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BUSINESS NOTICED. Q CARLE T FEVER. 1 Stamp it out, get rid of it, by using CALVERT'S : CARBOLIC ACID in powder or liquid. Ibis most : reliable Disinfectant is sold in tins, Jib, lib, and 21b, _ ; with perforated tops. Sprinkle freely round, and the fever will speedily travel. Also sold in lib bottles and gallon tins. Should be ia every household, and where used there need be no anxiety. . : . • Sold by all Chemists and Storekeepers, and wholesale by ; . . KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, and CO., j - ' Sole Agents for New Zealand. ■•■■•■•-! THE GOVERNMENT SANITARY COMPANY. Wo have a stock of this Powder on Sale cheap. In 2cwt casks, 3d per lb ; by 141b parcel, 4d perlb. - ■ ■ ■ ,:It ib said to bo a good disinfectant. .' . , \ KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, and.CO. V W'ILUAMS'S AUSTRALIAN YEAST : M ...••.. POWDER. ■■..•■ . This Baking Powder is packed in half-pound canisters specially adapted for the climate of N<jw Zealand. It makei li^'ht wholesome bread without yeast; also, biscuits, cakes, and all kinds of pastry without eggs; and with less tha-i half the usuil quautity of butter; g Williams'a Yeast Powder will doubtless speedily drive all other baking powders from the New Zealand markets, and secure for itself that high popularity it has attained throughout Australia, where it isto be found in every well regulated h'lusehold. * KEIIPTHORNE, PROSSER, and CO. DR'BUCHAN'S CONCES'TRATED 1 COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA : operates as a mild but efficacious alterative and tonic— ! gives tone and vigour! to the system, renovates the blood, ■ and thus afforus protection from attacks arising from changes of season, climate, and life;: This • vjery agreeable' and b'ehefi'iial beverage will be found '■■ in every respectable hotel bar, and t9 those who value health and askfor and drink this article, in! lieu of trashly and'ruirious a coholio liquora. ,'See yptt get Dr Buchan's sarsaparilla. :: ■ , :; ..:. :.-"-" : -, Sold by. all druggists; storekeepers, a'nd'pubUcana throughout the colony, and wholesale by - :■'■ ! '•;■■. KEMPTHORNE,1 PROBSER, and Cp v ■. ■ :;:. >_ .'•'... •■.;,.;.::•.■•: •-:;>■ ; v, .r ■■. ■ . ■'Agehtsi-'' K RUSE'S ELUID Mi;GNESIA;. The jtirors of the Intercoionial Exhibition of 186G and 1867 awarded the ONLY PRIZE MEDAL for Fluid Magnesia to Mr KRTJSE. , ; . .„' ...; '.. Accompanying their report, is tha result :of Mr 3. : Cosmo Newberry's analysis; by which'it appears that . one fluid ounce of Kruse's Maprnesia coniains'6o per cent, of Cirbonate of :Maguesiain excess""of aay other ! Magnesia exhibited. ~, ..,■■. -•,:. ~- ; ~ KRUSE'S^LUID MAGNESIA, ' ; For upwards of twenty years, has been" approved and prescribed by the leading members of the medical profession.: Its almost universal use affords sufficient proof of the high estimation in which it is held by the public generally. It iscaref ully prepared1 of; uniform strength.. ;Each fluid ounce contains ten grains of pure Carbonate of Magnesia. ...... " : , . . . : 7

KRtfSE'S : FLUID MAGNESIA possesses all the properties of the Magnesia in r.ommon u=e,"but being in a dissolved state, iand quitofree fronv any adulteration or ccntamination, its effects are, more energetic and reliable; besU'es, it has the advantage of not forming those dangerous:■' concretions in the bowe's which sometimes .have resulted from the use"1 of dry Carbonate of MagnesU. ; .KRUSE'S FLUID MAGNESIA promotes,1 in avery' mild manner r the secretions in the alimentary canal,and. removes any disposition, to the formation of acidity in the same, and especially corrects the;tend- ' ehoy of the chyle to become acid., It is the.acidulpus condition of the chyle which causes not only' "Oyspepr, sia. with'1 its' troublesome symptoms', ■ Heartburn, Headache' Nausea, Vomiting, Pain afterdating, &c:, butirives rise very often toSpasms 'iti the stomach and bowels, .which in children of ten ; lead to convulsions. ap,d nen'ous affections. The:acid also causes Diarrhoea and Dysentery in- children, and prevents, a proper digestion and assimilation of ihe food! A. fre-. queiit- use"is consequently often recommended' by ; medical practitioners, and'the antacid'.aridmild ape^' rient.qnalities' of Kruse's Fluid: Magnesia- render it;: therefore,: an inestimable remedy^ In the following cases of illness it is.found particularly, beneficial as a, pleasing sedative'aud.aperient in all cases of irritation or acidity of the stomach' (particularly, duringpregr nancy). Febrile compjaints, Irifantiie * "Disorders," or : Sea sickness. '•; ■■ ' _. ■ i:* ,' -""' ■-' ""■ '." ■'■ ': The- Solution^ '• speedily; removes: Heartburn, ■ 'Acid , Eructations, Sourness, or Irregular Digestion of Females and ;Children. ; ;: .i : .-*•■.■". IT COMPOSES THE STOMACH AFTER ANY * ■•.:■•: '. .EXCESS OR HARD DRINKISG. / *■-■•■ : Kruse's Fluid Magnesia ig sold .in bptt' ;6di-'2s ! 6d, r and 3s 6d.: by Chemist's and Storekeepers throughlout the Australian Colonies. ~r; :;>.:;,, - ::The numerous medical testimonials are too lengthy ; to ■ insert in newspaper advertisement, but. will be i found wrapped round each, bottle. ,s»r ; . : ....-:. . ' , : Sold by all Chemists and Druagiats throughout the Colony. ..-:.•..-,•■,-.,.•■. ■■.-.-.-, ■■~;. ,;■■..-;•:•.-. •■: : *'.*..' ':■ ~■'■'- .... ' AOESTS :,-...' :'.' '~'■::''■...'"; :; ' KEMPTHOiaTE, ;pROSSER, and CO. ■ ;:., ,' XTi v-sc'sy insko,Tibxise. I ■■'•"■.■•:" Persian Insect Destroying Powder. ; ', - iSold.byali chemists, in pacicets at Is, and in tins at | •'■■•■:> ■•'" Is 6d; ss. 10s, 15s; and 20s each. '..;.' ; ! This unrivalled in destroying fleas, bugs,: : ants,: flies,'; cockroaches, beetles, gnats,' mosquitoes, ; moths in furs, and every other spscies ot insects in a.ll stages of metamorphosis ; whilst it has no qualitips deleterious to human beings, and is quite harmless in its application t? dogs, cats, poul'ry, &c. We ask but ono trial for, this powder io secure confidence, no other ! brand will be wanted hereafter; ' ; : / ! by all druggists and storekeepers, and whol«----saleby ■' ■ ■■'■'■' ■■-'■ "; ' - '■' •- , ■ ■ : ;.■•.'.■•.■■: '•-:■-;:■'■ '■•• •: AGENTS: :: : ■■'•*; . : ■-■••*:•.■•. • ■■■■ '-■■■ KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, and CO. :' {■ '. -■'■'. -.:• ,'j :". ■■■ ..': ' .;''. /;■.■ ••:. '. ; •:. /: .'..:'.■'.' BiitiOß'S FOOD FOR INFANTS , .■■ ;,.:'■•-.: .'AND INVALIDS. v :■■■-.:.-■,- -••'.': .; Prepared upon Baron Jjiebig's'principle; approved and recommended by the moat eminent of iho Medical Profess'oq. .:.■-. ...<■.': -. . . .-....■ . - . ■ : Surpasses all other substitutes for the natural food of infants, and effectually promotes " nutrition .'arid health. -: ■ :-: : ! .- •■-.'■ ' . ■■:" Achild deprived of its mother's milk can only be fed properly vrh-n the:food given is equivalent in power to,that of womau'a milk. ;.-".' ;-.-:... . ; -.-_..; . :•■•:, "BAROS LIEBIG." ' The great Buccsssof this food: is a convincing proof that it perfectly fulfils itsobject. : -.:..- ,;•:-. !■■-''■ i '.MEDICAL CERTIFICATES... '■■ : ;:: V: "After a carefulitrial of Mrs Bloor's Farinaceous Food for Infants arid Invalids, I little plea- . sure inrecommenuing it as the beßt substitute I have met mth for the natural food of infants.'from its being highly nutritious, easy of digestion, and not irritating th« alimeiitaiy canal, Inmyopinipn its more general we would' tend, greatly, to :dimiriish the' excessive 'mortality which * has hitherto existed in the ColOny. .'■..■.■ ;:•;-,; -;..-. / .'. ■ i;'. ~<.<-•. '.I _- i' < . .'; ;.■. -

"JOHN SIXGtiETON; M.D., :' ; . :.-,. ... ; .. ,Vr Medical Mission Dispensary, '.'■ ■r. ~._" Wellington street, CoUingwood,". "Having tried' Mrs Bloor's Food for Infants and Ihyalids.l am justified in saying that I an excellent article in all casiss .where infanta'are deprived of their natural food;-and-invalids suffering from dyspepsia, 'combihed:with feeble digestive poweri, . ■ "GODFREY HOJVITT, M.D.; . ■'-■>'■■ ■>-■■''■■'■'-:.-" ''' ' ,;; .' " 194 Collins street.'V "Having tried .Mrs • Bloor's' VictoriiPatent Farinaceous Fooa,: I can safely recommend it as being well i suited for infants, children, and 'invalids; and as it is manufactnred from Colonial grain, it is fresh, sweet, and very delicious. ; :':'■':.■ ■■■ '■. .:, ■■■■. .■': "Jons Wimcixs, F.R.C.S., England. .- ■ i ~;...• ... l , "121, Collins:streets." '■ ':'' '■ ■ ■ :■• ■"• •■ ; • ■ Aqests : : ■ ••' \ : • ■■ ' ' KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, and-CO. : ;. ,V^/E i. are: Agents, in. the, Colony or ■;TT''thbfollowiug.:— ]•'•;.';.... Allcbck's Porous Plaisters and Brandreth's Pilh AVer's SaraipariUa, Hair Vigor,' Cherry .Pectoral/ and f.. , Pills, ..: ■-..-.. •. .. ..-.;;■..■■.:■ /r>! -. ■'- ;. ■■. ■ Atkinson's Infant's Preservatiyo, Serivenor'a Amyn- ;... tenon';. ..'." ■ .'.-.; ........ ."....,"..-.,...■: . Bishdp'atEffe'rveseent Citrate of Magnesia, Bunter's^ Nervhio. .... '.'.',■•■-. .-•'. - ■ ■■■■ . ■.. ■ Dr Collis Browne's Chlorddyhe, Dr.Bright's Phospho- . .dyne ':, '.' " ; " : "... . Churchill's .Celebratei' Syrups' for Consumption Cockles-Pills ; • . " Clarice's Blood Mixture, B 41 Pills, and Miraculous ;■ ■' Salye:' •; '■ ■;'■■ ' '■' ■ ■'' ■'•■■' .'.■'■,'; '" •'. Coady's Disinfecting Fluid, Dinneford's Fluid Mag- \:.\ nesi*:; ;; :- ■: :'/''."■■'.■; .■_ .-■;■.'.:'. ■'; :" 7 Dr Bobke'si Solar • Elixir, Pills, and Crosbie's Cough ."■■■EMxir'r :' :-'"i-" ■.".■:•■;••• :.■■■■ ■. ■-_ ■•;_ •. -° _i •Dr;i)e'Jongh>\Coa;tiycr.on;'Priedrii*sh»U: Water Gollup's' Mexican Hair Renewer and Floriline " ' : iGridley's ising'ass.Hockin's Seidlitz Powders, Hood's ■■" CjriiSolvent, Hofmann'sAVashihg Ci-j'stala, Hall's Balsam.'for the Lunsjs,- James's Blis'.ering Oiut. ment for Horses r< ■ .; Joy's Asthma Cigars, Judson's Dyes, Locock's Wafers Holler's Cod Liver Oil, Norton's Camomile' Pills. Powell's Balsam o( Aniseed, Row's Embrocation for ■• Horses .';■'■' .-; \.•.•'.■ '"i."":;■■>- ■:■:■:;.:■ Steedman's-Spotmng Powders, sVhelptoh's Pills, Win-:-'.-'Slow's Syrnp ■■■.■.-.: v.. :.-■■.".. :'i • - ; ' ' Westdn's Wizard CA\, Magic; Pills, Liniment, : , ; and Condition Powders ! ■■;,.,;. ,:..; ; .•;■;• Barry's Tricopherous^ MarElina; Safe Hair Dye. and ,-. _, Pearl Cream . ' ;.-. .-.:';.. -■:■ .-,,!••".■.; ■..■:•• .. ■' tPear's well-known Soaps and Perfumery. • ! Piesse andXubin's exquisite Toilet requisites and Per .. - fume?. ,-..-■.':' .•■.■.■.-.'. ~.•,:■'. ';.v/.':.. ,' . PROiS^S^ aiii : CO., Stafford street1, UNE D I N

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4732, 18 April 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4732, 18 April 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4732, 18 April 1877, Page 4