Wool —Cable intelligence from London, under date Bth inst., is as follows:—" TheMes closed linn. Silica I la^t tolegram, prices for good country scoured are Jd higher, for good grease ell maintained. Tne buk of go.'d wools ar« on a par with close of lasS ealei. As compared with closing rite 3of previous series, the lower classes of grease are Id lower, as also are the lower classes of scour, d ; coarse crossbreds, }(i to Id lower. Trade in England and Germany is good, but rather flat in France." The new clip is now coming to hand free'y, and so far ns we have yet seen, it appears to be in quite as good cond tion aa last year. We have not held any auction sales this week, but have to rcpoit the sale, privately, of the J. s. over Lee Stream clip, about 300 ba'.os crossbred, at a satisfactory price. Sheep kius —We held our weekly sale last Monday, when wo submitted a very large catalogue. There was a good attendance of the trade, and prices about similar to last week's were obtained for tho various lots. Country sMns so.d at from Is 5'J to 4s lid, and butchers' greesskins, c-ossbreds, at from 4s lOd to 6s ; merinos, from 4s 8d to 5a 6-1 ; pelts, at from 8d to lOd j and lambskins at from Is 3d to Is 7d. Rabbitskins.—We did not offer any last Monday. Hides.—The dennnd is good, and wo have s Id all our consignments at from 3d to 4d per lb, according to weight and condition. Ta'low.—There arc no lots suitable for shipment offering. On Monday we sold several lots of rough fat at from 203 to Sis Od per cwt. Grain. -Wheat: Daring; the week one or two salts of small lots have transpired at from 4s 5d to 4s 6d for best samples, and at from 3s 3d to 3s 9d for fowls' wheat and infe-ior milling. Oats are not much inquired for, and quotations arc quite nominal-viz., 3a 2J to 3s 3d for bright milling, and 3s to 3s Id for good feed. Birley :No good samples offerin.,'; inferior quite unsaleable Mes3rsJUCLBAN and Co. report for tho week ending ISth Decomber aj follows :— Fit Cattle.—A full supply of 225 head was yarded for to-day's market, comprising about 100 head very prime quality, drafts of which were from the Summerhill, Gladbrook, and Windsor Park Estates. Notwithstanding the Urge number forward, the market opened with keen competition, and for pens of rea'ly prime beef last week's prices were fully maintained. Bust bullocks brought from £7 15a to £13; fair to good, £5 to £7 6s; cows and heifers, from £4 17s u'd to £10 16s. We yarded and sold 90 head as follow*: — On account of James Rutherford, Ksq. (Summerhill), 7 prime bullocks, at from £S 2 a ed to £9 I2s (id ; on account of Mea'ra Murray, Roberts, and Co. (from their Oladbrook Estate), 31 head, at for bullocks from £i 12s Od to £10 17s 01, and for cows from £0 fi-i to £3 10s ; on account of Mr John Sutherland (Eaat Taieri), 10 head prime quality light-weignts at for cows and heifers from £5 17s GJ to £7 ; on account of Messrs Todd and Blackio, 4 head at for cows from £6 to £6 Is 6d ; on account of Messrs A. and W. C. Todd (East Taieri), 15 head at tor bullocks from £8 7s fii to £9, and cows £6 7.s fld; on account of Mr James Wilson (Balclutha), 8 head at up to £C ; on account of James Park, Esq., 5 head at up to £5 ss; and on account of other vendors 10 head at quotations. We quote best beef at 25s ; medium, 20s to 22s Bd per lOOib.

Fat Calvci.-Eighteen ivero yarded, and sold from 7s to 15a. We sold T-head at up to 14s. Fat Sheep.—An exceptionally (ull supply was forward to-day, consisting of 3359, about 100 of which were merinos, the remainder shorn cro sbr-ds. This number, as might be expected, proved considerably in cxeess of trade requirements, anil a reduction of about2ahadtobeaubmittedto,anu'even with this large concession sales were difficult to effect, and a good few pens were turned out unsold. Crossbreda (shorn) brought from ts Od to Us 3d; meriuoa (shorn), up to »a ; a Birall let of crcaibreds In the wool, 12s od. We penned 750, imd sold them as follows : On accouut of the New Zealand and Australian Land Company, from their Clydevalc Estate, 118 shorn crissbreds at from 10s 3d to lls; on account of Messrs A. and J. Brown, a draft of light-weight crossbreds at 6s; on accouut of Jlr J. Wilson (Balclutha), 3a shorn crossbreds at 8a (Id; en account of Mr J. Finch (Mllburn), 20crossbreuN in the wool, 12s 9d; on account of Mr J. Wjber (Milton), 37 shorn croßsbreda at 83 6d ; on account of Mr J. Scott (Balclutha), 73 shorn crossbred* at 8s 3d ; and on account of Mr Duckmanton, 20 shorn c ossbreds at 10a 3d. We quote prime mutton barely 2d per lb. Fat. Lambs.^-The large supply of 842 was penufcd, all of which were sold at prices from 4s to 93 3d. We sold, on account of Messrs A. and j. Brown (Green Island), 25 at 6i fld ; on account of Mr J. Finch (Milburn), 26 at 7s 3d; on account of Mr Duckmanton, V. at from 1i to 7b (id ; on account of Mr N. Lane, 42 at Ob Sd; on account of Mr J. Wilson, 7at 7a 6J; and on account of Mr K. Todd, S3 at 6s t'U.

Fi>t Pigs.—r/0 of all descriptions were yarded, and sold at from 7s 6d to 71s. We sold 25 at from 15j to Ma.

Store Cattle.—We hcH a. salo at Ba'clutha on Thursday la-t on account of Mewa Cameron, when we offered and sold 100 head at, for bullocks, up to £5 2a 6d, and for cows up to £3 10?. Wo have lots of thrce-year-o'.d steers and hufcrs for sale privately, and would call attention to our salo at Outrain on Friday of 100 heal three and four year olda; sco adverfeern»nt. "

Fat Sheep.—There ia a good demand for both crossbred ami merino owes and wethers. Crossbreds particularly ireet with ready salo. Wo have EOld during the woek 5000 crossbred wethers in forward condition

at-lOs-eat-b, and 500 crossbred ewes and wethers at 7s 9d Rains. —We hate for sale merino and longwool rams from the best flocks in the piovince.; Eea advertisement. . 0 .. Wool.—The latest cablegram, of date London Bth, announces the closing of the wool sales as follows :— " The sales closed firmly, and comprised 120,000 bales 10 000 have been held over, and 60,000 have been taken for export. Superior greasy, market unchanged ; medium and inferior greasy, market easier; long-stapled merino scoured and fine crossbred, market firmer; coarse crossbred has declined Wto Id per lb ; inferior scoured, market easier ; combing (washed), market unchanged ; clothing washed, market easier. Wo shall hold our first sale of the season on Friday, 22nd, when we Bhall submit a full catalogue of washed, scoured, and greasy wool. Horses.-Our entries on Saturday last atDunedin Tattersalls wero very considerable, consisting for the most part 0! hacks and light-harness horses, and the remainder medium draughts. Although there was a good attendance tho bidding was slack, and to effect sales a reduction in values had to b-i submitted to. We quote heavy draughts, £23 to £35; medium, £15 to £22: good backs and light-harness horses, £12 to £23. We would c-a'l attention to onr sale on Saturday first, when we chill offer a number of good hacks, together with the thoroughbred racingeolt Alluvium. See. advertisements. Sheepskins.-We submitted a full catalogue at our sale on Monday list. With the usual attendance of the trade there was good competition, and an advance on last week's rates was perceptible. Station crossbreds brought from 2s 6d to os Gd ; merinos, Is lOd to 4s 8d; butchers' crossbrods, from 4s lOd to 63 3d; merinos, 2s Od to 5s 4d; lambs, lOd to Is 4d ; pelts, lOd. Hides, if heavy, well-trimmed, and in good condilion, command 4d per lb, and others in proportion. Tallow.- Well-rendered we quote at up to 28), miJ rough fat 21a fid per ewt. . Grain.—Wheat: In this cereal the market is much the same as it has been for some time past. There is still 110 disposition on the part ot millers to purchase, and sales are only effected at a reduction in values on recent quotations. We quote prime milling 4s 4d to 4s 6d;ordinary, 4s to 4s 3d; fowl feed, 2s 9d to 3s Od. Oats: There is almost no demand at present unless at reduced prices. We quote milling 33 ld ; feed, 3s Barley: Prime milting samples can b3 placed at up to 5s per bushel. Other sorts, no demand.

Messrß Donald Reid and Co. leport for the week end. ing 13th December as follows :—

Fat Cattle—A very large supply came in to-day, no less than 335 being- yarded. About 103 of time were stores. The creator pait of the rest were prime and useful beef. The sales opened at prices a shade undor last week'B for best quality, while medium and inferior were difficult to sell at greatly-reduced rate 3. Bullocks sold at £5 10a to £11 15.', a few Christmas bullocks to £1310 i ; cows, £3 17s Gd to £1110s. We yarded 74 head, and sold on account Of Mr J. Geddes (Palmer-ton), 7 bullceks £6 lie 6d, 7 cows £7 17s Cd ; on account ol Mr John Shand (Centre Bu*h), 14 heifera to £0 10s'; .\! rJ. Waldie, 5 cows at £510 a; on account of Jlr Wm. Lindsay (Groyt'iwn), C heilers to £5 loi ; on account of Mr J. M'Guinness, 20 prime heifera, £7 to £1110 i, aye age £8 10s Cd; and for Mr John Allan (Taurim»ai, 12 bullocks, £3 12s ad to HO 17s Cd, averaging £9 6) Gl. We quote prime beef at 22s 9J ; medium, barely 203 per 1001b. Fat Calves. — Eighteen yarJed. These were mostly good quality, and fold at 7a to 31s each. Fat Sheep. -3359 penned, consisting of, say, about half good to extra prime, with the remainder medium quality There was a dull demand all through the sales, prices suffering a decline of 2s 04 to 3s a head coin1 a-ed with last week's. A few pens had to be held over for next we=k. Best cros3breds, shorn, uold at 9i to 12s 9d ; halfbreds, do, 8a to 9.; others, 7a to 8s; merino eives, shorn, 6s 6d to 83 3d. We penned 573, and sold for Jlr T. Henderson (Otepopo), 71 crossbrels at 10j 9d to lls; for Mr A. Fateison (Otcpopo), 81 cro^breds at 8s 6d ; for Mr W. Morriaby (Heibert), 37 crossbreds 10s 9.1 U 12s (id ; Mr T. Reid (Gore), 40 crosebred-i 8s Sil; from Maheno, 24 mi rino ewes 0s Si; forMrJ. Donald=on,S2 merino ewes 83; for Mr K. Mitchell, 75 crossbred* to 11-t 3d ; a.-id turned out 226 crossbred*. We quote mutton ljd to 1| I per lb. Fat Lambs were again greatly in excess of trade requirements, 8-12 being penned; these included a fair proportion c.i prime. Bidding was very sbek, only a pen or two of really prin-.e bringing last week's piice3. He penned 211, and sold-for Sir J. Donaldson (llampdeii) 20 at 8s; from Maheno, 50 at Gs 9d ; lor Mr J Cockerill (Milton), 40 at 63 Od to Gs ; for Mr ■Hugh -Murray (MMori), S3 at 6s; for Mr J. Freeman (Gieen Island), 21 at Gs ; and fur Mr K. Mitchell (Portobello), 18 at 6s Cd. l'igs. -170 were penned to-day, very nearly the whole of which were prime porkers; these found ready sale at 203 to 4Gs ; a few stiirea brought 10s to ife each. We sold for Mr J. Hartstonge, jun. (Macrats), 36 at 26s Ld to 3'Js. Store Cattle.—At the yanl.4 to-day a\out 100 wero yarded. Bullocks In f rwuril condition sold at £5 to £siss- mixe.l.lots, £2 15s to £4 ; cows and heifers, £2 to £3 2s fid. Wool.-We held our second sile of this season yesterJav (liusday) at our B-oros, High street, and sjbmitted a dialoguecf 209 bi'es and 31 baas. There was a fu'l attendance cf local buyers, who competed kecnlv for each lot, prices obtaiuel showing an improvement on those ruling at last Bale. We sold 183 biles ami 31 bags. Grsasy crossbrodd, in light condition, sold at from B}J to iljd (the latter prieo using obtained for 28 bales half and three-quarter bred, marked Shamrock); coarse crossbred, 7§d to Sgd ; creasy merino SJd to llju (the Utter was paid for a small clip marliel M with Yon top); greasy pieces up to BJI. Our next s-.vle will be held at our new stores about the end of December : -11, 1 bag "rcasy skirting and blk, 4d; Ido do locks, 4d ; 2 do do pieces, Jid; if, 1 do do merino, BJd ;2 do di pieces, 4| I; triangle, 1 do do do, 6|d ;DH over D, Ido do do, i|d ; 'IT, Ido do do, SJJ ; WT, 2do do do, 4g.1; L, Ido do m'.rino, Gg 1; Ido do pieces, ld ; AS, 1 do do Mack wool, 7d; 2 do do pieces, 7}d; 2 do do locks, 3d ; — over + in red, 1 do do pieces, 7Jd ; 1 do do locks, 3d ; X over F, 1 do do do, 5Jd ; AE, 1 bile i-lipe merino, Sd; 1 do clothing merino and crossbred, IOJd ; All, 1 do greasy merino, 9d; 2 do do crossbred pt merino, 9ld; HE, 1 do do fleece and pieces, 6§d ; 1, 1 bale 1 bag do crossbred, S| 1; n, 2 bales do do, one part meriu", lOJd; 1 do pioces, SJd; „ ever + in red, 2 do d) crossbred and merino, lid ; H.2do do merino, 9.1; triangle, 2 do do crossbred, 9|d ;G,ldo do do, DJd; 1 lag do piecis, 3fd ;S, 7 talo do crossbred, BJd; 3 dodo isietino, Bijd ; Drl over D, 2 do 2 bags greasy ertssbr<id, 7i[d ; N, 1 bale do merino, 10} d; 2do do crossbred, 9Jd ;WT over B, 2 do do do, 9|d; IT, 1 do do do, BJd; X in diamond, Ido scoured do, SJd; V, 1 do greasy do, SJd ; Me, 1 do do pieces, 3Jd ; — over V, 1 do do merino, BJd; V over M, 4do do do, Iljd ; V over X, 1 do do crossbred, lOgd; 1 dodo broken fleece and pieces, 4d ; 'J'L, 1 do do crossbred and merino, 9}d; SS, 2do do do, SJd; HH, 3do do do, 751 ;K' over F, 2do 1 bag do merino, Bf--i; 2 halts do crossbred, 8J.I; 1 do do piece 3, 5H ; I', 1 do do merino, l)§d ; -— over D, 1 do do pieces", 5.M ; 1 do do looks, 2d ; 111, 1 do do pieces, 4Jd ; a U conjoined, 20 do do Ist combing halfbred, S do do do three quarter-bred, n}d ; 4 do do do merino, Wgd; Ido do merino and piece?, 7-g-l; 3dodopieots, t'Jil; 1 dodo locks, 2§l; Dovwequare, 4dodo merino, Did ; / ~1 over D, Bdo do crossbred, OjJ ; MA, 5 do do merino, 8d; UW in green, 10 do do Ist halfbred, lOd ; 18, 0 do do do do, OJd ; — over 11, I) do crossbred, Nj. 7, part merino, 8W ; 1 do do merino, 9kl ; triangle in blue, 2do 2 bags do crossbred, 9J'I; 1 do do merino, BJd ;JM in red, 3 do do crossbred, 7Jd; A, 6 do do crossbred, BJd; L, 3do do halfbred, 9|d ; T over 11, G do do do, 711; Ex in red, 7do do crcs=bred, K'Jd ; lt\V ill praou, 2do do merino, lO^d; Ido do locks and pieces, 4id ; 1 do bellios, 6Jd ; — over 11, 1 do 1 tag greasy pieces. 5g J; P, i do 1 do slipe nisrino, OJd ; Nil, 4 do greasy crossbred, 3d; 31, 1 do do pieces, 4Jd. Sheepskins.—We held our regular weekly sale at our uevv warehouses on Monday, when wo offered a full catalogue, chiefly dry sldns. There was brisk competition, more especially for fine-woolled sons, prices showing a substantial riso. Crossbreds sold at Is lOd to Gs 9J ; merinos, 13 Sd to Gs 3J ; lambskins, Is ld to Is 7d; pelts, 5i to 12J; station siiua in balls, 7J-d per lb. Hide.—We have no change in values to report. Heavy weights are saleable at .'!} 1 to Jd ; sound liaht weights, 3d. Slippy and cut hides are difficult to quit at 2d to 2Jd per lb. Tallow.—On Mondijy we sold ail lo hand. Cleanrendered mutton sold up to £33; mixed do, £25 to £28 ; b'.itche:B' rcu^h fat, £19 to £20 per ton.

Kabbitskins.—Our catalogue on Monday, although small, brought full rates. We sold all in at—GG, 1 ba?, 143 d; 1 do, 14jd; I)W, 1 do, 14jd ; I,—, 6 do, 12Jd ; CO, 2 do, 13d ;JD, 5 do, 13JU; W, 3 do, 14d. Freehold Property.—We would direct attention to our sale of valuable freehold farms in the Port Molyncux, Wyndhom, and Mokoreta diitricts, which will bo held at our new warehouse, Cumberland and Jetty streets, on Saturday next, the Kith December, wiien we shall iffer the whole of tho well-known Lansdowne Estate, comprising 1605 acres rich agricultural laud in the Port Molyneux district, cither in lot or subdivided into four farms of 130 to «10 acres each. AlB \ at the same time and place, we shall off a r the valuable prj-einptive freeholds at Wyndham bolonging to Mr J^hn Anderson. For particulars Eec adverti emcnls.

Grain.—Wheat: Only choice sorts are in request, and prices are rather weaker, 4a 6d being about the highest given for i Time northern velvet; other sorts, with which the market is fu I■■ suppMed, have receded i:j value, and may be quoted at 3s Oil to ii ; chick feed, 2s Od to 3s 7d. OatJ are without quotable change, with a woik demand. We sold 630 sacks bright feed oats at 3s Id to ."s 2Jd. To-morrow wo riler a large cata'ogue by auction. Barley Is in very limited demand. We quote milling, 3s to 33 6d; feed, 2s 3d to 2s lid.

Potatoes.— As tho seasin is now well advanced, there is but little denund for old potatoes; a few picked lots have brought £3 per ton.

Messrs Stepiikxson- axd Co. report for week ending 13th December as follows :—

Fat Cattle.—A Ml supply of 225 yarded to-day a 4 Buniside, of which about 100 were really prime qua'it.v. Although tho supply wai so large, pricod opened with keen competition, and bat week'B prices were well maintained. Best bullocks fetched from £7 15a to £13 123 6d ; fair to good, £5 to £7 6s ; cows, from £4 17s Cd to £10 153. Wo s'ld 15 head on account of Sir W. Jenkins, at from £5 to £5 15s. We quote prime beef at 25s per 1001b. Fat Sheep.—33S9 penned, of whi h about 100 were merinos. The supply proved excessive, and prices fell about 2i per head, and even then hales were hard to effect. We penned 193 on account of Mr P. M'Laren and 44 stores on accountof MrD. Brunton ; the former sold at from 10s to 10s 9d, the latter at a batisfactory fuure. We quote prime mutton at 2d per Ib. We also sold 17 croasbreds ou accouut of Mr Coutts at a satisfactory figure. Fat Lambs. 812 penned, and were all sold at from 4s to-9!3d. Wo told 30 on account of Mr P. M'Laren, und 22 on account of Mr Coulte, at satisfactory tat Pigs.—l7o yarded, and sold at from "i Od to 71s.

Storo Sheep are in demanJ, and can bo easily placed at satisfactory figures. Sheepskin 3 - The iaip.oved demand noted in our la=t week's report wai fully maintaino I at our auction sale of Monday last, and every lot was sold at satisfactory prices - butchers' cros-breds fetching up to 83 Id, an i merinos 5s 81!; lambs from 15d to 18d, and pelts from 8d to lid each. Hides and Calfskins avo quite firm at last week's quotations, and v.c are pleased to observe that our recent remarks with respect to careless flaying and cutting have had a beneficial effect Our ddivecies this week are a decided improvement on those of last and several p evious week".

Wool.—The eales in London have closed very firm, especially for good merinos and fine light cro^slired.i. Wools of a coarse and heavy nature are neglected, and are rather lower in price. At the present range of values one may reasonably presume that a good " spec.' may be entered into by capitalists without serious r'sk of loss from further depreciation. For three years wool-dc ilers have had continuous losses to contend with, a d as symptoniß of an improved Kuroptan trade are distinctly discernible, this year seems to promise a fair chance to recoup themselves. We shall hoM our first auction sale of wool on Thursday, the Hth inst., at 3 o'clock. Tallow and Fat. —We have placed several lofrs during the week at prices not much differinir from those of last weeß. There is a steady and fair demand.

Kabbitski s.—All-well prepared lots, suitable for shipping, are readily placed at full prices, say 17d to 18d per lb for thin-pelted winter skins, but these are now getting scarce; infeiior and suckers are neglected, and soil at prices which will scavce'y remunerate collectors.

Grain.—Whi at: No transactions of any eonspquenee to quote; in fact millers are holding on for a reduction, which vendors seem determined not to give, and our quotations are purely nominal. We quote prime milling at up to 4s B'i per buthel; medium, Si 31d to 49 3d; inferior or fowls'feed, up to 3s 9d. O.>ts: For roally good bright feed up to 3s 2'l; infeiior descriptions neglected. Barley: No transacfoua. DUNEDIN PUODUCE MARKET. J. 11. Kuoouu, grain and produce broker, reports under date 13th December as follows: — Flour.—As there is uo demand for shipment, ciimtry patceU cannot at present be placed. Town miliers are selling at from £10 5a to £10 108 in sacks, and £Wl6s to £11 5s in small baga. New Zealand fi-jiir is in bad repute ill the other Colonies, through infeiior lots being shipped, the highest quotation for New Zealand Hour from Sydney being £1110 a per ton for best quality, while inferior Ne.v Zealand is selling there a« low a* £9 is fld. Oatmeal is selling here at £15 10s per ton. Wheat—Vorv few transactions have takon place during tho week, and prices have not exceeded 4s Od for prime milling, nnd is to 4s 3d for inferior to medium. For fowl feed prices are from S3 to 3s Bd,

Oats.—There is only a limited demand, and stocks in Dunedin have increased, consequently prices are rather easier; but in the absence of business only nominal quotations can be given—say, milling and bright feed, 3s 2d; ordinary feed, 3s to 3s Id. Barley.-Thore is some demand for malting Bamples, but it is difficult to give a quotation, piices being very irregular. Prices givon last week would hardly be got. Milling and feed are not in domand, and tho best price that could be got would be 39. Potatoes.—New potatoes being now pretty freely used, there is little demand for old, and It is very difficult to place them, except in very limited quantities. Prices are nominally from £3 10s to £i per

Rabbitsl:lns.-There is a most decided .change, buyers, who were paying 17d per lb last week for winter skins, not offering more than 16d per lb this week. I have sold winter skins, since laafc report, at 16£ d, which I believe Is the highest price that has been obtained. Buyers seem now to realise that they have been payiDg too much for their skins. Hides continue about last week's quotations-well-trimmed and heavy, 4d per lb, and 3d to 3Jd per lb for light and inferior. • Tallow is in moderate request at 30s to 31s €d per cwt for. ptime,,and 25s to 27s for medium; rough fat, ISs to 21s fld per cwt.

Messrs Mort and Co., of Sydney, report on December 2nd as follows :—

Wheat. - New Zealand is difficult of sale at from is to U 3d pur bushel. Of CallfornUn our sales this week have bpen at 63 3d per bushel.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 6502, 14 December 1882, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 6502, 14 December 1882, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 6502, 14 December 1882, Page 2