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rjo xo.;BDiLDKKaiisna aomii<mii9^u''' J JL Urge stook of imerlcaa Clear Pine Doort trot eet.6|n. x ; at. 6u>..t«nt.;T.B;i| l ';.i),^ > 'ind9.&dieiI Also, American SbeMag, Lumber, Cleir Pine,' Sprncx Deals,: BcotdH mooring, a)id Baltic DeaU.'* '»r- :■•,■; ,i .... -.. Ooloalal Timber of overy dtucripHon.: f...;', • - ' ... ; tt. p/DBl^OQliL^'tioli'.";^ -f^'1 ."\TBILL and 00. have on SALB— X\ Otard'B Brandy, qr-ca«ks an* c«e|;: : .1 «iv.ji A.C.V. Brandy, qr-cailaandcasei.; „-, .- ■■..■ , :! ": - Bornard'BWhlßkyjOcUT6f,quarteri,and c«*m • i Long/ohn'fl ~...:( , _.,,.-.-,:, :',,,:'..;.■ '..•,,,'..'.,. ,: DanvUle'si;, „] idnarjteniuiacaioii ';", "':' ' . VDK2Qenera, labelled and oapinlsd' J^ v' '--'■'' ■'■' ;ohlfdrey'« Tobaccos, 10j,pkt.pcs.,andtwiit /■ ■■■ Hi. .!S!haUind'«.lwijrtiqtHertß»attd'ca»Bl!s ~,vr :il ' ■'!• ; White croei and J. 0. flto'prendnjr Wire ..,,■., - ■Bheobrldge'o and Prime Kent Hops ■'. , " .■ .FortabZe. and Stationary;'Kneinet, ."^w' Bedi. ' Drilling ' 'and"''Plamng"-Hachinei, Hammen, and other Maohioery by-Morten1 Chaplin, Follobk.'Mirab, and all the knowi •;makers.'-'-'i. ;i». i',-*. :-J.i »;/T!:; ;..'U.t' ?.., Qaneral Qrocflrleg and -Storw of &T\ s I COLIN ' M'SENZIE " &oKi)o^j ,' SheriS of the District Qfi Otago, do hereby giro notice that under a writ, of fieri fadai duly ssued out ol the Supreme Court >«t the suit of! MATHEW GAWTHOKP-HEELBS,:;of the City of I Dunedin, llerchant, I hare taken- in Execution the! tee simple of JOHN BONHAM. of the City of Duc-j edln »(oreßi:.d,-ilerch»nt, in. all those Allotments, or parcels qfUndtituats in :the*Oity of Dunedin afore-1 said, numbered thlrty-ieyeh and twenty-nine on th» plan of lubdivljionl bygone Williun F«nw!ck, of tec-! tions f-ny-iitae, fifty, fifty-one,-and filty-tvfo lof block'XXX, ontha'reoQtd map if the said City.irhlch said allotments form part cf tbo s»id section f.jity-1 nine, commencing at a polnt'in Cumberland street which forms the-north-wtßtem'bonDdary of the wild! section, distant six feet or thereabouts from the boun* dary line between the said lection forty-nine and the said section fifty, and extending- thence in a lou'thl Wfßterly direction along the eaid .street; bounded on or towuds the north-west by Cumberland street; twenty feet J on or" towards tho !«outh-we»f b/allatr me&ta. thirty-eight and twenty-eight [on eald, plan, of subdivision, one hundred feet; on or towards the touttiesat by rUrht-of-way.filt'Mn ftet wide, twenf/ feet; and on or towards the norih-aut by allotments numbert thirty-six and thirty on the Slid plan of subdivision, onehusdred fKt; together■ with the Buildings' And ErcctiOHß theieon. , And I hereby alto give notice thatlintmd,to causa theeaidLadd to be SOLD at the.Auction-rooms : olilaasH BASTItfG3,'.L"KARY, & CO.; In the Slid City of Dnnedin, on thetwentjflfth day of OOIOBEH, one thoiwand'-elght hundred aud serenty-nuie; at two o'clock in .that afternoon, unless the debtbe toon*r paid. ~ t ! \. •■ i■lo - i Tha SoUcitor for the, Eiooution 'Creditor. Is Mr Albert Devore, of Friwt's Buildings, Shallund street, Autkland;":. : ..-.',. ' '•' "■':.'•. f" :'.V"';:"' ; ' jDated tblS sixteenth day-of-July,"'ooo'thoutand eighthundred'iiniseventy-nine. ■-■.•A^Ai ..:"»;.;)■;■»■ ■■ ViS : l -'''I.,"! .'■•"■■J "f'u^ i" 'r'"'-:-"- ?'::■' ('■-■" 'i'mißim^xm^i--. t-^-;i j '■' ; WQTIOB^TW Xttago >btMy.'!Bmiim U *V duly.appointed OAZETXE foralLnaUoae mdci the Pebtbrtand Creditors Act :.:-i'j . >; /v .-.'■;: .■.:,; i j i ;*^;iN,BAiiKfiTTPicY.';':';-';'; t>:<; ;;' A ;LL ; CLAIMS against VAssighed X3L Estate of THOMAS SNO.W, Ot Duntroon, musi be lodged, witk the? undersigned, duly proven, ou-oi : before the'sixth day of ■ BEP:rE«BKfc-ME£T, other, wise they.will not be recog'nlssd: r:!i''' ■;' ;l at : . ''.:i'-\ i\,\'-y';-*l":'J./i-:anaiifaif,!>i''-!' ■■'<■ :".? - ' 7: ' '■■'■'■:"' "T.'H.'BftOWN.'tTnisteej. .a2sa,'l "7'■-/?' ,;>V'K:f6ABIIItB,rJ - '.■'■:-*>)■ fTIO LEND, ; mXJMS /OF fMONEY • LL'- JVom £26 up to £iml on landed aKarlty. : Tranriera prepared.—Le»wii-pr«p»r«d. . , i : ■;.. - .-,.-,- ~:-..„„ WM..DALBTMPLS,, ,' ' ■-'. .'j:j ■■-. .i. .^gfchanjeChtmbere,96,Princes.street.., TO LEND'pn.troad aores only, sums ,of£B00to«c6lJ0. •" i '■' WANTED, for lnTCStmintjSUMajof £60 to £600. /■: uu<:<* K-i-j.. -j,-i.-s Wi-DALRyBPLB,-,-,..') ; a -■Mil*r-a ..' -,'<■' ,-i...r-,..)...,o,'ErtoceMtfref.," MONEX TQi.LEKD,, .oa I^Bhotf ■.:.. .....'■ -r.. ~i . ... ■■ ■" "*■ y i'" B^nrlty.lntuißJofWMafldupwardXatcurrehtratei jr.- •.•■-■■; '"--■i ::Qliajlß,-JgTßM!g,and-iaa'LO#.^ 'l]tA!olSf2!tj::To;i;LE!SnD,:' ■?&*. Wimpli i JjjL ~ fleaqiitir, An laTSflisiSlo" terms!' la timb to iull .horrowenf.. LowaiJ carrent ratei of interesttbiiged. «->■■■ ■•■£rf > <jjT<*l . V.:- >■<■'~ ...■! r -Mi :;-,;.,,*, ; i ■fai^U gaiJjJh-.t; :i t . QQinfKM. a«d MQODia • ;A'A--'^o7^Lß^"'on'''£rteiiold dGtjXKfxtXJ™ securltyj in one or taore sunui" ''aMV'''?' Jli'':" ull :•■'■' >■■'. -'-:• ■■'! \ ;t-; J ■'• ■ J;' "-' '• ;' " ■■Cf.^1 J? A.sOOOK, Sollcitori,< ' -'-1 ginu- ... Colonliil Bank Buildlnts. Water streot. BiNKEUPE ESTATE OF BEiVER BBOIHEES,' •.:/■ : cvJi'Jhii t.ffS.?? 1??':^ o!,'.^^;'^''.'"-'' fl,f TENDER^^.Meiiifi^dfdrtliSpnpchaßa . :, Jot. the wholß. of' th« TBanktußt "KBtote/whlCn oonsliti,Of tfiefollowing:lots:— u)i ■?'■* -':-i'i ;■>" ■'fLpti;:B66k^eb"K'." '■ "•■ »"'l;f-a'--'Aii( |Ji ]^-<: ;pt2. The interestr;6f" JTeisra Alextrider fieaveri ■■*' 8 Marctu-Baacayand Marcus Bra»chln the lease' ■ - hold premtaei pf the firm, situate in High street, '• ■ ■■■ Duntdin. : : ~j ".f-T: ~.,- ~-'-: - ' ,-'s Lot .3. The stock constatlnj:;' of iewelUry! and ~;> ', .imwies.-..' ■■',■"■; <-'' '- ■'• '-^••■"•->'f i ■■•: ,' tot A. The stock'cbnatstiiig'bt siatlone'ryiihd'bpoka, • ■'Lotsi'Thestock: oonsi»tir.gtof!'otitleryV-:*i.ij-i ; " ■> ' -£ot6. The Stock comlitiog-of :eleotro-plated and 1 .nlokel«ilveiw»io and hard ware. '~• ,: ■ : ,i.Lot7. Thestookoonsiittogof bruthware'.,',;' \ {-J-,; Lot 8. Tiiestock>£9ns!stlng'o! cdinbti;' '"""'■' \ .-. ...Lot9. Thbstock"corißisliHgof gUsiware'.' ■'''' ! . Lot 10. The slock coniisvinj of pittnt taodlclnM. ' Lot 11..This atock;conststlngof toiletgeods.: :: ■ Lot 12. Tho stack c'onßistiog of'albuma. iL : i '3jotlß;:The stock;conailtlng of inkstands. ' ;. . Lot U. The stock consisting ol muslcil Inati nmentg. Lot 15. The stock constating of bagsV' f-',', ' -\i L0t16.; The stock consisting of papier inache goodi, Lot 17. Thestook odhslsting; of purses siiid.pocket :■' :■■•,books.1'1" .'■■- >i»t ■■■;.,a ,>,.; /,...,,; ~, :-;;,■• Lotlß. The atockccmsliittng of optical goods, .;'.-- ---' Lot 19. Thou took conslitlDg,otß»ddlery, f . ,' ■:. | Lot 20. Tho stock consisting of; let and Vuloaaite . ..-.-goods. '.,"'"("' ,j .*■.-':■■'- '■ i-;-, j-^"- ---* Lot 21. Theitock consisting of watchmakera'niate- ,"-'■ '-rials.'.•' :-'i '-'■'•■' ■>•■<>!• w ::■ .-i.: ■■ : ">«■' Lot 22. ThoßtoctcOdslftlng of clooks. ,'.. : ~\ ■■ "Lot 28. The stock consisting ol toysand game mate- •':•...• ;.ria1a.. : ,..-. -,<■,,,; ■-'. :.,. . ■-■[■■.■,"T*;; '-.I;;-' Lot 24. Tho stock consisting of samples cbnilsiinr ot ~-..- .mlsceltoeouiarticles.':,'" '•' *' ■■' '■-'"' { r ." /lot 28. Thi>ttb:ik coiwiittngr"of tohaboobiitfwtti; ' tJi -Lot 26: The 8t«ok consisting of fancy ! -^«:» i ! Lot 27. The stock ConsUttsg of. basket and. cabinet- • .'/-l.".WaTfc!-,|.;:-';.M (..vj.-.f, '-'it .' ■•,'..■',17. illI'-.' • Lot SB. ; The, stock cohiUtlng.; ol" plated and. gilt "Lot 29. Tho stock!consisting ct bulkgood«,;cons"iat- ' ' log- 'of fancy -goods; clocks, looking-glasses, •"" *o:;: "■"'-■ ■•'-•-..vj:h. v>:;., , ..,-:,;■.:;.■:, i •»'"-' LotSO.-uTifolargeMilnHsafes.- , .- ■ .- LotSl. lbreß,Perrysafes,,,.. "... ! if] •LO't'B2.1-One'omeS-desk.^ -t:'.-. if i ~... L0t83.-Onehydt»ulio-lift^ ! ,'"'' : ..LotSt. 17,gl»inshow. cuseiand 16 traTellers' caioi , (tin and'i^adde'h);- ■■■'-■■• vft'-.-.-'Mr ■•] <. ».t . Lot 86. Fixtiiros ana miscellaneous articles,, conslst- -< ing of-counters,'acelring,,:dMkSj gas fittings,- ---•• 40. '■/, ....-iii' > , *■, ! ~■,)>■' Lot 38. Separate lot of jewellery' and fahoy eobds., . Lot 37. "Separata lot of jeweilery^'^ ■:■--■ i . .*; ,- Lot 88. M-oisei 'of ftncygoedt, stored at WelUog- ,-,' , .t0n.,..,- '■':■ •- v '•■ •■■ •; •■' .-" i -;•.--.!> • Lot 89. Cigars and tobicco, tri bond. '■•' " ! vi ■••r. , Lot 40, Two ' iajes' Jewellery »hd' *«tchesi Wo*, ~'i 1681 and 1682.; . - '■.'■ •■•■.'•-■'■•■■! ■•'>';....„. Lot 11. One ctgi. fancy goods, No. 1853;"; ' i ' ' Lot 42. JCbrea ei'iei' of cicctro-plittd ware, Noo. : .'. .1680,1701,' arid 170*.- ':'- •' •--■-...:, f ■'■ J- - Lot 43. Two'cases of table cutlery,' Nos. 1702 and ■• 17oeC'.:,V. ■■- ';" ■■••■■''. -.'"■ >■ -'■ ■ c ;.,\ , Lot 44. Two ewes of bnuhware:' So». 17C5 and " "1708 ' '' ■'"" ■" -■ '•■■> ■'■•■■■■-•• ••"'■ ■■.■•■ i lot 45. One cue ol tobacconist ware, No. 1704. - ,' ~ ;,Lot 48.J 17,cato« UiclMki. Kos. 1663 to 1579. [ '•! :, ' Tho tenders may ba for all or any c( tas loti, and must bo mwked'" Tender,'' indsant in. to the Creditors' Trustee, Mr I. B.Bradshro, Temple Chamben, Dunedtn/notlattr tb»n 12 o'cloccndon on MONDAY, the eighth day of September, 1879; -.:'-•■ •'-■■■.' ': '■ : lbs,conditions of silo, and 'full particu'srs of- the lots may be inspected at the afcovementioned bfflce.of Mrßradthaw. Tho variouslots, exceptLotSß, have been assorted, and maybe; seen by Intending purchasers at the warehouse of Beaver Brothers, Salomon, and C«., High street, Dunedin.' ' ...-».,.-...-.■. : . ," •' Lot 38 may be inspected at Wellington..: i ; ' Every tender to be accompanied' by a'marked' cheque for a sum belnJK ten per cent, of, .the amount mentioned in tha tender.. -- ~ ••; -~; , ,-. . j ... ■ The highest or any tender not necessarily, acce»tod. JAMES BBNK BRADSHA'W,, •- - -. ■-.-'''■''' ".',... . , Creditors' Trustee." ■'~ „ Temple Chambers, ■■■■■;:■■■■„,.. : - ' '' ' Dunedin, 7th Augu»tilß79. •■ ' ■■ \ '-'• ' J r TKNDKRB F6B STpOK-I^-TRADB, ASfeIGNBB ;■ BSTATB OV B;0OPEB, AITKBN; & Cd.rAßHi ;■ BUETON.V, i;;.v-''-"i,-,; ;.■-■"■■•• ':.", I TEtE TrußteeS invilie.,Tenders ior the ■ whole of thVStocit in the above Kstite, which consist) of a large* well-selected assortment at , ■ ■' ■ •■■ . Drapery, •", -.." , .•., ." '■.' '-: ~..-■ ~ .-. Clothing » •■,• ■ .;, -~"■', . ~;, ~, ; , . 1 Boots and Shoes ~ • ■ j ,'. ;.-. • : Ironmongery". ' ... .•„ •■■ l !■-■■■- - ■ Qrooery, . ■■ ■!' ' '.'..". '-' ■ ; '-" |: •'- ---;'.: ;- .- .&«., ...ta^;,.;.:.., ,:•" '. ;-i ■..■-•..; •■ Inspection la spodally Inritad, as the Stock-Is all now and.ln excellent condition.\ j , ; . \.. ] Full Infonnitlon is afforded in the printed stock lists, which on bo obtained on appllcutlon to 8 •.,-,■■ ~; ' MESSES EOflsi' <3tE^VJfilsd,"i'l. ■•■'■>-."■•1 ■ ■ " :•■: -i.1- ■■ ■■- ■--~-. i-.-^,'".'.'• Dunedin;?:- ---■ BINO, HARMS, & CO., : -.■..:.. ■ ».<■■.',,■"> •./.'','• .Dijnedio; BINO, HABRip, * OO:,, ; ■ ... " Chrlatchurch; ■ - .0. W. TUJRNER, ! ; ■'•-■■ ' -• •■' • ■ ■■■■''-1.'.*.'.• .M. ';: ; iChristchoroh; r .HOOPER, AITKEN, Sc CO, : :. . Ashburton: , ■ ' TDRNBDLt,BMIIH;&OQ.,v ' ■• :'-"' '■-■■■■ .;i.n. \ ■^:,,,,,.,,\;,-_ ,V l *aiagton.yWritten Tenders to be for<ra*rded,: addrcsied to the Trustees' In Hoopsr, Aiiktn, xnd Co,'a Estate.tßoicj, No: 248, Post-offlos, Chrlßtchurch, not Uter|tban 16th BKPTEMBEB.. 'Tenders may be for the.whojeor any one department. .--».-;»,.;;. -Vi-.; rW-;i i ' The highest-' or^any. tendsr not.neceMarUr ao-: I ■ cept«d.:-i ■■■(■■•-'.'.«..■-■.■..!-^T--.,,,.,,,,;:, .].r..7JW»a.l :milJDißßi:ttefitfJrtted4ilTSooiv oif1 X'jTUESDAY.^na s/piember'nextrforlhe Lakour onl/ol Concrete »^d.C»ri>6nMr> Work of ing tft Jamesßh'and.Kaa' Iv J;1 '■««« |- -. ''™" '■ SSaa; "V" *■" "■"• ''■':"- '•-■»«- ArAltoots; ■!|

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5468, 28 August 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5468, 28 August 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5468, 28 August 1879, Page 4