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Want raced badly at Hawera. Gisborrie entries close next Friday. Miraculous is now trained at Otaki. Oamaru on. Wednesday and Thursday. '■.*-. Wanganui on Thursday and Saturday. To date Woorak has won £15,350 m stake money. Royal Chef was the only double wfhner at Hawera. Wanganui Steeples and Century Hurdles on Thursday. At Hawera, Antwerp ran-as-sotir as a [lemon rolling . down a hilL The starting of Mr. C. O'Connor at Hawera was well nigh perfect. Golden Graf ton had a bad mouth at Hawera, but it did not stop her winning.; " _ ;.■'.. .;■ ■ , ; „•. . Ken Quinllvan has been appointed private trainer, to Mr. H. E. Troutbeck. . The two full brothers, Astor and Coropet, won on the second day at Hawera. Boys of the Betting Brigade, save up to be on Crown Pearl when ho is bullioned. ' The VJR.C. has pulled £1000 oft, the - Melbourne Cup prize money, and ' £ 500 off the Maxibyrong Plate. The big entries received will ensure a successful meeting at Otaki, and already the club is on velvet. '■ Some of the jocklets that rode at Hawera ought to be on cab driving, for race riding is not their game. Aruake, who has been on tho sick list sine© he fell at Hastings, is making a good recovery at Wanganui. Zolo Is already a hot-pot for the Connolly Handicap at Wanganui m which he will be ridden by R Reed. After the Hawera some of the punters re-named Crown Pearl. Now they know him as Captain Cook. The pace m the early part of the Mcßae Memorial at Hawera was Tired Tim enough for a respectable funeral party. ' \ Clarice, did you see Crown Pearl at Egmont? Dont let on. Only you and I are m it and well be with them at WangunuL ' > The Masterton- owned 3-year-old colt Three, who was No. 3 m the' racebook, started at threes, and won the Denman Stakes. '■.'-.■ Revocation, the half brother to Encore, m J. Brown's stables, has a lot of pace and should be handy m a maiden -shortly. .M. Gardner had Calais at Hawera, but he was not satisfied with the way he was handicapped and would not start the Patron us gelding. We are going to persuade a parly we have a down on to buy and race a borse, and when he's broko we Will give him the merry hal ha! The going at Hawera was very heavy and several horses which raced there will do a lot better later on when the conditions are more to their liking. A returned visitor from Sydney says, "The bulk of tho imported horses appear to have & dash of vinegar m their blood, and to be a, bit ladylike constitutionally." Lord Lupin looks like coming back to form. He showed all his old pace for a few furlongs axHawera r/ but m he i» affected m the pipes he may not. go on much further. Ticino, aided by a 51b allowanoe, won tho' Walhi Handicap at Egmont, for which event he was well backed by his connections. On the second day he failed to get a drum. At Reefton, m the second race, Bayform (Nautifonm — Bayonet) fell, bringing dowti Gallivant. The former broke his back and had to be destroyed. Both Riders got off with a shaking. In Chrletchurch a return is belmg prepared which will show the amounts given by racing clubs to the various Patriotic Funds. It is to be hoped that this will bo an eye-opener to tho wowsers. / The push behind one- of the horses that raced m the first hurdles at Egmont should have been outod for two years, lock, stock and barrel. Did you sou the rider eyeing the "stipe" on returning to the birdcage? ■* The brilliant Trequette is to retire to the stud, where such a magnificent-ly-formed maro of her fine breeding ought to prove as big a success as Bhe has been on the turf, where she will havo a worthy successor next season m her half-sister Ettefred. It's a treat at present touting track work at break o' day, just as pleasant as working m ft. refrigerating chamber. Then when raco results knock your touting information into a cocked hat, you feel like cursing the noble gee gee back to itH five-toed ancestors. Crawford hopped out In front m tho Mcßae Memorial at Hawera. and the i other riders going to Blwop over the \ first half mile found they could not j got up when they wanted to. On the j second day Crawford did not hit tho j front at any Btngo of the race. j Mr. R. NoreUe intends having Spain trained In Wunjjnnui m future, anil the [ fllly will probably go Into Walter Rayner*a stables. The AYunganul owner, ' -who hrn» been laid up for the pom nlno weokß with an injured knee-cap, is now able to got about on sticks. Glenowl. who wns bought for £16 by tho well-known Greymouth sport, Mr. Cris Nlssen, was weighed out for tho Boatman* Handicap at Iteefton, but as his owner was engaged on the totaHsutor, tho horse had to be scratched. The inveutmonta on Glenowl were returned. B. H, Morrin gave Stlcmis plenty of stick over tho nnal furlong of tho Opeke Handicap at Hawora. and oftor giving the leadorH a good start over tho lajft half rnJle ho got up and won, Slfmor had another reprcHontativo m the same race In Henri Clay who was runner-up. There is a red-hot ramp exposure nearly ripo for letting 10000, and as It |« underntoott thnt some of the aristocrats of the K»i"« aro m tho Joke, It should ronke tiusty rotuUnß. Thnt tho Star Chftniber will try and keep 't dark sfoc« vvithatit Kriylniy. but wo don't think they will dodso us. There will soon be no battllnff owner* In thla country. Slowly but surely thft bl^r money bau» will havo tho frnmo to thotns^lveit. and the foolish public will continue to pour money Into thft toMUltfalor to lncrttmo tho «t«vk»» for the blfc jjun-'i. After what oc?curr'srl m the flm hurUio* m Hftvs^m ii look* u« If th<* "»»![>»«" are afraid to tnk« on the big Kun», but lei ft battler wirny ever ko little from the path of virtue und up ho itona for two yttasx or tbore> »bouu, , .. ...... ]

What's going to beat Crown Pearl when on the job? It takes two to make a bet, but any bonehead with brass can be one of the pair. ..''■■' Consequent upon his two failures at Hawera Antwerp has gone right out of the boom. A woman rider is to have a mount at a > Jack Wren race at Richmond, Melbourne. ' A. Hail, of Wanganul, recently completed the purchase of Moulu, whom h© intends to try oven fences. » ; Awahou is commencing- to look well now and he will be led m by the clerk of the course any day now. Bivouac is now badly gone m the wind and he failed to show up at any stage of the Ladies' Purse at Hawera. Backers of Antwerp on the nrst day at Hawera must have met red-headed, cross-eyed women while on the way to the course. Duke Alynne, who won the Newcastle Cup, was successful m the same event last year with 41bs more than he carried on Saturday. When next Silver Monarch appears lie will carry the colors of Mr. Lance Wood. He will bo the first jumper owned by the Wellington sportsman. Royal Simon had the going to suit him at Hawora, but he does not know enough about jumping yet. He is now trained by R. Barlow at New Plymouth. ' Prize-money at the recent Rand wick meeting totalled £86.726, which included £7726 from sweepstakes and forfeits, and they haven't got the totolisator them / Rlnaldo, who went wrong while contesting the last Wellington Cup, is still running out at Pordell. but will be taken up In the winter and got ready for spring racing. ' , H. Young has now completed his apprenticeship to F. Tilley. but he will still remain m the service of that mentor, the only difference being that ho Is now allowed to put out his hand after a meeting; Sylviaroa, without a "quid" on him, was' just touched off by Golden Grafton on the nrst day at Hawera. The next day the TaranakJ "heads" went m boots and all, but the gelding raced m the rear of the field the whole way. H. Gray applied >f or a license at New Plymouth last month, and by nine votes to seven the committee refused the application. It is hard to know why, for surely It is only British that when a man has expiated his offence ho should bo given another chance. P. Johnson has effected a big Improvement iv Captain Mlro. Ridden by a son of tho well-known trainer Captain Miro jumped off m front m tho nm Hurdle 3 at Hawera and never let tho others In. On the second day he took on a flat race and boat all but Flying Camp. Old Bercola made his reappearance m the Purse at Hawera. and ran a fair race. He ran with heavy bandages on In front so, presumably, J. Fryer is a bit frightened of his joints. Another jumper m Darby Paul was also In the same race. Ho has recently been purchased by Mr. G. Larcom. and la now trained nt Hawora by C. MUlon. >. Golden Mar«h failed badly both days at Wanganul and on that form it will be no surprise If he is allowed to drop out of his Wanganul engagements. At no stage of the roco was ho going well at Hawera triid obviously he was hot himself. Perhaps ha was sickening for strangles, and it is interesting to romembar that two yean* ago at the same meeting Awahou fuilotl badly on both ! days and on arrival homo h« was found I to be suffering from strangles.

Manawakaha finished tailed off m bis only start at Hawera. Patronymic was only half ready at Hawera and ho is sure to run better next time. : R. E. Brown rode three winners at I Hawera, while a Price and CV 12morson jeach rode a couple. Lord Nelson failed badly m his only start at Hawora when well fancied by the public and his owner. v . Ronald Cameron must ha 70 pulfod himself down considerably of lata as i he was credited with ridlngr 8.5 at i Wangaratta last month, 4 j After the way Royal Chef won his two races at Hawera it is surprising that he has been beaten so regularly at other meetings. ' The man that pays for a horse does not always own it, but the boy on top does. There's a "wealth of wisdom m the above whang.. I j At New Plymouth J. O'Neill shortly is going to take upthe Rokeby— -Tea Cup ftlly again. He is now breaking m a half-sister to Lord Multifid. A gang of sharpers caught at the tear-down business on the train from Hawera to Wanganui, are to bo prosecuted by tho Railway Department. Los Angolos was saddled up for the Mokoia Handicap at Hawera, but tho old warrior has lost his punch and was a furlong behind the whole way. Just before ho won the Tosmanlan Grand National Steeplechase on Helot on Easter Monday, Clarence O'Nell receivod a wire from hla home m Melbourne — "A daughter; boCh doing well." *. Tho threo stages of fiportdom—i. the sportlet, that would Uko to know something; 2 % the sport, that thinks h\ knowe everything; 3, tho battler, that* knows ho knows nothing about the game. G. Scoble, who used to train for Mr. Harvey Patterson, is now tq top hole rider over fences m Melbourne. Ha rodo 121 Progresso at Rand wick and tho following week won on the game horso at Adelaide. The Easter meetings on the West Coast turned out successful, each of the three clubs having an Increase In their totalbmtor returns. At Kumaro, Izdubor won a double. Tip Up equalled this performance at Hokitika, and at Reef ton, Cariad DUeos had a similar record. According to that reliable sporting 1 sheet tho "Chrifitchureh Prosit," 'the Southland 'chaser, Tho Brewer, must bo a champion of champions ua ho waa recently ' credited by ih<? "rTesa" with carrying "lllsi. ftlba., when ho j ran Becond to Heatherlea at Rivortou. Some weight-carrier Tho Brewer. At Adelaide when a dividend Is posted and thorn is much crowding n't the pay-out windows, several peoplo buy tho winning tickets at a djueouni of a Bhilllng. Some of them do big business, as pun torn do not Uko tho waiting, but tho buyers will be caught sooner or laUr with fakod tickets. Old Fireworks is still being raced m Victoria. Early this month ho waa at Warrnambaol »o try nnd rop«»at hi* last year's history m tho Grand Annual Steeplechase, but ( tho old follow rcfuHod to Jump <md took no port m tho race, which 131 Program?, ridden by Georgo Scoble, won by 20 lengths. v Tho Egmont Racing Club must have made a l»l.«r profit ovt«r its winter mooting. On tho rlr«t day the stakes totalled I*Boo odd and thu club knocked £ll'oo odd out of the maohinw, not to mention rtinull items like nomJnatlonH. acc»>ptancos. tpite receipts, booths, books, lenrooniu. ote. With «on»o alulm owners are now racing practically for uwcepstukea. i

Weights for the Otaki meeting are due to-day. ; There vrere more jockeys than horses at Blenheim this woek. The Wellington Racing Club's Winter meeting will extend over a period of three days. If Te Anau starts m the Trial -at Oamaru, R. J. Mason's charge will not be an outsider. Maid o' Gowrie "went well for a time m the Opeke Handicap at Hawera, but did not see out the distance. Analogue could not act m the going at Hawera, and M. Gardrier would not start him on the second day. Miacara, 8.1, ' has been given a great chance m the Flying- at Wangnnui. The Boniform mare always races well when fresh. Depredation raced much below his best form at Hawera. Probably the Campfire colt was not suited by the soft going. They were a very bad lot of horses racing at Hawera, but they were good enoagh"to liompete tor the poor prizo money given. Bisogrne ran like a goat m the open sprint on the first day at Egmont, but on the second day th 6 chestnut acted as runner-up to Royal Chief. The GJsborne Racing Club is giving £2525 m stakes for its winter meeting. This should attract good fiolds. Entries close on Friday, May 26. Purseflller, who is one of the wellbacked horses for the Great Northern Hurdles, will make her d^but over fences m a hack hurdle race at Wanganui. Want was given a few days* spell after the Egmont meeting and the next appearance of the Penury gelding will bo m the Raukawa Cup at the Otaki meeting. ".'■."' ■ . v ' ■ ' Fllngot, 11.1, Is meeting a very weak field m the Hack Steeples at Wanganui. and prodding the old fellow can jump the brush fences he will make a job of the others. Paraoa was thought good enough to win an open welter at t'elldlng. and on this form punters may consider him. good enough to wiiTtho Purua Hack Handicap at Wanganui. Seamaid looks well m at the minimum m the Fernbrook Welter at Oamaru. The Martian mare had Silent Way doing his best at Gore, and It was only m the last half furlong that he shook her off. ; . _ Zola is a great tip for the Connolly Handicap at Wanganui, m which ho will be ridden by R. Reed. Th© admirers of the Sweet Simon gelding say he showed W. Rayner as good a mile as Shrapnel did before the latter won the Thompson Handicap. HandicttDper a. Morse has a better Opinion of Tarlngamutu than anyone else has. At Wanganui m the Connolly Handicap ho asks her to concede weight to Leonta and Emperador, both of whom would pick her up and carry her a mile, Uion drop her at tho turn and raco her home. Tho Hawke's Bay Jockey Club is having considerable* difficulty In making up its mind as to the appointment of a successor to Secretary W. J. Stratton. This will be a body blow to the army of supporters tho various, candidates had. At present tt looks as if the club .is unable to differentiate between the eight remaining candidates, and fresh applications axo now boiny called. As Yaacular did not accept tor tho Northerns at Elleralie tho probabilities are that tho Karamu gelding is to bo given a further spell. This being the caso Gladful may be found racing m the Century Hurdles at Wanganui, and a very good showing may be expected from Formby'a brother, who won very* easily on both days at Hastings. Now that tho bay can Jump bo should be well able to hold his own In any company, for ho has plenty of pace. Hurdle Heads at this tlmo of tho year are invariably small, but this year they appear more bo than usual. At Hawero, when only four "goats" raced on the second day everybody was sayIng that it bodod ill for tho Nationals, as nono of the horses which raced at Hastings and* Hawera were worth a hundred. Still, it is wonderful how the National horses appear at the right time. Thoy will bo horo m sufficient numbers lo furnish fair flolds and tho right sort of BporL Messrs. W, Duncan and F. Tllloy re* turned from Sydney lost week. Tho yearlings purchased there were also brought back and arc now running out at Fordell preparatory to being handled at tho conclusion of the Wanganui meeting, where Client, Austin, Cello and MJactfra will carry tho violet and gold stripes. Mr. Duncan informed the writer that Austin had a few daya* spell after Fending, but was now going a irons ajfain. Pohahe has not proved UV to tho BLandord oitd won to g«t marching orders, and that Ardent would probably bo tried over fences. Tho death occurred m England recently, at the ago of 84, of a jockoy named James Covey, who rode tho rank outsider Ulack Tommy when that horso ran Blink Bonny to a neck m tho Derby of 1857. In roooUoninir Covey's death, the "Sporting Life" »aya that a $umb<»r of ramarkablo wagera worn recorded In connection with Black Tommy, for though, u« muted above, the public regarded the colt jus a negligible quantity, tho ovvuor held other ylowh. Among other beta were 10,000 to 20 and 10.000 to 150; but tho moat w«lrd of lht> lot waa one of Ju 20,000 to a coat, waistcoat, and hat! Tho anxiety to not tho IteniK of wear mentioned went eloao to proving vary cowtly to the layer of the odda, A Melbourne writer says: "A visitor to a neighbor! ntr Stato where tho tot© operates was on friendly terms with an owner of hor«e« and wok tnvltod to tho stables. On an inspection of tho string the trainer wa« volubly comuiunicatlvtt oh to a couplo of hacks. on« of which ha «ald wius by Trnouair. Our man said It was the only Traqualr that ho could not identify on confirmation. Thoro was ono hor»o thai the truln«?r apparently ovor-look«d, and on a for a view of him the vUltor wsm told that b* was not of much account. On iho rujrs being removed ht» was Identified n.i a rvcont winner of two mc^s m this Bt»te, und v^ry likely Co run on tiln llrnt ttppwirttnce m l\w nriKhhorlntr SUiie. Tho hoTHeu of no account wttro extolled, but tho good hot'rfo wiia doprecUtt«d. Thia ia tot« way." Th© toto roturnu at th<s rownt lltxntlfign <uid Htrtnont inectin^H malu 1 Inti»r<s«Utt<c rcathnie, ajid afford food for catuildcrauU) UioUKhr. At Hawora, tins toto ngurttM for the two <lay« of fourteen rttce* w^re £30,35", wlj)ld, at !•!««- --! llngn. with mxtcen rac«j», tht» flfciirra t w«.>ro 1139,875, which 0how», |.Mjr mc«, th;tt tho Kawor* j»eopt<t invent ed moro money. li\ th«s butter dtatrtet th<>>* :»r^^ all umall "eockt**." and thny n*mi thr tnrtnoy round, but HawkcV Bay l» v!»p Utikd of th«» hlje nt4g»<vnh, «nd what in* h.i» rot— Uk© John Hull— b« h-'ums «n l«i. m panning, It may bo poUu«Hl out ihtii tho If Hike's Bay CJub give* nearly an much prt*<s money lit on^ raco a* iht* Kinnont ChiM riv«M» In n (tny, In^tancd j Uk> Huwkfl'n Hfty Cup wa» worth £700. ru\d a d:ty> stAkm at Hnu'cra £»tfßrt'»r;«« v-l £S?a. Q>J»*tSo?i, wjjnt doa»t ihr. XK f f, i iao(!t !l;»cjfsi: (.Mul» do «*-!Ui H« imih«7>*? ' Tlu-y Mill i\<n even «^r^rt A f«Sv UuvU \ f<*t;,>*»fii for rHihoollng purpont-«, a«<3 km j ttfipHeaiton from the trfthicrs :u*fcintr for ibu wa* turu»d down miq« utuv

Tho preliminary of Los Angelos at Hawera was more like a shuffle than a canter. C. Emerson will ride Bandy In the Oomaru Cup next week, and W. Robineon will bo on Rorke's Drift Coropet likes the mud and under 9.2 be jumped out In front on the second day at Hawera and was always a winner* Immensity, who has been off tho scene since tho Northern meeting twelve months ago, is entered for the hack steeplechase on the opening day at WanganuL After getting off badly Veto, aided by her light weight, caught Glenroy In the straight and won tho Tawhitl Handicap In good stylo. A rise of 121bs stopped tho four-year-old mare on the second day. A worse lot of horses could not be imasinod than the toam which raced m tho Borough Handicap at Hawera. Flying Camp wont out In front, with Captain Miro aliasing him. At tho finish the whole fleld was cantering, and *««3 strung out for nearly a furlong..

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NZ Truth, Issue 570, 20 May 1916, Page 9

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NEWS AND NOTES. NZ Truth, Issue 570, 20 May 1916, Page 9

NEWS AND NOTES. NZ Truth, Issue 570, 20 May 1916, Page 9