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PORT CHALMERS. jlny c—Wind. S.«T., fresh. Weather, flue, cloudy, 8 —B.tromotcr, SO.IO ; thermometer, 45. 1 p.K'. Barometer, 3C.1.7 ; thermometer, j(5, 5 p.m.—Barometer. 30.22; thermometer, 50. May 7,-Wind, N.E., light. Wtiathcr, fine, clear. 8 ».m. ■• Bwmeter, 30.20 ; thcimometcr, 45. 1 p.m. —Barometer. 30.30; thermometer, 53. 5 p.m.—Barometer, 30.30; thermometer, fi6 High water on the Btli May:—At the I i tads, 2.43; Port L'Mtlmera, 3.23; at Duniidin, 3.6-. rCJ'.T CHALMERS OaSKkVATOfiY. Latitude, 45.43.55 south ; longitude, Uh. 22m. 27« ; cast. Time bail drops daily (Sundays cxccptcd) at 1 Port Ch.iluurs mean lime, or 111. 37m. 235. a.m. Greenwich mean time. ARRIVALS Beautiful Stir, r.t., 140 tr>:is, Peterson,fromTimaru. Vnion Company, agenlts. Passengers - t steerage. PiilmersUm, ketch, 25 tons, lirebner, from Waikouaiti. Master, agent. Prairie bii..' ]40 tons, Dillner, from Hobart Town April 28th. Mii-tfir, agent. Passenger -Mr J. Watt. Samson, p.p., 124 tons, Edic, from Oamaru. Union Compat y, asenis Passengers Mr and Mrs Mayhew, Mies A liken, Messrs Spenco, Burnett, Lees, M'Gregor, Connell, and S steerage. Matau, s.c, 104 tons, Urquhart, 'Irom Oainaru. J. Reid, agent. Passengers: 11 r Ross, Master Rose, and Shag, R.S., 81 tons, Wing, from Shag Point. Martin and Watson, sptnte. May 7th.—li'n<;arooma, 8 s., C 23 tfiis, J. M'Lean, from Melbourne May Ut, via Bluff. Kalgrety Nichols, and Co. agents. Passengers—Mrs Stevenson, Misses Allan, Champion, Captain Bawdcn and son, Messrs 11. Jl'Neil, Partridge, Hooper, Jamicson, and 10 Btcer3&gO. Taupo s.s., 4GI tons, Worsp, from I,y:tclton and the North. Unlni Co., agents. Passengers—Mr and Mrs White, Sir and Mrs Fairne, Mr and Mrs Muir, Mcidamea Andei-son, Colchester, Button, Messrs Aymer, Hiyman, Gcdde*, M'Kenzie, Hislop, M'Gann, Laing, llcw, Crawhhaw, Quick, Bellamy, and 19 steerage. Franklyn Belli-, ketch, 30 tons, Foreman, from Waikouaiti. Master, agent. Arawttta, s.s , C 23 tons, Underwood, from Lyttelton. Dalgcty, Nichols, and Co., agents. Passengers— Mre Smith, Minses Clark, DicK, Right Bcv. I ishop Redwood, Messrs Kobertson, Woods, Williams, Davis, M'Donald, Allan, and 1 steerage. Express, 5.8., 136 tons, Fra-er, from tho Bluff H. Houghton and Co., agents. Passmgers—Mr and Mrs Ward, Mes»r» Greenup, Foi rest, Christie, and 7 steerAge. Taiarca, p.?., 228 tons, Stewart, frorpTirrmra Keith Ramsay, ngciit. l'a*se-ii{crs—Mrs Basel), Miss Dick, Messrs Gibba, Beatson, and 1 f-tccrnge. Mary Ktien, schooner, 29 tons, Smith, from Oamaru. Master, agent. DUPAKTURKS. Oamaru, ship, 130 C tons, Stuart, for London. Cargills, Gibbs, and Co., ftxonts. Pn«sengers--Mr und Mrs Wainwright and 4chiiiiren, Mis and Miss Bathgate, Mesdaraes Gilpin and 3 children, ludenian, Bugler. Second Cabin md bteerace : Mr and Mrs Lidda!, Mr and Mrs M'Quccn and 0 children, Mr and Mrs M'Donald alidC children, Air mid Sirs Forsvth and 2children, Messrs M'Millan, Wei>t, Owen, Aitchenson, Walker, Tollev, Strtchan, Brown (2), James Thomson, Carlyle, Crawford, Moto, Barr, Scry cj, Pendkton. Taranaki, 8.5., 288 tons, Lloyd, for Lyttelton aDd tholNorth. 11. 11. Monkman, agent. Pajsonecrs: For Lvttclton—Mrs Hill, Messrs Vullantyne, Mathieson, Eoorcr, M'Luod, B nnlngton. For Wellington—Mr a- d Mre Fisher and 2 children, Mrs StevetiEon. For Greymouih—Mr Gill. For Westpors— Messrs Murphy, Absolam, M'Kory. For Mamikau—Messrs Aldsworth, Murray, and 14 steerage for all ports. May 7th —Kestrel, ketch, 51 tons, Berne, "for tho Bluff. H. Guthrio, agent. Beautiful Star, k.s., 146 tons, Petorson, from Timaru. Union Co., agents. KXrKCTKD ARIUVALB. From London.—Zuleika, February 12th. Norval, Oberon, Orpheus, Kingdom of Swtdcn, Willium Davle. For Bluff lisubour—Balnaquith, March Ist. Fiiom Glasgow.—Horsa, February. From New York.—Argosy, March. Fitoat Hoiurt 0 own.—Llcmatis, early. From Svdnk> .—Ariel, Ensby. From Adblaidk.—Flor 1 Star. I'UOJKCTKD DKPAIITURRS. For Loisuon.- Eaknia, early; Margaret Galbraith, f&rly. For Melbourne.—Arawatn, this day ; au Kevoir, early. Fcr Sydnky — Otnjjo, 17th inst. Foil San Fhaxcisco.—Maulesden, ear'y: Australia, 31st mat. For North kiw Ports.—Taupo, Oth inst.; Ringaroema, this day ; I'hoebe, early. For Lyttei<ton, &c. -Wanganui, 12th inst. For Timaku. 'Jaiaron, 12th inst.; Beautiful Star, Oth inst. For Southern Ports.—Express, early ; Comerang, this day. Foit Shaw Point.—Shag, tV-is day. For Moeiiaki. - Hope, early. For Oa>iaKi;.—bainoon, Oth inst; Matau, 10th inst j Dammar, early. For Hokitika.— Boneleuoh, this day. For Auckland.—KotannaVi Hose, early. CUSTOMS ENTRIEB. INWARDS. Comsrang, 152 tons, Best, fromßloff Harbour., with cargo. H. Houghton and Co., agents. ODTWARUB. Taranaki, 209 tons, Lloyd, for Lyttlcton, with cargo. 11. B. Monkruun, ajjent. IMPORTS. Per Beautiful Star, from limaru: 1420 sacks, Loan and Mercantile Agency; 157 hides, Wright, Stephenson, and Co. Per Prauio, from Hobart Town: 9000 ft timber, 24,000 palings, 14,000 shingles, 700 posts and rall>, 50 pair shafts, 290 packag. s, 1278 cases fruit, 500 do jam, order. Per Ringaroonm, from Melbourne: 20 packages, J Meenan ; 2 do, Gregory ; Sdo, Wheeler; i do, Fish, junr; 134 do, order; 1 do, J Langman ;13 do, Aldrich ; 8 do, Sargood, Son, and Ewon ; 80 do, P.iterBon and M'Leod; 4 do, Mackerras and Co; 1 do, Mellor; 80 do, W Siavoly and Co; 94 Jo, Esther and Low; 60 do, D jggan and Williams; 43 do, Dunning EroB; 2C3 do, W GrcjK and Co ;00 do, Ba\t«r and Co; 1 do, W Hay; St> do, Furayth and M'.Veill; 00 do, J B Luks; 04 do, Kiinboll: 18 do, Bui: and Suiuerd; 8 do, G H Heath ;85 do, J Pryor; 7 do, Briscoe and Co; i do, Fergiision and Mitchell; 1 do, W ana J Steward and Co ; 5 do, F Humphries ; 100 do, Ross, Polo, aud Paterson ; 40 do, Kempthorue, ProßSer, and Co; 5 do, G Brodrick; 3 do, Hudson and Co ; 2 do, J Miller; 1 do, Benjamin ; 1 do, Guthris and I.arnach ; 1 do, Neill arid Walker ; 1 do, Lance and Thonoman ; 1 do, P Hayiuinund Co; 1 do, A and T Jnglis; 5 do, Be.iver Bros; 1 do, Mrs AValtor; 1 do, Cameron ; 1 do, Hallonstein Bros ; 1 do, W and J Scouiar ; 1 do, Forgusson ; 1 dn, J Horn; 1 do, Begg; 1 do, L J Levi; 2 do, Bathg .te; 1 do. Southern Mercury; 6 t!o, J Braitliwaite; 1 do, G R "West; 4 do, H Wise and Co ; 2 do, Athenaeum ; 2 da, Baird; 1 do, Herbert, Havnes, and Co ; 1 do, Fulton ; 2 do, Sligro ; 1 do, Colonial Bank ; 1 do, Heavyside : 2 do, Mitchell; I do, Hamos; 1 do, Motics Strange ; 1 do, Ferguson and Co. For Oamaru—l do, Pryor; 1 do, Hilmul. Per Taupo, from the North : 1 package, Mansford ; 1 do, L Moses ; I do, Warren ; 5 do, Bennett; 1 do, Marchant; 1 do, Andrews; 1 do. Carter; 2 do, Holmes ; 101 do, J Reid; 1 do, Joe1 ;10 do, Tunna^e; 10 do, Jewitt; 1 do, Ward ; 3 do, Poatmister ;1) do, C Burke ; 7 do, Joel. Per Arawata, from the Coast: 24 packages, Whitelaw and Co ; 1 do, Lewson and Co ; 1 do, Quirrill. PorTtiaroa, from "imam: C packages, Paterson ondM'Lcod; l do, Wiiiamson; 430 dj, order; 1783 sacks, 30 casks, Russell,'Ritchie, ani Co. Per Franklyn Belle, fruin Waikouaiti: 26 bale;. A C Begg; (10 pki;es, Cameron ; 220 do, Russell, RitcMe, and Co ; 114 do, Boyse, Stead. Per Express, from tha Bluff: 17.087 ft timber. Whitelaw and Co; 21.C80 do. Findlay and Co ; 1 package Spanish Restaurant; 33 do, Inuis; 32 do, Tunnage; 1 do. Millichamp: 1 do, Dowse ;10 do, Christie; 3 do, J Rattray and Co ; 5 do, Forrest. Per Mary Ellen, from lOikinui: 65 bags, Rus.ell, Ritchie, and Co; 270 do, order. Per Matau, (trom Oamaru : 544 bags, R Anderson; 65 bales, Rpssell. Ritchie, and Co; 2 do, order. Por Samson, from O-iinaru: 30 p^ckiges, Meonan ; 30 do, Cable; 15 do, Daigcty, Mchole, and Co; 6 do. Button and Co; 30 do, Jack ; 34 do, NZ L and M A Co; H do, Begg; t do, Driver; 81 do, Esther and Low; 229 do, Driver; 60 do, Stewart. Per Shig, from Shag Point: 310 b>gp, Baxter; £9 do, Wright, Stophenson, and Co; 1 do, Brogden and Sons; 8 do, Wilson aud Co; 2 do, Albion Browing Co ; 2 do, Davidson and Co. EXPORTS. Por Taranaki: For Lyttelton-15 packages, Ross and Gleudiuing ; 1 do, M^ore; 1 do, F.rquhar; 22 do, Hayman and Co ; 5 do, Bato?, Sise, and Co ; 3 cases, Gibbs and Clayton ; 1 parcel, Mackay; 1 case, Brown ; 1 do, Hallenstein ;10 d•>, Muckerras; 50 do, Burdsley ; 10 do, Lango and Thoneman ; 1 do, Briscoc and Co ; 1 do, Burt; 7 do, Heymanson, Low, and Co. For Wellington—l 3 packages, Heymanson, Low, and Co ; 5 do, Gregj; and Co ; 1 do, Mills ; 5 do, Briscoe and Co; 13 do, Lano, Campboll, and Co; 2 do, Blyth ; 1 do, Matheson Bros; 28 do, Brown, Ewing, and Co; 2 do, Public Works Store; 101 do, P Hay man and Co ; 159 do, A and TBurt; 8 do, Kumpthoruc, Prosser, and Co; ido.Heelcs, Jl'Beath.andCo; 4 do. Braver Brothers and Salomon; 3 do, Swgood, Son, and Ewon. For Napier—44 packages, Neill and Co ; 1 do, Beaver ani Salomon ; 1 do, Lange and 1 honemau ; 1 do, Briscoe and Co; 2 do, Reid; 1 do, Hallcusteiu. For Wanganui—l packages, Briscoe aud Co; 4 do, Mills, Dick, and Co; 1 do, Moore ; 3 do, Ross and Gle.'dining; 25 do, Sargood, Son, aud Ewen ; 1 do. Heyimnson and Low; 2 do, Kompthornc, Pro«ser, and Cs; 1 do, American Stamp Co. For Pieton-7 packages, Heymanson and Low; 13 do, Gregg and Co, For JS'olBOii—l package, Kincaid and M'<iueen; 10 do, Reid ; 1 do, S De Bier and Co ; 4 do, Heyinanaon, Low, and Co. For Grtymouyi—3 packages, Gregg and Co; 4 do, Halloiutflin Bros; 1 do, Ross and Glondining; 2 &o, Eempthomo, Proa*er, and Co, For Westport—l package, Burt; 1 do, Ross and Glendiuing ; 2 do, Keinptfiorne, Prosser, and Co. For Hokitika—l caso, Hallenstein Bros. For Taranaki—2 packages, Herfcert, Haynes, and Co. For M«nukau—l box, Fergusson aud Mitchell; 5 do, Criterion Hotel; 20 do, AnderBon and Co; 2 do, Haymau and Co ; 5 do, A aud T Burt; 1 do, Thomson and Niven; 1 do, Beaver and Salomon; 7 do, Murray.

SHIPPING TELEGRAMS. Lytcklton, May 6th. Sailed: Ships Crusader and Soukar, and"barque Hopeful, all for London.

Bi,cff, May Cth. Arrived : Baldovan, from Nelson. Sailed: Ouki, New ZeUand Company's ship, for London, with a cargo of 2009 bales wool, 5300 bags wheat, aiiv.' 10 to; s general car^o, and 30 p&ssongers.

The Union Company's steamer Beautiful Star, Captain Peterson, returned Jroni her trip to Timaru on Saturday morniujr, with a full c^rco of wheat for Iranshipment to th« ship Ilalciia. She was absent from port thirty-six hours, and h»d fine weather for working at Timaru on Friday. Left Timaru at 0.30 p.m., and arrived hwe ut 0.30 am. on Saturday. Shu left on another trip to Timaru yesterday evening. Thu ketch Palraerstou camu in from W&ikouaiti on Saturday forenoon, and passed on to t-unedin. The ship Oamaru took her departure for London on Saturday forenoon. Her passenger list numbered fifty-five name*. She left in opleudid trim, and cleared the land with a fresh 8. W. breeze. The Btudmci Taran&ki left on Saturday afternoon, on her return North, with 33 passengers ai»<l U5 tons of '■flic brig Prairie arrived from Ilobart Town on Saturday afternoon, with a full assorted cargo of Taamauiaii product-. She made the run from port to port in eltrlit days, and had a heavy weather passage. Left Ilohart Town April 28th with !i«ht westerly winds; took her departure from Pom■*/* Pillar next momiuif the wind by that time him- g frc-Jieiwl, and on the 20th increased to a heavy gale, with high sea. Towards cvenitin it h:uile.l southerly, and la'sneneu in f'irious equal Is, with high cross ma.. Thiiwastoo BHieh for thu brig, and die hud to he h-ivc-lo and lay by the wind fourteen hours, ana when the gale uiotie-

rated and veered westerly. On the Ist inst. she was kept i>way, and, with a strong W.S. W. breeze behind, rattled along and paused the Traps on ths morning of the sth. The breeze still holdl-ig good, she passed the Xujjgets tint evening, and arrived off the Heads at daybreak on Saturday morning. The Geelong towed her in, und she will proceed to Duuedin to discharge. The brigantino Yarra, from .Melbourne, was towed to the Upi'tr Harbour on Saturday by the steamer Jane.

Ths Union Company's steamer Trtupi, Captain Worsp, arrived nt tho Port Chalmers Rui way Pier at 10 45 am. yesterday, four days nineteen hours from the Manufcnu via ports of call. This i» considerably within average lime. The Taupo led tho Manuka-t at 4 [i.n-.. on the 2nd inst., arrived oft Taranaki at 8 a.m. next day,, lay three hours disembarking and ominrkiru passengers and earjjo, and then left for Nelson ; had strong head winds and heavy sea by the wiiv, nnd arrival at 5 a.m. on the 4th. Left, again at 3.50 p.m., wont through the French Pass at 6.30 p.m , und roaclie.; Pict'>n at.ll p.m. Made another move at 5 am. on the sth, arrived at, Wellington at 10 a.m., I- ft air.iin at 4 p.m.. avid arrived at Lyttelton at 9 a.m. next day. Left once mo c at 4 p.m., and arrived as above. Moderate N.K. weather wiui experienced from Nelson. The Taupo brought up 30 passengers and a few tons of cargo, and is to leave to-morruw on her return North. We thank Sir Ponsonby, t:ie purser, for the report and delivery of our files. Messrs Jl'Mcckim and Blackwood's steamer Ringaroania, Captain J. M'Lean, with the New Zealand portion of the Suez mail on board, arrived at the Port Chalmers Uailway Pier at C a.m yesterday. Having received the mail per P.O. steamer Bangalore, she left Hobson's Bay at 1 p m. on the Ist, cleared Port Phillip Heads at 3 p.m., and passed Sw^n Island at 11 a.m. next day. A fresh W.S.W. gale, with a high rolling sea, folovcd her across, and at 9 50 a.m. on tho 5: h bhe passed tie Solandci', and arrived at the bluff at 3 p.m . Having 1 '5 tons of cargo all in one hatchway for the Bluff, she could n«t discharge that evening, and so had to wait at the Bluff all next d iy, leaving at 5 p.m.; had fine, light weather along the coast, and arrived as above. We thank Mr Jajfo, the purser, for the report and our Melbourne exchanges. The Rinjjarooma is to leave to day. Messrs M'Meekan and Blackwood's steamer Arawata, Captain Underwood, arrived at tho New I'ier, Port Chalmers, at 10 45 a m. yesterday, after a clipping run of 10 hours 15 minutes from Lyttelton. The Arawata has returned here from a short coasting trip to Nelson and intei mediate ports to take out the Suez mail toilav. She left Wellington at 8 a,m. on the Cth inst., arrived at Lyttulton at C.BO a.m. on the 7th, shipped 2030 bags of grain for the Melbourne market, and left at 6.30 pm , arriving as above. lAmonpst her passengers were seven members of the Wellington Fire Brigade, en route to take part in the ensuing demonstration at Ballarat.

"Two st:amerj at the Heads; one close upon the other's heels !" was the word passed along at tho Port yesterday morning, and it was soon ascertained that the one ahead was the Taupo and tho other the Arawata. Boih were evMenily "letting out," and it was also evident that the Arawata was drawing upon tho Taupo a little, but as the tide waswit, and the channel in consequence somewhat contracted in width, the Arawttta did not attempt to pass the Taupo, but reached the pier close astern of her. The run up the harbour was watched w>th a great deal of interest by many spectators, not a few of them being from Duncdinby Urn first train. It appears from what we can gather that the steamers, boih from Lyttelton, ti^hted each other at 6 am. yesterday. The Arawata was astern, and her commander states that the Taupo was then seven railns ahead and commencing to let but. She gradually drew away from the Arawata until tho latter, iv her turn, let out a little, und then steadily overhauled the Taupo, being only half -a - mile astern of her when too Heads wore reached. Now, the captain of the Taupo's version of the affair is somewkat different to thio, as ho states that when the two steamers began to " let out," at 7 n.m. yesterday, the Arawata was only about two stones' throw astern of the Taupo, and that the latter held her own well during tho rest of the run. She had been going under easy steam all night. The 'J'aupo U undoubtedly a smart bo&t, but we think she would be overmatched if pitted in smooth water against such a box of machinery as the Arawata, or her sistor the Ringarooma. In lumpy water there would bo but little to choose between them. The Taupo indeed might then safely claim the advantage. Messrs H. Hoiighton and Co.'s steamer Express, Captain FrastT, returned from the Bluff yesterday, just touched at the Port to land a few packajros of cargo, aud then wont on to Dunediii. She h^d made the round trip to the Bluff sineo the preceding Thursday afternoon, and when she left the Bluff at 10 p.m. on Saturday, she towed out the ship Otaki, bound to London, vi inds from north to we t and fine weather marked the trip. Ihe Eipress leaves again for the Blnfl on Wed. esday. Tho steamer Comerang leives for southern ports this afternoon.

The ket"h Franklyn Belie eamo in from Waikouaki yeelerd .y with a full cargo of produce, and moored at the new pier, to laud 26 bales of w 00l for tho ship liakaia.

The Aibion Company's steamer Taiaroa, Captain Stewart, completed another smart trip to and from Timam yistorday morning, when j-he came iv and moored along-ide the ship Wild Deer, for which vessel she has 1783 sacks of wheat, 'ihe Taiaroa left here on Friday night, and is to leave agaia for 'Jimaru tomorrow.

The schooner Mary Ellen arrived yesterJiy from Kakanui with a cago of produce, and tide and wind favouring her passed on to Duuedin. She lelt Kakanui last 1 hursday, and when off Shag Point, was headed by a strong a.W. gale, and ran back to Uamaru for ehelttr. Left again yesterday at lam ,in company witli the ketch Annie and schocner Pioneer, both bound to Kakanui to load for this port, aud had northerly and N.E. winds along the coast. The ketch Kestrel sailed lor the Bluff yesttrday morning. Almost unprecedentlylong passages have been made by tho old barque Kohinoor and the baique Samuel Mtrritt, well-known here The formec arrived it Melbourne on the 2S;h ult. after a pas ago of 50 days from Hukianga, in the North Island. Heavy westerly weather delayed her; three times did she obtain supplies of provisions from outside sources-once from the stesimer Avoca, then from the ship St. Jaints, and again from the 1 ghthouse .V ep« ut Wilson's Promontory. She went into Twofold Bay for shelter from a gale and'lay there five day*. When proceeding up the river Yar.a in tow, she was fouled by the s.s. Rob Roy, aud, to quwte the Argu^, " settled down in the mud,' and was expected to remain there until lightened of her deck load of timber. The Samuel Merritt left Hokianga on March Bth, and arrived at Melbourne on April 30th—63 days' passage. SUPPLEMENTARY SUMMARY. Since we complied our main Shipping Summary, a few arrivals and departures have taken place, bringing up the total arrivals * and departures during the month ending yesterday, to 202, and the } united tonnage to 48,769. Last month the returns stood it 118 arrivsls and departures, tonnitge, 40,272. Atno::g->t the arrivals was that of thj brig Prairie from Hobart Town, and the departures included the sailing of tho ship Oainuru for London, the twelfth ship of the season. A division of the totil month's .returns phces the arrivals 99, tonnage 24,323, and the deparures at 103, tonnage, 24.446. YESSKLS IK TORT. The wool season's fieat is thinning out, but for all that the Port still commands a fair xrrayof vessels At the Piers are lined as follows : —The New 2eiland Shipping Co.'s chartered barque Denbighshire, 453 tons. Captain William?, from London, finished discharging ctrgo on Saturday, and is now ballasting for sea-Newcastle her probable destination. The Albion Co.'s chartered ship Pomona, 1200 tons, Captaio Tannoek, from Glasgow, lus discharged the greater part of her Dunedin cargo, and will be reaiy to proctcd to Lyttelton with consignments for thit port this week 6r the beginning of next. The chip Loch Awe, 1053 tons, Captain Weir, from London, discharging, and has put out about 80 tons of cargo. j The Albion Co.'s chip Wellington, 1245 tons, Captaia : 1 Coweu, from Glasgow, all but a few tons ; of deal weight, and on the berth for Loadoa. The Americ-ui basque Stillman B. Alien, 660 tons, Captiin Tayior, from New York, discharging, and will te clear of Dunetlin caryo this week—hen.c goes to Lyttelton and Wellington with original cargo. The Albion Co.'a ship Marcarst Galbraith, 841 tons, ' aptain Peebles, on the berth for London, and loading, has shipped 1447 sacks of grain. The Albion Co '3 Bh>p Wild Deer, 1018 tons, Captaiu Malcolm, on the berth for London, and f.lst loading, lias shipped 474 bales of wool and 2810 sacks of wheat. The New Zealand Shipping Company's ship Rakaia, 1023 tons, Captain Frbton, on the b'jrth for London, fast loading, has shipped 237 bales of wool and 2500 sacks of wheat. Messrs M'Meckan and Blackwood's stenner Arawata, 623 tons, Captain Underwood, from the Coast, and bound out to Melbourne with Suez Mail to-day. Messrs M'Meckac and Blackwood's steamer Hingarooma, 623 tons, Captain M'Lean, from Melbourne With Suez Mail, cargo, and passengers, discharging, and goes on Coastwise to-day. The Union company's steamer Taupo, 401 tons, Captain Worsp, from the Norlh, iuterprovincial, discharging, and returns North to-morrow. In the stream are a? follows:—The Albion Company's chartered ship Cait!och,U2G4 tons, Captain Phillips trom London, discharging and has put out nearly 600 tons of cargo m three days. Destination hence uncertain. Ihe birque Frederick B*ssil, 342 torn, Captain Robertson, from Newcastle, discharging. The barque Harriet Armitage, 233 tons, Captaiu Mailler, from Newcastle, discharging. The ship Maulesden, 1500 ttons, Captain Thomson, from London, discharged her cargo in good order and is outward bound in ballast, sails for San Francisco today. The brig Prairio, 140 tons, Captain Dilmer, from Hobart Town. Ketches Lloyds' Herald, Kestrel; .steamers, Geelong, Jane, and Portobcllo. Iv the upper harbaur are the]barquentine Lizzie, discharged and waiting for freight; brig.uitine Au Revoir, loading grain for Melbourne, schooner Rosannah Rose, loading for Kaipara, brigantine Sea Gull discharging; steamers Shag, Samson, Beautiful Star, and Mttau.


Under this heading the returns of the month are, inwards 1054 souls, outwards 1113, the balance, 48, being thus against the port.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4436, 8 May 1876, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4436, 8 May 1876, Page 4

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 4436, 8 May 1876, Page 4