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EUBLIC COMPANIES. "OOYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. it HUE AND LIFE. Capital £2,000,000 AccunsulaU-il Funds in hand 1,500,000 Annual Income 890,000 LIKE lN.<t'K/,NCR, on terms particularly advantageous to the assured, either under tho participation or non-participation tables. For details eec tlie Company's Almanac, to be had .it the Adonis. FIKK INeUKANGBonnU descriptions of property at the lowe-t current rates. lass.-*» promptly ami liberally settled. Claims are settled in tho Colony. UENDLESON LAW nnd Co., Dunedin, Agents for Ot.--.ffo and Southland; riIHE LIVERPOOL and LONDON X and GLOBK INSURANCE COMPANY. For Kike, Lii-k, nnd Ajtsuities. Capital Subscribed £2,000,000 Invested Funds. Capital paid up £400,000 Reserve surplus fund 1,000,(»0 Life Department iescrvo 1,450,000' Balaucoof undivided proQw 200,008 (Tliree million and fifty tkousand pounds).. 3,0t50,Q00K.EVENGK. Fire premiums £580,000 Life premiums 210,000 Intoresten investments 100,000 (Nlflo hundred and fifty thousand pounds) .. £960,000 Medical Hefercc—A. ECCLES, Esq. All claims are settled in tho Colony. Tables of rates for Fire and Life Insurance in all its branches, and every information, may bo obtained from G. S. BBODRICK, Rattray street. ARGUS BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY AND SAVINGS INSTITUTE. Registered under " Tlie Building and Land Societies Act, 18GG." Shares, £50 each ; Entrance Fee, 2a Cd per share. Subscription, 10s per share per mouth. Members can join this Society at any lime, without paying back subscription!. Investors pay "•:> monthly subscriptions, and no more, when they receive the full amount of LSO per share. Tho Society lends money on mortgage to its memljcrs, for jieriods not exceeding ten years, repayable by monthly instalments, according to the followin^ scale: Advance repayable by monthly instalments of 10a. If repayable iii KU instalments £l. r> 0 0 Do GO do T2 15 0 Do 84 do 29 0 0 IK) l'-'O do BS 0 0 Profpr-cttifw, rules, and forms of applications for short:;, to bu obtained from M. W. HAWKINS, Secretary, Teleirraph Chambers, btallurd street. NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY. Oflicc of Otago Branch : Corner of High and Hattray Stroots, Dunedin. Every description of I'IUE and MAIUNK Insurance etTecutl at loni*i current rate.4. The I'nblic are r.:uiindcl that thirf bi-injr a Colonial Institution, the whole of its Funds are retained and inveitcd in New Zealand. GEOHGK W. ELIOIT, NEW ZKAJ^AND TUirST AND LOAN COMPANY (LIMITED). mi-lIS COMPANY Continues to Malco I Advnnci.H upon Freehold Security, in sums of £400 and upwards. Every iniorinatiou (,'iven on application to DALGETY, JIATHLAY, and Co., Agents. MEDICAL. DR. CRAWFORD, Consulting Surgeon and Accoucheur, beics to intimate t hut he may bo in nil tho Brandies of bin Profoteion .ut hie j H Laboratory, Priucea Btreet, opposite ;.^ 'Jri- .. tcrion Hotel, j, Dr. C. has great experience of the falloiving diss an, Disc:u<ui iwculiar to women and children DUe;uc-s of the hnart and lunvts t Discas.'.-! of the digestive Kystem '. l)iwii-«<i uf the nervous systoin lt Di^^-xvi of ttie eye I DiwiiM-s of tho skin Diseases of tho blood, j Advico gratis from ato 12 a.m., and from Gto 10 ,o P^; TRUSTEES OF iili^HY YOUNUiIAN, FRENCH, KEMPTHORNE, and Co., \VHOIiESALK KDUGGISTii, and Importers of Genuiuu drti'/H mm their original sources, chemicaU fr«m the b<ir' Vvffliwh mnnnfiujlurciH; Kngliah, '> Foreiirn, and Am'jii'j.m p.itent medicines and purfamery in>:n iliei uirouiiotoin ; drugh'l.-tH' sundries, pho- ■" tographic c:.cini'.-ul painteri.'oils, fc'rciich polish, dyo E> btuif=, cOl-a*, .ltd uianufactureru' Kowls ; dental, '• veterinary, .ir. « iuHtnuueuta, and medical appliances of e/ery Kind, which they offer on liberal and ailv:.i.t.t(;eoa Lenuti —V. holeiiJe oiily — selected from their extensive ojm;ii stock, or many iirticl(;3 at _ reduced rated in original packages. , Their numerous European Agencies, with their > arrangements for outainine; supplies diicct from England, nnd their tiUiidislied bußinc;-.s throughout the Colony of New Zealand, with thu ready means of coiuinuuicatiou, givu tnem peculiar facilities for filling all di.ui;ini'.t: an the. iiriw;, and doing buiiinesa to tUo sati3» faction ol the purchaser. Uni:inhT.i and Dltl'uuiSTH, besides every ordinary , refiuireni'int, can pr<*ure ol F., X., and Co. all noveltits connected with thu trivle, and can t-eleot ou their premi-«:s ail ocsentials to coiutiiencu or extend business —including window carboys, specie jars of new and elaborate designs, shop bottle;, and general furnishings, at a more .«at!sf:tclory rate than if imported by them* h-Ivi-s; an n^ortmr.-nt of fii^t-class surgical instruments, trusses o! every size and make, elastic stockings, -, belts, Arc, innc.-ietic machine.-', f'.-crling l*lt!e.i from every maker, Turkey and bath tjponges, surgical and ptiarui:u-/-uUu glass and ourthcnwure, chemical aiid pharuuiccutival ap]>;iratU3, scented hoiijis from tho best manu/ucttirerH ; with gooda for presentation, puc!i ii£ toilet, buttles, fjoKt.i'H'hcut-glays pint perfumts, silvercapped smellinß buttles, ami every other requisite. (Shortly expected, the new British Pharmacopujia romi'dUM.; Stoiikkkei'EMij" gocxls imported and always on sale, Hollowiiy'a P-Us and ointment, Perry Davis's painkiller ; Towju-ond's, llristol's, and Aycr's Harsaparilla (which may by hud duty paid or in bond), Taylor* J cocoa, extract of meat, absorted culinary essences, cayenni; in bottle?, jujube.-; and pastilles, liquericc, gelatine, i.nltix-tre, bulphur, salad and castor oils, lluid magii'.-ia, JScidleU j.-ov/ders, Epsoni salts in Sic. ; arid Couxtiiv Stohkkhei'Khs are invited to select from thuir stock on visiting Dui:c<iiu, or their correapondenco will meet with promjjt attention. In localities where the drug business may be unrepresented, a large and profitable addition may be made to tho. storeke'ping business by vending various articles connected with tho trade, which sue in demand wherever there is a population. FRENCH, KKMPTUOKN'E, and Co. have been nppointod the wholesale- agents for New Zenland for the lolloping :— Keating'b cough lozenges, insecticide, and worm tablets. Bishop's granulated citrate of magnesia. Dr Collis Ero-.vnc's chlcrodyuo. Tho only genuine, prepared by Davenport. O'Neill's oxido of copper pomade, for removing balduess. Griinault's French medical preparations. Dr CiiurchiU's speeitio remedies for coiu>umpuon, prepared by H. Swanri, Paris. Blair's gout pills, and Frompton'a pill. For full particulars of all the alxive, see tlio vfirioai proprietary odvertiscmcute, in this and tlie other New Zealand pajjers. They are also sole agents for N. Z. for :— Dr De .lough's light brown cod liver oil, the uniform purity and cllicacy of which make it the most reliable preparation known. A large stock in original cases—half-pints, pints, and quarts—always ou hand. Cooper's Kinapino tissue, for immediate mustard poultices. Bow's embrocation, or farmers' friend. Judson's simple dyes for tho people, in 14 colors, which will dye anything, and which anyone can usj; and Please and Lubiu's perfumery, " from every flowst that breathes n fragrance." . Ex Catharina, Warrior Queen, ic.:— Towußend's sarsaparilla, Dr 0. J. Ayor's medicines Barry's tricopherus, Florida water; colza, olive, boiled and raw linseed oil, spirits, tar, blue stone, turpentine hemp, rape, and canary teed, Schoolin's pastilles, pure whit<a sugar candy, soft soap; Cockle's, Parr'e, and Frainpton's pills, Epps'n cocoa, Brown r.ud Polson'a corn fleur, Liebcg's food, Dv Barry's revalenta, Nelson's gelatine, perfumed soaps, Murray's magnosia, indexical silver soap, new British pharmacopoeias, Bichardson's anceethetic apparatus, Rimmol's lirao juice and glycerine, combs, brush ware, Council's Eau do cologne; a magnificent assortment ot metal puff boxes, with Bowlaud's, Bciger's, Bihmicll's, Goenell's, Atkinson's, and Bricdcubach's .select goods. COBDIAI. MAKERS' GOODS, comprising G.B. nnd S.W. bottles, English arid Spanish cut G.B. and S.W. Corks, whiting, ginger, oils, acids, cesghccs, quinine, brandy colouring, rectified spirit, (d p. or in bond), capsules, seaming twine, cut tinfoil labels, tinned and copper wire, and all other articles required in their business; also, tinfoil for tobacconists' use, wino corks and bottle wax for wine merchants, brewers' bungs, Uinglasß, and brewers' and bottlers' sundries. Ey pur chasing these goods in quantity, they can- oiler at » lower rate than tho consumer can import. A largo stock of tho leading i'HOTOGHAPnK AKTICLES:— Re-crystal nitrate silver. Chloride of gold, Mawson'* Keen's, and i'onting's collodions, albumeitiJied paper, Sohneo Frere'a varnish, &c. These goods in original cases at a marginal reduction. Sodium amalgam, quicksilver, and crucibles. Depot for B. and L. Perry and Co's louden medicines. Importers of leeches. Agents for Otago for tho QTJEES IKSUBASCB COKTAXY. Lif« policies granted on tlie most liberal terms rates tho lowest in the Colonies; and Kre risks taken at the lowest current rates. Prospectuses on application to tho Trustees o£ Henry Youngman, lato ERBNOH. IOSMPTHOBNE. and Co.. Dunedln.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2128, 30 November 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2128, 30 November 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2128, 30 November 1868, Page 4