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PUBLIC NOTICES. SUBSCRIPTION LIST In aid of E»tal«ll3lisxg a. LIBRARY of RKFEtIEJf CX :- £ «. Her. Dr JllusLrt 10 0 Hon. J. M'Lton (subject to other nine cqaal »t!b«cription3 bolng given) .. 100 0 David Prondfoot 20 0 E. B. Cargill. M.P.C. 30 0 liis Honour Mr JttAtict Clsaprcin .. 10 0 Stnart H*wthornu . .. .... 20 0 C*»t. J. T. I<«yd .. 10 0 John Hialop .. ..10 0 Hon. Captain Frawr .. : .. 10 0 J. S. Webb 10 0 Jamc* Brotrn 30 0 J. T. Thomson 10 0 D. F. .Main 20 0 Henry Howorth JO 0 L. O. Beal 10 0 Geo. L. Sise 10 0 Geo. Bell .. .. ~ ~ .. 10 0 James Golbraith .. .. .. ..10 0 Geo. Klliott Banon, Jl.r.C. 10 0 W. A. Tolniie, AI.H.K., M.P.C. .. ..30 0 John Reid 10 0 University Professors 100 0 Hod. Robert Campbell 100 0 Lieut.-Col. Cargill 30 o Kenyon and Turton 10 0 V. H. Street 5 5 J »mea Smith 5 0 11. S. Fhh (Mayor) 2 2 Further tubscriplioiis will be received by the ifon. TrtiAsurer. | JOHN" CAKOILL. Acting Treasurer. DUKEDIN JOCKKV CLUB. DOMINATIONS for HURDLE RACE and ST. ANDREW'S BA>"DI<-AP will do.t« on SATURDAY, ltith, at S p m. SYDNEY JAMBS,, 15n Secretary. Nul!ii; OK REMOVAL. JT EXII V WALD EN, CiLASS, PAPKRHANGINGS, «HL AND COLOUR MKRCHANT, Ha» Kcutoved frtjni Staironl street, in those I'Titni'.Ka latc'y otenpied by MESSRS KRISCOK AND CO., Prlnre.i street south. 13n REMOVAL. THE NORTH EASTERN- MF.DICAL E^>TAIJLI3IIMKNT, GroK'fi; vri;EKr. ]>ir*,i ins". T B A X T E R , ?> « i ■'IIKMIST AND DKI-'-'JIST, )'n returuing lii« grat-jful .■i<.-!sn<jw!ei]pnerits to his friend* nn<l the publl*: for thtir \nt'<iutinv sinc-s opening tho above l*"st.tbli*htne:jt» r'speclfully auncmaccit hi* Ittntoval to the New Isiiililbijta ntMrlv opposite, ■a-hero he trrnt", by the o.ver.-.ißo uf tl>e sune ;>erßonol nttcnilon to busiin^s,<;late<l *Ith a lengthened exporif:nce, toet atsreaenntinuuiictof their confidence and Mipport. .). It i.v»ils himself of this opportunity to state th*t he Ims recently m.vle cu-:h »rrant'cr"cnts in Krgl nut ai will cimble him nt iill times t<> nucure a supply of every description of < 'hcmicals ond Drugs of the purest ciiar.icter from Lomlon direct, whkh will bo uswl In dispensing, us well as retailed, in !h<s saiuo unadulterated stale nt import*d. Pliysiiiatis' nnd Surgßons' Prt:scr!pli<vn3. c:»d I'ituiliy Receipt*, dinjieiwed with integrity, uti'J ai ruo-lcrate charges. Perfumery, ftc. * 14n NORTH niWEDIN P."OK. STATIONI.TtY, AND FANCY (;O<JI)S RKPOSITORY, amunK sißi;i:r. 1 1 HAR LE S ~A. BRES SE V takes tiiis ripportuii'ty of informing the public of Duno'Jin and hi* iii:iu\i th.ii l.c couimencetl business m above. The Stock is rvpl'te wi'.h every ruiuinte, itn]>ortod direct from Publishers ami M.-ur.itwtnrers in England, &c t which custoinerß fiivouriinj him with their support will receive the ben*fit of. C. A. B. in determined to «el! at the loivtst jtossible remunerative rj.le.l. Note thy Addrex*.: GEORGK STREET {New Building, four oo<ir» below H«r.ovt-r street), Pottage and Revcnnc Htnmps nn sale. "JY/TR A. A. CATOMORE, Solicitor, Slc, being about to reside at Palincrston, lias transferred hia Euiinew In l>u;iulin to ilr EDWARD COOK, corner of Princes and IHfls street«. Dunedln, November ]»t, !«'?. in TN consequence of the jq.^roacluHg Diswjlution of Partne:x}iip, ull oJiircr i.g.vimt U.c Firm of MARSHALL AND COPELAND >fust be lent In prlt;r to tiic XUi ir-.Ki. Oth November, 1872. 7" DISSOLUTION Oi J-AilTNiiJUUll'. "VTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that _L3I the Partnership h«rtt<.fi.i-e ttlnting between the undersigned ss Tailoru and <'lotliier». under the ttyleof " AUittitnd and f'eunet," has thin day been Dissolved by ujutua) i.onsent. rlhe lihsSlcss will in future be carried on bj the said Robert iieunt-t, who will receive all debts due to tin; firm and pay all liabiiities. •7OHN MAITLAND. ROISERT BEXNET. Witness ; Hijim M'Liwip. Duncdin, HovantUr lilh, IST2. In rcferecce lo the atave. I bug to lhank the numerous customers of the hue (inn for their past support, and hope, by pjyiog Btritt attention to bu»ine*«, and Htipplying suen an artM'i as will give (fneral tutioftu;tton at the lowest possible price, to mutit an incrtaited ■bare of public patronage. At present I beg to draw the attention of gentlcmeu requiring a flrst-ehis Huit to my New Stock of CLOTHS, TWEEDS, Ac.. Ex Peter Denny, Which were selected wiUi raote and apractk&l kuo-r-Icilge of the bnsine: b, aud canu«% fail to give satisfaction. Itfn UOBEP>T VESSEX. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. "\TOTIOE IS HEREBY 01VEN, that Jl^l the Partnership hitherto existing, between <»eorge Coddard and lhomaa Herron, UmJcniakets. Anderson's 15ay, was this dny «li£>:olvcd by mutual consent. OEOROE OODDAKD. TIIOAIA.S IIKJMWN. Witn;a»- ilvau ll<(S-. November 15th, 15713. g~g~e~kTs b h o s. HAVB P.RMOVKD i'ROM GEOIIGE STRKET to OPPOSITE THE HOSPITAL, <iftEAX KINO ?>ii[EAp"FAKESI CHEAP FAKES! \y —- Exprc*i Line of Coaclws lo PALMEESTON will leave Scandinavian Hotel, Madagcwi fitreet, Dun edin, TUESDAYS, TiIUB.SDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at 11 a.ra. ; returning from Royal Hot*'. Palraoreton, MONDAYS, WEDNXSPA\ S, and iTEI DAYS, at 9 a.m. Faro each way ..■ 7b <Jd. lja _^ SMITH and CO. PUBLIC COKPAMBS^ RE AUSTRALIAN" ALLIANCE ASSUP.ANCB CO. (Empow«,Te4 by «peelal Act of E*rli»ater.t), ESTABtISIIEO I'CJI FIRE AND iIARIKB TNRVHANCB ar.A KJDEL OUAIUNTEE. Tfeo underslgnetl feave been aprKfotedi ■Agents tor the above Cosopwiy (wiUi whicli is incorporated the Anstialasian Insurance <.'■(>.), arid are now prepared to accept Itiskii in oil the nlwve a>fcctlose«l branches, oo tho most favourable terms. DBIVEK, STEWART, unA CO., High swtfct Dnnedin. V\ O VEiiNMENTLiPE INSU RAKOE. VX Socnrity of Policies guar.*i.te<>d by the Colony. Low Hates of Prs-mium. . Conditions of Policies free from uli becdlwui restrictions. Settlement Policies iv favour of wife and children rnoTSUTKD from ojieraUtn of Uiinknaptcy L*wm, ia tcrnw of " New Zailand Covcurnin^iiijl'ssuranco and Annuities Act, 1870." Projtoaal Forms, Tables, with every iafcrmation, may be obtained at any JXoney Order Post aflic* in th« Colony, from Ocorgc W. Eillott, Esq., or f«im 2I«S ARCH. BAJiK, Chief Poitm*et«r.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3364, 16 November 1872, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3364, 16 November 1872, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3364, 16 November 1872, Page 3