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POPwT CHALMERS.— Novkmjjek 27,

Winl S.W., strong breeze, Bfjuilly. Weather line, clear, Hitrh wafer on 28th Novrmber.— \z :\ui 7k;i<lß, 1.29 ; Port Chalmers, 1.50 ; Din-din. 2.44.

POUT CHALV liliS OBSERVATORY. Latitude, 45 4S. 55 south ; longitude, llh. 22m. ;jGs;c. oast.

'Ji/ne l>:tll <lr<>ii*j dnily f-undaj-H exempted) at 1 p.m., Port UhaXtucra mean time, or Ih. 37m. 23<iC3 a.m. Greenwich moan time.


T.or'l Ashley, 2f's tors, Wo nip, from Bluff ifarVmr. G." • v». rJr<.<lriok, agent. Passengers : Mr ami )t!ra Nutlnn, Misiics Nathan (2). Masters Na-.hiUj (ii), Mr and Mrs Salopian, .Mm i'«:rkiui, Vsis Dudd, Mr Kahmaaa, and <>'ie in tV"c «tf ora'ic.

Alee,, 22' tons, Mill, from Kakanni. J. H.-uiiann, a/;<;nt.

L!oyd'H Herald, ketch, 48 tons, Henry, Jrouj CaUiu'a li.vcr via Oamara. Master, agent. Storm Bird, p.h . V>3 tons, Doile, master, from Lyttelton vi;i Timira. W. Sly, agent. DKrAKTCJUEH. Comcrang, p.a, LOU tuns, Maillcr, for Lytt'lton via intermediate porta. H. Hotii/hton and Co, agents

Wall ice, p..!, .V; tons, Malcolm, for Oamaru. J. Jonen and Co, agents.

Syren, brig. J57 tons, M'Kachren, maeter, for Newcastle. J. L. and C Burke, agents.

Kxvy.fiv.ii Ai'.iuvAUi. From London.—Chile, August 28. Fkom OtAWiuw.—Robert JJeaderßon, September 3.

Kko.m LivKiti'Oof..—Harvest Home, September 20. hiOM ikisrov, U.S.—A gate. Kkom Mki.i!cji;i:nk.—Rangitoto, Omeo, Gothenburg. From Xkwcv..hti.,k. —Record. FuoM StJoun'h, N.B.—Celeste Clark.

PKOJKCTBD PKPAKTUKEH. Wrn. Davie, for London, Jan. 1809. Chili, for London, .lan. 1809. Beautiful Star, for London Jan. 18C9. Wall:u:e, for <'ar/iaiu, lht Dec. Fljirig Squirn-1. for Waihola, ho., early. Quecii of the Ibles, for Hokitika, early. Midlothian, for Kikanui, this day. 7 A>nl A. hlc-y, for Northern Porta, let Dec, Gothenburg, for Melbourne, kc, ourly. Rifleman, for Chathum Inlands, this dny. Wellington, for Northern Ports, 30th inst Wairiiu, for Lyttolton, &c, 2nd Dec. Storm Jiird, for Northern Ports, 3'jth inut.

VJi-Ki'.LH IK COKT. Bruce, p.s., from West Coast. Kcer.i. b.b., from Lyttelton. K«^iutiful *-'tar, ship, from London. Aorura, schooner, irom Hokitika. Mystery, barque, from Liverpool. William I'avie, fchij>, from Glasgow. ■Sampan, barque, from Fi>o-chow-foo. W.iiuiii, 8.8., from Lyttelton, &c Ilinm.i, I'rig, from Tome, ChilL Timaru, hlii,*, from London. Dayf.pnng, barquf, from Newcastle. Kiflemnn. 3-in schooner, from Chnthams. Walrua, Hcl:ooner, from Launccston. Queen of the Lies, schooner, from Picton. Why Not, schooner, from Stewart's Inland. Pearl, schooner, from Invercargill. Ada, barque, from Liverpool. Itio, brig, from Mauritius. Lord Atdil'-y. s s., from Bluff Harbour. Cora, K.B , Irom ffokitika. Storm llird, k.b. from Lyttelton.


IN W Alt OH — COASTWISE. November '21 — Cora, 40 tons, Russell, master, from Jlokitika, with cargo. Keith Ramsay, agent. Lord Ashley, 29G tons, Worsp, ma«tcr, from Muff, with cargo. G. S. Brodrick, ag<;nt. Defiance, 22 Uhih, Kevnis, from Kakanui, with cargo. J. Hamann, agent.

OUTWARDS — COASTWISE. November 27 - Rifleman, 82 tons, Curiotian, master, for Chatham Islands, with cargo. Ji. Uoughton arid Co, agents. IMPORTS. Per Alv:e, from ICakanui : 2 tona potatoes, 1 ton llour, Cameron. I'cr Lord Anhley, from BlnfF: Free and duty paid—l parcel. Thompson. Per Cora, from Hokitika : Freo and duty paid—2oo hules, .'W>> Hhccipskirw, Flexman ; 20,0l)fl {• et timber, iLvwor( h ; 9 cases boom, J ami J II Barr. I'cr Defiance, from K.ikanui : Free and duty piid—lß tons atone, Jluntor and Co ; 0 hides, Rueh'.ll and Co. EX PORTS. Per Rifleman, for Chatham Islands : Free and duty paid—2 ca*ka nlo, J caso old torn, 2 ca.seH stout, 1 pkg mmdrie*, 2 c»ses geneva, 2 cas>-ii stout, 1 oa'u brandy, 2 tons hay, W and O Tumbull and Co.

I'or Hob lioy : For Lyttclton, OS under bond—4 i-chesta tea, W and G Tuinlinll and Co. For Auckland, ex warehouse under bond—G JcaKka whisky, W and G Turn ball and Co ; 10 .J-caskH -whisky, M'Callum, Neil), and Co. Transhipped ex Emma, undur bond —10 bays walnuts, Bright Broa. For LytUlton, free and duty paid—l block, Park and Otirlc ; 5 cosea s irßaparilla, W and (i Turnbull and Co ; 3 cases drapery, bing, Harm, and Co ; 5 caweH, Hercus ; 1 case, Bing, llarria. and Co ; 1 matted pkgo, 3 btlla npuuting and ridging. 5 kegs nails, 45 pkgea iron, 2 bare bteel, I matted pkgc, 1 cask bolts, 30 kc:,'S paint, 8 drums. 5 bdla, 2 vyces, 3 bJla Bcytho bandies. 1 bdl blades. 4 kegs paint, 1 do/, buckets, 1 doz adze handles, 1 bale sundries, f> drums oil, 13 kegs nails, 75 bare, 12 bdli«, 2 boil r plates, 5 bills iron, 1 caso sundries, 1 casse forks, 1 bdl ditto, 3 caa>a sundrii s, 1 keg bolts. 2 lulls buckotß, 1 pki; saws, 1 case huii'lriun, 2 cih'-h auidries, 1 drum oil, A Hriscoe and Co; 32 pkgß sugar, M'Callmn, Neill, and Cj ; 1 pjl. A Jaeknon. For Welling'on, frue, and duty paid - 1 pkg, Camilla and M Leau ; 4 pki, A. R Living-st-»ii ; 1 c:ne, 1 paicel, W Mcluißh ; OGU bags /lour, 1 pkg stationery, 1 c.ise do, J pktf «;nldl.;ry, W and U Turnbull and Co ; 3 bdla irn.j" I case snmlrija, -1 kegs nails, A Briscoe a;i.l Co ; 1 Arm-troiig gu:i, 3 cases Terry's B loai'.ing amrnunuion, '.'apt At.uuson. Fur Kaj.ier—l keg, Kutterworth Bros ; 1 mat EUg:ir, W .Sutl.erlanil; 4SO bugs flour, 40 bdls bo'.r • iron, 2 bundle* blankets, W and G Turnbull and Co; 1 piro-.'l, 1 case, Butturworth lii'i.s ; 1 case. Fold eim Jacobs, and Co; SO coils wire, Jt I! Murtm; 3 ciisos, Moses; 400 bnyi ilijur, Ro:i'iie a::d M'tirogor; 2 grindnt")i<v, .'! wi'ighing m-iuhiurs, 2cas s sundries, 12 !>.rr.»\v whro'.-J, 3 bd!s, 2 kegn nans, 1 pkg smvi, -i!) longths p-piug, 5 boxes tin plates, 1 cas-j if.n, 1 uailc zinc, 2 eases, 1 caak bu>idr:i i, I."j!I sashwei^'.ts. 4 kega nails, 4 cises Siiii'lried, 1 bdl buckets, 2 hay forka, 1 pkg

:;;i.v-», I koj.s mil-, 3l> s'tsh weights, 1 case, \ b.d-j w;ish bi'Ur.l-', 4 Ulls iron, 1 cask elr.iiu, I ' dl handles. 3 h Ha rakes and liou-i, 4 paint, 1 rull iikittm:;. 1 case sundries, 1 ci,k do, .'ii» ounp 'Yens, 3 kegs nails, 8 wool Kc.rvws, A Hriseoe mid Co; .'i'O l>ag« iloir, An'lorsin anil >io-.vat; 1 trims, Dalrymple; 2 'ilex's ;il':, " ciK'.f fo-.iivly, 3 c i»'»8 currauts, W mill G Turi'buH and Co; 1 paper. 2 ciscs r.-iiirna. \V and G TurnbiiU and (Jo; 20 • :•.<•!;.« 11-iur, 10 s.iuks rafueal, 2 sacUs barl',v. ''• l> l.'j.dcsr Anns Act—lo Ico^s t/uVniou-.ier, A Uri«coo and <.'o. l( 'or Auckhv.:\, fi-e-j and duty paid — I casu drapery, IJ.iU'jrw.irth Ui'oi ; 3 tivuka m:i't. 11 1} M:irtin and Cv ; 5 c». s nrapory, W an I G Titnit.ull and Co; 1 case drapery, Btng, H ims, nn>l Co ; 1 wse sewiug twine, Shsa Williams.

Tko B.s. Stonm>ird left Lyttelton at G p.m. on Tuesday. Met with strong W. wind, 'which, oa, turning Banks Peninsula, veered round to S.W-. At 4 a.m. on "Wednesday it changed to S.S.E, gale with heavy eqnaUs. At 1.30 was within 15 miles of Timaru. but the g*lo was o heavy, sho naj obliged to bear up for Aharon,. Went in, arriving at 7 p.m. Left .again at 10 p.m. on Thursday, arriving at Xlmaru at H.3j a.m. on Friday. Left at

10.30 a in, arriving at Dunedin -wharf at 1.20 this morning, having experienced south and south-west winds and heavy south-east tea from Timaru. She brings a largo cargo and a number of passengers. Tho P.N.Z. and A.R.M. Cd.'h us. Lord A iihly returned from her Southland trip at 0.30 a.m. yesterday, and berthed alongside the coal liarque Dayßpring. The Aahley left Port Chalmers on the morning of the 24th, and encountered terrific southerly winds on her passage to the Bluff. After discharging her Panama mails, she left there at 4 30 p.m. on Thursday, and had fine weather with heavy pea to arrival. She sails to-day for Northern Porta. Tho Nathan Tronpe are passengers by tho Ashley. Two «mall vessel*, supposed to be the James Paxtm, hence to itiverton, and the Danzig, for Invercargill, were oba'-rved by the Lord Ashley at anchor under leo of the Nuggets. The repairs to the hulk California are expected to to completed to-day, when she will be taken out of dock.

The schooner "Walrns was hauled in to the formed portion of the Graving Dock yesterday, for tho purpose of discharging her timber, to be used for sheet-piling. The steamers Bob Roy and C'omerang sailed at midnight on Thursday for Northern ports. The p.B. Wallace sailed on her usual Oamaru trip yesterday afternoon. The schooner Alice, from KakanuJ, arrived in Port on Thursday evening. Dur ng the lato gales, she sought bhelter in Moeraki roadstead.

The ketch Lloyd's Herald left Catlin's Rivi-r, bound to Oamaru, on Monday last, and put in at Otngo Heads on Tuesday mornintr, remained there till Thursday morning, when she Bailed for Oamaru, arriving there at 1 p.m. ; discharged one boat load of timber, when a hpavy S. E. sea set in, and Hho parted her chain ; stood out to sea and has come on here for another anchor and chain ; when that k obtained, she will re tnrn to Oamaru to discharge her cargo, which consists of 33,000 feet of sawn timber. In consequence of the state of the tide, the s.s. Keera will leave the Pelichet Bay Jetty at 11.30 this morning punctually, »nd proceed direct to the Head*. ACCIIJBNT TO TTIB fi.B. TASMANIA.—What might have been a very seriouH accident, but which providentially endod without material damage to ship, cargo, or passengers, happened to the b.b. Tasmania, during the pleasure excursion on Monday last. Almost immediately after leaving George Town wharf—tho captain's attention being diverted for a moment or two, looking for a passenger who had missed the steamer and was coming in a boat—a strong current caught the vessel, and imperceptibly altered her conrso. That waa sufficient, however, to cause considerable alarm. The vessel was heading on to the Garra rock ; the captain instantly saw tho danger, and as quickly gave the signal " reverse engines"—the order was obeyed, and the steamer immediately w< nt astern. This promptitude was not sufficient, however, to prevent her touching the reef. Several, ladies fainted, and children began to cry, and for a moment fear was depicted on many a manly countenance. All were, however, reassured by the captain, who proclaimed " She's right " In a few moments, occupied in turning tho Bteamer, the order "full speed ahead" -was given, and all fear was at an end, and each heart was gladdened with the thought of " Homo, sweet home." So light had been the shock, that no danger was anticipated. After the lapse of about h&lf-an-hour, however (it being then about four o'clock), it was discovered that there was a considerable body of water in the fore part of the ship. On sounding, it was found to be about four feet deep; tho pumps were immediately set going, but they wore not sufficient to keep tho water under; volunteers from the paß3^ ngere spcedly Bet to work, and not only relieved the sailors at the pump«, but by -reans of rop -s and buckets, and afterwards with tackling, to which were attached the immense iron buckets used for carrying coal, they succeeded in lessening tho do, th of water considerably. No relaxation, however, could be enjoyed ; tho water came in bo fast that notwithstanding the Captain endeavoured to stop the hole by hauling a tarEaulin under tho bottom of the vessel, all ands were kept at tho pumps and buckets till the vessel reached the wharf, aboutßp.m., the decka during that timebeingdeluged with water. Fortunately the vessel was built in water-tight compartments, the water was therefore confined to tho fore hold, aud there being no cargo stowed in that part, no damage was done. Immediately on the passengers being landed tho vessel was " put on the hard," and at low tide it was found that a very small bole had been made in her bottom, which was at once repaired, and yesterday morning the steamer was again a!o: gside tho wharf discharging her cargo from Melbourne, and we have not heard that a single package was wet. Too much praiae cannot be given to those who so energetically aud so good humouredly laboured for four hours for the welfare of those on board. It was tho general opinion that without their assistance tho Bttsainer would not hive reached Launceston that night.—L. Times, Nov. 11th.


Grey.mouth : November 2G — Egmont, from Hokitika, early ; sailed for Nela:n at 8 p.m. Wellington : November 26—Wang.inui, from Wanganui, at 8 p.m. November 27 — Gazelle, from Newcastle, at 11.30 a.m.

Lyttelton : November 27—Wellington, for Dunedin, at 1 35 p.m.

WEATHER TELEGRAMS.—Yesterday. Wellington : Wind N.W., light ; bar. 30.02, ther. 59 ;. weather fine. Kelson : Ho wind; bar. 30.06, ther. GO ; weather fine. BiiENHKrM : Wind W., fresh breeze ; bar. 29.92, ther. 5S ; weather fine ; rivers low. Lyttklton : No wind ; bar. 29.90, ther. 01 ; weather fine. Christoiujrch : No wind ; bar. 29.89, thor. 59 ; weather fine. : Wind S E., light ; bar. 29.82, ther. 53 ; weather overcast ; sea slight bwell. Bealky : Wind N.W. ; weather gloomy ; rivers low. ■ Grbvmoutii : Wind S.W., light; drizzling rain; bar good. Hokitika : Wind E., light ; bar. 30.03, ther. 51 ; weather cloudy ; bar good. Oamaku : Wind S., light ; weather fine ;

sea calm. Pout Chalmers : Wind S. W., fresh breeze; bir. 29 80, ther. 5S ; weather fine. Blvvk : Wind W., fresh breeze; bar. 20 99 ; weather overcast. Napier : Wind VV., fresh breeze ; bar. 2D. 94, ther, CO ; weather line; sea heavy swell.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 2

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SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 2

SHIPPING. Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 2