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~. STOCK, STATIONB, ETG.r... :.,..\i . . THIS DAT, .« ".i .v.i;-.-i.-i'l /TOTRSDAYi 28h'AUGUST,- : )••>; :.• •■:; ;.,/• ■'_'-'.' At 12o'oloci sharfr.'- '"; ■;," | .I. ':';! . . ~ -. <■■ CROP, LIVE STOCrtCi;^' ':i ''^:\'"\ MA 0 t EIN, BR 0 THE R S are j»ydored"with;in"»traoUonß itomDoDald Bonie.'fE'q.iito tail by motion, athis Ff™i,? a"?or*'» Outrain, on the above data, and,;-,;/ ~ ~„''-, ','.;."•/..; ;u ' ■'.'.-.■iJii f:,.tWl ■~.':•.■! ■■-';'" '■'■■■ /< YVA sacks, .wry Buperior,need oils, all groyn ': ■'. ■,;■! ayy. Jl i6romtaj)|pit«d'»e.ed' j :."^|"..; ! "f,;:';','■;;.■ ] A large teed . on head really prims fit 'bullocks; .i ! AV^ jj- y r = r/; y, •• / -,«' 7. \; : _>. ! "''"'" A imiater of draught aria ilghYhanWhorseV i . ■ " ; "Ana,;; "■;;■" \ A largo assdrtm'nt'bt agricultural implements; and machinery too numerous to particular-' :'.'> ise.V :-■.:,,:.-;■■ i ■■. ,7,; ;:j-., /..-i,-.i) j , .: ;:. Termsatsals. >■■-■'-. I9»"j FOR SaLE, the thoroughbred entire1 : horse BARBARIAN", by Traducer, dam Par-; b»ry (dam d Allis), Inpoited.—For, particulars apply, to W. O. WILLIAMS, Proprietor, Kai Wai Wai,1 Featherstori, Wairarapa. ..'■'.'■'' '■' "''' J2Ba«l PBOPER*IBSi:()aSALB i J FOR SALE, • Drapery and' Grocery Bußioaaain a rising Township n«ar Dunedln; di)ln«raflr»i-cl«sstaade. ■; ■'>■ '• <■ ■'■ '■: ■< > '.-,-■' '<•■ i Full partiouUrs can baobtalnodtorn; ."■■vv1 , !8»u ; ■ BABGOq©, BON,. & EWEN. 1 v ..;;';:' hotel for sale, /v ;■;:'; ■• THE Railway Hotel atAlbury, in the Timaru district, jnst built, containing 22 rooms, opposite and within a chain of Railway Station. Licenso granted. Price low. Terms easy. ■ ' . ■ ■:■.:■■.. i. •■ -Apply ,-'.:i< ~.>•■,": = ';..•.■':; ,:■<! i J. "W". WHITE,; •...■[!(; ! "!s»u ■-'■. '■'■"■■' ■■■ •/ ■' ■" •■! > Solicitor, Timaru.; : FOR SALE ;OR LEASE/ "■•■'■" '"'." ■"—-<:;"v'.":-■'::.■■ '^v; AC\(\(\ ACRES, nearly all good arable land (within 4VUU eight miles of the nearest Railway Station), ' • 2000 acres of which arei ready; for crop or laid down In English grasses; all tubstah- ' ' tlUly fenced and subdivided, with flrat-class ■ . 'farm buildings in complete order,for work- :,.• Ing the property. , . -, r , ...[. '>'■ '. - Liberal torran will be glTan, Full particulars in detail may be learned on application at the Offlcuo of tlie .; ■ ■.., . ,-. :■■.■'}■ ', . MKW ZBAL4ND, LOAK ABD .MBKOAKTIiiiS • i ,-.k;<r'-;.,.'r:ii.> ;ia,,v» '; ■. ■ ,JBMr!6uro«tpUt,,.i>ip>ijdin j . Or MESSES SHANKS AVB BARB,', ■ 26au1V'Vf!,;. :/■ \{]''"'{ '';\ "•'•'-,* / -?iat»ur»i. ', ■^~-j o':'--^ "<i:s' :/wA.^;;L';;;;;l B;: DtTNEDIN—Store and cottag««, Hariover.and Orange : streets; two cottages; Hanorer street; building '. ■ leaso, Cumberland street; ditto, Moray place ' GLEN—Residence, with aero garden and grounds. . OAVKEISHAII-TOroMryatorß.jbpuM, and land ' .' . HAWKBBoEY—Building lease close to itation ', DtTNEDlff—Splendid buatafi9B »lte opposita Arcadf, . ' :"and"aa)plntrig,thb;oiaVendo'n Hotel ;• ;' J- ,j - BLUEBKIN—SI-acre farm; eoMasteJbnih.'nuitn. road: BLTJE3KIN—Mr Thos. Brown's farm,. 100_ aorea,' Si r paddocks, oa Main North road., ~.,.'. ,i" > ■ SOUTHLANI>—A number oil excellent firnu, eitatee, , and runs, improved anil onlmproTed,'and well "' worth" lookln?ifter " "■; ■-fc-AJ. isl ' .•■' LINBURN, MANrGTOTO^-iUr Ssmianil ttro farms, '•'.■' BOacre»«ndSooaere«:.>^:A- b,;x .v.-'f.v.Tf ; .v. WAIKUNA—IO63 acrei superior land to lease .in one ,(;.'■-,. 'j1 \ . MONEY to lend on BOtKi. freehold «acTiritle».: \ Properties mannpsd aiid Bent* colleatei i _ y ■'•--• Bilin.ji p-W'ttV&va&io-i I Land Agenti, Honey BTDkeri, and Aathoriied ''■■ ■■■■.'. ; ■■• ■;„ wiiii'Saryeifbw,-,. ■ ~j--.-: . . ■ i jn ■<■■:■ o}'-;': ;r.; :'[iui:U '^XM-Xr'l'"\^, ■ Commodious FAMILY RESIDENCE of 11 rtiomi, •.. . : Opoao, orerlooklDg BL John's, Wood.' Etery ■ convenience;.'watei' laid on in bath-room and waihing-honie;1 : Withthree-qoarter acre1 of land, , or, if deilred, about threo'acres ■■ ■... more, mailajtooe. block in olL:;Lsnd laid , dowD in Etigllah f^sas, planted,with forest, ....- (IT trees,j aud alt substantially, foDcedip Garden ■ ; Just pat in gcod orijer, Well stocked with fruit; ' r . and other tre&. 'Property : wlthia four minutes .". ■'~;of tramway. ;-,": >s'\,ii;: > ;: !'•''•■'; '»■»'>;_■■. > "■'*'■ - Bulk of purchaie-money can remain on mortgage.--,.: isjy'i ,-,.■; „•; ll :ui;ißAßmq% : i&i&fi:& Jao.i,l, FABMS FOR THS PEOPLE UPON DKtEBEED-., ......;.;;...,, ;?AYMißaiiT iemoiples.■;■, '■; ;y.; : ;•-.; THE:=NEW ZEAIiAND'AGRibUL- ■■■• THBAt-COMPANI', i LIMITED, Li now pr»p»red to treat with Una fide Bsttlera for the BALE of FARMS from GO to 1000 'Acres upon exceptionally easy teima of payment, oxtonding oyer.maoy yean,,:' . For further particulars ;ipply at the office of the Oompanv, .._ .' -r,:,? ~„..' ';".. ;'.',' : Dunedln; ~;j | :.\i,i f y t +.[,.•[.»--,■■ :i".."-Auctiohcen, ] ?,. ~»vj ~. nif.vf.,.^","-..' .];";*.*,'"["."'"'.,"Pupcdin.'r. . ~ ,- FIBS INfItTRANOK.' ■'"" ■•■' •' ' --- I ■•■ ! ■;•'■'■■('' i'--rUi-iir.'/ ,-;;vj-;..! ; -:..r----riIHE AUSraALIAN.'AI^AisraBUs»; •■ •■■• <Vy-'i' sußANOßioomPAinr,; ,:,-.:} ! -.^-i .^.(Fire, i( Marina,;»nd'l,OTiarant«e).;;.., i..*.,-,.. Nat belne bound by any tarin,wo are prepared to accept Fire' Blski at ao«mo»iiliT tow' txtsa. Losses promptly paid In llunedln. ; ; .;. ; : : : ; ~: v jBASTnipU, LEAKY, & CO., ': ■ "j, SOd1----! :' ;■■'■■■ ■'■■"!■.-.'i -.Agenti'iipr.Oteito..- {'.- ;.VyAi.uAßr^ i FiuEa:Hoia)i i ?BOPßsrt ■ ,V;.:; FOR -SALE,-that, valuable Freehold Section, comer oi Maclaggan and Clark ttreoU, having frontage of 60ft" to tho former, and 165 to the latter,. The Buildings aio all 'stone and brick, and comprise the Anchor Hol^l.oi £0 room*, bar cellar, and outhouses; corner Shop,' suitable for a grooer, draper, bi.; and Store at the back, Belt by SSft, eap*bleol rtoriug 600 tons o'ftooda. Terms e»«y.— Applr to 1."'.-' %H O. TOBNBBIiI, fc 00. '' ■ ««Pt«m^*th:.^BW.;;; i '■;■••;'.•; '■■;■'■■>• ■■ ■■: 'I'l,'''• :g; p. l B-'ir- itJity'i'ik i-rS- b'-rt,!-TcA6-:"B'-i ,n'",a 'n :d; ;^!b ? p., : ;' ;■':■ ;'" *By 'Arroranonu,''*'' .«. -.i ' - -'■ ' . 0 0 AOHBUIIiDBBS ' .;,, '.,''..,: ■.[ :'\ ■;■■■ ; .'./ ;ro. ' : i ;..■■' / '_": HIS EXCELLENCY SIX HEECTJLES EO3INSON, X.0.M.0., i •■:■ •■*,; ; ;.,,.'..' Btava for Ea!e, now lan ding,^ per B«rqua MABEL,' ■ ;. '/ ■ From M'4W:TOBKi^ .'..:.'!.' V ■*■""• Singleßujrgien,from : ... . .. £2fi Double Bugifiee, from .. ' .. £38. LADIES1 Driving PHAETONS, ' ' And other Vehloles, voiy stylishjl built to our ow ;: drawings, by onß of the best makers. ':•'(;' %'-';& EQUALLY LOW PEIOE3.;;";' ; ■,-,;'•, inUTHRIB AND LlRilAdH'IB WIIKW ZEALAND TIMBER AND WOOD-: WARE FAOTORIBI COMPANY (LIMITED) Hare Landing and to aniTO, ec following YeMeli, ':.: '•••■.!"---'- ■ '-. •■ This—:•• ;■:.■ , .■• ,-.. ... Millwall, Thomas Stephens, Valparaiio, Eleotra, Otpe ' Clear, OUgo, Routenbeok, City of Cashmere, Spirit o{ the Dawn, Blair Drummond, Helen Denny, Aatares, >nd Sonntsg— . 477 caaea galvjaised ocrrugated Iran , : £6 do palnlei do BO tons bar and plat* do 43 do standard iron , , ' 105 do fencing win and staploj . * M rollj galranltod wire BetUaja " SO tons sheet lead 500 kega wire nails - i 40 do wroughta»U» .. .■ ; ..-.,, ' ' tS do gulTiJilaod rooaEg nails and knwi " 780 packages general ironmongery : IS tons whita and red lesd>, ana palntt • ■ 400 drums oilll, turpantlne, and rainlihei . CO9 qr-lnrrela Hall's blasting powder 10 bottle* qutoksilrer . •••. ~; 19,000 Ore bilcn aud are Ul« ,^ , J5.000 countus ilatos , 6,3X1 eaika Forliland and Koon'i cement '. .. 260 boxes Cbnnos'Sglav , 470 do Bslifium da ' , .'. , ' . 19 cases furniture 20 kales carpets, rarloui qu»!itl«i 15cmojfloorcloths . , 60 bales paporhangings aad *crla> . 80)caseskercrseuo . , ,' . - 200 casks planter of Paris .. . 100 cases Amiirican turps 825 do asßOirted, American goods, consist. ' r - Ing <i»—Axes, picks, ihore'j, forki of alt descriptions, Douglas pompi. ,Si'\,.t*',;'-'; ;Falrbank" scales, laws, wringerr.. hickory sp6kes, springs, axles, ftoi ; '<'■ ' rV,«X> feet Balsfe tle»ls ; ;. ;: ;, '• "' ' 6,000 do American hickory - fi,oßO do do whlt«o«k •■ ;' -;SO,a«0;do ■■•■'do,; ■ash.:.. Station requisites for shearing / Harvest tools In everr Tariety. ; . ' ' --■■ •■; , . ■WALTSB OTJXHBIB, ■ :. , . ' , Managing Dlrtotoi, C 1 0 R ' S A L E. A large quantity' of BRBWEE'S PLAUT:— <-i'-.-i/ 18-quarter mash tun, complete ■. ;- ; .; 'l'Bet'.elJTatora '•:'''■■ ■;■:.■:„,;■■: "■ ■■'■'>'■>■ ■.'.','•' '"'.JC'""!'^^!^''.'"':'';.'; ;."'.':'7'.''!- ■ J'ißhorsep6w«r'steam-englne(tortlcal) . . ■ -:. ■-. .jgattemperatoisr, dlOinntsixes ; . ' A largo (luantitj of taps of different «lzts, and ..'....t^ooqem'pty.tiags"^,;,.•;;■ :, v ;;;; fc;. ■ ■ ■ ■■■ JOOcsiks, from.j6jtpMl(f»llon.s.,. ii ' : ~.., ; S6au MARSHALL * COPBLAHD.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5468, 28 August 1879, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5468, 28 August 1879, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 5468, 28 August 1879, Page 4