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WJTIHT COMPANY'S DIVIDEND. FEB PRESS ASSOCIATION. AUCKLAND, January 28. The Waihi Company’s directors hav6 notified the declaration of a sixpence dividend, payable in March, and have also recommended the return of'capital at the rate of 10s per share, to be approved at a general meeting. BANK OF ENGLAND. LEADING ITEMS OF RETURN. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. (Received January 27, 7.30 p.m.) LONDON. January 27. The leading items of the Bank of England return for the week ending January 26th afford £he following comparisons : I

serve to liabilities 14.20 13,37 IMPERIAL AND COLONIAL GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. Following are latest quotations for Imperial anl Colonial - Government securities:—

HONEY MARKET. Short loans are quoted, at 5J per cent., an advance of 4 per cent, since last week, and three months’ bills. are at 6§ per cent., the same as last week, FOREIGN 'EXCHANGE RATES Australian and N.Z. Cable Association. (Received January- 28, 7.30 LONDON, January 27. . Foreign exchange rates on London are quoted us follow: —Paris 54' francs to £l, Stockholm 17.65 kroner, Christiania 20.40 kroner, Calcutta 17Jd to the rupee, Yokohama 30i<l to the yen, Hongkong 34d to the dollar, Montreal 4.32 dollars. New York 3.86 dollars. LONDON WOOITsALES. Australian an<f N.Z. Cable Association. (Received January 28, 5.5 LONDON, January 27. The free wool sales have closed. Sixty thousand bales were offered, and practically all were sold. There was. extremely .good competition throughout from the Home, the Continent and the United States, mostly for good merinos, which closed at 10 to 15 per cent, above the opening rates. Carbonising sorts advanced 5 per cent. For eroesbreds there was a fair demand. Fine declined 10 per cent. ■ compared with December. At Bradford the market is firm, but there is little business passing. Quotations for February-March delivery : Sixtyfours quality, Sid; fifty-eixes, 45d; fifties, 2Sd; forty-sixes, lßd. -“GOOD INQUIRY."

The Bank of New Zealand has received the following advice from its London office, under date 27th inst.: —"The sales have closed, with good inquiry from all branches of the trade. Current prices: Coarse crossbred, 36 to 40's quality, average condition 9d to 9Jd; medium crossbred, 44 to 4«’s quality, average condition 12d to 13d; line crossbred, 50's quality, average condition 14$d to 16d; merinos, 17d to 22d; halfbreds, X6d to 20d. "PRACTICALLY ALL SOLD.” Messrs Murray, Roberts and Co., Ltd., are to-day in receipt of the following cablegram from their London agents, Messrs Sanderson. Murray and Co., under date 27th instant: — "Sales closed —last three days 20,500 bales free wool offered —‘practically all sold. Good general competition. Compared with present London sales opening rates greasy merino advance 5 per cent., scoured merino advance 5 per cent., super Comeback 6 per cent. All other descriptions of wool market shows no material change.” # "MORE COMPETITION.” The Now Zeala’nd Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, have received the following cablegram from tlioir London house under date 27tli ■ instant:—Wool sales closed. More active competition by French, Belgian, and American. A» compared with December 18th merino wool 5 per cent, lower. Quotations for greasy crossbred 46's Is, Si’s to 40*s Bsd_ to 9d. Messrs Johnston and Co.. Ltd., have

received the following cable, dated 26th instant, from their London agents: — “Wool, North Island new clip, SO bai-es offered- Quotations: 48/50’s Isa. 46 13d, 44/46 12-}d, 40/44 lid, 36/40 9ld/ J ENGLISH PRODUcI" MARKET. Australian and N.Z. Cable Association (Received January 28, 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, January 27. Wheat, quiet; demand slow. Flour, dull; bakers are holding off in the hope that there will be furthei reductions; 68s 6d e.i.f. is asked for Australian, due to arrive at the end oi February, . < *Oats, easier; La Plata, on spot, 33s od, I forward delivery 34s 6d. i , Barley, quiet; Australian, on spot 75?. forward delivery SBs. Peas and beans are quiet and pricer* unchanged. I Sugar, granulated 725. Butter is steadily declining. The Government is now purchasing Danish butter at 226 s f.0.b., compared with in mid-December. new Companies. . REGISTRATIONS REPORTED. Registration reported by the "Mer- - can tile Gazette’'’ of the following new companies:— Chronol Chemical Industries, Ltd. (private company). Wellington. Capital: -22006, into 2000 shares of .£1 each. Subscribers: Wellington—J. J. Cronin 1898 f.p.u., I’. Forsyth, and E. Hogg 1 Jhare each. Objects; Manufacturers of •and dealers in fire-lighters, fuels, d-iain* f octants, etc. Wellington Brick Co.. Ltd., Wellington. Capital: .£50,006, into 10,030 .shares of <£s each. Subscribers: Wellington Chas. Earle 20, W. Jack 240, F. Meadowcroft 50, M. F. WUloughbv 80, John Duff 200. J. McCale 160, H. N. McLeod 200. Objects: Brick and tile manufacturers. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. CANTERBURY MARKETS REPORT. run rrtTiHfi ASsnoiA^iOK. CHRISTCHURCH, January 28. Unsettled weather is delaying the thrashing and few samples are coming in. The last thrashing was done about

the beginning 1 of last week. The crops were ripening more rapidly than - the binders could keep pace, and the wet has resulted in large areas of dead ripe corn. A drying wind or two has allowed putting to be carried on intermittently, and, fortunately, the winds have not been of . a character to cause much of a

"shake.” it is generally conceded that the wheat yield will foe afoout four to fir© bushels per acre lower than last season on the area sown and this in the aggregate represents about one million bushels. Farmers are casually inquiring as to the oat prospects, and are eo impressed with the present hopeless position that a big proportion of them purpose delaying thrashing in the hop© that a chaff

demand may later ensue. It is practically oertain that the yield will be substantially short of last season. Merchants at present ore not prepared to offer more than 2s Id at country stations. Some few lines of barley were thrashed before the break; In the weather, and a particularly well filled sample sold at 8s per bushel and; inferior at 7s 6d. The cocksfoot harvesting; has suffered more on the Peninsular through , the weather than ordinary grain; crops elsewhere. Much of it has been dying out and loss may be expected when it is gathered. The crop is expected to bo near the average. Potatoes have been the medium of business at JM to £4> 10s f.o.b, S.X., but the recent mixture of rain and heat is conducive to blight, and eellers are not firm at this value. PRICE OF BUTTER. rss muss ASBnoixTrouGISBORNE. January 28. It is reported in 'business circles that a reduction in the price of butter of probably 4d_a pountj will take place in a few days. THE LOCAL MARKETS LAERY ANxTcO/s REPORT. Messrs Leery and Co., Ltd., Welling

ton (under date January 20th, 1921) report wholesale prices as follows i Barley, feed Chavelier 8s per bushel, sacks in; maize, 8s per bushel, sacks in. maizo, crushed 8s 9d per bushel, sacks in; partridge peas, 11s 6d per bushel, sacks Is; peas, Prussian blue 12s 6d per bushel, .sacks Is; feed peas, 9s 6d per bushel, sacks Is; oats, hulled for poultry feed, 7s 6d per bushel, sacks in; oats, seed Algerians, 4s 4d per huahel, sacks in, feed Algerians 4s per bushel, sacks in; oats, crushed 4s 9d per bushel, sacks in; dressed oats for poultry feed, Gs 8d per bushel, sacks in; oats, Garton B grade 4s 3d, Dun oats 4s Cd per bushel sacks rn; fowl feed, special mixed 9s 9d per bushel, (60lb), tacks yi; chaff, oaten sheaf, prime bright, ton lots or over JE9 15s poy ton, sacks in; hay, lucerne, extra choice jBB 10s ton; pig and calf meal, .£l2 ton; lull'ro food, JBIO 10s per ton; new potatoes, Auckland-grown 8s to 8s Cd, others 7s to 8s 6d, sacks in; fowls, hens 5s to 6s. heavy roosters 6s 6d to 7s 6d pair; ducks, 13s to 15s pair; geese,' 13s to 14s pair; turkeys Is 8d to 2s per lb; butter, farmers' separator, dairy or milled. Is lid pci lb; eggs, fresh 2s to 2s Id per doz; dressed pork, 70's to 100’s, Sd to 9d lb; shell grit, Ss cwt; Meggitt's linseed meal, 19s per * 1001 b straw, baled, £6 10s per ton; , 1 onions, 10s per cwt. SALE AT MANGAVVEKA. Dalgety and Co., Ltrl., Palmerston North, report having a fair yarding of sheep and a small entry of cattle at their Ifangaweka sale on Thursday, 27th inst. Following are quotations:—Sheep, email shorn lambs 7s medium 2-tooth wethers 20s; cattle, 15-month heifers JS4 106, 2year steers £6 2s. WELLINGTON CUSTOMS. The Customs revenue received at Wellington yesterday totalled .£8447 16s 9d.

• Buyers. Mining— Kellers. Waihi 1 9 War Iioana— 6 1 10 ; y3 Inscribed Stock (1939) ■— Inscribed Stock (I).S J3.) 88 37 6 (1933) — 51 o 0 War Bonds (3938) ... 88 o 0 — War Bonds (1930) -— AVar Bonds (O.S.S.) 90 0 6 (1933) ~ 91 0 0 P. O. Bonds (1927) ... — P.O. Inscribed Stock 88 0 0 (1927) 88 0 •An veslmen Ls — 0 *■** Bonk of Australasia... S2 15 0 84 0 0 National Bank 5 12 6 5 16 0 of N.S.W 31 10 0 — Bank of N.Z. 2 9 6 2 11 0 Union Bank fl2 0 Loan and Mercantile o i (ord.) — 92 0 0 Wn. Trust and Loan — to 0 Wellington Gns • -ford.) 10 5 0 Wellington Gas (preij.) 0 15 3 0 17 0 National Insurance ... 2 15 0 — N.Z. Insurance +1 6 6 — South Brit. Insurance 7 18 0 S 0 0 Standard Insurance ... 2 4 6 — 0 Gear Meat Co — 2 0 Huddart-Parker (ord.) — 2 6 0 Union Steam <pref.) ... 0 18 9 0 19 9 Taupiri Coal (ord.) ... 0 17 0 0 18. 0 Westport (Vial 1 7 6 1 8 0 Leyland O'Brien — .\ f •' < c e 1 Inn «o u s — 1 16 6 V.I.C. (prof.) — 0 19 0 Howard-Smith 2 0 0 — Newton King- (pref.)... —• 0 19 6 N.Z. Drugs *2 19 0 3 1 0 N.Z. Paper Mills 1 8 W’airarag>a Farmers' 0 0 - Wairarapn Farm ers* 6 6 (.£1) .: :... — 1 6 0 Ward and Co 1 2 3 — "Wilson's Cement 0 18 7 — • tCum dir. *Ex dir.

This week. Bast week. £ £ Bullion 136,505,000 126,500,000 Reserve . 18,349.000 18,197,000 Note circulation 138,485,000 128,541,000 Govt, deposits .... 16,081,000 16,076,000 Other deposits .... 113,52S,000 120,013,000 Govt, securities ... 53,211,000 54.510,000 Other securities ... 75,107,000 81,325,000 Proportion of re-

This Lost week week. £ £ 2J p.c. Imp, Consols ... 48 17 6 47 5 0 6 p.c. "War Loan 85 17 6 84 5 0 3§ p.e. War Loan 84 12 5 83 17 6 54 p.c. Aus. Comm. ... 94 2 6 94 13 0 51 p.c. Ans. Comm 97 0 0 97 0 0 3 p.c. N.S.W.- (1930-50): 63 12 ,6 62 15 0 3J p.c. N.S.W. (1930-50) 59 5 0 59 5 0 4 p.c. N.S.W. (1935) ... 74 0 0 74 0 0 5J p.c. N.S.W. ......... 94 7 6 94 5 0 6i p.c. NjS.W, ...9.... 99 10 0 99 7 6 3 p.c. Victoria (1921-6)’ 02 0 0 61 17 0 31 p.c. Victoria (1929-49) 83 7 6 82 15 0 3 p.c. Victoria (1929-49) 55 0 0 55 O 0 31 p.c. S. Aus. (1930)... 66 15 0 66 0 0 3 p.c. S. Aus. (opt.) ... 49 0 0 40 15 0 4 p.c. (1915-24) 87 10 0 87 5 0 94 ,p.c. Q'nl'nd (1930-50) 97 0 0 97 0 0 Sf p.c. (Q'nl’ud (1922-47) 86 0 0 84 0 0 3 p.c. Q'nl’nd (1922-47) 53 10 0 52 0 0 4 p.c. N. Zealand (1920) 85 15 0 84 15 0 ,31 p.c. N.Z. (1920-40) ... 69 0 0 68 0 0 3 p.c. N.Z. (1920) 58 7 6 58 10 0 31 p.c. W.A. (1915-35)... 69 0 0 68 15 0 3 p.c. W.A. (1915-34)... 67 0 0 67 10 0 3 p.c. Tas. (1920-40) ... 60 0 0 60 0 0 31 p.c. Tas. (1920) 67 2 6 66 17 6

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New Zealand Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 10811, 29 January 1921, Page 11

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COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 10811, 29 January 1921, Page 11

COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XLVII, Issue 10811, 29 January 1921, Page 11