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»■ PUBLIC NOTICES ? „ , _ _ : __^ . "VTOTIOE-IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 1 JLi tho Partnership formerly tulwlftitag betveaa S i the wncler*iffn«l •« Timber Xmli«nta in Dnncdln, f • nudcr the B*ylo of " Jknnet and Vi'ttiUcrspoon," was dissolved by mutttal contcct on the IHh day ot r November last. • Dated 3rd <Jruy, 1672. THOS. BEXNET, JOHN WKDDKKSPOOSF,. I JOHN* IMKLIXU. MR J. W, ,T,YGO alone is authorised to Collect all outstanding Dtbts due to the ; flrarof Bisnnct awl Weddcnrpoon, and failing itnmo- : dtat* payment, legal proceeding will bo taken against ■ all person* liable. bfr • NXW ZEALAND WY'KKNMKNT LIFE ASSUK* ANCE A>'l> ANNUITIES. • npKE Undersigned having been ap- : -«- tainted ACKN"i'nt TfanciUn for tho above, i* prcpAßd to receive proposalx for the Insurance ol ' Lives anil Purchase ol Annttitfo?. ' GKOttOK >V, EUOTT. Ofllce of the New Zealand Kir»a»d itarteie Insurance Company. <|^ TN coaaequenco of the kte Fire, and until our Premises are rcjoired, vro ,beg Corcfor our Customers to Messrs Calvert and Ca>>]j)b«ll, Prince* street, We also beg1 to atiiUt taat we h*v« removed to temporary oiiiees in Farl«y'a Buildings, opposite. R. MACLEOD and Co. ~O EFERIUNG to the above, all Orders entrusted So o;ir care will bo executed with, promptitude. 2t»jw CALVERT and CAMPBJBZX*. I HAVE this day sold to Mr David Cornrip, my OcKlwill nr.d Hock of General Grocery, Wines and Jtylrlis, Ironmongery, Crockery, &c, Ac. I bef? to solicit for Mm a continuance of the nno support »o liberally bcitcrwtxl on me whtloin bniantxx. J. it. FINCKE&. "fl~_> EFEKIIING .to the above, I heg JI%J respectfully to solicit a continuance of tho snnie liberal support bestowtd on my jirctleeftawr, nnd can aw-tire tho publfct generally that in addition to tho above stock I hare selected a larpo and vart«X aMwrtmcnt of goods rt tbo best nuality, and an* determined to xv\l at prices- which I am certain will give Bitisfnctlon to lho#c wiio iivay favour, rao to it hi their patronage. DAVID COMKfK. Victoria Store, Corner of < Kinsrarxl Howe streets, Vuncdin, 2nd .htly, .1872. dy W. REICIT EL f &~~C oT B«» to Infoun their nunicrontJ-FrkniU and Patrons, that they have He-opened iheifNew Premises with <hWell Assorted Stock of Fancy (foods a.nil Toys, Berlin Wools, Ax., slid hope for a continuance of tlteir favours. BLA 0 X A. N D~~S^7kt7 "-' • in returning thanha to their customers aiu& tho public generally for tlii- very liberal support accorded to them for the pist" nlno years, wonfA respectfully Intiniatu that lmvin;; Imported a Biscuit M-u:hinc from London, with, all thu Intcst ImprowcinenU, they are now in a ignition to executa orxlfits. for biwuiU in any (inanlity, on v few hours' notice at the current MUyt. J. I), and Son trust that by ".s!t>(j, as hitltert**. nothing but the purest ingicdknlfi in the manufooturo of their goods, they ■will merit a continuance ot pint favours. J. 11LACK AND SOy, MAOHINK IHBCUIT MANUKACTURERSL "WINE AND SPIRIT JIEUCHANTS, BAICEES^, AND FAMILY OKOCKKH, Jlaci.aikias SxnrjiT, Du.s'KUiy. 3j3T jpI^APIFAI^T!~OHE^'FAI^BT KxproM Lino of Coaches to PALMKRSTON vtil leavo Scandinavian Hotel, Mnclnggan street, Dib*. edin, TUESDAYS, TJIUUHDAYH, and BATETBDAYS, at 11 a.m. ; returning from Koval Hotel,. Palmcrslon, MONDAYS, WEDNESDAVB.and. KU.IDAYS, at 9 a.m. Faro each way 78 Cd. lju SMITH and COl LEGAL NOTICE. IN BANKRUPTCr. In to Robert Merrill, of Duncdin, Ostler, aJJaaJiMiijlL^ "jW'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that .JLI Klchard Henry Leary. JJ«|., Provisional Trustee in BankrnifUy, ha.» t>eeomo Truatco In thl» KnUte, and that Monday, tho eighth day of July, 1872; at IX o'clock in the forenoon, h:i» been fixed a» the tirno for tho linnkrupt to pass his last Examination, iv th«»Sjprcmu Cmirt House, Duneilin, and tliat ha ■ then npply Utx his Discharge EDWARD COOK, Bankrupt's Solicitor, Dunedii*. TO LET. m 0 LET, An 021cu in IJond street of two rooms, with fire places. Apply to 27a DALGETY. NICHOLS, and CO. nnO LET, Houho containing- 5 Roomj? T JL B»th-room. &c situate Moray I'lace. AgtfiT Jftm*3 Winter, Prince* street Mouth. TO LET, Tvvo-roomcd Hjouso in Filleal street. Apply T. Maloney, Maciajrgan streel. 0 LET,~Goiden Age Hotel, Shop, Cottages, SUblfng. Apply 0. Held, Pria««r street; or Itobert Hums Hotek.. TO LET, Leicester Uoime, comer of Queen nnd I'itt streets, contains seven room*, and is now occupied by Mi It. i'aterson. Apijly Burton Brothers. TO LET, at Green Wand, several small rAJIJiS. with Houses on. Apply Arcbibaßl Moir, Mnneo street. MONEY, MONEY.— TO LEND, at 8 per cent., sums from £.100 to £1000, on Freehold Secw» rity; also, at reduced interest, sutna £20 to £100. WILLIAM DALIIYMPLK, Jun., Licensed Land Broker, House and Money Ageai. Tt/TONEY TO LEND, on Freehold Security, in Stana of £100 and upward*. GILLIES AND STREET! MONEY TO LEND, on Freehold Saeuritj", on favourable term*, ia nuns to roit. borrowers. Ilat« of interest, 8 per cent. In cases whore security la declined no charge made. Apply to CONNRLL and MOODHB. \TEW ZEALAND TRUST AND J3| LOAN COMPANY (LIMITED). TW» Company is prepared to MAKE AJ>VAJSTCiai. upon FKEEHOLD and OTHER BECUBITIES. fa Bumnof £-100 to £20,000, At 8 per Cent. Every information Mfotiied on application to J. C. M'DOWALL, SLtneo street. Danedin. HAIRDRESSERS. FB E I S S E t, • HAIKmiEfWER A NI) PEUFirMKR By appolntnjfcut to ILR.H. Uie I>ttlto of Edinbun*. and Ilia Excellency th« Qovcrnor and Voluntecaii "Wana, Cold, .and Shower Js»liw alway* ready. Ladies' Kooui Up-»»lr*. OPPOBITK THE BANK OPKEW SOUTH WAI=KSt FitrycKS STKg;yr. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. RE-OPENING OF SCHNACK'S BATHS, Prfnce»-«t, Opposite Critwriou HoteH M. F I>. SCIiNACK baa much pJoasnro in infants ing hU friends and tho public, th»the b»miKUi«»-. -i tensive &lt*ration« to hU premises. Tb© Batk-roonc are fitted up In tho most modern rtylo, «»««» Mcomiaodatlon -will be fouad^ ■Wuw.'.pol*, v* and Shampooing on m AmorUam iHtodW* /««*: metr of the beat msierj alwuww^taiA. UMmjT- - : Bathroom* opoa OB fritof »v«daj^ .from t to/I* v:- - o'clock , W*

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 3250, 6 July 1872, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3250, 6 July 1872, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 3250, 6 July 1872, Page 3