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__ PUBLIC COMPANIE& r SCOTTISH COMMERCIAL HffSUH- -- *J ANCE CO. PIKE, Ul'B, AND ANmriTDta ««.« ~ . CAPITAL, £1,000,000. HEAD OFPICK : IS3 WRST «EOKOB STEKST GLASGOW. Alex. Cram. Esq.. of ThornliebaDk, CiudrmMi. »• ?^* m EStoft »unr- E*q- GJaqpnt. Ho?b Brown, Jvwj., Manufacturer, C|«mv RlchArdKidstoti,K<kj. (Messrs A. G Kii»toa«<lCaX Glaajfow. James King, Esq., younger, of Cair. ijlb, Glmgow, James Kirklaad, Esq., Cora Merchant, Glasgow. Charles K&ndolph, Esq., Shipbuilder, Ulaagw*. John Moffat, Esq., Ardro3c«n. D. 8, Cargill, Esq. (Mewrs W. Jlllno and Co.), GissgtMr and Ceylon. W. Smith Dixon, Ironmaster, of Govan HOI, Glasgow* makaoer: Frederick J. Hallow*. WILLIAM BIIOWN and CO. Agents lm Ulgartrxw* npHE OTAGO AND SOXTTHLANB INVESTMENT COMPANY (LIMITED*. Incorporated acder " The Companies Act, lStßtf a»dt empowered by Act of tho L«£liilatan» o£ 2C«* Zeaknd. - OFFICES:—6, ADAMS COURT, OLD fcKOAO STREET, LONDON, E.O. i i Cajpital :— cm.m w 100.000 s oases of £6 each. FfKST ISSUK, 60,000 BHABJEB. DiitzcTOßa: S. Bolton Kdenboronfb, Rrq. Alexander Lang Eldor, Esq. t John Harbottlo, Esq. Alexander Morrison, Esq. Joseph It. Moninon, Esq. Jit men D. Thomson, Keg. Auditors : J. Sawyer, Esq. C. 11. Robinson, E&fc Bankchh: Tbe Rink of Scotland, for London and ScoUatadL SciLioiToaa : Mwm Hughos, Ma6t<inn»n and Hughe*, HL ABitteFrlars, E.C. SecuiEiAjiv : Alexander Qnvce, Esq. Oomhittes is Nbw Zkaiahd: W. J. M. Larnacb, Esq., Colonial Manager of t&«Bftnk of Otago, Limited. A. W. Morri», Esq., Dunodin Manage*. Bankers: The Bank of Otago, Limited. Tho objects of Uils Company are to lend mosey oa Freehold and other properties, at locxlemt* r»l*, Applications to bo mado lit tho Co»p»nr> ottlce TESIPLK CITAMHER3, PRINCES BTBEE3S, Next Bank of Otstgo. THE SOUTH imiTJSII FIRE AND marine insurance company or NEW ZEALAND. Capital, Urm.OOO, fri 25.000 Sharon of £9.0 each, wMB unlimited liability of Hluuvholdern. Duux-rons; Chairman—Albert Bvctham, Ksn. Hon. Hen, Chamberlain, M.L.A. < Win. Crush Diildv. J^ij., J.P. Stannwt .lonrK, Ksq. William Karl, K»|. William Morrin, I><j. Joseph How:inl, Em|. <U:xkiiai. Man'a<ii:k: A. Uoartlman. Uankkuh: Union Bunk of Australia. Ukmi Uitick: 20 Qui;eii Htrcet, Auckland. TnrsTKKK ami DruKc-nii-.M, Otaoo Bkascmt: W. 11. Reynolds, I>(|., M.H.R. John Dttvie, Ks<j. (M'l^nilrcss and Co.) Thi-i Company hajibcen csUblhslicd as a purely Now Zcnlnnd inbtitutlon, ullh r.ll Its funds retained tiruk invented in tho Colony. It luvt a very largo un't io~ flueiillal body of shareholders distributed tiirongjumfc the entire Colony, who uro thcinnclvt's Insurcni to f vcrj* considerable atnuunt, and couflcf|ueritly can. Influence a large liusinusn, thus adding to thn scenrityofi the insured and tlir- RiaUiliiy of me Company, tTfv chief features of which nrc a liberal manngemiiut* prompt pnymcnU, rates moderate, and pwnonnt «»- ujjoniiibility of a large body of »)iart'li(jli!eni. Fire and Marino Hl»ks arc now buing taken at >:it*renl rates. W. and O. TURNBULL and CO., Agents Ota go Br;uic6N. 15.Local Agents wanted in Districts where rot yet appointed. 13» TENDERS. CITY OF JiUNEMN. mENDEES willijo received at «ile JL Town ClcrlcV OUkfl. Maura Htreot, mor letiit* Wednesday, SWlh Movtmbcr inst., tit 4 p.m., For FOUMINO DJiAY TItACKB at Canongjrfe and Elm How, Specifications at City .Surveyor")! Oflicc. J. M. MAHSKY, Town Clerk. lfilh Kovctnber, K72. W»DUNBDIN WATER WORKS. rpHE DUNEDIN WATER WOBK.S JL COMPANY invite Tender* for Liying »bo»t Twelve JUJca of Ca«t Iron Wutcr Pli-es, and alt tVa L<:;vU Service Pipes connccUd iherewtth, itttlieetrcet* of Duucdia (the Comimny supplying tbu -whole ol th» pLirit). . I'Jrtjjn and Hpeciftcitions may bo ncen at the- fSagineer*« Oillce until 12 o'clock on Friday, tho "2ntt £n»t 13n JOHN WdUKCOIt, Engin««r. mENOERS. WANTED, for tho ereoJL tion in wood, of Immigrants' Uirrack» k Vorfc WlHfain, .Stewart's liiUuid, for tho Colonial (.!ov«n»----niont. PJnn1! and Specifications to bu Keen at the liumfgrivtion Oillce, Inrercarglll, and at my ofHce. and 'i unites* received by me till noon on ThurKlay, 23th Snst. DAVID 11038, Architect, Un l'llnccaitrcaC. i'OttDURY TAJIK COMPANY, LIMITED. nPENDEBS will be received at mp •cfikfl until 12 noon, TfTIS DAY, for 14 CnaimE BLUE OUU FENCIXO, as per upecincation■-La-bour onlj'. SYDNEY JAMES, Sciiretsry. npENBERS Wanted, by tho New '/m;*- , land Di»Ulkry Co., for Filling In two Jettons In Castle street. For puticuUnt, apply to lUn TIIK MANAUEB. ROYAL MAIL. rt O B B A N D- C O. S Telegraph Lines of BOVAL MAIL COACHES. J. CUAJfhZS AKU CO ..PtOJVIScfOUb. Leave tiw Itooking Office,, Kaiuo street, next 'Wxia'tt Hotel, for all psirta of th& IVovtace. CAIICI\OKS. ' 3. C. as'l C<?. have alway* on hand Uio newest d»dgat in Crottghiinw, Baroucheu, riioetoia. Wow noltes, and Ainorlcan Bujfgl&s of every lUarcriptJoa. CAJtKIAOES Bt/11/r TO OB.DXU. All Umber used hi Uiclr MsnufACtfoy &«•&««« «» fully iwlectwl and Imported direct front AnMrfcs, ut« eeassonod for years before working. Eopaira done In a superior jn*nn«T»Tritfc*J* pa«*bfedlapatcli, and at t!ie lowcs rate*. HAXUTJLXJIOBY USD HXVOSVtOKX^ HTA.rrota> btjuc^tt. Saptalor csrrUce and bngwr nalw, «wMIe, lusraMi and hack*, always on hand fox mm at ewhaug*. lloimm broken to saddle and hat-nan. 0088 and CO., . Btanaoain«l.l>aaediJi. next to Waln'i BotsJL «»-

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3364, 16 November 1872, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3364, 16 November 1872, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3364, 16 November 1872, Page 3