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WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGEYESTERDAY’S QUOTATIONS. MINING Murray’s Freehold —11.30 a.m., s All 6s; 3.15 p.m., s <£l Gs. Ross— p.m.. sale 2d (reported). Talisman Consolidated—ll.3o a.m., b £i os 2d, s JBi Is 3d, sale M 0s 9d (reported); 3.10, b dll Ifi, sale till Is (reported). Waihi —3.15 p.m., b 19s 3d.

SALES ELSEWHERE. Press Association. AUCKLAND, July 14. Stock Exchange sales this morning: Talisman, ill 0s Cd, Ail Is. Union Steamship (ord.), £1 3s 6d, , Auckland Trams (ord.), £1 Is. . DUNEDIN, July 34. The following sale was reported on the Stock Exchange to-day:— Waihi, £1 19s Id. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. By Telegraph—Press Association —OopyHeh* LONDON. July 13. On the Stock Exchange to-day the following were the quotations for Australasian mining and other stocks, compared with the last previous quotation:

ROSS GOLDFIELDS. Tho Ross mine manager reports as fol lows on the work at the mine for the week ended July Bth: —No. 2 wing drive east, which is now out 504 feet from No. 2 shoot, was extended 22, feet in wash payable for a depth of 5 feet. At 485 feet No. 7, north drive, was commenced, and advanced 15 feet in pay wash 4 feel deep, and will command the area pro viously intended to be blocked from No5, north-east drive. At 370 feet No. 8, south drive, was started and advanced 6 feet in fair grade wash over a depth ol 3 feet. No. 7, south drive, which has been turned into a double blocking strip, was advanced 16 feet in 4 feet of pay wash. Blocking is proceeding off No. 3 south-west drive and No. 4 north-cast drive. . , , The past week s return is 530 z 6dwt ot gold from 938 trucks of wash for five days’ work. Tho Wellington Stock Exchange has received the following telegram from the secretary of the Murray’s Freehold Gold Dredging Company, Ltd“ Return last week 13 ounces, short week. Still some distance to go to pick up Worksop Lead. COMMERCIAL CABLES x By Telegraph—Press• Association—Copyright LONDON, July 13. Copper—On the spot, £7B 5s to £)8 10b per ton; at. three months, £79 10s to £79 15s. Tin—On (h© spot, £173 10s to £173 per ton; at thiee months. .£166 5s to £166 15s. . , Lead—£2s to £25 7s 6d per ton. Bar silver is quoted at 22jd per ounce standard. . . q)ho wheat market is firm, with little offering. (Received July 14. 11.45 p.m.) LONDON, July 14. AMERICAN WHEAT. The visoble supply of American wheat and flour is estimated by “Bradstreets V ’ at the equivalent in wheat of 14,759,000 bushels, compared with 16,591,000 bushels a week ago,- and 32,120,000 bushels a year ago. At Chicago wheat ’’futures are quoted at 4s sld to 4a 7£d per bushels for July options. 1 and 4s 2|d to 4s 4 W for September options. ~ , LONDON. July 12. The wheat market is steady, and prices are normally unchanged. . The Canadian-Pacific territory’s wheat crop is estimated at 240,000,060 bushels. Frozen meat prices—Southland sheep. 71d • Australian ewes,6|d; South American sheep G|d. 6|d. and 6’d; light Canterbury 'lambs, Sid; Argentine chilled beef, 7Jd to 83d. . Tho bulk of the Euripides apples were landed in fair to good condition. Stnrmers realised 7s to 13s 6d per case, some down to 4s Gd; New York, 5s 3d to 12s 6d- Scarlets. 6s 6d to 16s; Muirpos, 8s; Adams, 7s 3d to 8s 3d; French Crabs. 5s 9d to 10s Gd. some to 3s; Stones. 7s to 9s; Cleopatras, 5s 6d to 6s 6d. Fears— Cases, 9s 3d to 11s; trays, 5s 9d' to silver is quoted at 22|d per ounce &t cipner-For forward delivery. £79 to tb» snot. £l7l 15s to £173 ss; thrry. months. £IPS 10s to £165. Load—Soft foreign. £25 5s to £3o 15s per ton-

WOOL SALES GOOD SORTS WANTED: OTHERS REVIVING. By Telegraph—Press Association—Copyright LONDON, July 13. . At the wool sales there was a little more competition for shabby crossbreds, but prices were unchanged. Good wools sold well. Tile following prices were realised for the fleece portion of tho clips named : —Australian : “Clifford,” top price 19|d. average 18fd; “Tcirick,” 191 d and 17)d; “Elgin.” 16id and 16 ; )d) New Zealand: “Benoha’u,” 14d and 13£d; “Otipua,” 27)d and 241 d.” The New Zealand and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., has received tho following cablegram from London under date 13th inst.:—“London* Wool Sales. —The demand is less active. There is no change in the market for good merino, but wasty sorts , are weaker. Greasy .cross-bred is 5 per cent, to 10 per cent., and slipe and scoured 5 per cent, lower." Levin and Co., Ltd., have received cable advice from their London Agents that the following clips have been sold on their account at the sales now current, the prices named being the average price realised for the fleece wool in each instance ;—“IS” (Carterton), 17d per lb. “Anchor" (Mastorton), 16-tcl, “H and CM” (Greytown). 17d, “E-rlna” (Blenheim), IRd. “Lansdowne” (Blenheim), . l?id. “Richmond Brook” (Blenheim), 16d. Murray, Roberts and Co., Ltd., have received a cablegram from their London friends, Messrs Sanderson, Murray and Co., under date 13th inst., as follows : “London Wool Market.—Exceptfng best idescript-iionß ’market, weaker all round. Burry carbonising wools very irregular, and prices show tendency downwards.’’ SOUTHERN GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Press Association. CHRISTCHURCH, July 13. There is some inquiry on the part of the smaller millers for wheat, as their stocks are getting low, hut otherwise there is little business doing. The fact that the local prices of flour were reduced £1 per ton all round on Monday will no doubt have some effect upon the price of wheat. There is no change in the position regarding oats. Oat-sheaf chaff is very firm, and is now worth £7 15s to £8 at country stations. There is an irregular demand for straw chaff, owing to the difficulty of getting shipping space to Australia. The potato market is firmer, and £6 at country 'stations is now the ruling price, the rise being due to scarcity of offerings. ' ' LIVE STOCK SALES AUCTIONEERS’ REPORTS. Abraham and Williams, Ltd. At Johnsonville yesterday good yardings of prime bullocks and sheep came forward and sold readily at late rates. Extra prime heavy bullocks made £l6 10s to £l7 ss. prime heavy bullocks £l.» 7s Gd, prime bullocks £l4 15s to £l4 17s Gd, light £l3 12s Gd. prime heavy wethers 30s to 31s sd, prime we-thers 29s to 29s 4d. lighter 27s 5d to 28s 3d. prime ewes 26s Bd, lighter, 25s 6-d to 265 l prime lambs 20s Id, lighter 18s. 8d to 19s 3d - ' New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd. At Te Horo on Tuesday ‘wo offered a fair yarding of botli sheep and cattle to a good attendance of buyers. The bidding was keen for all classes of stock offered, with the exception of dairy, cows, which met with rather a dull sale. We report a good clearance at the following prices: Medium fat ewes 24s Id. medium mixed sex shorn hoggets 13s 9d, small shorn noggets 9s 3d to 10s Ad, fat cows £6 is to £6 17s Gd. forward cows £4 15s to £j 2s, good store oows>£4 ss, 18-month steers £3 15s to £4 3s Gd, heifers in milk to £7, dairy cows (spring calvers) £5 los. ADDINGTON MARKET. ■ Press Association. CHRISTCHURCH, July 14. At Addington live stock market there were moderate yardings of stock and a good attendance- F.>; cattle showed an improvement and fat lambs were firmer. Store sheep sold at about last week’s prices; fat pigs sold better than last .week; and fat sheep were irregular. Store Sheep—Fairly good ewe hogget 15s Id to 17s. fairly good wether hoggets 13s 4d to 14s 6d, inferior hoggets 10s od to 12s 6d, cull hoggets 9s 2d to 10s, shorn hoggets 11s to 12s 7d, good mixed sex hoggets 15s 9d to 16s 3d, good sonndmouth half-bred ewes 19s 10d to 22s 6d -good half-bred 6-tooth ewes to 21s, medium ewes 15s to 17s 3d, cull ewes 4s 3d to Bs* 2-tooth wethers 15s id, 4 ana 6-tooth wethers 17s 2d to 18s. Fat Lambs—Extra prime lambs to 26s 3d, prime lambs 19s to 235, medium 16s to 18s Gd, light and unfinished 13s, to 15s Gd. ‘ Fat Sheep—Extra prime wethers to 355, prime wethers 22s 6d to 28s. others 18s to 225. merino wethers 15s »d to 19s, extra prime ewes to 29s Id. prime ewes 20s to 27s 6d, medium ewes 16s 6d to 19s 6d. inferior ewes 11s 9d to 16s, merino ewes 12s 4d. Fat Cattle—Extra steers to £7 17s 6d, ordinary steers £7 to ■ £ll 15s, extra heifers to £l4 15s, ordinary heifers £5 17s 6d to £9 15s, extra cows £l2 2s 6d. ordinary cows £5 2s 6d to £9 10s; price of beef per 1001 b, 26s to 29s Gd, extra to 425. Store Cattle—Calves 19s 6d, 15 to 18month sorts £2 5s to £3 10s, heifers £4 17s 6d, 3-year steers (passed) £6 15s, 4-year heifers £6 14s, dry cows 35s to £6. Dairy cows £3 10s to £lO 10s, Figs—Choppers 50s to 90s, extra heavy baconers to 82s Gd, beayy baconera 60s to 725, light baconers 50s to 58s 6d: price per lb, Gd. Heavy porkers 37s to 455, light porkers 35s- to 365; price per lb. 6d (fully). Medium stores 22s to 28s, small stores 15s Gd to 21s, weaners 3s to 12s. ■ BURNSIDE PRICES’. Press Association. DUNEDIN, July 14. There was a small yarding of fat cattle at’Burnside to-day, 162 being penned. Tho quality was fairly good. Competition was keen and prices showed an advance of 10s to 15s per head on last week’s rates. Best bullocks £l4 10s to £l6, extra to £lB. medium to good £l3 to £l3 10s, others £lO 10s to £ll 10s, heat cows and heifers £lO 10s to £l2 10s, extra to £l6 2s fed, medium to good £8 10s to £9 10s. others £7* to £B. Fat sheep.—2333 penned. With the exception of a few pens of really prime ewes and wethers the yarding was of medium quality. There was good demand for all classes, and nnfinished uethers were eagerly picked up by graziers. Prices showed an advance of Is to Is 3d on last week’s rates. • Best wethers 28s 6d to 30s, extra to 32s . 9d. good 25s -to 275, others 22s to 245, best Owes 25s to 375. extra 345, good 20s to 225. others las to 19s. Fat Lambs.—l 800 penned. There was good competition between graziers and exporters, and prices were firm, at last week’s rates. Best 19s 6d to 21s, extra prime to 28s Gd. medium,to good 17s to IBs. others 14s to 16s.

INVESTMENT STOCKS Sales. Buyers. Sellers. -V s d £ 6 d JE s a Banks — National of N.Z 5 9 0 Now Zealand. 11 .£'3 €s 8d pd. — 0 0 Financial—* Equit. Bldg.... 9 10 0 Gas— Christchurch. 8 e Mo — w Wellington, J'.KI 17 2 6 *17 0 0 Meat Preserving— Gear Co., d34— 16 0 0 17 0 0 — Gear Co., i-1... 4 0 0 4 10 0 Shipping— Union Steam. prof 1 0 4 1 0 9 . Coal— Westport — 1 11 6 Miscellaneous—* D.I.C., pref. ... , — 1 0 9 V- . N.Z. Erug. Co.. 0 7 6 —' ‘Reported.

To-day Last quot. b 8 b 8 8. d. i s. d. 8. d. 6. d. Minins — Brit. Bro. Hill 22 G 23 6 22 6 23 9 Mount Elliott' 60 0 65 0 62 6 651 Oilier Stocks —Middle Prices. £ s. d. £ 6. d. Bank Australasia ... 110 15 0 115 0 0 Bank N.S. Wales ... 37 15 0 38 10 0 Bank Victoria 4 4 6 4 4 6 Nat. Bank Aust 5 9 4 5 17/ c Union Bank Aust, ... 52 0 0 55 3 6 Nat. Bank N.Z 5 0 7 4 176 Bank N.Z. Shares ... 10 7 0 11 0 0 B.N.Z. 4 p.c. stock... 94 0 0 94 0 0 N.Z. Loan and M.A. 4 p.c. 1st debs 88 0 0 89 2 6 N.Z. Loan and M.A. ord. stock 80 0 0 80 0 0 City of Melbourne 4 p.c. stock £G 15 0 ICO 6 Melb, Harbour Trust 95 0 0 95 0 0 Melb. Tram Trust 4i p.c. debs 98 10 0 101 13. 6 Melb. Bd. of Works 4 p.c. debs 94 0 0 94 0 0

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New Zealand Times, Volume XL, Issue 9096, 15 July 1915, Page 2

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COMMERCE & MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XL, Issue 9096, 15 July 1915, Page 2

COMMERCE & MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XL, Issue 9096, 15 July 1915, Page 2