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SHIPPING. FOII THE THAMES GOLDPIELDB. For Lyttelton, Wellington, Ncleon, Toruuki, Kapler, and Auckland. 'PHE P.N.Z. and A.R.M. ■zSSk-SMHjtffa"* Co.'n steanuiblp LOIS AH II LEY, 500 Tons, 11. Woitsr Commander, Will leave Port Chalmers for the above portg on TUESDAY, Ist DECEMBER. Bhlppinpr ordiTH can now be had. Cargo I* being received at Wharf. For freight or Damage, apply to GKO. 8. BRODRICK, Agent, lUttray street. Passengers embark by steamer leaving tbo jetty »t 2 p.m. PANAMA, NEW ZEALAND, AND AUBTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL COMPANY (LIMITED). BTEAII TO ENGLAND, CALIFORNIA, AOT> NEW YORK VIA PANAMA. y^lS^^&'r rpHE Screvr Steamship •sSSLututSesimr R A X A I A, 145G Tons Register, 400 Home- power, S. IF. Wrijoirr, Commander. I» appointed to LEAVE WELLINGTON FOR PANAMA, TUESDAY. Sth DECEMBER, At 3 p.m., " WITH HER MAJESTY'S MAILS. Through Bills of Lading arc tamed at moderate rates, and Hhl|ipcM may rely on regular delivery, In good onler. In hcbedule time. Thla Company's Steamer* leave Sydney on tlie l»t, and Wellington on the Sth of <-ncii month ; arc doe at I'annrna on the nth or Utb of the following month, and will form regular connection there aa followB:— FOR SOUTHAMPTON: Leave COLON on the Oth or 7th ; arriving nt SOUTHAMPTON Vlfth of each month. FOR HAN FRANCISCO: (At reduced fare*) Leave PANAMA on iHtorZnd, Oth. 17th. and24th ; and SAN FKANCIKCO for PANAMA, On the With, Gth, 14th, and Wml of tlie month. FOR NEW YORK : Leave COLON on sth or Cth, 13th or 14th, 20th, and JMth or each month, and tho liitter place on the Ist, Oth. lGth, ami 24th. "Die ship or the Bth for Ban Francisco, and that of the (ith for New York, now connect ivitJi till t Cornpany'K Kt/'amiiliiji arriving nt Panama on the Oth. I'n.vfuuvrH hooked from nil thiH Company'n Agcndcß, at through rates, to .lanrnieti, St. Thomas, Havana, Trlnido/I, Vera Cruz, and Domcrara. Tho hratieh xtutnier Tarnrua will leave Port Clialmern on Saturday, Otli Deceml>er. Liiwriigo lalHicnn lie hn/1 on niiplicntion. For full particular*, rule* of freight, passage, tic., apply to GKO. S. BRODRICK, Agent, Rattray Htreet. DUNKDIN TO MOERAKI AND OAMARU. •'s'%' f\^® °* tne undermentioned '•fctO-*^*^ Regular Traders :— ANNK. MATILDA HAVES. MIDLOTHIAN, PIONEER, or THREE BROTHERS, Will, fn future, bo dc«i>n tolled for the above Porttna follow. :- Por Mnnraki, every Saturday; for Oaninru, every W.i'.nwrtjij' arid Saturday. Vox freight, apply to lIKNRY AITKKN, Oamorn ; or, __ KEITH RAMSAY, Jetty street. FOR TAIKRI FERRY nnd WAtiIOLA LAKE. J'fJT^ II E Favourite Schooner "*• FLYING SQUIRREL. Being now a regular tniler to tho Taierl Ferry, will olwj take citrgo, xhoiiM xiiJTli.-lent Inducement offer, up to the Waihola Lake. For freiglit, apply to KEITH RAMSAY, Dunedin. For back loading, npply to Mr Irvine, Tuieri Kerry ; or Mr Weiib, V.'iilhola Jetty. FOR KAKANUI DIRECT. y^ht. HH H E Favorite Scliooncr *««& '" MIDLOTHIAN Will Sail for the above Port Oil FRIDAY, 27th INSTANT. For freight apply to KEITH RAMSAY, Agent, Jetty Btreot. TO MERCHANTS, BAKERS, iic. TTAVJNG appointed Messrs SERVICE, GIBSON, and Co., Agents for the Sale of my FLOUR and OATMEAL, all orders left at their Ofllcc, Hij{h street, will be attended to. ALLAN KINO, Otago Stciun Mills, Green Island. NOTICE. JULIUS HYMAN7 Jeweller, Princes *J Ktn;»t. respectfully tnkoH tliii opportmiity to rotify to his friend* and tin; public gencrallv. that ho I ma this day wild hia Watchmaking and Jewellery Business to" Mcs>r«. Harrop and Neill. and bcifi- to thank them for the kind patronage accorded to him during the last eight year*. All watches, jewellery, fa., left for repaint, will be font.d in U:c caro of». Harrop ami Neill. who will carry on the hm-mesa tn heretofore, and for whum he solicits a continuance of past favors. All a'connts upiinst ran are r. quested to be ?ent in by tho lOtli instant, to my office on the above jir.-mi.-ej. J. JIVMAN. HARROP and NEILL beg to call the attention of their friend* and the public to thu above announcement. Being firiit-clas* practical workmen in all the brunch's of tho businus-f, they trtiJ-t, by the strictest att-ntlon to business, to merit a Bliare of tho pub] io patrouago. UEG-AJ, ISrOTICE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND, OTAUO AND SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. In the matter or Peter Pntton, of Rwitzore, in the province of Otago, bullock-driver, Cm-c.-a-cj intcsUK. UPON reading tho affidavits of Francis Tiiomii-s Hewitt Ilullen and Alfn^ Ch(-ih:un St-<Klo, 1 do order that Alfred Chethuni Strode, ]>|iiire, a Curator of llio Estates of Dec-ens.; IVr-oiiß. i-liall t^; adrniuistrafirnr nil aud ningulHr the koo<L<i, >:li»lc<'Ls, at:d credin of I'eU-r Ptitton, deceased : atul that tills onier be publi^htxl in tlie Otaf;o Daily Time* newsp:il*r, its the intestatu litates Act, ISUS, directH. Dated at Dunedin, thi<i 21th d*y of Nuvouiber, 18K8. (L.S.) BigiiPl C. P. R. WARD. ■~ "^VOLITNTEER ~ W OTICES. VOLUNTEBRS FOR THE FRONT. WANTED Men for tlie Armed Constabulary Force to serve in the North Island. Must be unmarried and between the ages of 18 to :;o. Must produiw testimonial* of character. Apply at the Militia Office,, Dowling Btreet, betwoen the hours of 11 mid 1 o'clock daily. By order, JNO. JAS. ATKINSON, Capt. and Adjutant, M.litia and Volunteers, Dunedin. ~PABTJf EBSHIP~DISS OL YED ~ NOTICE. THE Partnership hitherto existin;; between John and Charles Flexman, Wool brokers and Tanners, Dunedin and Hokitika, trading raider tho firm of Flexman Bros., has been this day •liKtolvod by mutual consent. All accounU in favour or against the firm, vrll bo r»ccivod and paid by Charles Flexman, who will continue to carry on the business. JOHN FLEXMAN. CHARLES FLKXJtAN. Witness: W. STAVKW. November 27, 18C8. FANCY GOODS. TOYS, STAHONKIIY, FANCT GOODS i2fl) PKB.FUMERY In great variety, at MUNYARD'S BERLIN WOOL And FANCY WAREHOUSE George itrect, No»r tho Octagon. ■ar The cheapest house in town j

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 2127, 28 November 1868, Page 1