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N.Z. UTILITY GLUB SINGLE HEN EGG-HAYING CHAMPIONSHIP TEST FOB PUREBRED FOWLS. THIRTY SECOND WEEK. The following is tlie result of the 32nd. week of the egg-laying championship test for purebred fowls at Papanui, Canterbury : 1 LIGHT BREED SINGLE HEN CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST. Tl. Tl.


Totals 512 1'i,203 iTwo birds dead. *One bird dead. SINGLE PF.N DUCK COMPETITION (Each competitor to enter three ducks).

CONTEST Fawn Indian Runner— L. A. Wadham 5 98 S. G. Batten 5 79

EGG-LAYING CONTEST RESULTS AT MOUNT ALBERT 31st WEEK'S PRODUCTION. THE HEADING TEAMS. The tihirty-first week of the Auckland Poultrykeepers' Association's fifth single pen and team egg-laying competition has ended. The leading individuals in each section are:—Heavy breeds: Mr E. Mullei s Black Orpingtons, No. 2, 209 eggs; Jia'ht breeds: Mr ,J. N. HcJ,can's No. I. e Duck section: S. H. Scott's Indian Runner, No. 1, 208 eggs. The following are the leading teams to figures in parentheses being the TV *^ e k , s total, of t’he three birds combined, the ness three sets of figures the individual totals, and the last figures the team's total HEAVY BREEDS. White .Rocks (5 teams) — r/ eX4^Adainson —( 1€ )» 133, 114... 356 "* rs <? e °- Herring—(ls), 14V, 81, 120 348 W. Bisii—<lS), 116, 122, 109 347 Barred itocks (1 team) — H. IV. Beck —(17), 76, 80, 84 , 240 Silver Wyandottes (4 teams)— S. Ho>ker—(ls), 116, 105, 113 334 R. G. Hunt—(l3), 48, 114, 118 280 o % Wyandottes (1 team)— S. H. Scott—(l9), 162, 121, 135 418 Columbian Wyandottes (1 team)— H 'r.; Mx ! or s-~( 14 )’ 11 R 95. 143 348 Rhode Island Reds (6 teams)— S' S- Waterson—(l3). 96. 169, 157 t it' Kiw—(l4), 123, 130, 164 417 J - V. Siddall—(l2), 118, 115, 174 407 A ,U n '~ e Langshans-(2 teams)— A - Wood—(l7j. 144, 159 m lilaek Orpingtons (58 teams)— Ernest Muller—(18), 173, 209, 189 571 R . A Nixon, No. 1—(18), 189, 203, 164 556 vv • U. Timewell, No. 2—(15), 167,2168 _ 187 522 R- J. Roberts, No. 2—(17), 176, 183, 156 515 F. O. Barge—(l2), 176, 171, 163 510 A. E. Cambie, No. 1—(16), 157, 158, 181 503 W Blomfield—(l7), 150, 158, 190 498 R- B. Cruickshank, No. 2—(12), 173, 164, 160 1 497 R B. Cruickshank, No. 1—(9), 150, 184, 162 496 I Montgomery and Son—(l7). 164, 165 167 ! 408 F V. Cutts—(l3), 178, 174, 144 496 W. A. Nixon, No. 2—(11), 175, 181, 139 495 Mrs C. F. Lee—(l3), 189, 117, 189 ... 495 Vlarville Poultry Farm—(l4), 161, 164 169 494 beo Ay ling—(ls), 125, 182, 185 492 R. J. Roberts, No. 3—(17), 147, 164, 177 488 Ino. M. Steedman—(l6), 163, 152, 172 487 Mrs A. M. Stewart—(ll), 163, 173, 142 478 R. J. Roberts, No. 1—(12), 161, 160 156 477 0. M. Tapp, No. 3—(17), 165, 155, 157 477 [J. H. BrewTn—(l2), 189, 140, 145 474 El. Moreland, No. 1—(17), 172, 156, 143 471 R. R. Christie, No. 2 —(15), 143, 153, 174 470 A E. Cambie, No. 2—(19), 168, 141, 159 468 Mrs J. A. B. Hellaby, No. 1-(16), 168, 142, 162 467 A. S. Harden— (17), 131, 169, 165 465 R. B. Cruickshank, No. 3-(10), 176, 167 119 462 I. N. McLean, No. 1—(16), 169, 145, 147 461 I. N. McLean, No. 2—(19), 130, 160, 171 461 Harold Astbury, No. 1—(15), 150, 158, 140 R. S. Higginbotham, No. i— (4), 167, 109, 163 43S R. and G. Knowles—(ll), 158, 167, 113 438 W. H. C. Vennall—(l9). 162. 154,119 435 R, B. Christie—(lo), 106, 172, 156 ... 434 Master P. Muller—(l7), 154, 147,130 431 W. G. Webster—(lß), 153, 123, 155 ... 431 Mrs C. E. (Rotherham—(l4), 135, 151, 133 41$ R. J. Roberts, No. 4—(15), 136, 119, 163 415 R J. Koberts, No. 5—(18), 154, 147, 117 415 LIGHT BREEDS. White Leghorns (57 beams) — J. N. McLean, No. 2—(16), 181, 168, 158 507 S Johnson, No. 2—(18), 145, 164, 154 463 Chas. Jackson—(l6), 121, 174, 167 ... 462 Hon. C. H. Izard—(l7), 156, 163, 138 457 Margieon and Edgar—(l7), 142, 168, 145 45a R Pearson—(lß), 149, 155, 131 435 T A. Harrison —(18), 141. 175, 119 ... 435 3. Johnson, No. 1—(15), 156, 130, 148 434 I. N. McLean, No. 3—(17), 168, 130, ISO 42s W. H. Oliver—(l6), 139, 150, 139 428 Mrs K. G. Hunt—(l7), 137, 152, 133 422 Fred. Tarrant—(l6), 140, 151, 130 ... 421 E T. Mora—(18), 131, 153, 133 417 Mrs R. M. Smith—(l7), 145, 153, 114 412 W. A. Nixon, No. 2—(15), 126, 147, 139 412 R- Wilson—(l6). 155, 118, 138 411 Seo. Herring, No. 1 —(17), 148, 120, 138 406 F Lusby—(lß), 160, 122, 122 404 Norris Bros., No. 3-<l7), 133, 163, 108 404 I. N. McLean, No. 1—(17), 136, 132, 135 -. 403 I. Johnson, No. 1—(16), 138, 127, 130 395 Seo. Herring, No. 2—(16), 153, 142, 98 393 Mrs E. W. Higginbotham, No. 5 (14), 129, 117, 145 891 Norris Bros., No. 1—(17), 95, 158, 137 390 W. A. Nixon, No. 4—(11), 118, 146, 125 389 R. M. Smith—£lß), 140, 126, 122 388 H. G. Blackman—(l3), 125, 121, 140 386 A Stewart —(18), 132, 124, 130 386 ilex. Adamson, No. 2—(17), 135, 141, 108 - 381 Norris Bros., No. 2—(14), 89, 129, 153 ! 371 Mrs It. S. Higginbotham, No. 1—(16), 110, 100, 160 370 W. A. Nixon, No. 5 (18), 108, 135, 129 370 Mrs R. S. Higginbotham, No. 2—(14) 127, 123, 118 368 F. Hirsticlc, No. 2—(17), 116, 111, 138 365 F. Hirstick, No. 1—(17). 128, 97, 136 361 Masson and Masson—(l3), 60, 158,143 361 Mrs N. Dickey—(ls), 124, 118, 118... 360 Brown Leghorns (3 teams)— Mrs H. Mollett—(l7), 65, 130, 131 ... 326 T F. Box—(16), 134, 97, 75 306 Mrs A. M. Stewart—(o), 71, 113, 111 295 Black Minorcas (4 teams)— A. Wood, No. 1 —(14), 144, 153, 141 ... 485 S. Johnson—(lß), 145, 136, 133 414 THE DUCK SECTION. Indian Runners (20 teams) — S. H. Scott, No. 2—(18). 208. 206, 163 577 H. Blumhardt—(l9). 177. 188, 169 ... 534 R. A. C. Kerry—(lß), 168, 154. 178... 50T S. G. Batten—(2o). 165, 169, 154 48S Jno. Owen—(ls), 188, 164. 133 4 SI Mrs M. Waterman—(lß), 147, 168, 163 477 Geo. Cosson —(15), 172, 131. 169 475 -T. O. Law—(ls). 195, 140, 106 45( Daniel Riley—(l7), 146, 120. 156 431 Buff Orpingtons (1 team) — S- H. Scott—(l7), 175. 165, 78 411 White Runners (3 teams)— S. H. .Scott. No. 1—(11). 165. 137. ICO 402 Thos. Douthwaito—(l7), 73, 99, 141 ... 313

for to vrk. date. White Leghorns— D. Evans 114 H Williams 161) W. B. Ward 148 S. G. Loader 5 144 B. S. M. Carter 155 T. S. Dove 6 131 Mrs McNamghton 6 169 W. Nimmo - 143 J. H. Mitchell .. 7 133 A C. -Goodlet- : 6 161 Mrs J. W. Chambers 6 156 \V. Newell 133 p W. Shaddock 5 163 Green Bros 14/ F I/. Beer 188 J. C. Musgrove 3 154 J. E. Wigig159 N.Z. Suppliers, Ltd 138 Minorcas— C M. Johnstone 4 116 Green Bros 5 99 Totals 3013 HEAVY BREED SINGLE HEN CHAMPIONSHIP. L S. McDonald 0 96 J. Lyness 4 117 H Beck 77 B. M. S. •Cookson 120 E. V. Arthur 56 L A. Wadliam 181 J P. Drewett e 196 G J. Wilkins .... 1 68 J. Eowberry 6 32 T J. Eichards 103 Totals 39 1046

No 1. No 2- No 8. Scanlon and Commons... Ill 131 114 White Leghorns— T W. Betteridge Mrs J. .Tohnston W. H. West AV. Barrell H. W. Buie Mrs McN a ugh ton A. N. ,McNaughton Hay and Congalton Webb Bros *• j D. McKechnie Woolston Tanneries P. Club A. Hoare J. W. Thomson A. H. Adams H. Williams Green Bros Green Bros J H. Duffield (!. J. Norton Calder Bros Oalder Bros Oumherpatch Bros D. B. Blyth J. Liggins J. Liggins - Smart Bros —-* «W. J. Perrin X Matthews T S. Dove J Cairns Hon. C. H. Izard Hon. C. H. Izard Hon. C. H. Izard Hon. C. H. Izard G M. Robertson ............ *Bird dead. 127 125 122 159 138 156 149 115 152 129 157 149 147 166 155 126 170 163 154 164 125 106 137 156 114 119 116 109 124 147 132 157 121 112 160 151 135 142 176 146 120 127 175 145 147 151 117 174 111 162 113 125 178 189 108 136 119 149 152 126 171 151 160 152 104 147 155 132 138 168 147 143 108 130 141 98 143 126 103 146 69 129 79 147 146 139 160 145 164 153 171 166 127 70 158 154 156 131 167 138 155 143 143 151 127 White Leghorns— G. E Moodv P. W. Shacklocfc W. J. Bichards S G. Loader Miss A. Wilson Mrs A. E. Whitbrock ... T. Bond T J Richards T. H. Wilee E. Fuchs J. P. Firth J. W. Chambers B. W. Coombes W. P. Hern * G. A. Blinkhorn .... Mrs Gorinski —.... Mrs Gorinski Mrs Gorinski H. C. West C. Bennets S. L. Beer .... - G. L. Black P. E. Osborne .' F. Ellis H. Whittle J. Lyness J. H Mitchell W. Nimmo . v - Tracey King A. G. F. Boss H. F. Boss Scanlon and Commons... L. V. Couch John Wilson W. Spence W. Ledperwood J. Moms Avis Bradstock Silver Wyandofctes— F. H. Lovell Bladk Onpingtone— Hill and Rodgers N.Z. Suppliers, Ltd. ... W. .T. McCausland J. Gunn P. Olorenshaw J. P. Drewett A. S. Holmes W. R. Sprosen A. G. Brailev Brown Leghorns— 157 143 29 139 124 152 147 124 111 171 181 62 170 143 117 169 152150 127 159 129 137 153 157 145 129 138 123 171 168 139 92 140 104 156 156 115 96 148 119 65 86 96 39 119 127 64 96 139 157 185 124 131 135 149 157 126 154 172 1SJ. 190 158 130 136 161 130 151 106 102 50 92 172 136 142 125 130 150 102 152 122 136 117 160 182 118 117 83 174 120 54 79 39 147 25 137 86 31 165 155 88 150 160 141 126 144 , 86 127 134 140 101 129 129 142 60 127 152 Cl 138 121 174173 152 186 170 162 137 154 93 159 116 115 127 165 128 108 85 137 106 79 135 82 123 97 58 110 731 While leghorns— 23 740 22 465 *.T C. Musgrave 24 20 805 792 *G. H. Bradford *W. O. Sail 26 25 679 609 31 620 *W E. Ward 24 801 T. R. Dove 35 779 IT. W. Beck TT. Whittle 26 28 786 725 31 808 M. C. Craig 31 ■ 34, 901 965 23 634 21 799 83 830 Minorca. 4 ?— H Williams 24 734

White Runners— JT C. Wilson 63 83 72. Fawn and White Runners — F. Hendron 101 122 A. Barnett 158 143 W, T. Greer. 98 138 R. W. Hawks 163 220 207 R. W. Hawke 112 190 H. W. Beck .... 119 186 121 T. Bond i 187 191 123 .1. W. Thomson ... 120 138 163 .r. C. Muse-rave .... 162 152 206 S. G. Batten 112 131 .T. 0. Wilson 97 134 131 H. R. Slater 136 109 S. II. Scott 117 156 111 E. J. Ritchie ....... 165 132 131 S. G. Batten 144 105 09 SINGLE DUCK CHAMPIONSHIP

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New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11685, 24 November 1923, Page 15

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POULTRY INDUSTRY New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11685, 24 November 1923, Page 15

POULTRY INDUSTRY New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11685, 24 November 1923, Page 15