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Telegraphic communication has been restored on the Port Darwin line.

The Hor, 11. Stout will address a public meeting in the Queen's Theatre on Friday evening next, at 8 o'clock.

At the Supreme Court yesterday, Mi George BJytta, a grand juror, was fined L 2 23 for non attendance. The fine was afterwards remitted on Mr Blyth giving a satisfactory explanation of his absence from the Court.

Through railway communication with Christchurch has new been restored, and all traffic can now pa«s over the Eangitata Bridge.

At a meeting held at Mr William Kirkland's house, on Thursday last, Messrs Malcolm Cavmiohael ar.d James Edmond, son., were duly electad members of tlie East Tuieri Board of Conservators.

Tho amount of money taken at the gates at yesterday's Caledonian Gathering was 104. This, with the amounts formerly mentioned makes a total of Ll2Bl, to which has to be added tho amount the Society will receive from members' tickets.. The gate-money this year was L 250 less than last year.

A number of J. Tyson's frionds met in the Empire Hotel last night, and decided to present him with a gold watch, in recognition of his having won the champion wrestliug contest. A good roun'l sum of money wad at once subscribed, and further contributions are ex Dggtod. Tho presentation will be made on Thursday eveningl.

The ordinary meeting of the South Duneclin Borough Council, which Wfss to luiv* been held last evening; was a/ljcijrned till next Thursday.

At a meeting of the £ligh 3cl?oolo Board yesterday, Miss Douglas, who h?,s recently aiv rived from Great Britain, was appointed to the poßiiion of second assistant of the Girls' High School. Miss Douglas was for sometime head mistress of the JubUap Girls' School, JS'ew-castle-upoa-Tyne.

An interesting sight may be witnessed by auy one passing along Manse street. In the yard of ,the Corporation offices a mass of broken glass js on show, comprising a large portion of tho 50 lamps of which so much was written in our columns a few months back, and which have .recently arrived from Home, We should be sorry to say how much each of these cost the ratepayers, but perhapa that will come out in 'g> law-suit, which is very likely to come against <ihe chip. It is well known that they are very expensive, and tho only use we can imagine fci

them,';even when whole, is that they will afford a splendid mark for every enterprising larrikin to aim at. They will not break at once with a slight tap, being made of comparatively thick glass, but the glass is not thick enough to stand the second throw of, say, a half-pound stone, and we have no doubt the precise breaking point will be accurately measured by the missiles of some of our scientific youngsters, who are discovering from day to day the value of the dynamic forces. An additional gratification to these interesting juveniles will be that each time one of these globes smashes, they .will be able to say, "There goes three pounds," and that will be something to be proud of. We are not aware of any other particular in which they are superior to the old and cheap form of lamp, with which we are all so familiar. The lamp-posts on which these lamps are to be erected have a flange at the base which is entirely insufficient for security! 'and besides have tho old acknowledged defect or the "Secundo Curo" posts—viz., that thore is a neck about one-third the way up, which is very narrow and easily broken, and renders the post top-heavy. With these remarks we should like somebody to tell us respecting this importation of " Home "-made manufacture where the economy comes in. Can it be possible that our City fathers have "gone farther, and fared worse?"

The Criminal Sittings of the Supreme Court commenced yesterday, before his Honor Mr Justice Williams and common juries. During the day seven prisoners were dealt with. James Morgan and Hyam Lyon Metz pleaded guilty to charges of forgery, and were remanded till this morning to receive sentence; and William White, on a similar charge, was given the beneiit of a doubt, and discharged. James Miller, charged with fraudulently obtaining certain goods, was set free on a technical point. Walter Worley, charged with stealing a silver watch at Duntroon, was found not guilty; and Robert Angus, for the larceny of a livery horse belonging to Mr Morkane, of Port Chalmers> was found guilty, and will receive sentence today. In the case of Denis Anglin, for perjuiy, the prisoner did not respond to his bail, which consisted of his own recognisance of L2O and one surety of LlO, and it was accordingly estreated. His Honor said he was perfectly astounded that such a trifling bail had been accepted, and he did not wonder that Anglin had failed to put in an appearance. The Crown Prosecutor (Mr Haggitt) remarked that the police had not been consulted with regard to the amount of bail. The last time the prisoner was seen was at Green Island about three weeks ago, since when no trace of his whereabouts could be discovered.

At tho usual fortnightly meeting of the Leith Lodge, 1.0.0. F., held in the Odd-Fellows' Hall, Albany street, last evening, the installation of officers took place, being performed by G.M, Bro. R. T. Wheeler, ansisted by the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand. Bro., C. M'Peake, N.G.; Bro. D. Nicol, V.G. ; Bro. John Boyd, Treasurer; Bro. Hugh Macdonald, Secretary. Bro, M'Peake, N.G., made the following appointments, viz : Bro. D. 0. Cameron, Warden; Bro. Sydney Williams, Conductor; Bro. Francis, Chaplain ; Bro. Swan, K.S. to N.G.; Bio. B. Krull, L.S. to N.G. ; Bro. Minifie, R S.S. ; Bro. J. M. Wilson, L.S.S. ; Bro. Wakefield, I.G. Bro. D. Nicol, V.G., made tho following appointments : Bro J. A. Greenfield, R.S. to V.G.; Bro. W. C. Awhdall, L.S. to V.G. The Audit Committee was constituted as follows: Bros. Wheeler, Braithwaite, and Richardson. Bro. Wheeler, on behalf of Bro. tho Hon. R. Stout, raado the Lodgd a handsome presentation, consisting of the Lord's Prayer with the emblems of the Ofder beautifully framed.

In response to an advertisement calling a meeting of the friends of the lato Captain Hughes, several gentlemen connected with the shipping interest met yo-iterday afternoon in the City Council Chambers. A statement of the position in which the family was left haviug been made by tha Chairman (Mr Houghton), it was resolved that a public sub. scriptiou be opened for the purpose of affording such assistance as might be required; and that Messrs Houghton, Euesel), and Captain Thomson be requested to take charge of any sums of money that may be raised, and to act "ai trustees for the subscribers. It was also resolved that Mr Wm. Murray and Mr Caldwall be requested to bring tho case before tho Masonic bodies of Dunedin and Port Chalmers; aud that subscription lists should be sent to the various out-ports to which Captain Hughes had been in the habit of trading. The following subscriptions were announced before the meeting broke up:—Owners of the s.s. Oreti, L2O; Uuiiin Shipping Company, p?r Jas. Mills ( E-q , LlO 10i ; New Zealand Shipping Company, (;er A. (Jowie, Esq., L 5 ss; J. Hambleton, Esq., s.s. Oreti, L 5 ss.

The meeting of Dunedin footballers, convened to consider the proposal of a visit to the Colony by an English football team, and held last night in the Shamrock Hotel, was well attended. Mr J. P. Maitland was in the chair. The following telegram fioin Auckland, dated 3rd instant, wa3 laid before the meeting for consideration :—" The Secretary of the Football Union, Sydney, writes concerning tho

visit of an English team next seaion, antl asks

whether it is probabb the amount necessary can be raised. At a meeting here it was considered Auckland was good for L 250. Lst me know before Tuesday what O.ago can do." An interesting discussion took place relative to the proposal. It was stated that upon the viait of the Canterbury football team to Otago last year, the idea of a combined team visitiug Australia had been mooted, and Mr Koee and other members of the Oarisbrook Cricket Club mentioned that during their New Year's trip to Tiinara the matter had been further talked over with Mr Hammewley and others, and n determination come to to carry out the visit if possible. The general'feeling expressed was that money for the purpose o£ defraying tho expenses of such a team could be raised easier than for the visit of au English team, and besides it was considered that if Buch a team wore sent to Australia it would in all likelihood meet tho Englishmen there, besidea playing with the leading Australian clubs. It was finally curried, upon the motion of Mr J. C.Thomson, seconded by Mr H. Eoso, "That pending the proposed visit to Australia by a combined Cautarbury and Otago team, this meetiug id not in a good position to guarantee any sum towards tho expenses of an English team; but at tho came time in prepared to make arrangements to offer them the whole of the gate-money." The Secretary of the D. F. C. was instructed to wire to Auckland and Canterbury the foregoing resolution. Opinions were expressed strongly in favour of bringing to an ismo the proposed visit of a Canterbury and Otago team to Australia, and a committee, consisting of Messrs Barber, Dixon, and Hose, was appointed to communicate with Canterbury footballors respecting the matter. The time fixed for entering purely fresh butter, a week old, for the forthcoming Blueskin Agricultural Show, being Saturday night last, S3 entries in that class alone were made and stamped by the Secretary. Other entries wore made in the othor butter departments, cheese, bacon, &c, which come undor tho Beclion

" dairy produco," as also afowja the cattle and

horse sections, but the maiu entries will be lnado on Thursday evening, tho 'JtU iusfc. It ia expected that there will be something like 200 entries of butter of all descriptions, except fancy, for which there is no classification. It may be mentioned that at a Committee meeting hold later oh in the evening, it was stated that the Vice-Presideut, tho Rev. It. L. Stanford, Lad given a wilvor cup, value LlO 10a, for the best Ayrshire cow on the ground, to be won twice (not necessarily consecutively) boforo becoming the property of tho winner. A letter was read from tho Manager of Railways, stating that return tickots would bo issued on thp day of the Show—the 10th mat.— from all stations between Dunedin, Oamaru, and bnißehes, at pingje fares, Mr Bannatyne, of Waikouaiti, will giyo Jjl JLb as a speofal prae for the best foal by the horse Clyde. '' '" ' The special prayer meeting, held in tb# hall of tho J?'Xst Church last night, was largoly attended. Mi1 Wright presided, and tho prayers were led by metubevo of the various churches. The singing wae conduoliod by Mr Bruuton's choir. The interest in chess seoms to be on the increase on the AVest Coast, We notice with pleasure that another matoh took place last month between six players of the digging township of Kuinara and a like number from the Lead. After an interesting contest efich

side won three games. It has already Jbeen decided to have a return match shortly, so as to prove which side is really the stronger. Mr Charles Janion, of Kumara, is at present playing a match of three games by correspondence with Dr Giles, R.M. of Hokitika, and the latter gentleman is also playing a match of three games with H. H. Lusk, Esq., recently one of the representatives of Auckland in the General Assembly. Dr Giles and Mr Lusk were [old chess opponents nine years ago at Nelson, so this match will held to revive old associations, and knit together old friends in the. brotherhood of chess. - Now that the holidays are over, the practice on Wednesday and Saturday nights at the rooms of the Dunedin Athenaeum Club will begin in earnest. Gentlemen desirous of joining the Club may do so by applying to the ibrarian, or Mr David E. Hay, honorary secretary.

In reply to a communication asking that one free pass for the railways might be granted o each newspaper in the Colony, the Hon. J, Macandrew has stated that the newspaper passes were withdrawn in fulfilment of distinct and repeated promises to the House of Representatives. There are no exceptions, and h« cannot take it upon himself to break or modify that promise without consulting a full meeting of the Cabinet, to which the question will be submitted at the earliest opportunity.

A special meeting of the Dunedin School Committee wa3 held yesterday afternoon, and was attended by Messrs Ramsay (in the chair), Fish, Nathan, Robin, and Profesßor M'Gregor. It was decided to recommend Mr W. H. Arnold, who is at present the first assistant in the Forbury School, to the position of second master of the North Dunedin School, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of |Mr William Murray, who resigned in order to fulfil an appointment at Napier.

The stalls and pit of the Princess Theatre last evening were crowded, and there was a fair attendance in the dress circle. Saturday night's programme was repeated with much success. "Fashionable Kate," by Mr Leon, the negro farce, and the musical comedietta," The Belles of the Kitchen," provoked very hearty laughter and applause. At an interval in the performance Mr Kelly, on behalf of Messrs Kiscocks, Hay man, Leon, and himself, presented to Mr J. Tyson, the champion wrestler, a silver cup, In making the presentation Mr Kelly remarked that the championship had been nobly contested and fairly won, and that the sports which had been held under the auspices of the Caledonian Society had been greatly enjoyed by the spectators, and to himself and the members of the Company especially had afforded a very welcome means of recreation.

The Alblons will be represented on the Oval on Saturday next in the Challenge Cup Match against the University Fifteen by Andrews, Blanchard, Buckland, Doug'as, Duckmanten, Harris, Hadfield, Shelton, Tuttersal, Fowlor, and Parker ; emergency, G. Shepherd. The above are requested by the Match Committee to meet to-night at the North Ground to elect their captain and for match practice. Tho team to represent Dunedin in tho Cup Match with Carisbrook will be chesea from the following: — Clarke, Paramor, Haskell, Crawshaw, Rhodes, Gen, \Vynks, Glasgow, Spring, Oellow, Collinson, Urowden, Morrison, and Brocklebank. We are requested to state th>it it was Miss Ellen Innes, and not. Miss Ellen Jones, passed the third-class teachers' examination a fe x days ago. ('•we evening contemporary the Star has issued a well-arranged aiisl neatly-printed sheet-almaimc for 1879.

Tho Churchwardens will be in attendance at Al Saints' this evening, between 7.30 and 8 30, to lei sittings and receive pew rents for the current year.

Wo have been requested to call attention to the fact that Mr Pym's furniture sale has been postponed uatil two o'clock to-morrow afternoon.

At the Temperance Hall, Moray place, on Monday next, tho Rev, J. W. Inglis will, by special request, repeat his lecture entertilnineat, entitled " Pen-and-ink Sketches of the Past." The Rev. Dr Stuart will take tho chair.

Wlnneis of prizes, at the Caledonian Sooioty's Gathering w-il be paid at Wain's Hot 1, Manse street to-morrow evening, at 7.30. The Presbytery of Dunedin will meet in the Fust Church ut 11 a.m. to-morrow.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 5268, 7 January 1879, Page 2

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Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 5268, 7 January 1879, Page 2

Untitled Otago Daily Times, Issue 5268, 7 January 1879, Page 2