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The following reports on. the sales in Wellington on Friday have been furnished:— Murray, Roberts and Co., Ltd. The second sale of crutchings -was held on Friday, in conjunction with the regular sheepskin and hide sale, and was attended by a very large number of buyers from all parts of the Dominion. Wo submitted a large and attractive catalogue, comprising 350 bales of wool, principally crutchings, including some well got up station lines, which brought exceptionally high figures, our top price being 9id per lb, while several parcels reached 9d and 9id per lb. Good medium lots, mostly unsorted, brought from 8d to B}d, while seedy and inferior-conditioned lots mado up to 7Jd. There was very little difference in prices between 1' nday’s sale and that of last month, values being probably throughout par to a farthing lower. Sheepskins were firm, and hides sold much about the same level as of late, taking into consideration their appearance, owing to the damp weather affecting same. Prices current are quoted below: ■Wool. —Crossbred fine 93d to 10)d Per lb, crossbred coarse to medium 83d to Old, pieces, etc., 6d to Bd, locks and short pieces 43d to 6d, crutchmgs superior 9d to Did, crutobings medium to good 8d to 83d, crutobings inferior seedy 3d to 73d. Sheepskins.—-Half-bred and fine croeebred BJd to 9 to, medium to coarse crossbred 8d to_ 9d, short to half-wools 6}d to Bd, dead and damaged 6}d to 7Jd, inferior and badly damaged lid to 6d, lambs 73a to 83d, damp, green and salted 4s Cd to 8s each (a few extra heavy to 9s). Hides—Ox heavy 9d to 93d, ox medium Bid to B|d, ox light 83d to BJd, cow heavy 8d to Bld, cow medium BJd to 81d. cow light 7jd to 83d, cut, slippy inferior 5d to Bd, yearlings 8d to &Jd. Tallow—Casks 24s to 275, tins, etc., 49s 6d to 23s 6d. * New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited. The second crutching sale of the season was held on Friday in conjunction with the usual fortnightly sale. There was a large attendance of buyers, including operators on Japanese account, also Home and local buyers. Something like 1200 hales of wool, principally crutchings, were offered. Competition was Keen, but at a rather lower level for crutchings, many of which contained seed, and, on the whole, were heavier in condition than those offered in the first sale. Prices ranged from 9d to 9Jd for best, from 73 d to B}d for medium, end from 63d to 7Jd for seedy. Sheepskins were offered in large quantities, and prices were well maintained. Hides were a little lower than last sale, but taking the winter condition into account sold at good prices. Tallow, in sympathy with overseas markets, was lower by 6d to 9d per cwt. Opossum skins were offered in fairly large numbers, but did not realise prices obtained last sale, as a heavy drop in the London market has taken place since then. The next crutching sale will he held on August 7th. We quote;—Wool—Crossbred, fine, 93d to 10jd; crossbred, medium to coarse, 9d to lOd; pieces and bellies, 6d to 8d; locks and stained pieces, 6d to 6d; crutchings, superior, Bld to 9|d; crutchings, medium to good, 8d to B|d; crutchings, seedy and inferior, 3d to 73(1; lambs, 8d to 10Jd; dead, 9d. Sheepskins—Halfbred, Bfd to 9d; fine crossbred, B}d to 9id; medium to coarse crossbred, 8d to Bjd; short to half-wools, 73d to 8d; dead and damaged crossbred, 5Jd to 7id; inferior and badly damaged. Id to sjd; lambs, 7Jd to' BJd; damp, salted, and green, 4s 6d to 9s; pelts, 4}d to 6id. Hides— Os, heavy, 9d to 9§d; ox, medium, Bid to BJd; ox, light, Bsd to B|d; cow, heavy, BJd to BJd; cow, medium, 7Jd to 83d; cow, light, 7Jd to Bid; cut, slippy, and inferior, 6d to Bid; bull, stag, 5Jd to 7d; yearlings, 8d to BJd; calf, superior, 10|d to lid; calf, medium to good, 9d to 10id; oalf, damaged, 3d to 7d. Tallow—ln tins, etc., 21a to 23s 9d. Sundries—Eabbitskins, 11 Jd; opossum skins, 2s 6d to ss; horsehair, Is 5d to Is 7id; horns, ,16s to 235. Abraham and Williams, Ltd. The second crutching sale was held on Friday in conjunction with the ordinary skin sales. We offered a big oata-, logue of all classes of produce to a large attendance of buyers. Bidding was keen, and for all super lines of crutchings prices were on a par with last sale. Other lines sold at good prices, but were a shade easier, probably id per lb on the average. Skins and hides sold readily at last quotations. We quote: —Wool—Crossbred, fine, 9jd to IOJd ; crossbred, medium to coarse, 9d to lOd; pieces and bellies, 6d to 8d; locks and stained pieces, 5d to 6d; crutchings, superior, BJd to SJd; mediumto good, 8d to B|d; seedy and inferior, 3d to 7Jd; lambs, 8d to 103 d; dead, 9d. Skins—Halfbred, BJd to 9d; fine crossbred, 83d to 9Jd; medium and coarse crossbred, 8d to 83d; short to halfwools, 7Jd to 8d; dead and damaged crossbred, s}d to 7f d; inferior and badly damaged, Id to 53d; lambs, 7jd to Bid; damp, salted, and green, 4s 6d to 8s;, pelts, 4|d to 63d. Hides—Ox, heavy, 9d to 9Jd; ox, medium, B|d to BJd; ox, light, B|d to B|d; cow, heavy, BJd to B|d; cow, mediunr, 73d to Bid; cow, light, 73d to BJd; cut, slippy, and inferior, 6d to 3Jd; bull, stag, 53d to 7d; yearlings, 8d to Bgd; calf, superior, lo|d to lid; calf; damaged, 3tl to 7’. 'fallow—ln tins, 21s to 23s 9d. Sundries—Rabbitskins, ll|d; opossum skins, 2s 6d to ss; horsehair, Is 6d to Is 7 id; horns, 16s to 235. Tho United Fanners’ Co-operative Association and the Wairarapa Farmers’ Co-operative Association, Wellington.

Tho second crutching sale of the season was held on Friday, together with the usual sheepskins, hides, etc. There ■was a large attendance of buyers, and good competition. Tho crutchings were lower by Jd to Jd per lb than at the previous crutching sale. Sheepskins were very firm, and satisfactory prices were realised for all lines. Wo quote .as follows:—Wool. —Crossbred fine 9Jd to IOJd, crossbred medium to coarse 9d to 10d, bellies and pieces Gd to Bd, locks and stained pieces 6d to 6d, crutohings superior BJd to 9|d, crutchings medium to good 8d to B|d, crutchings seedy and inferior 3d to 7jd, lambs 8d to lOid, dead 9d. Sheepskins —Halfbred BJd to _9d, fine crossbred 83d to 9Jd, medium to coarse crossbred 8d to 84 d, short to half wools 7Jd to Bd, dead and damaged crossbred 5Jd to 7Jd, inferior and badly damaged Id to 53d, lambs 73d to BJd, damp salted and green 4s 6d to 9s, pelts 4Jd to 6Jd. Hides—Ox heavy 601 b up 9d to 9Jd, ox medium

and over Bid to Bid, oow medium 42 to 54 7|d to 83d, cow light under 42 7id to Bid, cut, slippy and inferior 6d to Sid, bull stag 53d to 7d, yearlings 8d to BJd, calf superior IOJd to lid, calf medium to good 9d to 10id, calf damaged 3d to 7d. Tallow In tins, etc., 21s to 23s 9d. Sundries— Rabbit skins 1136, ojiossum skins 2s 6d to ss, horse hair Is 5d to Is 7id, cow horns 16s to 235. Levin and Company, Limited. We offered 350 bales out of a total of 1300 bales catalogued by the associated brokers. Competition was • keen, but at a lower range of values than those ruling a month ago, though a few lightly conditions lines touched 9}d. Otherwise, the market was distinctly easier; inferior and seedy lines showed a fall of from 3d to Id. Wool —Crossbred, fine, 9jd to 103 d, crossbred, medium coarse Sd to lOd, nieces and bellies 6d to Bd, locks and jtained pieces 5d to 6d, crutchings, superior BJd to 9Jd, crutchings, medium to good 8d to B|d, crutohings, soedy and inferior 3d to 73d, lambs 8d „o lOid, dead 9d. Sheepskins—Were firm at late rates. Halfbred 83d to 9d, fine crossbred 83d to 63d, medium to coarse crossbred 8d to 83d, short to half wools 73d to Bd, dead and damaged crossbred 53d to 73d, inferior and badlv damaged Id to 53d, lambs 73d to BJd, damp, salted, and green 4s 6d to 9s, pelts 4Jd to 63d. Hides— Remained firm at last sale rates, oalf-, skins were easier. Ox, heavy 601 bup 9d to 93d, ox, medium 501 b to 591 b 83d to Sid, ox, light 491 b and under B|d to 83d, cow, heavy 551 b and oyer BJd to 83d, cow, medium 421 b to 541 b 73d to 83d, oow, light, under.42lb 73d to 83d, cut, slippy and inferior 6d to BJd, bull, stag s|d to 73d, yearlings 8d to Sid, calf, superior 10|d to lid, call, medium to good 9d to IOJd, calf, damaged 3d to 7d. Tallow In tins 21s to 23s 9d. Sundries —Babbit skins 113 d, opossum skins 2s 6d to ss, horsehair Is 5d to Is 73d, horns 16s to 235. Dalgety and Company, Ltd. In conjunction with our usual fortnightly sale on Friday wo held a special crutohings sale at which representatives of both local and Homebuying houses were present. Competition was keen throughout, and the quality of crutchings offered was superior to that of last sale, prices, however, being easier by about 3d perlb. Skins and hides met with a ready demand, prices being on a par with those ruling at last sale, whilst tallow, in sympathy with the London market, was slightly easier. Quotations: —As quoted by all other brokers.

W. and G. Turnbull and Co., Ltd. ‘On Friday, in conjunction with ouav usual fortnightly, sale of wool, skins, etc., we held our second special, crutching sale of the season. There was a large attendance of buyers, and competition was keen throughout the sale. Compared wjth the Juno sale, crutchings were slightly easier. Sheepskins ana tallow were on a par with late rates. The following is an indication of prices ruling:—Wool.—Crossbred fine 93d to 103 d, crossbred medium coarse 9d to lOd, pieces and bellies 6d to Bd, leeks and stained pieces 6d to 6d, crutchings superior B|d to 9Jd, crutchings medium to good 8d to 83d, crutchings seedy and inferior 3d to 7Jd, lambs 8d to IOJd, dead 9d. Sheepskins.—Halfbred B|d to 9d, fine crossbred 83d to 9Jd, medium to coarse crossbred 8d to 83d, 'short to half-wools 7|d to Bd, dead and damaged crossbred 53d to 73d, inferior and badly damaged Id to 53d, lambs 7Jd to 83d, damp, salted and green 4s 6d to 9s; pelts 4|d to 61d. Hides.— Ox heavy 9d to 93d. cx medium B|d to BJd; ox light B|d to B|d, cow heavy BJd to 83d, cow medium 7Jd to 83d, cow light 73d to. 83d, cut, slippy and inferior 6d to BJd, bull, stag 6|d to 7d, yearlings 8d to SJd, calf superior lOjd to lid, calf medium to good 9d to 103 d, calf damaged 3d to 7d. Tallow. —In tins 21s to 23s 9d. Sundries.—Babbit skins 113 d, opossum skins 2s 6d to 6s, horsehair Is 5d to Is 73d, horns 16s to 235.

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8784, 14 July 1914, Page 10

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WOOL AND SKIN SALES New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8784, 14 July 1914, Page 10

WOOL AND SKIN SALES New Zealand Times, Volume XXXIX, Issue 8784, 14 July 1914, Page 10