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msiEmos spring sehim opened SOME SURPRISES IN HEAVY GOING GUP WON BY VAGABOND LADY FINGERS’ EASY VICTORY (By Telegraph—“ Times” Special Reporter.) MASTERTON, October 12. In weather just about as bad as could be experienced the Wairarapa Racing Club opened its spring meeting at Opaki to-day. A lot of rain had fallen during the week, and it continued at times through the day. The racin? track was thoroughly soaked, and the going was very slow. The course soon became cut up, and an idea of the state of the going may be gathered from the times in which the events were run. The Flyin~ took imin 22 2-ssec, and the open mile Welter imin 52 3~ssec.

FOTJU LIMIT DIVIDENDS. * As was to be expected those who speculated did not fare too well. Recent form was upset by the bad conditions, and the ohly favourites to win were Last Crust, Kilbird, and Foolish,' all of whom paid vei’y short prices. Of the others four paid limit dividends, one of them running to double figures. The b£st price of the day was that returned by Arizona, the outsider who turned up in the Lawn Handicap. A SMALL ATTENDANCE. The attendance, which was affected by the bad weather, was small, and speculation was poor. During the day only .£3161 was put through the totalisator, against .£10.751 on the corresponding day last year. NEW ZEALAND CLP CANDIDATES. The principal events of the day were the Cuo and the Flying, and in the Cup seven horses went to the post, two of them being bracketed in the name of Mr Kemball. The Now Zealand Cup favourite Meraahi was backed as unbeatable by totalisator investors, but though he ran well till the entrance to the straight he failed to run on from thero. Vagabond, a former winner of the New Zealand Cup, who carried 7.5, fitfistied on very solidly, and won decisively fiom Kilgour, who was in charge half-way up the straight. Scion was last, many lengths behind the field. The Flying turned out to he a good thing for Lady.'Fingers* who was early in the lead, and never looked like getting beaten. PROCLAIM WINS EASILY. Racing commenced with the High Weight Handicap, for which Nukumai and the Kemball bracket were in considerable demand. Otaura Kid, Proclaim. .and -Nukumai went to the front when the field settled down, but when it came to racing, Proclaim went right away and won easily, with a good deal in hand from Nukumai, with Otaura, Kid and Sir Fanciful next. ANOTHER WIN FOR TRENTHAM. Waimana, Clanhdku, Ralston, Gliir.ose. Bright Day. and Panorama were taken out of the Maiden Stakes, and the Trcntfliam gelding, Last Crust; was sent out a good favourite. Glaive was next in demand, the Hall Mark and Sir Moment. Glaive was the first away, followed by Lost Crust, with the ethers strung out. Glaive carried on the running to the entrance to the straight, where Last Crust went to the front, and' from there on walked in and won by three lengths from Hall Mark, who got up in 'time to beat Glaive by ‘half a length'. Prideaux was fourth and Bonita fifth/'" ; Last Crust and the previous winner are both trained at Trentham by J. Ayres. ' EASY FOR LADY FINGER®.

There were no withdrawals from the Flying, and the machine showed Quest and Lady Fingers to be the public favourites. There was a fair hacking for Backsheesh and Kilris, and lower down the list came Matareka and Merry Day, with Chimera the outsider of the field. The start was a good one, except that Lady Fingers was slow to move, and Kilris, who had drawn the rails, was the first to show out, but Lady Fingers got going smartly, and with a furlong covered was at the head of affairs. -She put a break of a few lengths on the field, and with this advantage led into the straight from Kilris and Matareka, with Quest at the head of the others. Ladv Fingers carried on the lead, and in the run to the judge was not troubled to win by three-lengths. Matareka failed over the last couple of furlongs, but Backsheesh and Merry Day closed on Kilris near the post, and Merry Day, who was travelling faster than the other, appeared to get second, but the judge awarded second place to Kilris Merry" Pay was placed third, and Backsheesh fourth. OUTSIDER OF THE FIELD WINSAll the acceptors started in the Lawn Handicap, in which Princess Fran was sent out better supported than Merry. Queen, while Zero Hour was the only other well backed. Semplico went to the front at the start, followed by Panorama, while Merry Queen was the last to move. Avison was in charge before the home fturn. was reached, and Sempßice was done with before the field was straightened up for home. Merry Queen lost her postition 'half-way through the race, and came on the outer at the home t» m. She finished well, but Arizona went away from her and won by three lengths. Zero Hour was a poor third, and iSem.plice was fourth. Arizona was the outsider of the field, and paid a double figure dividend. THE RACE FOR THEi CUP.

* Trespass and Kilbird declined their, engagements in the Masterton Cup. Muraahi was sent out favourite, but there was only .£1526. on the race, and next in favour was Kahikatea and then Kilgour. Scion was the outsider. From an ev’u start Kahikatea led past the tdand from Little River and Scion, with Vagabond last. Jhirning out of the straight Little River rushed to the front and he put a break of five -lengths on the field! before the. back stretch was reached. Hern Kahikatea was lying sec-

ond, with Kilgour and Scion well up and Muraahi going back. Seven furlongs from homo Little River was still bowling along in the load, and Kilgour had run up into second place, while Kahikatea was lying third and Muraahi was last. Little River was tiring before the straight Was reached, and ;s beads were turned for homo Kilgour came to the front. The Awapuni gelding responded well to a call made on him, and increased his load, but a furlong from home Vagabond was taking up ground so well that it was fairly clear- he would cut the leadbr down. 'The old Masterton gelding stayed on nicely and won by a length from Kilgour. Insurrection was a poor third, Kahikatea wjs fourth, Muraahi fifth, Little River sixth, and Scion a very l»ad last. NATIVE QUEEN WINS EASILY. For some time after tho machine- opened wagering was very even on several of Ihe starters in the Lansdpwno Handicap, but a lot of money came for Bonecto at the death and! tho Otaki gelding went out a good favourite. Bonomel piloted tho field to the home tum, where Native Queen went to the front and left the field, winning easily by three lengths from Redsome, who just squeezed in front of Bonomel and Bonecto. A CLOSE FINISH. . Of the five who paraded for the Grand* stand Handicap Kilbird and Helen Rufus were the best supported, and Counter Attack carried the least money. Tatau Tatau rushed to the Front at the rise of the barrier and Helen Rufus moved off the mark very /lowly and'lost several lengths.. Counter Attack joined Tatau Tatau in the lead before the straight was reached, and as soon os they were straightened up for home he went to the front. Bumptious, Helen Rufus, and Kilbird wore 'then brought along and in a great finish they crossed the line almost on terms. Kilbird got the,decision, with Helen Rufus second, Bumptious third, and-Counter Attack fourth. FAVOURITES NARROW VICTORY. Foolish rras made a good favourite for tho Farewell Handicap, and next in demand 1 was Karutahi, Royal- Divorce and Waimana. Foolish soon hit the front and was waiting on the field- at the turn, where Solrino and Royal Divorce .were well uip. A good race up the straight sow Foolish, who had to be shaken up at the finish, win by a head frein Solrino, who was a head in front of Tytinus, with Karutahi a fair fourth. THE DETAILS

The details of tho racing are as follow :

HIGHWBIGHT HANDICAP, Of 100 sovs; one mile and a quarter. G. and J. Burt's b g Proclaim, syrs, Young ; 1 •Young) G 1 S. G br g Nukumai, 10.7 (L. G. Morns) 2 Curran and Wood's ch g Otaura Kid! 9.9 (J. Proctor) 3 (Winner trained-, by J. Ayres.) Also started—Tenterfield J 1.2 (R S Bogbv), Blue Hall 9 (G. King), Sir Fanciful 10.1 (H. Burt), Fisher, 9.18 (H. E. Ryder) Puketoi 9.3 (J. Kaan), Sir Agnes 9 (P. Raynor). Won by three lengths. Time, 2min 23 ■<f-ssec.

MAIDEN STAKES. Of 100 sovs; six furlongs. T. Hardy’s br g Last Crust, Byrs, by Bezonian—Elevonia, 8.5 (A. Reed) 1 C. Elgar’s ch g Hall Mark, 8.5 (J. 01sen) 2 0. Riddiford’s br g Glaive, 8.5 (h! Wheeler) ## 3 (Winner trained by J. Ayres.) ’’ Also started—Waiwhinau 9 (L. Stowe),’ bl 'L M « raent 9 (B- S. Bagby), The Chattel 9 (J. Dombroski), Prideaux 9 (E.- S. Garrett). Bonlita 8.5 (C. Reed), Kilroyal 8.5 (A. Oliver/. _Won by several lengths. Time, Imin 23 3-ssec. FLYING HANDICAP, , Of 140 sovs; six furlongs. R. Knox’s b m Lady Fingers, 6yrs, by Merry Moment—Kakowai, 7.1 (W. S. Bagby) i W. R, Kemball's b f Kilris, 7.8 (G. Ridgway) 2 A. E., Booth’s br m Merry Day, 8.8 ... 3 (Winner trained by owner.) Also started—Chimera 9.3 (H. Grifiiths), Quest 8.3 (McKeown), Matareka 6.7 (W. Blanche). Won easily. Time, Imin 22 2-ssec. LAWN HANDICAP, Of 100 sovs; one mile. G. Whiteman's b m Arizona, aged, by Martian—Grecian Maid, 6.12 (C. McGovern) 1 A. Attwood’s ch m Merry Queen, 7." i (W. Pippetts) 2 Goodman and Ballinger's br g Zero Hour, 7.4 (Ramsden) 3 (Winner trained by T. Higgins). Also started—Princess Fran 7.9 (E. S. Garrett), Semplice 6.12 (G. Ridgway), and Panorama 6.12 (VV. S. Bjfgby). Won easily. Time, Imin 53see. MASTERTON CUP, Of 235 sovs; one mile and iiiroe furlongs. W. R. Kemball’s b g Vagabond, aged, by Martian—Gipsy Girl, 7.5 (C Smith) ] i R. A. MacKenzie’s b g Kilgour, aged, by Kilbroney—Angelina, 6.7 (W. Bagby) 2 W. R. Kemball’s br g Insurrection. Gyrs, by Kilbrony—Butful, 8.9 (C. Reed) 3 (Winner trained by W. Hawthorne.) Also started—Scion 9 (A. Olliver), Little River 7.9 (H. Griffiths), Muraahi 7.12 (A. Reed), Kahikatea 7. Won by a length. Time, 2mia 41 l-ssec. LANSDOWNE HANDICAP, Of 100 sovs; ei x furlongs. R. Giles’s b m Native Queen, 4yrs, by Mountain Knight—Native Lady, 7,5 (A. Stowe) j ■T- A. Stringer’s ch m Redsome, V’ fc! Butler) 2 B. Burgess’s b g Bonomel, ’ 7.11 "(G.’ Ridgway) 3 (Winner irained by W. Garrett'.)' Also started—Bor.ecto 9 (H. E. Ryder), Mem mas 7.13 (F. McGovern), Rose Martian 7.9 <<.’ Bmith,. Won easily. Time, Imin 22 4-ssec.

GRANDSTAND HANDICAP, Of 130 eovs; one mile. F. W. Fitzpatrick's b g Kilbird, 4yts, by Kilboy—Mocking Bird, 9.8 (K. Bagby) 1 F. J. Carmont's ch in Helen Rufus, 8.1 (A. Ree<J) 2 W. R. Kemball's b g Bumptious, 8.9 (C. Reed) 3 (Winner trained by owner.) Also started—Tatau Tatau 8.5 (G. Morrison), Counter Attack 8.1 (R. Mclvie). Won by a head. Time, Imin 52 3-ssec. FAREWELL HANDICAP, Of 100 sovs; five furlongs. W. R. Kemball's br f Foolish, Syrs, by Absurd—Cintra, 8.3 (C. Reed) 1 Mrs M. Faulkner's b g Solrino, 6.12 (J. Dombroski) 2 F. A. Jensen's b g Ilytinus, 8.2 (E. S. .Garrett) 3 (Winner trained by W. Hawthorne.) Also started—Karutahi 8.1 (A. Stowe), Martinique 7.13 (A. Reed), Royal Divorce 7.12 (F. McGovern), Carnbrea 7.8 (H. Griffiths), Blonde ?‘(W. S. Bagby), Waimana 6.12 (G. Morrison). Won by a head. Time, Imin 7 2-ssec. CONCLUDING DAY THE FIELDS REVIEWED, (By "Carbine/') The weather has cleared, and to-mor-row may be fine, but the course will still be heavy. Even with a rise in weight Proclaim should bo hard to dispose of in tho Highweight Handicap, aud the best of the others may be Otauru Kid and Sir Roseberry. . In-the Trial Stakes Waimana and Hall Mark will have .followings, and so also will Royal Divorce. Martian Miss and Quest are suro to carry tho confidence of bettors in tho Macara Handicap. I Tlie best of those in tho Opaki Handii cap may be and! the IComball ? bracket, Trespass and Insurrection. 1 Merry Queen was a bit unlucky to i day, and should go well in the Spring Handicap, in which Arizona and Last i Crust will start. 1 If Helen Rufus gets away well the will * be very hard tp shake off m the Waipipi 1 Handicap, but she is usually a bad be- • ginner, and Tatau Tatau may account J for her. ! Solrino and Hytinus will carry the money in the Final Handicap, but if the [ track has dried the hardest to beat will be Bonecto. 1 SECOND DAY ACCEPTANCES HIGHWETG'HT HANDICAP, of 100 ! sovs; one mile andi a distance—Birkenella 11.3, Proclaim 10.3, Sir Fanciful 10.1, Otauru Kid 9.11, Sir Roseberry 9.10, Fis- ; her 9.9, Phketoi 9, Sir Agnes 9. i TRIAL STAKES, of 100 sovs; six furlongs—Waimana 9.2, Prideaux 9.2, Royal Divorce 8.1, Hall Mark 8.1, Bonita 8.1, Blonde 7.10. MACARA HANDICAP, of 140 sovs; 6ix furlongs—Chimera 9.1, Martian Miss 8.9, Quest 8.1, Backsheesh 7.13, Matareka 6.7. . CAVE PLATE, of 125 sovs; five furlongs—Kilmer© ’7.9, Kilroor 7.9,' Lady! Isinglass 7.9, Miss O'Dille . 7.9, Solfraid 7.9, Kilorum 7.9, Wee Marble 7.9, Twinkle 7.9, Termination 7.9. OPAKI HANDICAP, of 220 eovs; one mile and a quarter—Scion 8.13, Trespass 8.11. Insurrection 8.11, Kilbird 8.8, Little River 7.10, Helen Rufus 7.4, Kahikatea 7.

SPRING HANDICAP, of 100 sovs; on© mile and a furlong—East Crust 8.8, •Black Ronald 7.13, Arizona 7.9, Merrimas 7.9, Merry Queen 7.4, Zero Hour 7.4, Redsome 6.13.

WAtPIPr HANDICAP, of 130 sovs; seven furlongs—Kilbird 10.5, Peneus 9.9, -Helen Rufus 8.12. Tatau Tatau 5.9/Counter Attack 8.4, AU Gold 7.7, Sir Agnes

, . FINAL HANDICAP, of 100 sovs; six furlongs—Bonecto 9, Native Queen 8.5, Hytinus 8.5, Rose Martian 7.8, Solrino 7.'5, Carnbrea 7.5. DUNEDIN RACES SECOND DAY ACCEPTANCES. Per Press Association. DUNEDIN, October 12. The following acceptances have been received for the second day of the Dunedin Jockey Club's spring meeting:— WAKARI HURDLES HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; one mile and a half.—Falstaff 12.1, Red Admiral 11.10, Frenchman 11,2, Galway 9.12, Silk Rein 9.7, Rapid River 9,‘ Orange Bitters 9. DOMINION HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; five furlongs.—Lava 7.13, La Reve 7.9, Taboo 7.9, Kingcup 7.9, Apache 7.9, Bachelor Gay 7.6, Revel 7.2, All Stvle 7.2. KAIKORAI HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; one mile.—Ravenna 8:12, Adjutor 8.10, Pickaninny 8.9, Bolero 8.8, Lucinette 8.6, Dame Straitlace 8.5, Balasor 7.13, Stream 7.8, Carpentier 7.7, Barricon 7.7. RANFURLY HANDICAP, of 300 sovs; one mile. —Roseday 10.4. Boadicea 8.12, Loughrea 8.9, Angelo 8.5, Corn Rigs 8.4, Prince Ferouz 7.10, Silent King 7,4, Purple Spur *7.4, Guncase 7.2. SHORTS HANDICAP, of 250 sots; six furlongs.—Roseday 10.8, Limelight 9, Golden Light 8.5, Paphian 8.2, Dancing Days 7.10, Kilfane 7.3, In the Pink 7.SS, Baldowa 7, Jackaroo 7. TELEGRAPH WELTER HANDICAP, of 250 sove; one mile.—Corn Rigs 9.9, Radial 9.7, Happy Warrior 9.2, Prince Ferouz 9.1, Some Kid 9.1, Warhaven 8.3, Pickaninny 8.1, Miss Muriel 8, Sir Otway 7.10, Kilkee 7.7. CLARENDON HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; six furlongs.—Kilfane 9.8, Uleaborg 9.1, Valdamo 9, Eaton Bells 8.10, King Sol 8.10, Warseer 8.9, Tione 8.9, Wartune 8.8, Marmont 8.8, Royal Wink 8.6, Overproof. 8.4, E’nare B.«k Bara Owl 8.4, Red Sol 8.1, Frivol 8, Kilpladie 8. ; DUNEDIN GUINEAS, of 750 sovs; one mile. —Tiff 8.10, The Polymnian 8.10, Gold Town 8.10, Enare 8.10. Owlscombe 8.5, Wild Hind 8.5, Lucinette 8.5, Parody 8.5, Gay Juliet 8.5. AUCKLAND RACING CLUB FIRST FORFEITS. Per Press Association. AUCKLAND, October 13. First forfeits have been made in respect to the following horses entered for the Great Northern Guineas and Welcome Stakes, to be run at the Auckland Racing Club's spring meeting:— GREAT NORTHERN GUINEAS, of 1500 sovs; one mile.—Brilliant Star, Suggestion, Queen March, Aerofortis, Pompey, Himpo, Muria, Tactician, Reremoana, ch f by Hallowmas—Noreen, Soli- 1 form,. Bugle Note, Pelham, Attractive, Black Eyed Susan, White Comet, Miss Egypt, Sleepy Sol, ch f by Quin Abbey —lridescence. WELCOME STAKES, of 1000 sovs; five furlongs.—Gaillard, Cawnpore, Lucknow, Curraghmore, Lady Rewa, Motley, Son o'

Mine, ch g by Snow King—Lady Marecn, Lady Joyce, br f by Quin Abbey—Bell Crispin, Gold Fern, Nigger Minstrel, Day Guard, Lady Bentinck, Killocra, Herculean, Troilus, Hoariri, Muscari, Wee Marble, Bonogne, b f by Quin Abbey —lridescence. N.Z. CUP VINDICTIVE SCRATCHED. Por Pr*»‘‘< ’ - CHRISTCHURCH. October 12 Vindictive was scratched for tho New Zealand Cup. at 11.45 a.m.

WAVERLEYJYIEETING THE ACCEPTANCES. Per Press Association. WANGANUI. October 12. Following are the acceptances for the annual meeting of the \\ averley Pacing Club: BREWER HANDICAP, of 190 sots; six furlongs.—Ngata 9.9, Marqueteur 9.7, Irupuka 9.1, Ecuador 8.13, Halgina. 8.8, Kareao 8.2, Pouma 7.12, Sunny Vale 7.8, Sunny Jim 7.8, Ooohineal 7.7, Roman 73, Some Eed 7.8, Black Cruiser 72, Big Push 7.2, 'lnah 6.13, Civility 6.7. HANDICAP HACK HURDLES, of 150 sovs; one mile and a half. —Eerie 10.8, Trombone 10.2. Captain Sarto 10. iceberg 9.9, Festive 9.6, Dignity 94, Silent Dies 9.2, Tarquin 9, Gaiety Girl 9. Karfort© 9.

WILSON HACK WELTER STAKES HANDICAP, of 105 sovs; seven furlongs. -Good Mark 9.2, Velocirorm 9.2, FiveEighths 9, Mies Mickey 9, Country Life 812 frizzier 8.7> Haligan 8.5» Koch© Lusykia 8, Te Kawa 8 Utapawa 8, Hum Night 8, Camp Gun 8, Empyrean 8. W A VERLEY-W AITOTARA CUP, of 800 sovs; ono mile and a quarter.—Muraahi 8.12, Kareao 8.4, Ecuador 7.13, Complex 7.9, Amber T?ips 7.8, Sunny Jim 7.5, Snatcher 7.5, Velociform 6.U, Pirouette 6.7.

FLYING HACK HANDICAP, of 125 sovs; six furlongs.—Sunny Vale 9, Cochineal 8.13, Fleeting 8.12, Some Bed 8.9, Euchre 8.8, Mangawhero 8.1 tiveEighths 8, Cmlity 7.12 Ora's Del«ht 7.10, Avola 7.9, Carnbee 7.6, Night 7 6, Krlcoo 7.3, Mountain Bell 7, Take Take 7, Gold Peak 7, Campbird 7. MOTJMAHAKI STAKES HANDICAP, of 150 sovs; one mile.— Snatcher 9, BlacK Cruiser 8.11, Red Helen 8.7, Good Mark 8 2 Country Life 7*ll, Valencia Dignity 7.3, Asleep 7, Otapnwa 7, Empyrean 7. JACKSON HACK MEMORIAL HANDICAP STAKES, of 150 sovs; five furlongs—Mangawhero 9.2, Brigadierr Bill 8 13, Hori 8.12, Civility 8.12, Ora s Delight 8.11, Yorna 8.7, Carnbee 8.6, Night 8.6, Mountain Ore 8.8, Lively Fire 8.3, 1 nail man 8.3, Kilcooß.3, Mountain BeU 8, Euralla 8, Lady Hamua 8, Taltaiata 8, Master Lucerne 8, Tupaea 8, I 8 " 6 Take 8, Country Cass 8, Recherche 8, Vanchineel 8, Lfedy Multona 8. Gold Peak 8. MORTON MEMORIAL.— Camp Gun, Pourihoilio, Rum Night, Fire Brigade Vanchineel, laahman 9.2, Kerry, Antrim, Ralapiko, Asleep 9, Opa, Taltaiata, Lusylvia, Rutherglen 8.1, Rosamond, Pirouette, Lady Hamua, Eurella 7. poverty bay Meeting WEIGHTS FOR FIRST DAY. Per Press Association. GISBORNE, October 12. Mr H. Coyle has declared the follow, imr handicaps for the opening day of In# Poverty Bay Turf Club’s spring meeting JUNCTION HANDICAP, of 150 sovs;! six and a half furlongs—Barrier 3.12, Tatau Tatau 9.5, Jovial 9 .<, Mosthenes 8.3, Westerner 7.13, Polonett 7.9, Moreau ( Kingi Pita 6.7. t I FIRST HURDLES, of ISO sovs; one mile and three-quarters—Whanoko 11.13, Highway 11.11, Hyginns 11.10, General Raven 11.7, Sunrny 11.5, Silver Stride 10 1 Diamond Nap 9.9, Patetonga 9.2, Eau do Cologne 9, Birka 9, Whispering Sam 9, Garzon 9, Radio 9. ROSELAND HACK HANDTCAP, of 130 sovs; six furlongs—Good ‘ Slport 9, Mark Over 8.9, Koodoo 8.9, Startle 8.0, Crisis 8.5, New Moon 8.2, Cairo 7.12, ICingly 7.7, Fort George 7.4, The Harp 7.4, King’s Up 7.4, Stern Lady 7, Cuvier T irht 7. Wilmoreana 7, Manu Pango 7, Kingi Ilita 7. General Corrington 7, Royal O ‘ k 7. 7, Anxious Mftmontk’ 7, Esquimaux 7. | SPRING HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; one

mile and a quarter—Barrier 9, Kahikaiea 8.3 Musketoor. 8.1, Heather King 7.12, Martini 7.11, Whanoko 7.7, White Hope 7.6. Westerner 7.5, Queen’s Up 7.5, Many Colours 7, Miss Roseland 7, Chaplin 6.11, Silver Stride 6.7. WELTER HANDICAP, of 130 sovs; seven furlongs—Tatau Tatau 19.7, Musketoon 10, Heather King 9.11, Queen’s Up 9.10, Martini 5.10, Mosthenes 9.7, Hyginas 9.6, Miss Roseland 8.13, Many Colour--3.12, Lord Muskerry 8.11, Polonett 8.9, Pdowler 8.5. Cairo 8.3, Fort George 8, Pearle de Leon 8, Cuvier Light 8, Renatiple 8.. Birka 8, Colgrove 8, Royal Oak 3, Anxious Moments 8.

FLYING HANDICAP, of 150 sovs; six furlongs—Civilform 9.18, Barrier 3.8, Jovial 9.3, Kahikatea 8.4, Heather King 3.1, Mark Over 7.8, Startle 7.5, Crisis 7.4, New Moon 7.1, King’s Up 6.7. OCTOBER HACK HANDICAP, of 186 sovs; one mile—Sweet Heather 9, Koodoo 8.10. Many Colours 8.9, Chaplin 8.5, New Moon 8.3. Polonett 8.3. Prowler 8, Highway 8, Moreau 7.9, Wilmoreana 7. Fortissimo 7, Colgrove 7, Mixed Heather 7, Whispering Sam 7,

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New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11649, 13 October 1923, Page 11

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THE SPORT OF RACING New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11649, 13 October 1923, Page 11

THE SPORT OF RACING New Zealand Times, Volume L, Issue 11649, 13 October 1923, Page 11