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PUBLIC KOTIOSS. PROPERTIES FOB &&££. THE Undersigned having, been ap- §71 O U SALS pointed Agents for Messrs Hill • and Ward; of JO r> t- -, *. Miildlesborough; will be in receipt of regular ship- . .... n Terms, uieiits of their brand of Fencing Wire. Within three miles-ot Rivcrion, . 000 acres firet-clasr river flat and terrace r*»iVTo Arrive per Sophia Joachim, all fit for cultivation, and welt ad&pted fops £00 bundles fencing wire, Nos. 6, 7, and S. sheen or cattle. The whole fcnead.slx-i-ooujssfc on-ellmsr-house, good garden, an<t other im~ Perßangitiki, „ provements. JOO bundles d«, Nos. 6,7, and 8. F°r ""'Kwks^pj, ,* *± WEIGHT, STKPHENSON, and Co,. 5Ja M LA^'^ OTAGO HARBOUR BOARD 6 PER CENT. DE- -jrn r* t> o I 7 BFNTfJHES, DUE 1913. jN U lv & A It E^ : Cy Private Contract A PPLICATIONS are invited by the ■ti- Colonial Bank of New Zealand for the whole ThatdesirableVUlaßcsidenceESSEOimJOZOßGß'. or part of the first issue of the Otago Harbour Board * the property of the Hon. Janus Patera**1 Debentures, amounting- to £ 20,000. The Debentures who is leaving for England: "" ■ will be issued for £100 each, and will bear interest at the • of£K^^ London, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, or Dtmedin. Ann?t re et^ SdT™lßdt g "*Bto**»; The entire loan, which is secured ou the Harbour The house, consisting of 12-..----tments, is fittedwttj*. Property and Revenues, is repayable by aDnual draw- every convenience for 3■' »: "-.jsidenee, besidesvailings after five years from date of issue, the total sum ous outbuildings, stab1,;, >jwi.>:>use, &c So. being payable not later than the year 1913. The lawn an 4 garden aw re llete with. rare »la» f-s-Further -particulars may be obtained at the chief '* Tf pUT « ? * office of the-Colonial Bank of New Zealand, Dunedin, undersized W^TuJ^ f w°ftf f ° * V°-?i th<t who have been appointed Agents by the Board- Uhe SvTfr^^toS o£ ' Wtdncsd^s' «* lh^~ Debentures will be allotted as applied for, and interest J ' *™ 5 ° cloc-" allowed for payments made prior to theilate o£ issue,. For mi nar ti e alars -nn"i77r> which has been fixed as the Ist January, 1875. tun particulars apply to . By order of the Board, 9ja 3PLAKDBESS, HEPBURN, and C». JOHN L. Gffi"ES, SSNDSSS. ™ Secretary. . — Dunedin, 17th November, 1874.. 18 rg. -*. *?•*- H' ENRY J. WALTER, Hotel Valu- -^ißilSeN* ator and Genetal Commission Agents Cash advances made. Occidental-Wine and Spirit Vaults, THE INSPECTION OF MACHINERY ACT- EJTfc Ai£LtiS6 street* Bsfc** *" EDUCATIONAL. npHE attention ot Owner- <A Machine^ — —- J*~ and Steam Boilers is c ' -j... v. jie i>rovi3i<jjis,oC' ]VlB E- DE MONTALK, 8.A., "le r»sp?ctiou of X- ■Winery Act, 187 i. which requires. XXLIL Univ Gal- them, withiu a mouUt from the date on which, tin* Ass /.,.„ nf fj p unn rwionvA is brought into force, to send a written, notice to the <La.c of Nelson College), Inspector of Machinery for the which suc>. Lessons in Modern Languages—French and Italian machinery or boiler maybe, giving the name <j£ especially. owner, the place where sui;h machinery, or boiler is; For terms, &c., apply to used, the nature of such .machinery, and the nato.rvMessrs REITH and WILKIE, BookseUer "*°™>>* <* the moving power. Or, at The Act was, by- Proclamation, rHtett the *Sj;!i Mr DE:HONTALK.'S Residence November last, brought int. iotce in tho- Provinces at **- Albany street. iSK^ffSr -^, *ou gßl C^ TAtfNEDI^ COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. Notices for the Inspector of the Otago Distrust t<t, JL^ ' View Terrace, Dowling-street, be addressed to Dunedin.. . , J. .JfAJfCARa&W, Paiy« Mr A. Barrett.: * Chief I:isp-;-^tor.». Thetofc Quarter of the year 187*. will coimnence ou *■ MONDAY, 25th JANUARY. ~' ■ CLYDE CORPORATION. Young Gentlemen as Boarders on moderate terms Cards of which will be forwarded on application. Tj.i NOTICE. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG ladies. QEALED TENDERS will be reoeivecf LACKBEG HOUSE,. k3 at ttie Office of the u^iersK^erl unta 7 v.m. «•> Lpiwr Walker Street,. Dunedin.- the 25th of January for flic EUTIO-riOIT of £ WIRES nnrr-n, i, -d x £F\. x •„ , SUSPENSION BRIDGE <m r ti» jrolyneax Ri*»r, ** f & M±& above iliStabllShment Will be open Plans and specifications uay bu seea at tb.& < -E- on Monday, Ist February, 1875. . of the Provincial Enghieer. Visiting masters in daily attendance. t o j * t i ■ ™ - JI: SPROULE ». reuders to °c endorsed Teiwer 2is»?ge, ar.ct I<> PrincicaL he accompanied with a markea c&iociavlix 5 psr cout/ Terms on application: ;' L l2j a «n the amount of tender. GIRLS'IIIGH SCHOOL, DUNEDIN. u^^^^rt^. d^^ttßdffibto<n**!^<^ mHE SCHOOL "JviU RE-OPEN on benjamin: .nayijor JL TUESDAY, the 2nd February. There are a few * vacancies' for Boarders. Extra Classes as. heretofore „ Jfoyorv for Music, Singing, and German. Council Chambers, Clyde^ . FEES-For-Upper- School, £2. 10s-; for Lower »anjiarv 2nd, 1875., &», School, £2 (Payable in Advance). ■ ____. __■ Girls will be admitted to the Lower School withc«t FIBST-CLASK.FKA>VS: ! Examination if they have reached the, age of about 9 !S ru,.Jr h&hc^L nEx!Ullinatioilbe£ore£ulmlssiottt<) nPENDERS will be received at ft* Im~ ' \f r mm-KTToA*- !«„„■. » Pr<>«»a-5 Government OSees,;Danedia, latttt X'iJa -M- G" BURN, lad} Principal. Noo n o f FRIDAY, the 15th-day of January, 1875, frS? I ~ ~~ " — parties willing to ~ PEOP.EB.TIES TOR SAIiB. Supply the Lunatic, Asylam. <iadng-ES^3 vyith — — ~ — Firsfc-ciass 1- LOUR for Baking purpose^ V X b A JL E. ■ — Either party may terminate tii"* -loiitract by tJw «s«ly A few Choice and.VaIuabIe.FREEHOLD BUILD of Juile> bySirfn? One Mouth'sprev-ioasnotice. rer sitoc , f top nn jvto i - - . The Government will not bcaoaud to aceeai sue*. lixu alibb at IHiS GRANGE,iaving irontages tender. " ~' to Albany,-. Clyde, Leith, and.Hyde streets. F»r further particulars, apply, to Terms liberal. HRViHUiJE; Apply to- I3Ja At theA^OBX. MRWILLIAMHARROP,^ — ■ .—. JE_ Do<*i> and Re-ercctinsr Tferee-st-jrey BRI«*S: KYEBURN HOTEL.. CHIMNEY. Robert Banks, Princes street. ""*•-■"*- FOR SALE~OR-LEASE. SATTRAY STSEETWHARF. ix are instructed to s^U the^aboveweU fTHHE OTAGO HARBOUa BOA^J> known Firsfcclass.Hotel, together with aboutoS Acres - T "'ni recoive Sealed Tenders untn v&m of xiasofFreeho.dla.^^fofwhichissubstantiaHyfenced. The position of this Hotel on the Main Road to the , ¥ . ° Dunstan vi, PaWston and itsc^l situation be- "SSM^SS tween il'Kaes and JSTaseby, via Hyde, gives it con- Chambers. >•»>"».•«■. siderable value as a business site. A Post ORee is on Tenders to be xddi-cssed " Ttaitray «treet TiVliarf"-'----the Premises, aud the coaches change horse* there. Harbour Board Office, Duuedin. . "* I For further particulars, The lowest or any tender not '--ecessMfly accegtetS^ Apply to. JOilN L. GILLIE& OILLIES-and STREET, im S»e«»» ag ,. Or, to Dunedin; CANTERBURY. .'iALuffAVS. THE, PROPRIETORS, _^_ li On t£o Ground. GOODS SHEDS* iYTTELTOST, CAKTERBTKK. TO GENTLEMEN, SPECULATORS, A233> OTHERS. -^~ Ti-i- n o —a a t -n will be r:-raved at tM-* §j; ■ U ±C b A Jj E, Js_ office upto noon on Weducsd&y, Ute2Ttad&v<>f -H4 January, 1575, fertile.const --latiou cf Goods Sheds «fi" That noble estate known as REID'S NURSERY, Port Lyttelton, Canterbury,. -.. ..;s andsoeciacaJwa* Water-of-teieivthat.hassoiDngbeenenved theSec-retary.for.-Bibiva !*«*s by the public to get : a bu2aißg site on it. Tenders msstbe a( i (lrased to the Sec^y teP^ lie Works, Christchureh, Canterburyy aiwi- aiUs>t be- : After more.than 200 applications.foi; plots for build- o«rtside-"* e iKs ß r for Goods Shed, Idling, I have resolved,. first--to offer-it i«. one lot; then, if no satisfactory oiler, is. made, I; shall divide it to Telegrapittq.tenders, siuiilariyadd^ess£«land.mars*.St. suit those numerous applications. will be received; if presented at any tefc^.-apK olftce tjs Ido not think I need raenh-on. the merits of this noon of, pro-rided tkat.written tenaterafit. -lovely-spot, as I think yoiiwill all. own that it is tf« the due i°naare postal prior to th« despatch, oj sudi spot, auduiisuriiassediuHewSealaad. telegrauv. I might mention to., those- t&afc do- not know it. The loi»sst or any tender will not nec6ssa:iiy e% a>^. firstly, ' eepted. ' .-?••- ---CQ3IE A.N.D. SEE IT. THOMAS W3L MAU.D.E,. Secondly, it is.the high, dry,.healtby end of the City, -v - T. n _ &**&"&*«* WVsfese with a.beautiful footpath toyour doors, cabsatvourdis- r-ws^'? i oSfl t> v o, posal anyniinute during Sic-day at the ordinary fares; . Ih^stehurcb, 30th December, 12T4. and above all things, you are-sheltered from all winds, " ————.i with a bene&>of>U.thp.-santtjat shines. LENDERS WANTED: tilt Jfooa oife The Nursery, con.ta.iiss. about 500 of the choicest J»- ' ' '' fruit trees in Otagq, in full bearing; 40,000 aspara- PHIPAY, 15th January, fcr th-5. «recS«a ot {a,* gus, in fuU; bearing, wWah wul stand for 30 ye^rs if ' " '" -'■ required, and realise Jg3Bo per year. Stoae Malting House, 00, &c, 3£- Bijiktfs Otayo. I may no\y finish by- saying that this spot is unequalled, in Ot^gq fos health, beauty, richness, and BrewErjt. shelter, aiid, every, otjjp? advantage. DAVID. RCiSS,. Am W.REID, 1. Mt"*> Nursery and Seedsman, :-i*. Brhaoesstsrest. lid ENDEES WAl^iiED till Nooil 5«.. : s _H_ day, 15th- insfe, for Extenfire ADaiTfOSS ><j-_ FREEHOLD PROPERTY FOR SALE. .FERN BILL, brick, &c. PRE.SHOLI) ALLOTMENTS J> IX TUB ; ' . .——J^-_ TOWNSHIP OF ALLANDALE, MQHB3E.. Apply pobs^e. mo LEND, Sums from £20 -jpni^ THOMAS ALLASc \ , 011,, 1^11^ .security, repayable monthly,^w«v Princes street*'or IteiSy, haU-yearly, yesr^ or. oth,riise. W. fti-. rnnces screttjoo r rymple,jun., Exchaug.-ytvii^oers,Priac«3street S3**ISn, CHARLES REI3., , _„__ — —*5" T^iIEEHOLD CITY PROPSiiTY iM- ' « c- . T ™ Sacßiity, laSninao:£looaadxiptrar3B. > O S A I* E. : lo SS.LIES ASP ¥258%& \ Part ©I Section IC, Block 37, havlas.^frontase "jftS'OSEY TO LEKD, on FEQS&e^K : to Dundas street of 77 feet..with, camnax I¥JL g^^ m faTonrable teas In su^ to " ; d lO usdwelUn ß erected thereof, borrows Lowcat cmimt wteiitf Wen*^J* Corner Allotment adjoining the above, having a Apply frontage to Dundas of 53 ;feet, T and 63. to lo • OOIvJTKLI, und MOOt>B3; Clyde street. ' . Ttt/S- QSIE Y~ T 1 O LESift Section 17, Block 37, having a frontsge of 66&et to JML in vaciaus.sums, u^ >- -Treeliold Securit^U Clyde street by a depth 0f,16& feet current rates. * J: REID HACISENZIE, „ , _ „ , Share snd- Money Broker. The above Properties are well .stocked TiHii fruit 9j a Hi^hste*!^ oa Fre,h^ " RfABgRT,BASKS, J-'-H- Security, m various cunas Slowest ?ittfe of Prlßces-street " H.OWORTH &, HQDG£IN3, Jp O B S- A L E . uj* S°lieit<)r%uT l e«JiR. commodious FAjiiss. REsiDSNCE in Heriot Y^ITY 3JOAN AND DISCOUNT CiV Row; containing (fining and, drawing looms, >-' PRINCES STREET, DUKEDIN. six bedrooms, bathroom, pontry, storeroom, —— kitchen, good c^ar, coal-house, and laundry; An Office is now open for tic transaction, ot 5 £Ct&J£-two-stall stable J wi(jh;;hay-leit J .coaeh-&ouse fc- ""''. IaSCODKT Bigness. two carriages, 4c,, &b r I -1 -^ex advanccv. ..;■. ilerchanuJia, Depogjt ej ?56*dsu Together, wjt& and oa Personal Secuxity.^^ Half-acre o£ ground. LOANS MAY BE BEPAID BT INSEAIKEBTS^ The whole of tie.rooms, sr© large, lofty, and well BILLS DISCOr.JTEO finished, gaa laid, an, and. fitted with large range and register stoves, &a., &c. Money I<cnt on all kinds ot goods, in terms et~»fc^ 3^°rPart?CUl^CT3, HEPBURN, and Co.. itS^S^.'w^^g&ctafe ——*= ■ for Sale. ——*. O R S A L E, — GOOD 3 SOLD cvr COMMSSIOS By Private Contract. JJXrmagaiilm -^ l& . .^v^tM. A. MYERS. A FtrsV^lass FARM, of 1700 acres, in Waihola Ja H^'/vsv District, fenced and sub-divided into It pad- Princes street (Opposiw .-.arC:* Brothti»> , docks, with 300 acres under English, grass, vn? w trit AVT> trttct A\rr» mt\r r<n\ri,M\^? 1 and 40 acros in oats, turnips, &c. HEW ZSALAKD TRUST AND LOAN COMPANY* The Improvements are most substantial and Gom- C<TTMS n f £Aj()(\ *n *9T .-TOft •.•Jttitwxv-*. f ilete, embracing nine-roomed Dwelling House and all J*i U mJS JZLJZZvL O^^S^ * act^ ance«: necessary farm buildings, quick, broom, and gorse £> r?^™?™^" 9 ™™ZT*°**g<>* WJASSV. hedges, &c, &c. HOLD SECURITY in connection therewith, at curpqas,: For full particulars, apply to "'^ Commission cha-ed. 26n MACLEAN BROTHERS COOK and MtFTR, X^OR SALE, BRICK, TILE FIELD, Manse*^^* Daß9#a^ ■*- township of llosgiel. Good plant: lj acre clay land; house, sheds, on ground. Cash. Pro- HAIROXESSSK* prietor retiring business. More particulars, Diclcson, ' _ ii'"J»t v on premises. KOTi^g. FOR SALE, 5-Roomed HOUSE. ~~" Anderson's By Road, J-acre Land ; 7-Roomed TUST OPENKQ, BEST AS.SOR%. House, Dundas street, J-acre Garden; Section St. tr T.rpvr-p ;„ -n-iTcvniv Trs-ir* t»t»«n Leonard's, and extended Township of Rothesay. W iUiNr m flV*™^ HEAD »RESS fBSSi Oram Ball, Priuces street. 14d ia Cryrtal, SteeL, J«arJ, Shell, r.-'t Jet, afe TpOJR, SALE, Thircy-six Acres Land " h BEISSE^ 1? next Bush Inn Hotgl, Bjs«s!iin» c. Bode, Hakircsser, 7n I George street, ■' Prinw?^^

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 4026, 13 January 1875, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4026, 13 January 1875, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 4026, 13 January 1875, Page 3