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Here and There

Professor Koller. of Berne University, in collaboration with Professor Wasscrman, of Beriin. has discovered a serum cure for cerebrospinal meningitis (spotted fever), even in actute stages. Professor Koilc-T communicated his discovery to a meeting of the Medical Society held at Berne. He gave examples of complete cures. After injection of the serum, he stated, the patients' fever ceased almost instantly, and recovery followed within a fortnight.

I The ostrich business in the United States I is fairlv prosperous, especially in the Salt River Vsllcv. Arizona, where 1500 of the 2200 .ostriches in the country art- owned. This k a new line of.animal industry for Americans and there is much to be learnrd. We have not thus far produced such fancy bird<> a-» have tome of the more experienced breeders in South Africa, hut the size seems to be' increasing and the health nf the birds- is all that could be desired. So far serious ostrich diseases have not troubled the American raiser: even the so called barring of the feathers has not been observed. Ostriches need a hot. dTy climate, such as is found in tlie_ Southwest. The lainy nortion of the South is far less desirable, although thit> is sometimes mentioned as suitable for ostrich raising. Alfalfa pasture is also esesntial; an acre of alfalfa will carry four and. which is of far more importance, will keep them in good heahh. Our American cstriches are bow -worth SQOdoi. a. pavrat four that "ostrich farming is a get-rich-quick

scheme, for the birds art not ready for mating until they become four y.-ars old.

The strangely beautiful blue flower of tlie Cordillera blossoms only for a few weeks in the sprint:, at which time it is gathered high up at the snow line by the lithesome village maiefecs and brought down to the: train to sell. Tlie petals, blue as tin? sky, are as delicate, soft, and pliable as tlie palm of a fine kid glove, and resist tcarimr almost as strongly. If a i>etal is tw ; isted and wrunfr between the fingers it exudes a drop of liquid possessing a most powerful and pencrrating, but thoroughly pleasing odor. This juice is as strong as a flavoring extract, and a drop of it will give a "perceptible taste to a gaHon of water, from which arises a practice ill v.-itcherv by the wily mountain maids. Tbev wait'until voir" are linishir..: your l-rtikfasl, when one slip, up to your *-•:!-• and holds a big bunch of (lower., for you to bury your face in by way of tamiOiv.:. while anotlier executes :: Aan* niovur...t on your unprotected sie'e i;d <iro;s imii? bruised petals into yo;.- ■ •Hce. Wh-n vour face conies out of tin :'.jv.v:s ,-;•:»! vol begin to sip your coff<f, thev lxilh !.aiig:i and clan their hands ami tei! you i«jt to 1- -i- rv. ;•* it i.= o"!v i •<■, taa.l re ■'-'.

P -.: 1 ,•-_;, .■,.■::■ .in -if th- v'liaj.-. Of course, you are not not pretty mean, you aie sure to buy l:!::." Ikr.vera from then on til! train time a: prices as loftv ns their habitat. This blue f-jw.-i < r.i/• ■•:.■«. i:'t in'fl you -oiii. but wliilv it !a ts i: v.oaY: he ■•!n-a|nr to lxan orchid fan it.-r.

I'or -some time pa&t rumors have been afloat as to the discovery of a goldneld in EiigLii'd within 200 nHh'-s of I.oiiilon (says the Daily Miill. It has hevu stated in whxpers that the icef is thirty-one iiiilci long, and presents '.!:.• aaso charitctcrintics ;:s a Hind lief. All the irt<n<y has been attributed to the fici that thtte interested have not yet secured ail the option? over the land required. Of course, the Tumors have been regarded as too good to be true; I hey have naturally I;'en he'.d in derision. Ii is now jioi-ilili' to state, liowever. tint a syiiuic:it<* exists which firmly Jiclievcs in the discov<ry. an<i a Daily Mail representative recently inaaiaivd to find the chairman, who is a gentleman of good standing in the city. Tuis gentleman, while exceedingly reticent, declared the facts of the gofdfie-M, as just slated, to be eoncet. The policy of the directors of the pynidiate, the chairman explained, is to keep the whereabouts of the reef secret until options over all tli.- 1-jik! l are acquired, and then to invite exjciis and Press representatives to exaii'ine li.e Held for th: liificlves. Mcactiuie, there ate only live people who know where it is; even i-)n:e of the directors do not know. "My friend' wlio have i.nhscriljeJ to the syndicate." said the e-hairman.

"hive Iki'J to accept my ipse dixit. Sample? taken from the reef, lit? explained, haw. been submitted to an expert, who. in wivrniui' of their true source, pio nounced them as probably bavin'.' been obtained from tli<> Hand. ••Enirland."' si'd the cr.'.h'.isiiistic chairman, "will rank hiy.h anionir the irold-producers of the word. \\V shall r-olvc the problem of the unemployed ami fettle the o licet inn ol the gold

Six of the handsomest Indian* imaginable arrived in London recently for tV Whiter Festival at the Olym]>ia. '1 hoy represent tell tier cent, of the once « resit Moki tribe which Cortcz such a bad tim/? in. Mexico 350 yearn ajo. To <'.:■}■ tlurc arc but .sixty Moki's left, at! men. with the. excep'ion of two o'.d women, lly special permission of l'nisident Roosevelt. M i;o:- Cramer, late of the United Stattts Army, v.a., permitted to brill.: them to Kunipe. Tin' fix me;;, with thiir healthy, .brsmze-iolorod faces, sj.'iy blankets, and nainted bodies weie certainly strikiii.'lookniit fiirures as tliey looked ronr.d the platform at rVnclitireh street, impassively enough, on tlieir arrival. With them came a iarjje red box of snakes, for their chief a-cnn-pli.dimeiit is their |H rformni. e of a suak? da-ice. holdin.' and whirling J oifoiwis icp'.ilce about lh«ir ban- books. Xou- ar.d then the rattbt-nakes bite the Mokis Quite recently one was bitten in the nose but a tiiile like never worries a pure-blooded Moki. His comrades ■sucked" out the poison, cauterised tin? wound, and then applied a secret medicine which reduced llie swelling in a remarkably short time. In Germany, where they performed before the Kaiecr, £SOO was offered them for their secret, but they kept their iips closed. The bodies of some of tlo men arc literally tattooed with rattlesnake bites. Cigarettes arc their chief vice, but driiil;. at all hazards, must be kept from them. A drunken Moki will cause more devastation than a skidding motor-omnibus.

During her recent visit t<> Paris Margherita. the Queen Dowager of It ily. nude ixk n.-.ivc purchase* of |>erf nines. n::d the pap is reveal that her favorite essence is violrt. Tiiis has brought out a discussion of tin- perfumes used by the Queens of Eiiiopc. If is alleged that tin- Czarina -:perds in Paris v.n \<*s than 50.000 frams ar.nually on perfumer, ere.-ims. ki>;i|'x>. ami toilet waters. Yio!et i.s her favorito iiieo. and large quantities of it arc put up in (la.slfi cfcpeeialiy for her. Slit- U so fond of p»rf tunes hi general, however, that hrr ;00i;..i .up daily sprinkled with ermines of eMcr. jasmine, narcissus, or tul>errosc Sometimes the atmosuhcrc is wi charged with scent n.s to be almost intolerable to other people entering the anartments. For the preparation of the Czarina's toilel wafrs violets are .'->p:< ja-'y plucked be. twc.-ti 5 an--! 7 o'< !i». k in the evening, liecattle, in her opinion, t-iiat is the iiour when the plants give forth the most ex quiVite odors. Queen Alexandra of England is addicted to the res-bouquet, the formula for which as used by the English Boyd Family is said to Ik- a 'secret, handed down from father to win since 1329. Tlw- components are paid to be musk, ambcrL'ris, rosewatcr. violet, jasmine, orange ffower, and lavender. Queen Wilhelmina of the X'-therlaixfe has a less complicated taste. Eau de (Vogue i.s good enough for !»er. She uses half a litre a day of it. She tees considerable fancv soap, toilet (Teams, and powder. She t.ikefi a warm bath of «evcn minutes duration daily, followed by a could' douche. She is very proud of her beautiful complexion and takes every rains io keep it iinim paiTed.

From Southern Wyoming, that home of lost causes in the animal kingdom, thenwas rccentlv unearthed and brought to the Museum of Natural Fiistory. Now York. a Loxolophodon. This beautifully-named creature is doserilied as a mixture of clc u'nar.t and Thinoecros. and is said t'> have been the largest mammal of bis dav. Pro. fc«or Waiter firanger. who headed the exj>edition, and Professor Osborn have dora vcrv creditable restoration of the beast, one of whose special peculiarities was the ;<oss"ission of six horns, two enormous ones on the back of nis skull, two rather smaller over the ey?s, and two rudimentary on the tip of the nose. The expedition was also successful in other directions, recovering in all some 240 species of extinct animals, carnivores, rodents, early camel-like animals, and an early primate, like the lemurs.

A -remarkable exhibition of a new safety powder was given at- San Jose, Cal., recently. For transportation the powder is packed in two separate parts, each par: alone being non-explosive. In tlio demonstration each part was placed separately upon a sledge and 6truck with an iro-i rod. but neither preparation exploded. Then, tlie two parts mixed were treated in the same manner, with a like result. An attempt to explode, sticks of the separate parts with a cap arc! fuse was made, but onlv the cajis exploded. Then a stick was fifled with the mixture and fired with a cap and fuse, a terrific explosion following. One. and one-half ]>ounds of the mixture placed in a six foot hole drilled in a rock weighing from fifty to seventyfive tons completely shattered tbe rock, pieces beans thrown to a distance of ten to fifteen feet.

Mine. De Thebes, the seer, has issued her forecast for 1907. which prophecies a bad time all round. Slie foretells a pitclioil hatt'e between the British Hoiim of Lords andi the Ojuiuhuk. whi'-li will be ended bv the peacemaking effort* of Kim; Edi\«rd. The struggle between classes and messes in England, she declares, will become seriors. France is to have a year of vciy rough weather, and a chequered experience generally. Germany will have a thoroughly bad time, with financial catastrophes, and all sorts of scandals. Many of Iter princely houses will be in mourning. In Aus-tria-Hungary there will be cyclones hi the valley of the Danube, and the old Emperor will not leave his frown to bis expected successor. The proplietee; foresee* a bad time for t'te United States, and Helgitnn may ex poet grave |.i>liti*.-al and social o--currcncce.

An American physician has ctirrd a • ■•ioi lockjaw by heroic and unpiciedtnt'd methods. Richard MiTer. a carpenter, ran * nail into cg£ of his fttt ten wtitk* 2re Within .'-ight days his iawt v.-fr< !"k'-d

and he became unconscious. After antitoxin liad been administered, ami " K wound in his foot excised. 'lk* patient !•«- came still worst. It *a» a very l«<i <>>■ of tetanus, and the doctors■! liope. Convulsions racked the mans frame. In desperation., auc as a last i«cort, to give some- relief to the tension *-n iho heart and brain and internal Ur .1. H. Garvin, head *ur>:e«n «f John's Hospital. Long Island City. iWk a pint and a-haif of blood from Miners, 1.-f: arm. Ilelief came, and to this heroic me thod. wlueb. si is suggested here, may lo a revolution in lockjaw- I real men!. the pbvsicians believe I lie man «wej> his life. Now Miller is ou! of huspital jierfcctly cund and l>r (Jarvin has been invited to read a paj-.r «:i lh<- case before the New York .\!.o:i.ii Association.

A miXiuiai.e who di.d roeeiiiJy Jn 40 years had puichase but one suit of c!oth<*.

'. , '...-f. \.ilr 'if trousers, two ovenost*. .:i:«i iu'l6 y<ars four straw hats were hi* ' niv >y;«l "<■• 'ring. He would no! ha»e ;:'."::««. !•:.:; »d for fear of Wearing them oui. and housekeeper cut his hair. A Russian miJiionaire. Sol«dovnkogu, Ml minions for charity when lie died. He h?.d ::ve;i a"; iu- for>. lillV !.<•'.! -r :i;<n

.1 d'li;. Hi u-a* V.iftieJ and iimcrahle. With'an imoine of many leiss of !hou»aiiiL, a vc::r. hi? c.xpciiiitun - « -:e ui: ( .v r£l w.*.-k;v. SI. <»f KraJuv. was rich zr.d haj'jiv til! his favorite Stephen' »> butixd to'ticalh. TJwn he shut him/*?:!' m a room, .n.'.i for 27 ycais as a reiliu«.\ seeing only an old servant. He au only ejfn s a,,t ' "bread. All Australian million aire boasted liiat during his long life he h.-.d nevi-r <n!cred a lheatr«-. «v«.ru g-lwvea, washed himself with r*>ap. uoi ivom -i white siiirl.

Mr John I>. Ilockcfeller. the richest man in tile world, is construe] in£ a four-acie iake on his «slate at Kakcwood. N« w Jereev. as a Christina* present —fur himself. Mr Hoekcfeller. who is said to be b»nd exceedingly by his simple life in New .ter rev. surrounded by detectives and armed yiiards, recently mailed she fart j!ias Sir vas an expert skater in his youth, and he decided at ome to c<insiruci a 3ake in order to indulge in this amusement. The millionaire is reported lo have iKia-1.-i that he could "cut B's all day Jons without stopping :o r<st." In addition to this ac complishmeiU. he is now said to be <ju:le expert in cutting dollar mar'to in the ice. The lake, which was l<i U- ...jupletcd before Ciiristnias, will be t-ciecixd by a of pine*, and a iu<li;e of nettles. A wauhtower is built on the t-horc. »v!).-n<«-detectives with hi«h-power field will the <-urroundiiis coumry while the. lonely millionaire is in order to warn him of the approach of :nirtnieis.

Wlm'ii you feel tin- first twinge ■•!* rlx-u----inatism. gout, sciatica. or luinliazo, send for a boitk- of r.HKI'.MO. It will quickly cure you. Ail M«ir«* ami cli-misls sell it at 2s'6d and 4s 6d. A positive and lastinc cure.—2s. Penrose's Summer S:ik 4 is sliil booming along. Each department has a liberal stock of choicest wares at gift prices. Itargains to he had in Ladies' Itlotisc*. Skin*. Hats. Umbrellas. Corsets. A Jov.-iv lot «f Embroidery Mouse Pints, were 7s od each, now going for 2s 9d each. Special line Ladies' Mack Cashmere Hose, two pair* for 2s 6<l. were >; 6d. Hlatl; and G-loj.J Dross Pieces. Skirt-leitgths and leiijnants of Dross Material, all mark-vi down at very low prices for the sale. Tlnc-re is every reason why you should Imy H"aJik<i<v to-day. Vou know how wool has bumped up. You know the woollen manufacturers have formed a co;i)l»in<'. You'j] know what to expect when the taasim «rwn». lllankcls will go up 50 per < e):t. To-day's prices are: All-wool Colonial ISiaiik.-1.-.. doubic-l>ed size. l&s 6d per pair: extra large size 23s 3d.—PEN'HOSE'S Ur.,ji.;y Establishment. A cough is a small tiling, hut still annoying and also dangerous to trifle with. Take some Uneeda Cough Syrup (Marshall's) and cease to cough. Splendid for children. Is 6d and 2s 6d at all chemists and stores.

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Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9478, 4 February 1907, Page 4

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Here and There Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9478, 4 February 1907, Page 4

Here and There Oamaru Mail, Volume XXXIV, Issue 9478, 4 February 1907, Page 4