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SALES BY APOinON, FOJtSALE. PHBMO WMPAMIE& _• DENTISTS, BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. MEDICAL TOAX, aRAIH, WOOL, a»d OTHER Q *V g^A L * TOOTAL -IKBnRAWOB COMPANT. established » A CROWN OF BEAUTY. nriHE GOSPEL OAK IRON AND "OEWARE OF IMPOSITION. COLONIAL FBOXWGK. ErSlrWtn, W*JW Wild »«*/&«., Ac. Ire, "\f" R ALFRED BOOT, JA" X «^VANIZBDIRO^ AND WIRE X> -^j^^.--"-- as»— •gj.S.tLSi-rr:: =5= -j^ T «H2K celebrated «dio».^ ~~~l^S~^ g&«dO»«PW_ M^£^tSi tUDl^to»forl«t 3n « Xlfe GEOW AXD MECH.IMCAI. DENTIST. B ABBY'S XBIOO PHBBO U 8 S^Th^L^^^^ OOUKBRFEIXBD BAWBJAV OjhJULY. ?^C" M _. rmR „ TTrF —_ rf M r italMri I. (k. ta. W» U tab Win »ta» Ih. fti»*t «l luaA-t hrir. to Ml ll^^W^^SSr^ffiliJr' Andare b*« dlsUibafcd throughout the Colonr **»««**• (fcrtorOil- **• *2"* ff* L__?LL'S^Sl Ji 11 CoBa»«> . ■ Watchmaker, vigorous beauty. For 70 yean Unas been In constant The price i» now greatly reduced. , H ,MiM» u r M i M KOOKS ft^^SP ,w *«*U»«*I«rtBWUMXYIoIta Opposite the Bank of New Ikmth Wale., n dnk m( ( MaH rt m itUU Tryit, Works-Gospel Oak Iron Work,, Tlpton. unprincipled D^er*asGenuine. ffi&ffiti&vtk Wb.n.h.UnowExt^ct^Teot.^ecU^thout Tryit. * Mitn, Works, Wolverha.nptoa — E. r«»rid^rh» I**.* %£?££)£'&& A*-*.** Doted*, NIT^S "o^E °OAB. ESTABLISHED, 1801. W^ou^Z^T^U^d:^ The Unde«igne4 info™ the PubUc tha* M'LANDRESS, HEPBURN, and CO. S.rSV^^ "™M™K *** "*&_*_*. AxUfldalTeeth»i O^U,B.^CW«. »«•*•<»**. »«•*•**. ItlstheChespes, ffl c.-74,KU, g wm J!^n> e ,Lo n <1on. »my AVER'S we instruct*! ),y tl>« Importersfto .sell by «u«ar, Te*, iklce, Middlenm B^te, &c, &«. «tt October. 1871. m Axtlfldal Tocth *i Ore»Uy EoJooed Ch«g«i. uaubvo m»r/,/x« m -T»/vrt« "IT* S. CLEAVER'S n^rorATrxr-r* ™-«rm a«« ,v_, wuiUm.aitbfclr lUwuu, Mjuiw rtmrt, on BMunta/, K. B. MABTIN and Co. — Pleaw Note the Address. BARRTS TRICOPHEROUS Jj # piuzk mkdal COMPOUND EXTIUCT OF 7T~i 8 A I. * T tT^^ mßTr E? a TJOWARD & BAYMOND, fob the haib. „on ey soa p. SARSAPARILLa, J H everyv*riety,f,lUr_ t «n, O * V^ "' V^JgLZtSIZL* ***** "^^EON AND MECHANICAL DENTISTS B^^^J-^l^..**!! fc.J&U, Soap AVER'S Terms at sale %\r T V******4*- W. & O TOBNBULL 4 CO., HOMEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, Ac., thick, soft, and glossy. Pure Glycerine Soap _Z!!fi^l!r; 1» __ igentsforOta«*. IJa Prince. Street. Dunedin. — 80AP8' T M-nhawLtow S«p CHERRY PECTORAL, . MOVOiY fit! rtllY ■■ : Elder Mower Soap ' \uV***L " au»h;«i««w.fciu M , M d««Mjuid M qcxn-ITOH COMMERCIAL IKSUB, BUSINESS NOTiraES. ~~ baeey-s safe haib dte Carbolic Add^o^rtn. top. AVER'S AGUE CURE, """ Figs, JomUa ft»l VoJmtci* Alaonda -™. ,«■**!!££* I» dear and cleanly. It has only one bottle, and 15XTaAC f T? VOR J Jockey Club Bouquet .»„ """""K: 1""""1 .-mUim """•cS^H.XS 1118- ANDREW !EK 8 , ™So m , S"^.^ A ™ ._ KBA» OFFICE: m WEST dBOfiOK STEKW -«L Painter, Gl**lw, and P»jNerh*ager, and dye. »Ny sh«le/rom Ught-brown to black, and ia fjSSrow OH ' AVER'S TMT«LANDRESS. HEPBURN, and CO. *■». **"*!. r S|^ k , SSSSS W^^a^^^^X w™^ not to -urn lead or any iniurious fohades. {^aS- BdcAc&c CATHARTIC SUGAR.OOATED JWadlcod lujd (»., on Monday. Bth July, «it 12 o'clock, Hennesay«asd nJni»'» Braadr Hn¥ b B^own^ *H/ M»nof»ctnxer, GUngow. **^ „ ,*' „ , Wholemla AgenU for New Zealand:- „. * ?*Z ", * Z^^\, „ riXtUO, _. ~' , v , f ~ ~ „ «enneM7ji«Dai«a«»jjr»aiqr Ei3*id KJdfton, E»q. (Memw A. G. Klditon wid Co.) Oppodte the Eoy^ Qeor«e Hotel, VIOLET POWDER. Jktlntof fOtD >C 0"" Genera, IT. EL wd Co T Ol*^ o*^ ,„ , „ George .treet Dunedln- KEMPTHOKNB, PKOB3ER, and Co., Rosemary and CanUiarldlno Hair Wash. in ous. bottlw),, CW«. kU«. «.rth«««. k»p™. w OlWatcr^ W^Te-,^ JaS %^«^ Se^^L^ TO A N~t OTTNB It V Dunedin and AuckUnd.. ToUet Vine«ar, and every d^ion of ToiM Soap *.«*«* prepared for Au.tnUl. and New fa»n-y g«xb, tic, &c, &c. «uwraiß»w,n«»,*«i ( «i Cluurtai Randolph, Btq.,BUpbtdldejr, Glasgow. Y^ ULO A N FOUNDRY, _^ Manufactory land. In a peculiar manner, to withstand Uio effecta t t " — Perrier'.Ch.^ip^n* D^a ctSl'&M^iSTMltanandCoX Ol«(fO» Om« Kxno 8»««r, ©oimoai. , W AND W, BED LION STREET, UOLUORN, a long sea voyage, and the various ct^nge. of climaU. The above cwipriilnv the remain* of the bent a«- 0*lwal««d Btr*ad awU%lon. ' KINOAID, M'QITKEN, and CO., T^KATI'S fTELEBRATPD RO4T><s IX)NDON. The outaldo wrapper beam the name of sorted *totk in hvw /iealand, afronl» a rare chance •*• • u*>w*u »na » *^m«m tj>*i«aja«o twmafl w Smith Dixon Ironnuister of Govan JIM Glasgow. BoUennaken, Enebieers MlUwiighU, Konaders |^»x*AXV B UJ3iIxBiUIVAJ.JJii» BUAfO, Dkot- Parih. Oja "^ SaraEffiffiW^ W,« An^-««OTS'iS fci .d-.:-«. t S?^ SPSSS FA™SHiiSSSSF^ HENRI J. HAIIT, l^^Ml. «, BylaM'sFe^W^^etoW ™«AM BEOWN and CO. Agent^ ■«*££*»*£ %£ SLSTSSi.'SSSS A«Mlto T J. 00BDES AN DCO «^^L AGENT FOR AUSTRALIA AND !!liL!LL ± cholct ««!-«*, or Teas,« Bonnie IHuAeld -„, A^ A^ TTmTTT 4 ~ SSSiff Aft KBaFTHOSHI. PROSSEE, and CO., J . the Patent and £i? MalLturers of the NEW ZEALAND. TUESDAY, Oth JULY, q^j^qq A2 j(j > SOUTHLAIfD $£2™*Z&J* a*l :J^LK?"ik^&^lSta! Dtmedln and Auckland. weU-known Patent Wrought Nails commonly known . ' ~ , ' CARGELLB and M'LKAN I pi»M» puocnea to any sue of hcae; gold dredging M AUi°_ ClOtk' L COMPANY (LMITED). T^b^t^l^^^^o^^^^L " EWBANKS NAILS." Th. BPUBIOUB AR TI CLE. In all probability.. IfOUSPHOLD FUBNITURF TkT AW TA-^rkiMf' *«• ™P*i*»& J flax Jre*sln« maehlniM made to otd«r. 'leslro to make It known that they have iuloi.Ukl a wi» be offered to RcUil and Coantrjr Storekeepen»» HUUMSIIUMJ r-UitMTUKK, "T^T Q \y LANDING, _IZ _ |IHLORALUM. STAB or CROSS m their Trwle Mark, ami that all ft reduced price; but they aro Biwdally cauUonod -*-' . .....— » . .„_ TT^ TT'Kri?r\Txr ttj nicr mrtß r a v/ nails now mode and sont out by them, except clasii, bear , M*LANDRESS HEPBURN and CO ExTronildte*- locorponited andor Tlie Companies Act, lBflt," llUrtiiil^llN IIiUJN VVUiiiVO. thl« mark upon their bewls, and that within every against purchiwing, as DR. AVER'S AGENT is IN-Ki£^-£to£ ™ -Tftft"—^ •" °f th° LCgißUtaW °f "- R- S" BPAS"IW TIDi BAL)NK ASEPTIC. "ARMLESS AS CSfflffi naTe SfLiKi U "^ * TO TAKE CRIMINAL PROCEICDING3 Sr. 2lh July! atl2 o'clock?, ' g J* iJ^JJIJta? Ze&Und. IBOS BHiP-BtJiLD«RB AjfD Bou.«aMA«-E*» COMMON SALT An* n*iU' therefor». *>•«<* »re "<>l distinguished as »«»«n«t «» who may offer the same for sale. The whole of bi/nDerior'honMho)d rnraltnre, corn- 20 cJ^ndheTriDp JSdS??*SSiVdoS? llah^ " V*""'"" E^ANK^T 1 NAIIJJ." Tho PUBLIC aro thercforo respoctfnlly soUdted to * dh.l*, UMe, .aho.any 100 UM., B£f Kfwhite herring OmOB:-^ ADAMS COURT, OLD BBOAD A SAKF ODOUBXM NON POISOXOTTS carefully inspect the wrappers and botUe. before pardi.UTOomW'dmwlß^ «.!!• in 10 poeketa by* SSSSSK? iSSMn£? Iff % %SSI A SAFE, ODOURLESS, NON-POISO>OUS _ chasing, and to reject as spurious aU that aro EO t • walnul,cariH(ts.inahoKanychcKUofdrftwor«, BTKEKT, LONDON, K.O. tabular botfen roqnlrinK no brickwork; and general DISINFECTANT. DOS WORKS-.-NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, above described. dnwing kUw. bedsteads, wash-sUnds and no ,^. wtMon . loith work. Add/ess-Sumberland street, Duiedln. . ENGLAND. toilet seU, crystal, pictures, Ac, Ac, TO-ABEIVK, cl NAPfEK — — HENRI J. HART, Also, /jo rajutg mo vestAs n« •>.».#. s~\. rVLC*r\Tß>f\rr'KTkT>'V \TARROiV ANI) HEDLEY'S utensils, Ac, W, Ac 'S Tpllwl Oamtai,:- QTAGO I 0 UN DRY chloralom prevents Contagion. X SMALL STEAMERS & STEAM LAUNCHES, 8, Queen street, Tonnscaih. Cjy 200 do brandy XfiOO.OOO LN 100,000 BEULBEB OF M EACH, WTT tfl m wrTanK It arrests and prevents Putrefaction. Built of Wood, Iron, or Steel. Melbourne W> <jrs do v-«r«« 5 t .a «._«•« 23 feet long, seats for 8 persons, complete, from £2(50 The attention of Fanners or parties with Uinlt«d SOO cue. Sir B. Bnrartt« «W torn FIRST ISSUE, 60,000 SHARES. EsorN.KK, Boiuuucucu,^ IItOWiroCHDHE, tJid It absorbs Noxious Oases. to^-5 Tho above Elegant Preparations long been ie capiUl. d<siirous of entering on Sheep or C.ittle Farm- M cir-caskn dn vimsgai Bi*ckkmtth. j wmoT u^ 8mo u» 80 feet long, seats for 14 persons, complete, from £315 S reparations uj^o long oeon ie Ing, is especially drawn to ■the following advertise- 1«> cases «U» do r.-i n ». i^ , t 'TTi,ri._ ..^ to £203 commended by the Medical Profession, and command ««nt:- J{ SSEfip. D-aEOxoB,- BSft?^sd2^"^ — 37 feet scats for 20 arsons, comp !e te, from £270 tt world-wide reputaUon, which is suftlcient guaranty - M 0N A fl;'ti ULY ' 1 ""S 1 "'S^, George Hay Donaldion, Esq. Xuif <SJS£ lf^^^d^^o!?^ »* • A.ttapllo Astringent for Internal or 43 tot tag. seat, for 30 persons, complete, from £390 of thoir utility and genuineness. "— " £ c^ aw»«i Aj±teta^&_£!f sgaarSdr* "^ Priw>'" Jhta™l UsotoMedlelne:andlsthernostrelkbl° wf^i^. •—'««> i—- «*,p>^. *™ «« — GILLIES and STREET -«u«h«ndWuo John HarboJtl^Esq SICK-ROOM DISINFECTANT. & C . <U*U &c . &c , -AVER'S HAIR VIGOR have received instruction!! from the Hon. Dr. 40 cases sairdines t«2Sa r MW-^'S?' OTAOO PLUMBEB, COPPER, & BRASS WOBKS „ .. , , _~ „,. .- , ,„_„ Steamers up to 45 feet in length can be transported Menxlei, to offer for s»le. by public auction, in their 2CB i»ckagC9 olljacn*»storca. Joseph R. Morrison, Esq. From the London Times, September 2_nd, 1870:— on a ship's deck entire, ami remty for iumicdiate uso FOR Jiooms. Princen street, on Monday, Bth July, at 3 James l». iDtomson, Jssq. PUBLIC NOTICE. On the Purification of Public Thoroughfares—" It Is on arrival, or shipped in aor more sections. RESTORING THE NATURAL VITALITY AND o'clock, ... The above may lie used for co."veving passengers, BUN No. S3, NEILL and CO., AinttToaa : FTIHE Undersigned beg to illform the to BurP'med M a Precipitant and deodoriser of carrying cargo, or aa tugs. COLOUR OF THE HAUL In the MaUura District, Province of Otngo, Bond street. J. Sawyer, Esq. C. H. Boblxuoo, Esq. X Trade and therPublic generally, th* ttbey h»w «w»ge." TtotoWwrUngmM 8000 SSSftJT —— - W^^.^ KEMPTHORNE, __ "'^^^ 350 Head of mixed cattle, lEONMO NOE BS, Bouoitobs : %™. 0^ " V.M*** 1* % "**" Machinery Supplied for Boats Built Abroad. Whole^le AgenU for New Zealand :_. PRINCES STREET AND MORAY PLACE, „ TOt «-* ay v «* a*» Best Yellow Metal .. .. Is9d M YARROW and HEDLEY Alargeproprrtlonof which arc .payed Cow* and Dwn*di», Mesan Hughe.. Masterman and Hughes, 2«, Awitln Eng4ne.Bosses .. |,0d „ Engineers and Builders, Isle of Dogs, Poplar, London. P. HAYMAN AND CO., aeirew. Md Steera nt for falUn.ii.ff. They arc Beg to Inform tlieir numerous wholesale and retail JfrUvrs, JS.O. an^urcS JJelis .. 2s „ Prospectuses may be obtained at the ottlce of Uila importkim AVn OKVKRAI MFTtnifAWTO Blra, mortice. dea<l, und drawback locks nftymrrn ™ Ni« 7iiTAm' Estimates given for the manufacture of Brewing Calvcrt's Pure Carbolic Acid, Medicinal. THRASHING MACHINES, 1/ LAJliMia UUUUrI JL<U/iJkWlxl_S. Liberal terms will be f;iven, Rim, plate, mortice, and other latches w«»j™ i» «if *""»»• and Distilling PUnt. Meat-Preserving PUnt, Water Calvert's Scented and Household Carbolic Soans Single Doublo, and Treble Blast, with Patent Rolled -*,*- , , 41#1 7— . . , „ . Brass and Iron tower bolts W. J. M. Larnach, En, Colonial Manager of fte EngLues, Pumps, Steam and Hot Water Apparatus, c^^r Bt*el Jkatcr I>ktes. atul "ll olhor rccotlt lvi" ~ V^ r' U of years' expor onco has fully conPor further particulars apply to American cJwiin spring bolts Bank of Otago, Limited. Baths: WatefClosets, both public and private; tsA <«▼«*■ Li«uld Bad Powder Cwbolto Acid Disin- provoments. "«c<l tbe superior ropuUtion of thpsa Lounges, te, Por further p. rUcutora apply to Brass and ixon hinge.., of every description A. W. Morris, Es<i., Dunedin Manager. every description of Plumbor Work, Gai-flttilng, and fectants. tho cure 0 Aslliiua, Winter tough, Hoarsenm,. GILLII-S nn.l SIUELI, Ewbank's and American cut nallH BeUhanging, &c., &c. N.8.-Dlrect Importers of all Tba above preparations are well known and oxten- Grinding Milk, Saw Benches, Straw Elevators, Sec. t>»»ortness of "reath, and other Pulmonary Maladies. Lawl and Estate Agents, ttalvanized, Gospel Oak, and every other make of Bahkjhw : materiali connected with the trade. «i- ft i v „ A* !n . vtirv nnart4 , r nf th« bold In boses, tins, and l«tUo«. 37jn Dunedin. niiila *"" *" Address-A. and T. BUST. Princes street north. meir used in every quarter of the globo. Tlje STEAM ENGINE TRIALS of tho ROY A L kKA TI N 1;' 8 WOPM TABLET _J! Japanuod and tinned iron shelf brackets The Bank of Otago, Lizuited. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand: AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 01' ENGLAND, K*"A, Uftl * "v v , iABLKi, THIS DAY Sash, fasteners sash lifts rack pollo/H Oxford 1870 a purely VegoU}»lo Hwectmeat, both in appearance A"2°^ v- g;r^~»vK«.t^^ isr* h- a^,^s,Ki?s^5 qa;^s;i qonnell and moodib, «**„»-.«_«*.- ..L.^sx^..-^ FINE ARTS. tialvauized oral and round washing tula LICENSED LAND BROKERS AND jflmt Prize for Steam Enirino with Bollor ospccliiiiy adapted for Children. Bright socket and centre strap C.B. spades TEMPLE CHAMBERS, PRINCES STBEBT, SURVEYORS >-s.r,-vroTTH/rorT.r/Axr nx l a«■ _• combined. jlll ll» tln»ttn<l »* IMPORTANT HALE OK GENUINE OIL Parkcs's. Lyndon's, and Black 1! spadea and shovels Next Bank of OtaKO !Bd | IOJNbUMJrIIUJN. — Oheßt Affections. At the present Trials of Steam Engines at Bury KEATING'.S PERSIAN INHKCT DEBTKOYINQ PAINTINGS. Cast iron and enamellefl sinks - ' mrrci TrKmfPtyarrn<rtrr\ w» T»m> 18°7, Clayton and Shuttleworth took ALL THE POWDKR. iwi,mi m n f v,n, « n . fHi «„.„„,,„, «,„ T*.!,,, Ojwn, close, and wool-border«l mats vrt . w Tmm .. Nn w F ■!_--& UJNUiSiHttllxlMJliil are iTUlfc- . FIRST PRIZES FOR ENGINES: tilso a Prku of This Powder in <|ulto lumnless to animals, but un™llr.riX?ltfrL« n rn!uJm n Pan and driving door scrapers JUKIS UKBUKA.NOJS. X. : „„„,-.-, OR rnTTRPnrTTN miIPS W TTVPOPrTntI £« for Thrashing Machines, and Uie Society's Silver rivalled in destroying every species of inwjet tn «dlxnasteni) in elegant an 1 mnwlye Wit Fra.uc«, N.8.-Every dc-scriptlon of cooking, office, register, CRASHES of GOOD OATS and WHEAT. »fi CHURCHILL S BYBUPSOF HYPOPnOS- MedaL CUyton and ShutUeworth havo recefved First sU^.i of metamorphosis. Atiormcr pure lawir s nsK. .. and other Stove* always on hand. Lea_»ingxo» and „»««««,,,,„, ~,,, imcßiirrv 1. ft. ft*fi fc w_ r, m ,n,»mmT 1. nn PHATE OF LIME, SODA, AND IRON, Priaesat nil TriaU of tho Royal Agricultural Society Kohl in packets, tins, and bottles, of various Mares. The Balancu of this Consignment. otbcrllangea. ljy PROMPTITUDE and LIBERALITY in the Setltle- W. &O. TUBNBULL * CO. ' ' of England at which they havo competed since 18-19. Caution. —The public are renuiistod to observe- / xnent of Claims • the LOWEST BATES OF ISU» December 187 L 14d recommended by the leading physicians in Europe. N.B. All tho principal Makers of Portable Engines, that all tho above pri'paratloiis bear Die Trade Mark. Ti OBF, 11 'I' TiARK ami CO s~\. "W Q A T TP &c. compete for this Society's prizea, being the only Sold by all Chemists and Diruggist*. I<S». Collection of valuable paintings. iJyasas stout, green label v GULATIONS. Occidental Botiae Department. Mamse street. Bft KEMPTBORNK, PROSSEB, and Co. cal experiraonte. C. and S. therefore do not com- JIJ RODYNE.—Vice Chancellor Sir W. Pago Horn on view at tho room* of tho Aueticmi-crs. I>o porter, red do, qts and Wnte, pete at any other Shows. Wood sUted publicly in Court that Dr J. Collis Browne• __I™_^ H.—_r* brandy, qr^k.-^^ MESSRS GILLIES AND STREET, LONDON PIANOFORTE AND MUSIO CLAYTON and sITuTTLEWORTH. wl^^S^&lSfft^^ THIS DAY Currants, 1 cwt. canes y Lak» ani> Ehtatk Aokktb. Pxunckm BTKicur. SALOON. TTfc A T"NT TTTT.T,'K''R STTPP'RSIR'nTiin Having for the third time made a Reduction in untrue, and he regretted to nay had been sworn to.— SATURDAY Oth JULY Dunkijin, Lfaxivjvijjijjixi ausrrjrvanujuu. pr}c(a rorteed Catalogues can bo obtained at Stamp Bee the lime», July 18, 18tM. AlWtfcloek. J. WRIGHT, BTKPUKK3ON, CO. Qf ~ A — £J«_S& JS?"liM""" 1 StrCOt« L°nd°n v fcJ. OoUU Browne's Chlorodyne.-.Tl.e BightHon _>BAWING-ROOM CLOTis ; VKUY ELEGANT, STAN DABD IRON WOBKB. weU-known and long-esUblished Office, JQRARDS PIANOFOETES WES T O N'S WIZARD OIL, Tarleton street, Liven^^ SS!SSMaiK' UNDER GLASS .SHADES, - mHE NORWICH UNION FIRE FOR SALE OB HIBB, The Great American Remedy for iTiROSSE AND BLACKWELL'S m»«»8 <" ">» «f^t Uiat tho only remedy ol say i_ n«v» Sirlkn flmir« Hal/ !>rmrs »t /-. • » n I i«orr D i «no onmwrnf I ; AVVy"kJJJ ■"■^■^ uuauii. n uuu kj service In cholera was Chlorodyno.—Boo Lancet. De--14 Oa/s. Strike Jloun and^llAlMiour.. >-v jf g A L E . -*- INSURANCE SOCIEI'Y reO M BHEUMATISM, NEUBALGIA, GOUT, and all V^ CELEBRATED OILMEN'S STORES, ceuibar 31.1WW. "I> OBE R T B ARE and Co.. V > ni -., f n IMBfllnn nor^ir^^- ™,™h. (Ewai»i.uiiuu» 1707 ; Bkorganihkd 1821 X «to 250 GUINEAS. Inflammatory Aches and Pains. Ml Warranted ofSu^rior Quality. Dr J CollU Browne's Chlorodyne-Extract from. »"v. ..... ... , „ .. ? virays Ona>m|ilon Double Knrrow Ploughs. * — Medical Times. January 12. 1800; — Is prescribed by « « »are '""t"101*'1 J 0 "ell hT I'uWlc tluclioi>. »t Stationary Engine (8 horao-power), wiS Cornish Are now prepared to undertake the INSURANCE Pickles, Sauces, Syrups, Jams In tins and jars, BCOrea of ort hodox practit/onera. Of course it wouM. *rfTi^.iSrl^a.VllS J Wbr MrS.loa.on. BuX^t^S^t'^^%^. Manufaeinred to Order wit^ Action, n „ to .^ rtlW. To U^ dW 5t nOt ""^ *" —— J^ i^uSS^^-SJK an^l STSe cS tonC«^'«^ «-who have u«d it. no second n^mmendaUon FnjH, in = d^^"^-^^g. j> Chlor^o is^h^^j.. SA,.UR^tb\n,LY, ± O^^^J^^^ «^ (^^^^^ Of^. C HABLES BEGO. U^j-^ta^^^^ fi3t«3_^ S XM^«^ At 12 o'clock, and rudf-p-t oin Evenh,,. A GEIOULTUEAL IMPLEMENTS information as the Society's Bates and Prln , J^J) TRANSFER ACT, 1870. who have tried It. Oufst^'.u pSi g^-4^gtfcSt"™ wS"'^X <C^BroS: -C*- eiples, or as to Special Rates, may be obtained ftree | j * tins, Peas, Carrote, Beans, and other vegetables, Pre- Chlomlyne" on tho Government stamp. Overwhelm. FINAL SALE BY AUCTION, and on application personally or by letter to tho STRKET served Hams and Cheese, Preserved Bacon, Oxford ing medical testimony accompanies oich bottle. SoUOn tho Premisos, Princes .Street. HEAD OFFICE FOB OTAGO, Lkeosed Land Broker. Weston's other preparations can aUo be obtained and CambriJge Sauwges Bologna Sausages York- manufacturer, J. T. Davenport. 33j, Great BnsseU! _ ~»»»»!./-• 11 1. 11* WAnffTWRHV ""*"""' ■"■«»« _M«mw. ..r... , ~ „ , , shire Game I'Atis Yorkshire Pork Pitis. lonKue«. streot, Bloomabury, London. Ihe luumenso demand. The romalnder of Mr John Gallytherj. stock of MACHINBBY. Messrs GILLIES and STREET, Agents ; from the Solo AgonU for Now ZeaUnd, Game; lWtry? hum Pudding, Lea and Perrini enablw thu proprietors to reduce U>o ]Mcc ;it 1> now tweeds, clothing hosiery Ac, i Sec. : ulso, b BOBEBT GILLIES, rpirrrHnßWir ramflVß «a m Worcester Sauce. «"•"» K)ld in fWe»/l« IW, 2sod, the counters shelving and fixtures, lerms Or of District Agents, as nnder:- Lto-«4 Sorreyor. KEMPTHORNE, PBOSSER, and Co. S^^of t he above and numerous other table double <,uantlty hitherto. caah. Positively the last Kilo. Portabta Steam EngUiea and Thrashing M-cbine. iujxxutha Thomson and Macdonald deUcacles may always be had from most Storkeepors. Wholesale agent* for New Zealand:: Moon KmnpTIT BARNETT AND CO., Double and Single Furrow Plough* Oamaku Maude and Bee MONEY TO loEND ON FREEHOLD SECURITY — thorne Procter and Co. Dunedin. talk. T W m AUCTIONEERS ™_ „ -v \t. , Otakja Peter Leltch CAUTION. —__—»___. ; Cnaffcuttora, Oat Bruilsora Pomt Chalmkks....M. Joyce Offices: Corner of Princes and Dowling streets. T ACTEOUS FARINA, Jars and bottles should invariably be destroyed ivhcn : _-==___________= vnvnAY AI'fTST CnlUvatore, Horse Ho«, and Seed Drills Boux«i.a«o H. J. Gibbs and Co., Invercargfll .Li MOTIIVM - MTTIC BtniaTmTTl , empty, to prevent the fraud of refilling them with fTIHE OTAGO DAILY TIMESnIO^JJAi, otli AIA. Lbl, ..,.,, ToxoMAiiimo To be appointed -rr a -n -m-n « -mTTiimrvKT MUTUB-S MILK HUBariJL U iJs, native productions. f ,„ fl , « #___„#„_„_„„♦ At noon. Cheese Pret^nwd Ctird Mill. . Waxouaitx Robert Oxley (ijy f( HAR LE S BURTON, twpantS- »non Goods should always bo examined ujwu deUverjr, to A y ,"^/Y "'fiSS?.^ T.m, f !,n Bansome'sAAjiu.taWeCorn Screen asd Winnow - = LICENSED STOCK AND SHABEBBOKER, INFANT^ FOOD. detect any attempt at sutetltution of articles ol'in- g £lS MM Undk SALE OF GOVERNMENT LAND IN THE ,_ g Machine. PUBLICATIONS. 46, Queen «t«et, Auckland. ~ _, .... „, ~ Every Cork 1. bran^withttosse and Blackwell's V,° rt*V "^^i!? 1&1^ J-IlA*1 CITY OF DUNEDIN. Horn Powe^ &«., Thi. article on Sale; and the high medical tasti- name . OoToi a^i^Wi'iXib^o I_* T , „—; T V W Tl T BOBINSON AND ca WISE'S NEW ZEALAND DIREC- Prompt Accoont S.l«. monyof Dr McCrea, Chief Medical Olßcer, Victoria; C ROSSE ANd"~BLACKWELL, Gonlon and Gotch's, Sydney 3MwSo,crforSeb.JpubJcauS ir , E a ttS Z£ZTL»^ TOBY is the best Advertising Medium In the ZT^^uT^X^ ZTZn^ZT^7Jz2::I' B Z BO^^t L^DON. AGENIjm OTAGO, XmndOffice, Dunedin, on Monday, the Oth August, Draft Orders payable through the Bank of New «»»™ n«raw™ m ™ atw« At the Paris Exhibition of 18C7, Three Prize Medalfl Tn „, lt IoWN Ao I ?, K7T*-. » *l 12 o'clock, the undermentioned Freehold City QUAJtTZ. MACHINERY. Colony. Zealand Auckland. 2. KEMPTHORNE, PBOSSEB, and Co. were awarded tc Crosse and Bliickweil, for the marked p Mtt-heU " X street XftD^kXLlX..Dune r Un City, coining 1 rood ___ Advertisers are guested to send in their announce- ' superiori^ of their productions. "ft-j™" 5-5--— SSn^^SST^S^ n^entsatonccasthe Dunedin portion of the work A, MAmAOT OB_a_* " QINGLETON'S SARSAPARILLa'. MEDICAL, r<ffl!gl»_- ."SffiSS Mr Gray. Umber yard. TDIOR SALE, CHEAP— goes to press In a few days WOOLLEN MANUFAOTUBEBS, J^ ALL WHO SUFFER FROM INDIGESTION A.Sligo.. .. .. George street Upset price, £250. X? ' MOS GIK L ThLi famous article, and favourite brand, is fut SHOULD USE Covwtrt Aoimra. - 20Pcot"OTO»UoolWhert THE OTAGO WITNESS — ' «*«« din« *U othem Sold^everywhere by Drug- CAMOMH.E PILLS. iSr" 1.? " ." J?£f Sections 3,4,5,0,19, ami 20, Block XLVII., »■»«.*• vx^.«v »TXAA^XiK»o _«_,_ o-,--™,, r^nrwr^rm #**» Storekeepers, and Hotel keepers throughout the i.l Sold cve l7 where. Blacks A^R-Wcod X^tua^n^t^rtr^^^ 10 Heads Stu-p. Srwt Weekly Journal co"nT_ins useful and entertal,- Warehouse:-BTAITOBD STBEE^ DUWEDIIf. wboW,«,U BotUes, 1, Ijd, iUI, and lls. _T, S.^tcW SvKp" * ° " &-»J^^^i^-jr»Jß__S Mte . rffcliil4 . Dl^.-^i«*.^fc KiCMPTHOBNE PBOSSE^andCO. g^ ;; ;;||Xr ylUpset price. £1000. 2 stamp bo xes, Tables. BiptJes, wsth Ci^per »nd is a teUclas, Family Paper/ •£SSL^^ Dunedin and Aucdand. JJ (Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgian) &JJ™ " ••M.Mar^_°L THE VERY LARGE CIBCULATION which the — , LIGHT-BROWN COD LiVeR OIL, "I "awflSShlM Terms: 10 per cent, deposit on fall of the hammer, Plate, cdl Comnleta. OTAGO WITNESS has attained throughout every -|-v HUN T B R . pttrttv PAiATiBT)S2« ivn pmfArv East Taierl .. .. John Allaa tlic balance within a month. f.jy ii»»,« wuvnw. part of Otago, tho other I'rovinces, and Australia, |1 Jl / , r . J±_ . zL nrt X *•.-"*» . PURITY,, PALATABLE^ES&, AND EF*IGACY. Olenoro .. .. J. Howard! . rendea itw>o^ of the Best Advert Sing MediunwS -■-'• „ £ onJ£ JIC2 !OJ*'' OITATTrtWRV STATTAWRV _^ITescril>cd by the most eminent Mcllcal Men as Hampdcn .. .. P. F. Stoddart omrv^tr om.mrnvrc , J. OGU^E. New Zealand Itconto^ALLTHENEWS OF THB New Krst Church, Dunedin. STATIONERY. STATIONERY. The safest, speediest and most effectual remedy for J^f.P Umh J W.T.B^uiUng STOCK, STATIONS, &O. WEE*, and is Published in Time for the UjKCoantry „ . . _„, .. .„ .. t3amm O Consumption, Diskahes of tuk Cuiaa-, Hindon .. .. P. Anderson o(waflnu Mail, Mon^Uandßallin^executedinaUeL^ J^-^f^- «*« bu^ne*,. In- •< X ever y re Tn STSfled with, the beno- gSSftn" » £&s££• °* PRELIMINARY NOTICE. TEBMS OF SUBSCBIPTION:~ _. t ~I » « » »i.' -Potion of Stock and prices Invited. ficial and salutary effects of Dr Do Jongh's Cod Liver Kyc bu rn^ .".' ."."jVMaUort, ON SALE r^nZ^rli , £i»__,™ DedgM ient,onapplic»Uon, toallpftrtiof tht KEMPTHOBNE, PBOSSEB and Co. OlL'^lr J^.ruO^iirirj!, M.D., Physician to tho gg^S . .WmTOra^ford SUPERIOR DRAUGHT HORSF. B H^^^^ I"*^ % >"r££' K*^ SS^.^.^.V.V.V/iii^a-SS-t ' the superiority of Dr Dc £ g«3 SUPERIOR DRAUGHT HORBLS. SKe^S^'""' Payable i« Advance.^ For^^dinen. ol Monumental Work, ,cc M — «*«* " - W^bb -^STRIGHT STEPHENSON and CO 'D. erorPEB, , —^ g^__!_! —^ T^ISMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO., F^,l^ fce^ " "wISS. YV ta™ JbVeKil inrtSctlo^^MiS !? New First Chnrch. BUTCOEOSRS. WM. MILLTOHA MP," JV buoc^okb^ Jo W« Light-Brown Cod Liver Oil ha, »KSI "S'SSST. Pn>udroot, Oliver. an.lUh>b, Promoters of tho Port nT r> T,. o A ▼▼ «*.w hax«r AM) bwaimb, ■ H. AND E. YOUNGMAN ,k CO., R. utrara " • • Oaonw Chrfrtto Uhalmera Railway, to sefl by auction, on an early (_J.OLD MOULDINGS—Laxge _ Assort- -^__ k -_ rAT>T% TW-m-M-Trwxrin GEORGE STREET, DUNBDIN. Wholesale DruggisU, Drysalters, and Druggist's to SSffSSdf SS tooK rtS™!* Oamaru " " g-V ,¥ t _agrtoß date, of which due uotlco will be given, Vj^ ment-HmaU sizes- Cheap. Fish, Prices TgjDWARD MENLOVEI, CIBCULAB SAWS Be-cut, Hammered .tiff and Sundrymen, ImporteVs of EM*irs^JxS; Physician Vthe Co&eyLunatlc 0 U 0 0 o'Beck^SSto first-lass driught mares and Ecldlng., 4 *JHI ___! Wboiuhjaxk axi> Bjctah. Buwma, good and cheap. lOju Dr^.C3ieii^,Drugglst»' Sundries In every variety, In capsuled Imperial half-plnts, plnte and PortXlmeri:: .'! '& N. A*Ls iO and f> yours old Tr^_ A T>T?T? TTA"Mr"Twr<c T« «^ — — ■ Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Perfumery, "YV* V" |/Sr£!,usr nJntnUt,'aLh Shnr«k*»«n»r^ Palmerston .. .. J. W. GUligan - P^SLD^fb^ AND PERRINS' Cordial Makers' Goods of all d^^ripUons, V^^a^gy^nAmoniluw*. *m»to*n h^T The above hone, are really flr^cla., being the Ah JfiSTprto^rt^ I*1'* _ JL CELEBRATED WOBCESTERSHIBE SAUCE. »»—' Corks. Tinfoils, Wire, ANSAR, HABIWOD^* 00./. 77, STRAND, Wgg^ .. .. W^BralU^ ■pick of several shipments from Australia, and are . declared by Connoisseur* to be the only (food Sauce. copper and tinned, tec, &c, t A}liuu^' ; TnapekaMouUi .. A. M'Bealin aold merely on account of the completion of the earth- TT AURI Tcngliecl and Grooved Floor- FamUka waited npon for orders In all part, of th* ui_wjun»j«i« •_. / 0 Patent Medicine Agents. CAUTION. Tokomairiro .. .. Hibbard and 00. works. JIV. . „ CAUTION AGAINST FBATUX Toviot .. .. John Brighton ing, well seasoned, for Sate by City and Suburbs. m "*f"« xvw^u. ALWAYS ON SALE AND AGENTS FOB— C<TEEDMAN'S SOOTHING POW Waitahuna .. .. S.Wilson The ho r «n bo at work on tho line until HENDERSON LAW a*d CO, SIMPSON ANBA SH 18 PL~ *£&£££& SSJd certTa^t SS^K Dr De Jongh's Cod Liver Oil; Chlorodyne, ColU, h oSdS. Pur" S&, » -^SLe 7 I____ 1 6iy Bfcndstreet tfl^oUJX , „ ' name of " Worcestershire Sauce" to their own info- Browne's ;Bowland's Preparations, Bishop's Citrate of chasers are requested to beware of imitations of this Waiporf .. .. CableandCo. »Quiet COW j W st calved ' = =~ ° ™nOl£%n^i %_£ ST** Waimat° " _~J*»*«-*~««*. JO Inwxlcon'dXloL cheap TT|OMESTIC ECONOMY-—JUDSOK'S ' t ~^ and pTbbW S_OreS_Sdib^see that their name. Powder, Heating's Bon Bon, Lozenges, and Insect!- are engmved on the Government SUmp»fll_ed to each OTAGO DAILY TIMES ' Uy U DYES.-" The process being so dean an.l Shipping snppUed. U pon the mapper,'labels stoppervand bottK dde,Grimault's French Preparations.Torchon's French packet without which "•"•"fg"^ . ... PcrQo«rt«. !!_—-:—., : ilmplo, there appears no reason why every bvly should „ .„ „ . . . . „ . ~. Some of the foreign markets having been supplied Medicines, Whelpton's PUls, Singleton's Sarsaparilla Sold by all ChemUU and DraggUta in Ansttalasl Suburrinllon £10 0 -..-o no?.beherown<iy B r.or«hydyeing.kyshc«il.lnot,i» Fam^es waited nwn to orders In aH park of the with a spu^oaH Worcestershire Sauce, upon the wrap- I^^n^ Eemediesfor SumßtlonPalmer's a, ffJSK Post " 1« c HOTELS. O v«ry wollteguuied family, be as conanosi «nd mnch . „ . <™T aad Suburbs. per andlabela of which the names of Lea and Perrixui .*» Ohnrcsms J^me^es for Consumption, Palmers _^ - _ v _ ——■ \ l** Thy l<f:' .. " , :.' n^"hL"l_A more agreeable than waatilng day Any ywinr lady All orders punctually attended have been forged, L. and P. give notice that they have Washing Compound, Judsons and Mather's Dyes, " X>JbKIvJ_LJ!*Y, bept. 1809.—Gentle- Subscribers or Advertisers intho Country can send couU begin her experiment on a ribbon or feather _ Highest prices rfven for Calyes. furnished th«jk correspondenU with power of attorney Jackson's Bensine and Cements, Blair's Pills, Framp- J-* men, I feel it a duty I owe to you to express Payment by Money Order, or I ostage stamps. »»rn ''f 1i J ftTPT (following tbo dlrjctlonfl Kivon) ii a ljatln ef water. Pork Skins and Calves Rennets for sale. to take instant poccedinga against manufacturersand ton ' f pui, cockle's Pills, Holloway*s Medicinw, my gratitude for the great benefit I have derived by r\rv\nn TxrTTMWCWt EMFwirV ' and proceed aftenrards to larger articles or d.c» in a g=~"' - =■ vendors of such, or any other imitations by which .™' J™?.' u£rnZ*l vZr»^Z Uking ' Norton's Camomile PlUs.' I appUed to your OTAGO WITJSESSI, . Wellington. bread-pan or foot bath. The tbL«« w»uld bo worth nA*ntr_Trrrnm>a their right may b« infringed. I)_nneforo^Ar_^eato, Cover's E^aps and Perfumery, agent. Mr BeU, Berkeley, for tho above-named PUIs, Pabllshed Weekly. ' __^_ T »~ r . l , ir^-,T "r- t -o t-. •• e.i tr>-l«g from motives of economy."—-Vide Cornell's OOAOHB OILDEJiS. A«v f«r TFA _«H PPRRTNS' SAUCE and see CWverts Carbolic Add, Murray's llagnesla, Blmmels for wind in the stomach, from which I suffered ex- PerAwnue. "OHILLIPMOELLIiIR, Proprietor Of the ilou»hold Guide, Mareb, 1870. Judson's shnple ——— ,' ,L_n«er label hottteand stoßoer »-d GosneU's Perfumery, Locking's Pilb, and crudating pain for a length of time, having tried Bnbscriptlon £t 0 • JL Empire Hotel, Wellington, respectfully informs dyes consist of 18 brilliantcolours, and may Iwmed -_^ nT» t to- a-w t^ nr\ «>»»•«' tobw. »o«, owuo, wu w*j«.. Gllckon's Salre, Townse»d's, Bristol's, and Ayer*s nearly every remedy prescribed, but without deriving If sent by Post 160 -the tMnLUng public that lie has'added . for dyeing silk, wwl, cotton, feathers, fibres, Imtber, |> OB I IST AX DOOOf. f Wholesale and ior export by the Proprietors, Wor- %zZ^iTaaLJu»* v*in mn.l ** "' *yerß any benefit at aIL After Uking two bottles of your APARTMENTS EN SUITE, hair, ivory, bone, rood, and for many other purposes. XV Coach Bulldeni and Importers, cester; Crosse and Blackwell, London, &c, &c : and Sarsapartlla, Bo_o_ont. jf-ia-iuiler fie *c valuable Pills, I was quite restored to my usual state — -with Bath Booms &c, attached, for tho accommod*- j Sold by chemists and storekeepers throughout tbo Stuart street, Iby Grocers and Oilmen universally. STOBES • STAFFORD STREET DUNEDIN of health. Please give thisjpubllclty for the benefit« Printed by tbo Otago Daily Times and WJtosNi Ooor tion of Families lo the above Hotel, aud which will world, price fkl \^t boOle.-Proprietors, DANIEL Have on Hand and for Sale— I A o .»nt«_T>AT/tKTTV WTfWOTi* «r»l Cm ♦ »*«* «_.,_, , of those who may thus be afnlcted.—l am, Sir, yours j pany (Limited), at tuck Registered Office, Pri-«t« Se«fi»lWtt»iweptlbßOf guwU on or before 14tb JUDHON and SON. London.-Whole*aie AgenU: BUGGIES AND EJILPBESS WAGGONS. Ageat«-DALGETTy, NICHOLS and Co., ,„■_,_ B **» „„„„ tm *f*y, Hkwe* ALr.PAM.-To th« Proprietors of j street,' DunwUn, and pttWiahrt b/ißw__ tbtaith JMa^ &ny J KEMPIHOENE, PBOS3EB, and CO., Dunedin, Cjy Eo|«lrs receive prompt attootion. Wl '' . Punedln. VICTOBIA BTBJ_ET, AUCKLAND. If OBTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS." ' day oX July, Van.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3250, 6 July 1872, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3250, 6 July 1872, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3250, 6 July 1872, Page 4