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PROSPECTUS. 2nd. That the plant, machinery, and general appliances of the firm are now of a character which opens up a largely extended and extremely profitable trade, which, however, call 3 for the employment of an ex-, tended capital. " ! "■ ' : The valuation of the freehold and leasehold lands, with full paiticu'ara as to uniount of capital employed and net profits Tealised during the last four and a half years, taken from the firm's books, and certified by Messrs A. W: Morris, C. H.;Strect, and Edmund I Smith, valuators and auditors, together with a copy of j the agreement "entered into with; the firm by the Pro- } visional Directors, may be obtained by bonajide inj tending investors from the Brokers. The Share List will close at'an early date, and, in making the allotment the Provisional Directors will consider the "order in which applications have been made.- ■ ■•■.•' ! .-; !! . ■ . - . .- ■ ■ :■■■!■■ ■ Form? cf applications for Shares can be obtained at . the cilices of Messrs G uthrie and Larnach, or of Messrs Connell and Moodie or J. B. Bradshaw, Brokers.. :, ' It having been found that the various valuations and auditi require more time thW was aut:cipated;' itbe Provisional Directors, with Messrs Guthrie; and Larhach's consent, have ; decided;-inr the: meantime to suspend the furtheriasue of the Prospecte unt 1 these are completed, of which due notice!will be given. ,: ! By order of the Provisional Directors, '"■'■'' • J. AITKEN CONNELt, . !''lnterim Secretary. . ; PRO3PECTDS; ;: [.] .'....■. OFTHE. , . • . ... T\UNEDIN. SKATING RINK COMU : PANY (LIMITED), To be Registered under ." The Joint Stock Companies ' . '..", ,* , Act, ISGO.1; .. . ..-. . • CAPITAL, £2000, IN .SHARES OF £1. EACH; Issued on the following terms: 2s 6d on application, 2s 6d on allotment; and calls o£ Is Si per month for the Srat three months, and Is per month after (if required), and at not less intervals than one month. . . : : .-. .- ■; ~ ■.. . ; . ■. , '. y PnovißiosAi, CojiaiTiEw: : :: .; : The Hotii George M'Lean Judge Bathgate \ ~: ! Mr John Cargill. ' • • Mr H. S. Chapman , Mr William Cargill - Mr A. Burt ' • ', Mr G. Dixon Mr John A. Cook ''!'.'"■ MrF. ~W. Petre ; Mr J. E. H. Harris : MrS.Turton'. : ■■: Mr W. L. Hackworth .MrF. Chapman - Mr J. Richardson; :J ... . Mr C. W. Cutten. : " ' ' '. Bankers: , ..'...-.• |. • :Bankof NewZsaland. : :. ;:■ :. ■'•'''-" . .'r.. •' 1 '■" '■■'-'■'■' -■ ■•■■ .■'i'- ; lir J.E.H. Harris. ;;:; '' , - . . ,-',-.- Broker: ..•: ■.■:.-■ 1 ■' Mr C. S.Harveyr ■-■■•-'■'";, . ..■: •.': " --.- \! I • SeCRBTART PBO TEM : ;.. : ••■'. ' ';' ■■'■<■ /;.. -Mr Montagu Pym. ■,;,;' •-: ■-•■: ■. . .;-.. . . -,:., -_.'. '•-;•..,■..- ■.■': ';-:■■'.'.'■ It-Is proposed to form a. Company to construct'and maintain a Skating Rink, situated in a central part of the town of Dunedin. ....;• •_.-.■. ; The object of tha formation, of the Company is hot only to place, every facility at ihß, disposal of the pub- : lip for the enjoyment of so healthy and sociable an exeicise as roller-skating, but also to make it'ameansof remunerative investment. , :. . • ' ,■ In England.'America, ahdtho Colonies, both these ; objects have'been very fully attained. ' Roller r skaiing ; has become a favourite pastime, besides having proved itself an undertakiugto be very remunerative to shareholders. ....'..!".', , ..-:•"- :^. • i '••■• ■ > ■'■ Not only will the Bink be available' for Skatmg during the winter season, 'but in ofE season the : buildine will be availableJor Lawn Tennis, as in Englaud, which in itself is very remunerative, and has now become one of tho most popular-games of the day; also, if required, the building could be easily adapted for.1 private and public, bills,! promenade concerts, ; flower shows,-&c.:- ■■'■'- '■ ; '•'" - '■"■" "' '••'• ■ ''' "■ '

: Plans liave already been prepared, and"teriderß have ; been obtained for the construction of a wooden Rink,' with Vp'ol'sh'ed concrete floor, 120 feet x 80 feet, ■ capable'of holding 200 skaters; ' - The lowest tender re- : ceived for .the .budding and floor show a total cost of- ; £1250; so that, after making, allowance for: cor.tin-. igencies and other expenses; the cost of'tha building :'may.safely be calcnlated at'between £1300 and £i4OO. ; ' AsEumingthafthe skating season will -begin on the ■ Ist of April imd end on the Ist November, every year,----j it has .been estimated th it the actual expenses attached to the'mainteriance of the Rink: during that: period, i arid the rent of land for the year, under I £300, the Eink Manager being pail by. a capitation [allowance.' > ;j "'■ - - . -■'•"■ A Skating Club hns been formed, and will,probably be extended, which; it isi calculated,' with skating and. honprary-wemoers, will be able to, pay--the; Gompanjp i the sum of. £275 for. each; season, provided .that: the Company will guarantee three afternoons ia each week; I'and three or four evenings during tho season, for the" Club's exclusive -.'use,- as also free entry to its members 'on all the other days ofthe season.' '. | It has also been estimated that at. the. charge of 2s j per head for skaters,'and is for entry of spectators, <an average attendance on the. part "of the public of 60. [head ier day caii be secared; wnlehi at the mem rate ;oi Is 6d per head, would giye j£gt.-i>sr , weisk,.'or £819 | for the sea'sonr—thus bringing a total revenue of £109 i ■ for the skatinar. season alone,;without talcing into iaccount Lawn Tennis and pther sources of revenue. ■ All.particidarstohehadfrom-i; ■": '■ ;; ■; "' ; ;''! v '7 v.:;.;;';.: :."'■'" r\VS'M^^Yk.;'^.^}^. .:■.":'■■. ■■':.";■■ ■ Interim Secretary, ' -'~,;] '. ■;...- ■: . ..:.■■'..-•:.■.■:•.....'..; :.-• .'Mansestreet, :' i -;";FORM:O,F.':APPI4CATION ; FOK,SHAUE3. '.;.!, :; To the Provisional Committee of the ; ■ . • :■■ ; , ; Dunedin Skating Rink Company.r .--■■ : : GiatTLEires—Please to allot me .;.i....... Shares/in itheDunedih Skating Rink Company, and I herewith' ;ehclose the sum 0f....;.:...,...,' being a deposit of 2s Od per. Share, and I agree to pay all Calls in cdn T ; iormity with the Prospectus. :■ v. 1 ;•'-': : :; c. .■. ' '. ."-.'-..7.'.;..','-;'V.".,r'■','■ Kame.'.i-.........,...'..:;..:. - :""'.,'- '" :".: .'..'■,.'• ".'.''.: Addre55............. ....'.'. -. . ':.'..'■ ... , '.'• "..:.". '-'...Occupation ..'.i'.'....■.'... '.."■ :16ap, 7 ";,.;.■ ■.-.'■ . ■■:-.;:] Date...;. ~..'...V:-..".,-': . , "- ABRipaEp:PROSPi:CTUB•;" "'.' ..'. ; : .-;■■■■ '- >.->■' .;• -"/OP ' •■;■•■■; ■'■■'■■■■ ; ■-■ '-■'■ irjjnHE KORANpr CpAp; ;MlNlirGr, ■ ';■•-- / :■■'■ !COMPANY.(LIinTED); ' - , ' Situated at Waimangaroa, Basin, Mount Rochfort. . CAPITAL; £25,000, in .5000 SHiRE 3bi BiiCH." Payable a? follows: 5s on application; 5s en allotment; i . and the calls not to exceed 5s per month. . : ' HEAD" OFFICE TO- BS AT 'WESTPpiIT.. T ": ; ,- r -PnoyiaioNAi. Directors. .-,.-. :J. H£NRY, Esq., M.R.H., S.Bilev, Esq.,'Westport - i Charleston . , T. ». Macamhy, Efiq., ' :'J;-JiT. Esq., C.E.,"West- ' J.P.; Charleston ■ ■ .port: .:. '.. '" A. «. "W. Fumoh; :Esq., ;M..Okgan,Esq.,Westport Westport,, • '- • , ,H.'J6nbs, Esq,"Manager W.'EVAHs.'EEq./Timaru ,i • ■ Bank New South Wales, J.. W. Humphrey ' 'Esq; . r- Westport,, .., ~,;.-.-.,.,. . Westport ,■■■■;■ . -A. Shit, Esq., Westport' A. Macrae; Esq., Hokitlka1 ;J. SEATON.EBq (Wanganui J.GiiMbRB^E ql.Weatport . B. E. Gxnbii,; JKsq., West- Ry Rowlands, Esq., West-. ' port ■■":-' •'. : .■.".■.'.■■.■. :■ < : port, and '■" '-' j-. J.--Mn,LS,Esq.i'Union S.S. C ■&. Ahdrews/ Esq.,; r. ~Company, Dunedin .; .Westport :.. . ; , . The'object of this' Company ia : t^;w'6rk a'coalmining j lease 'of SOO acres, situated it'Waimaagaroa Basiu, r'■ Mount Rochfort Coalfield; near Westport. •• .': ■""■■ 3 . ..The ground compfised in: this lease' has been "very 3 carefully selected from' three prospecting areas of 6000 J acres, and about £1000 has been- expended in oblain--1 ing the • lease,! prospecting, surveys; and other works necessary to prove the mine. . ; :'. . ..i I ■. 'In referehbe to this lea?e, Mr R. B; Dennistori, Go--3 vernment Coal Viewer, mi hi 3 evidence given before B the Royal Coma3ißsion L . at:Westport, says.:—"The total .tonnage in, including the-East'and ~ West slopes, is about 3,800,000, tons, thecbal being of '.. the*best quality." '- • • ; ; -; • ■•

The rep-rt of analysis of : coal from this part of the field at Woolwich* Doikyard shpw3 that it is equal to the best no; th oi England coal for tfcam purposes (riie Admiralty report on JSelspn coal.presented to Nelson Provincial Council, March IGth, 1866). ■■.-.-... The railway is completed "and 'open for traffic from i Westport to Waimangaroi," and ■ the Wellington Coal • Company.have made'a brunch line of one milefive ; chains in length' .up the river, and from this pnint it is proposed to make a tramway to the coal, about two milts in jlength. The Government coal waggons will be loaded .at end? of Tramway line, thence forwarded over Government; Westport wliore ihere' is now building-rail\v.,y-wharf, sti ion; sidings, arid a large viaduct andcoal staiths, fr<nn" which the coal will be shipped direct into the vessels.. ;Tha port of-West-pott oilers great facilities tor shipping. ■ The average depth of water of tao bar bciiig 12 to 15ft, and it is expected when toe1 Protective; »Vbrkß,'ii6w. in'cburse of cdristru'itidn, are completed, the dtpth will be increased to from 18 to 20it. By careful cbrnputatibn' it hss teen 'estimated that the cost of opening up. and connecting the mine with the Government railwayj including all necessary plant, will not exceed-£15,000, and'further, the coal can be BhippVd free oh board at Westport at 8s per ton. ■!-.■■: The terms of the lease will compel the Company to haVe the mine in working order ei»rly in 1875,50 that shareholders may rely; on having ; returns ■ for 'their money-within 12 months. .-;. :. - . t ;' : Prospectuses-and forms'of application for Shares' may be obtained of ,- -.. : ■-..- ; -:; ..: ; --..-.- ZEITH.RAMSAY,-. .■■'■. • , ;;• ■■:•■'■ 1:: '.' '.. '' .':'■.. '!. Agent,' "■' :•' \ ISap' ._ j ...''.',.;., . Jetty-street, Dunedin.7 : b|j?iness notices; ~ ■J>% T e"s,-; :SXS E,; AitD : C O-, •""; •-.• -BOND ' STREET, ■'■■■ I'":-'- - ■ N?D-f?. 'r-'-.. ■' "'■•■ ■:.■ .'V ! Agents fOTiiBBOT'S RUGOIES and CARRIAGES, : : ..' '~..". . HaVe. on Sale—.. -. ~; ... ; . BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, ' "' I: . ' From the Best American Manufacturers. 19m BLASTING POWDER 'SUPEESEDED.- LITHOFRACTEUK, sometimes called Kreb'a Cartridges, or Rend-fock, is, now admitted by practical engineers to be the best blasting material for. mines, quarries, .collieries, or sub-murine blasting. It saves labour,- time, aid motley, as fewer and smaller bore-holes;are required, and it can', be used as freely under water as in dry ground. . Colliery proprietors,; miners, and. contractors, will effect a great savins? by' using tITHOFRACTEUK; which can be obtainedthrough all Ironmongery and Wholesale-Houses. ■ Jtess trouble than common Powder, and ten .times1 more effective. Ask-forKreb'sPatent: .•■;.■ ..- ~;ill; HENRY J. - WALTER, Hotel Agent, Valuator, &o.v Manse' gtreefe—Cish advances mado ou bonded certificates andj other Becuritiea. N.B.— Principals only treated with. j

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4732, 18 April 1877, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4732, 18 April 1877, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4732, 18 April 1877, Page 4