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MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. R S. ALP E NNY'S CZKTM.U BkOIHTHT OrFJCE. BclKrave Chamberj, Princes street. Accommodation for Beirant*. Good gtoreage for boxta. - - - — - -^ A BKOISTRT Of7ICK, Oeorgt street. Wanted, til chwcg of gervanta to apply. I O SURVEYORS. — Wanted TENI DEIiS for Work In the Country. Dulrjmple, jnn , and Co. WANTED, a Furnished BEDROOM. Apply L.H.D., ofllcc of thin paper, W" A. Mobcb b nnpacking a livrge oKHortmcnt of Childrcn'x Knife. Fork, and Spoon (Kilver-pUted), at itn, aetH. ANTED—Tallow, Tallow, Tallow— to Pttrchiwe Tallow, In any quantity. Albion Snap Works, Great Kiiijr Btreet, V*, ANTED, 5000 Young Ladies to Buy » T Uoacs'tf 1« Cd L*!ii*' Companions, in morocco ca«c*. ANTED to SELL, Freehold Section and . Cottage, in MontinKtnn—n Bargain. Apply. FttrrnJifs Btore, Miu-la);^in Htreet. / ANTED, 10,000 Boys to fly Moses's Cd KitcH, and npin hi» :M Tops. WANTED, to Instruct Juniors in General Literature, and make oneself generally useful. Comma, offlo; of tliix pnper. ANTED KNOWN, A. Moses is V T Bolliug 120 ShccU of goo<J Note Paper for l»Gd. W" ANTED KNOWN, Drain Pipes of crcry dcacription; diimncy topa, flower potjj, ornamental vaives, fern pann, flooring tiles, brickß, &c., for 4alc. at Lambert's Watcr-of-Leltb Works. WANTE KNOWN, ATMosuT'liaß for Palo 200 dor.. Tea fc'pofnn t at Id etch. U ANTED, 3 to 5 Ton Derrick or Jib CRANE, 30 to or. fiet Ann. Particular* and prico to E. Dc Cnrle. I'rincei* street. U" ANTED~KNOWN7~A. Moses is V ' Belling LadicH1 and Otntleman'a hlijipuzn, at 2* M pair V,\. ANTED, 300 SUBSCRIBERS for » v the la-t four number*, HalurJay Review, to publish fre-h publicntlon. I*'ANTED K.NOWN~AV"Moscs has V T the Urg'-st attßortmeiit of Field Gliuws In Kew Z<;al!ind, from :;(M upwards. V V ANTED," 400 SUBSCRIBERS for TT wma'iiinif Delphi.: Oracled, to print "Conscience, tho Oracle of CJ<xl." |A ANTED "KNOWN, A. Moses Is V T Helling Koy»' School Ij.i^m at .'a M e:uih. U.; ANTED to Dispuso of, Boot ana ? T bhoe llu.»iiiuns, I'rinces Btreet boutli. For particular)), apply, BCOBLE, George (street. U ANTED KNOWN, A. Moscn id V T f>V-llJii(f LiwUlm' Jiiijf.i nt :i» ; alto, Ludie.V OUt 61<revc Link.*, paU:!it tprii.^'H, at 'in pair. W'lCNTED7~Gentlemen "bOARDK'RS; A|>ply U> Mr» Hlnck, late Jiarnwell'B fHtuhHshineiit, Stu.irt uLreet. ANTED, PASSENGERS by Cobb'a CoachOH to know they can rely on bein^ culled at th« Oucidcntol Hotel. Billiard balls, cloth, tips, cuen, ie, on «ale. ANTED KNOWN, A. Moses is fcicllinjj Sceu'ul doap at (Jd box. ANTED tho Public to Know, that Gibbsi and Clayton have on hand a great variety of doom, nashcx, moulding*, and all kinds of niauufocturud materials for building purposes, at greatly reduced prices ; al*o, that they are prepared vo i-xecuU) all orders on tho Khortest natice. Country cnnomiarn plea«e noto addrciw:—OlßJJS ar;d CLAYIXjN, tiosh, Door, nud Blind Factory, Cumberland and Kin({ streets, Duucdin. ANTEDicTSELL, 500 Albums, to h«td 60 portraits, at 4s-tkl each. WANTED to PURCHASE, or become IV.rtner in an Established Uusinets in Town or Country. Apjily Ktatiug terms, or capital required, to X.Y.Z., oflW- of thia paper. \S/ ANTED KNOWN, Gentlemen's II SiiiWof Twccl.t mado to order, well shrunk, Btyle and at Mtcond to none, at 1.5 p":r s«u!t. Also, TrowKcrs and Vest, at.',lk, all wool, ntadc by hand, and no deception ; chcapt«t house in tin traile lor best clothing. Al*o. KulLi of Clothing, well cleaned and prtw^ti, at (>s a suit. E. Stokes, Tailor, next to Uritish Howl, Oeorga stroet. ANTED KNOWN, A. Moses has a large assortment of Clwiuien, Dniugntuien, Cribba^e Board*!, Raeo Gnmi a, w. ' Dominoes, M. WANTED to SELL, the Largest Country Timlx;r and Saw Mill Tr;ule in Otatjo. Mr I)e C-.irk.JJunedin. —- uijtel'fokTjalis: \\ ANTED, TENDERS for tho Pur- ' * chnßC of the Kd:nburi;li Cuttle Hotel and Ktahlca, with tho Freehold Lniid.Kituntc atCaversham. Fu:thcr purticnlani may Ihj obtiiinel by ajiplyinK to the undernipi.ed, to ttho'iu nil leink-rxmiMt Ix: addre.-scd and ma iv not later Uian .".th Deccnilivr. The higlicdt or any tender not ncc.ssanly nccejited. KENYON nnd.;MADDOCX, .Solicitors, Princes Ktrcet. Noveml*r 25th, 18i,S. TT/ A^ N~^ T JE BT ' V Oentlciacn to haw their CLOTH X S EDlciently CLEANED AND PRESSED, At FIVE SHILLINGS PEH SUIT, At lIIRSCII'S DUNKDIN DYE WORKS, (ir:')U(;E STKEKT. TXJTOHS7 CLERKS, &c. I rpEACMER WANTED, for the Side JL School, SouthurHgr) District, Tokomairiro. Salary (including rent uJlowuiicc) Xluo, and all the ■school leiw. Apphe.iUoiu with t*Mt:monla!B to bo lotlged with me on or before thu -lib. December next. R. U.JONES. Clc.'V School C wunittee. Novemlier 24th. ISOH. 'TBADESMEIsrr&cT WANTED, a HAMMERMAN, sharp. Gi-orpj M-l!ito?h, llopeatreet. OULSORTEIiS.-^-Wauttd, a lirstclasa WOOLSORTER. Apply to Dalgety, Rattray, nnd Co., Bond Btreet. W~ ANTED,a duly ([ualiticd MEDICAL Jl AN, to tiko up tlio practice of the l)i»trict ofOrsti. Soutiiland, N. '/, A Iwiias of £230 per annum gi nrauux-dfur twoyenra. Probable income from pr,icli<f, £:nn) per annum a<l litional. Msiicil man to provide his own rcsidenco at Lowthor. Applic.ant« will pltawj Htatu whether they arc married or Hinjrlo men Applications accompanied with references or testimonials will lie received by the undersigned up to ai«t December, 1««S. CUTHBERT COWAN. Beiimore, Southland, 19th November, ISCH. SEEVANTS. AN Experienced BARMAID from Wellington, do-irea an eiig.if^>iDent : firat-class Hotel only. Addr&sa, In the first instance, C. 11., Post OlHco, Dunedin. WANTED, a SHEPHERD. CABQILLS and M'LEAN. WANTED, a BOY for Country Work. Apply Bcthunc, butcher, Great King street. WANTED,~an~~Active~GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to Mrs Campbell, opposite North Ilecreatioa Ground, Great King street. WANTED, a Man as BOOTS and Waßher-up. For particulars upply Bull aud Mouth Hotel. \V ANTED, a NURSEMAID, about 15 1 ' or 1G year« of age. Apply Mr Price. Bauk of New Zanland. ANTED, by Married Couple, SITUATION—Man, carpenter ; womui, honacmaid <r cook. Apply T., oHlce of thla paper. LECTURE. LECTURE ON ASTRONOMY. A SECOND LECTURE on tho above Science will bo dulivend by jAMWt BLACK, Esq,, In the Anderson's Bay Church, On MONDAY, 30th November, 18C8, at 7.30 p.m. AdmissioD, one shilling; Children, half price. Tlie proceeds will be dcroted towards tho cstibliahinent of a Library at Audenoa's Bay.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 1