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(By Telegraph.) (Per Press Association Special Wire.) Auckland, iLroh 13th. GENERAL SUMMARY OF NEWS. The following are items of mail newa from:San Francisco to February ISfch, and London: to 30th January:— The Washington Stats Department saysevery exertion has been made to avert theinjustice perpetrated by the British Government against; American cattle, founded on baseless rumours of sickness, and adds:—''lf, as is said, Canadian cattle are exempted from the hawk orders, the Privy Council measure will seem even more unfriendly to our commercathan it would appear in its best aspect." Rochville, February 15th. ■ The pastors of the Catholic Church here and. other towns gave notice that their Church would excommunicate all members of the Knights of Labour Society, which succeeded the Molly M'Guires. Berlin, February 15th. In the Lower House yesterday, the Ministerof Finance made a declaration on the authority of the Emperor, of the same tenor as that made* by him at the sitting of the Prussian Budget Committee on the 21st ult., viz., that until» new source of revenue from indirect taxation, was created in Germany, and until it is ascer- - tamed what portion of the surplus can be? transferred to individual States, it would beuseless to discuss the question of an income and. class tax, as any reform of the present system of taxation would be impossible. The proposals--of the Budget Committee relative to the assessment tax were then adopted by a large majority. The National Zeitung and other Liberal journals are shocked at the manner in which the speech from the Throne, on the opening of the Reichstag, deals with Prince Bismarck's protectionist schemes. They believe that it isan electoral manifesto of the forerunners of a speedy dissolution of the Reichstag. The Brunswick Diet bai adopted the Regency Bill unanimously, without debate. The Chief of Police has ordered special inspection, of lodging-houses, on account of tht prevalence of spotted typhus.

A free-trade coalition Is being formed in the Heichutag, under the leadership of Delbiuck, formerly Minister of State. Trieste, February,lotn. The maritime authorities, in order to abolish the quarantine against Turkish ports, urge -special attention regarding spotted typhus, which is spreading in Salonica. St. Petersburg!*, February loth. The Agencie Russe hopes that the Ambassadors at Constantinople will provisionally regulate the Dobrudecha frontier, and avert the serious consequences possible from the Ronmania quarantine regulations, by which the return of Ku3sian troops from Turkey ia obstructed. The Russian representative at Bucharest has been appointed chief of the Archives of Foreign Ministry. No successor at Bucharest will be appointed at present. This action is regarded aa evidence of Kußsian displeasure at Rouma Eia. Constantinople, February 15th. The Government will probably annul the Municipal Council's vote of 100,000 francs to Victor Hugo's Committee forjihe relief of Communists. A severe storm visited the coast of Gallacia yesterday. Two vessels went ashore, and 28 persons were drowned. London, February 15th, The strike of engineers is extending to Leeds, Plymouth, Dover, and other points. A dispatch from Rome says cordial letters have been exchanged between the Pope and the German Emperor, and concessions made on both sides. Victoria (V.C.). February 15th. The Americans and Russians at Silka, Alaska, being threatened by Indians, sent au appeal to a British man-of-war for assistance and protection. February 17th. _ Her Majesty's ship Osprey has taken in stores, and will sail tonight for the scene of the trouble. The Osprey is an exceptionally fast comp' site sbip of-war, and should be at Silka on Friday morning. New York, February 17th. Jay Gould has sold his controlling interest in Pacific Mail stock to the Syndicate, and shares Lave risen in value, Gould, it is said, was a holder of 170,000 eharea. and has s >ld 100,000 at a price not far from 70. As he began to purchase stock at something below 30, an idea can be formed of the profit. Even in Wall street it is seldom that a single transaction for 700,000 dols is made, and the sala of that amount of Union Pacific stock, following on a transaction for 300,000 dais recently made, attracted great attention. Gould retires from the directorship. Candahar, February lGtb. It is believed that the British do uot intend to hold Candahar, but only the Peiwar Valley up to Kojuk. Rome, February 16tb. The Pope has proclaimed a universal jubilee and indulgence on the anniversary of his election. Paris, February 17tb. The Cabinet to-day decided to reject the first clause of the Committee's Amnesty Bill, which -extends the benefits of the bill to all persons convicted of crimes and offences in connection with political acts. London, February 17th. Later telegrams from Madeira state that at 9 o'clock on the morning of January 27th, Xiord Chelmeford was then at Maritzburg, in compliance with Sir Bartle Frere'swish. All was quiet at the front, and the feeling was much calmer. The Zulus had been repulsed from the fort on the Lower Luzela. The report that Lord ■Chelmsford letired upon Helppmaka is unfounded. Captain Stafford and Lieut. Dives, of the Natal contingent, who escaped from the disaster at Colonel Glynne's camp, speaks lighly of the conduct of all engaged, and of the courage and firmness of the native contingent. Lord Chelmaford has already been reinforced by one company of the 88th Regiment from St. Helena, and 300 men of the second battalion of the 4th Regiment from Capetown, Berlin, February 17th. Notice has be ; n given in the German Parliament cf a bill imposing higher dues on iron. There are indications that the- Protectionists will ta,ke the initiative in proposing tha imposition of duties on iron independently of the Government measures. Constantinople, Febrmry 17th. The Marquis de Locqiiiville telrgraphed the accepta^cs of his financial project involving a loan to the Porte of L 8,000,000 sterling. The Porte will request England to appoint a Commission, for administering the Customs. The army and navy will be reduced to a peace footing. London, February 11th. In the House of Commons to-night, Lord .Northcote declared that he was not aware of any intention to establish a royal residence in Ireland, or appoint the Duke of Connaught Vic:-roy there. ■ Roue, February 17th. Cardinal Manning and ths Archbishop of "Westminster had a long and cordial interview with the Pope, who congratulated him on the progress of Catholicism in Great Britain, and discussed measures for its extension. London, February 17th. The Times says the Pope expressed a desire to make Dr Newman a cardinal, but that he docliued the honour. St. Petersburg, February 17th. The differences between Russia and Konmelia to the quarantine and passage of the troops have besn removed. Constantinople, February 17th. The Ports sent Mukhtar Pasha instructions specifying the maximum concessions to be made to the Greeks. Turkey agrees to make important concessions of territory, but isooe from Albania, became an insurrection would remit from a surrender of any portion of thatteiritoiy to Greece. Liverpool, February 17tb. The strike has practically collapsed. The sailors still hold out, but at the grain-houses work has been resumed. Lord Dufferin has been appointed British Ambaswkr to Russia in place of Lord Augustus Lofun5 recalled. Stanley is announced for another African expedition. Edinburgh, February Ist. The tr'al of the directors of the City of Glasgow Bank on a charge of fraud, theft, and embezzlement, resulted in the conviction of I/ewis Potter and Robert Summer Stronach. "The other directors were found guilty of uttering false abstiants and balance-sheets. London, February 11th. The First Lord of the Admiralty, in a speech -at Westminster to-night, referring to the Eastern Question, was firmly convinced that the Berlin Treaty would be executed, as he .knew that the Russiaus were now evacuting Turkish territory. After considerable inquiry, the British Government decided to exclude American cattle as reques'ed by the farming interests. Several diseased cattle have been landed from the steamer Ontario, but were all slaughtered, as they were suffering from pleuro-pneumonia. The Amtricnns undertake to provide closer inspection before shipment. The action of the Privy Council is looked forward to with lively apprehension in America where the cattle ex■port trade is assuming large dimewiins. It excites argry criticism in American newspapers. Peel, a famous turf man, died at London on February 13th. F. B. ChattertoD, lessee of Drury Lane Theatre, London, filed a petition in the Bankruptcy Court; liabilities L 40,000. Sir Stafford Northcote, replying to a question of Lord Hartington, eaicl that the expediency of a, joint occupation of Roumelia in the event of a disturbance after the Russian evacuation, had been mooted, but tho discussi' n had not advanced in consequence of the indifference of the Powers, excepting Austria and England. In regard to the cost of the Afghanistan war, he said the Government of India promised that England should lend India L 2,000,000 for a term of years without interest. In the House of Lf rJs the Earl of Beacons field said of the Afghan troubles : " The object of Government interference in Afghanistan las be^n completely accomplished. We now hold the three great highways connecting Afghanis' an and India, and I hope we shall alw ays retain them. We have received a frontier which we hope and believe will render India invulnerable in a way which will trench as little as prssible on the indspendence of Afghanistan." Lor J Carnarvon declared that when in office he was awaro of the insolence and aggresjiveuess of the chief Cettewayo, and suggested that the Government should now sand troops from India to the Capo. London, February 14th. Edward Oakley, a Fenian prisoner, has been released from Spike Irhnd on condition of his quitting the country. Seven thousand miners are idle in Durham county, and the distress is unequalled since the great strike in 1845. It is es'imated that one-seventh of the looms and spindles in Blackturn are stopped, and that from 400 to 500 operatives are idle and destitute. The boilermakew of London struck, and the boltmnkers, patternmakers, and other trades are to follow. Tha strikers to-day refused the old ■wages and one hour's longer work daily. A proposition of shipowners for arbitration was also rejected. Liverpool, February 12th. Trade here is partially paralysed on account of the strike amongst the sailors which became so general that there is difficulty in obtaining crews, save at increased rates. It is stated that there are 35 grain-laden ships at Queenstown, and that the owners do not know where to send them. Meanwhile the grain may be heating in the vessels' hoick and rendered valueless. London, February 11th. The following communication has been received at the War Office from Lord Chelmsford : —" I regret having to report a very disastrous engagement on the 22nd January, between the Zulus and a portion of No. 3 Column, which was left to guard the camp about 10 miles in front of Rorke's Drift. The Zulus came down in ova-powerins* numbers, and in epite of the gallant r^iitance of five companies of the l«t battalion of the 24th Regiment and a company of the 2nd battalion of the 24th Re indent-, two guns, two rocket-tubes, 164 mounted men, and about 800 natives, they averwheluiel them. The camp, containing all

surplus ammunition and transport No. 3 Column, was taken, and but few of its defenders escaped. Our loss, I fear, must be shown at 30 officers and about 500 non-com-missioned officers and rank and file of the Imperial troops, and 700 non-commissioned officers and rank and file of the Colonial troops. It would seem that the troops were enticed away from their camp, as the action took place about one and a-quarter mile outside ot it. The remainder of Colonel Lilegriss' column reoccupied the camp after dark the same night, having been, with Melville, away, all day. On the following morning we arrived at Rorke's Drift, a, post which for 12 hours had been attacked by from 3000 to 4000 Zulus. Its defence by s-me 80 men of the 24th Regiment was most gallant. Three hundred and seventy bodiea lay close around the post. I compute the Zulus' loss at 1000 here alone. At the camp where the disaster occurred, the loss ot the enemy is computed at 2000. Colonel Pearson, commanding No. 2 Column, had been attacked, but he repulsed the Zulus. It is reported that the guns were spiked before they were captured. . London, February 14tn. Sir Stafford Northcote, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in the House of Commons this afternoon, said it was not desirable to exaggerate or depreciate unduly the severe blow; in South Africa. There existed general admiration for the gallantry of the troops, and urnvereal sympathy for sufferers. The Cabinet resolved to repair and wipe out the disaster, and the first batch of reinforcements would leave at once. He recommended abstinence from any expression of views upon the disaster until further details were received. Papers in the case bad been already laid £on the table, and others would shortly follow. Then it would be pos>ible to state the intended course. ___^.»__•■•

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5325, 14 March 1879, Page 4

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THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 5325, 14 March 1879, Page 4

THE SAN FRANCISCO MAIL. Otago Daily Times, Issue 5325, 14 March 1879, Page 4