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Government Kotice. PROCLAMATION By His Honor Pavuxv 88-'&xr. Etq ; Superintendent of the Province of Canterbury, declaring certain Districts to be infected nnder "The Llseaaed tattle Act, 1861." . .. ', WHE^KAS by "The Dis<*a*-ed Cattle Act, 1801," it was provided that the Gover- or in Council might, by warrant un ler his hand,from time to time delegate to the Superintendent of a.y Province the said Coio.y. ail or at.y of tbe power* vested In ihe Governor oc OoJ. v.rnor in Council try the said Act, iv! ject to sucb Regulations as hesanht think fit, and might from time to timere-cind sur-h delegation : And whereas the said Governor hath; with the advioe and c _uent<of tbe Kxecnive Council of New; Zealand, deb gated to Samuel Bealey, Esquire, cc lon* as be .ball hold the oflice of Superintendent of the Province of Canterbury, tie s«veral powe«*s vested *n the said Governor by the Becond Fourih, Fifth, Seventh, Mntn, and tenth tec-; tions of the ssid act, sul jet to b^ing rc'ciniled as; in the said Act provided, and sutjret to the Regulations i-saed by the Governor in Council on the eighteenth d*y of September, One thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and to any other Regulations to be from time to lime duly made z £ow, ther.fore. I, SAMUEL BKALBY, by virtue of such powers in me vested, do hereby proclaim and declare, that after the date hceof the several Colonies of Aua-ralia. tbat i» to say, the Colony of Victoria, of New Sontb Wales, of Queensland, of South Australia, and Western Australia, as well a*the Colony of Tasmania, and the Colony of tbe Cape of Good Hope, and tbe I-!ands of Gteat Britain and Ireland ; the several Province, of the Colony of New Z aland, that is to say. tbe Pro-Ince of- tago, of Southland, in tbe Middle Island, and the P ovince of Auckhvd, in the j!*-or lb Isl-nd, shall be deemed to be mfeoted District, the meaning of the said Aot; and that no cattle shall be -mported from tbe said Districts into ibe Province of Canterbury . And I do further proclaim and declare the following HeeulaticDsfor tue destruction of d:. eased cattle, and for the preventing tbe removal or transportation of cattle from the said afvetal infected Di.ii lets into tbe Province oi Canterbury. I. If any person fhall drive or remove or cause to be driven or removed, or assist in driving or removing any cattle from either of the said iuftcted district 0, into the Pr.vince of Canterbuty.such person .hall be liab'e to a peoaity of Fifty Pounds for eviry head of cattle cc driven into the Province of Canterbury. 11. Ix shall be lawful for any Inspector of Cottle or Police Constable to destroy or came to be destroyed any cattle whiob shall pai-s Into this Province from either of tlie said districts. 111. If any person shnll wilfully impede or obstruct any Inspector or any Police Constable acting under the Authority of these Kfgul.tions, every person so effenring riiail and maybe se-z-id and detained by such person so acing as aforesaid, ir any pen-on or persous lie may call to hia a-s.stincp, until such cfiVnder or offenders can be taken before two Justices of the l^ace, and shall be , liable to a ptnalty of Fifty Pounds. , Given under my ha- d, nt Christehurch, this twenty- third day of September, one thousand eight hundred .nd sixty-five. 8. BBALRY, {superintendent. , By Hia Honor's Command, ' ll.ff. JOL-IK, Provincial Secretary. IrnKNDIKG Travellers to fhe Canterbury JL Gold Fleldf, are hereby Informed that the roai between Lyttdton and Hokitika. ria Chrittrbnrch, is now open for a dbtance 105 mi:es by coach, and ihat the remainder of the load, 50 tnil-e, can be perfotmed ou hotseback without difficuliy, Within three months the whole distance will be open to coach and dray trathc. EDWABD JOLLIE, Provincial Secretary. Provincial Secretary's ri-fficc, Cbrist'-burch, Canterbury, N.Z.,lßth August, 1865. Business Notices. W.LUKE AND CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CHEMISTS AND DBUGGIST-. Princes street, Dunedin, six doora from Manse street. : Wlukk~~"and CO., . in returning thanks to their numerous supporters, and the inhabitants of Dunedin generally, for the large amount of patronage bestowed on them Bince their opening business, have m_ch pleasure In informing their friends I and the publio. that they are continually receiving consignments of the most genuine and well-selectsd stock of drugs and patent medicines, also perfumery, brushware, and all requisites for the toilet. To meet the requirements of their large increasing business, they have made such arrangements that they are now in a position to supply up-country orders, shipping and the trale, with the greatest despatch and a the most reasonable . terms. W. Luke & Co. would call the particular attention of those who are suffering from colds, influenza, asthma, and from all irregularities, &c.,_-._., caused hy change of climate, to tbeir LIVER OR VBGETABLK COMPOUND ANTIBILIOUB PILLB. These pills are highly recommended by the Faculty, aud have efl'ectad most wonderful cures, wben all other remedies bave failed. LUKB'S PULMONIC MIZTLBE Ha. proved most efficacious ii the cure of coughs,a-itl:ma, consumption, oolds-. and all disorders of. the lungs; in many instances this valuable misiuro has effected perfect cure from cough in tjen .minutes, by allaying the Irritation of tiie chest and throat almost inaUnt-uieonsly. The list pf.articles kept at the establishment of Luke nnd Co., Ja too lumerous too .mention, bat the following are worthy of notice :-— LU-__J'S EYEJLOTION AND GOLDEN OIM'MHNT, Which, when used,ln conjunction, speedily, cure imflaiiimatwn ofthe eyelids, and all other diseases Incidental to that sensitive organ. LUKS'S DYSEiVTERY SYRUP. LUKE'S RHEUMATIC LOTION. LUKB'S PILJ_~OINTMEWT: This ointment will gfvo.rtJief in 24 hours to. those suffering from thia* t&oat di_tres ing com-, plaint. • LUKK'3 DETKBBIVE ESSENCE OF SAR-. feAPARILLA 4c lODIDE-OF POTASH. The most effective alterative of the system aad purifier of the blocd yet discovered. It will be/ound most valuable in the cure«.*f the following diseases:—Rheumatism, old sore,', syphilis or .venereal disease, and cutaneous eruptions; it will wot out the very foundation of the disease, and by purifying the blood give a healthy tone to the isßtem. No miner or bushman shoVtdd be without a bottle of this valuable compound. LUBEfS ORIENTAL KALYDOR, For improving and beautifying the complexion, and rendering the skin soft, clear, and beautiful. C, GERB*VRD'S ANODYNE. AN JNSTANT CUBE FOR TOOTHACBB, Bole Agents :—W. Luke and Co., Princes street, DunetlLu. (OT Note tbe Address— W. LUKE AND CO., Dispensing Chemists, kc, Princea street, DunedzL BY

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 1169, 30 September 1865, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1169, 30 September 1865, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Daily Times, Issue 1169, 30 September 1865, Page 2