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WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. YESTERDAY’S QUOTATIONS. MINING. New Sylvia—ll.3o a.m., s Is. lioss Reconstructed—ll.3o a.m., s 10a. Talisman Consolidated—ll.3o a.m., b SL'Z 2s 6d. s ii;2 3s 6d, sale -£2 3s 3d (reported) Waihi—ll.3o a.m., b -£2 11s 6d, s £2 12s, sales ,P'2 Hg 3d, .£2 lie 6d (reported). Waihi Grand Junction—ll.3o a.m., b W 1 4s Gd, s -£1 5s 3d. Note.—The letter "b” signifies buyero, and "s” sellers. INVESTMENT STOCKS.

QUOTATIONS ELSEWHERE. Press Association. AUCKLAND, December 23Sales at this morning’s call on the Stock Exchange:— Ross. 9s 7d, 9e lOd, 9s 9d. Junction. £1 4s 9d. Afternoon call: — Rosa Goldfields, 9s 7d. 9s 9d (three parcels). 9s lOd (two parcels), 9a lid. Waihi Grand Junction, 24s 9d (two parcels), 255. Komata Keefe, Sid. ■Waihi, ,525. Kuranui, lOd. DUNEDIN. December 23. Waihi Grand Junction. £1 4s 9d (three parcels). Sale reported:— Westport Coal. £1 10s. LONDON, December 22. Stock Exchange quotations include: — Waihi, £2 11s 3d (buyers), £2 12s Gd (sellers). Talisman, £9 Is 3d and £2 3s 9d.

COMMERCIAL CABLES BEET SUGAR. EUROPEAN PRODUCTION STATISTICS. By Telegraph—Press Association—Copyright LONDON December 22. Herr F. O. Licbt, of Magdeburg, in bis monthly circular, states that the production. of beet sugar in Germany, Austria, Hungary, France, Belgium and Holland from September Ist to November SOth, the first three months of the 1913-14 campaign, shows an increase of 19,000 tons compared with the corresponding period of the previous campaign. Herr Lichfs estimate of the total European production for the current campaign is 8,443,000 tons, against 8,310,000 tons in 1912-18, an increase of about 133,000 tons. AUSTRALIAN GRAIN AND PRODUCE (Received December 23, 11.25 p.m.) SYDNEY, December 23. Wheat, 3s 6d to 3s Old; flour, £8 10s j cats. Algerian feeding 2s 4d to 2s 6<l; milling, 2s Bd, sparrowbills 3s Id to 3s 2d, giants 3s 2d to 3s 3d, New Zealand A grade Gartens 3s 3d; mama, 4s 3d to 4s 4d; barley. Capa malting 3s 3d to 3s 6d; bran. £4; pollard, £4 to £n ; potatoes. Tasmanian -tG to £8; onions, Victorian £10; butter, selected 107 s. secondary IflOa to 102 b ; cheese. 53 to 6d; bacon Sid to 9d. ADELAIDE, December 23. Wheat, 3s Gel to 3s Bid; flour, £7 15s to ,08; bran and pollard lla. HIGH COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram from the High Commissioner, dated London. December 20tb. (Note—Quotations unless otherwise specified are average market prices on spot):— - Mutton—The market is firm. Stocks on hand are light. North Island, per lb, 6d to 5Jd tor best quality; ewes, 4 8-l Gd. Lamb—The market is firm. Stocks on hand are light and are firmly held in a few hands, with a result that there is an endeavour to raise prices. Canterbury twos, Bid. As high as G-)d has been obtained in more than one instance. Heavy weights, sid per lb. Beef —The market is steady at last quotations. There is a good demand for hinds. Chilled hinds, sid per lb; fores, Sid. Butter —The market is quiet and prices are slightly -weaker. During this week considerable inquiry has been made for fairly largo quantities of Australian and New Zealand butters for shipment to United States of America ports. Danish, per cwt. 130 s to 1335; New Zealand, 124 s to 12Ss; Australian, 116 a to 120 s; Argentine, HGs to 118 s; Siberian, 110 sto life- , „ Cheese—There has been no alteration in the cheese market since Inst week. Hemp—Manila : The market has been very depressed during this week, chiefly owing to bear operations. A large business has been done at the decline. Fair current Manila, per ton, £27; forward shipments -£26. The output from Manila for the week was 19,000 bales. New Zealand: New Zealand is also lower, but less than expected, as shippers’ offerings are very small. lair business has been done with good fair at .£25 15s to .£26; fair. £23 15s. Wool —The current Bradford quotations for tops arc 36’s low crossbreds. 14,Vd; 40’s low crossbreds. 13-Id to 10hi; 50’s balfbrcds. !SJ<l; 50’a quarterbreds, 21Jd; 60’s merinos, 20Jd. The market is weak but the general opinion is that it aeems to have touched the bottom. _ _ , , Wheat and Oats—The New Zealand supply is practically exhausted. Beans —The market is quiet but steady. Now Zealand beans f.a.q. (old crop), per 5041 b. 86s 6d. „ ~ Feao—The market has been favourably affected bv a fair demand recently tor spot, parcels for Avonmouth. New Zealand peas (partridge), per 5041 b, old crop, 45s for November and December.

Southern grain and produce. Press Association. CHRISTCHURCH. December 23. The stagnant state of the grain and (produce market is not likely to be re'Devc<l until after the holidays, and 'probably not until the new crop is available. There is good inquin- for both muling and fowl wheat, but nothing is to bo had from the country, and any small business that is doing is out of store. There is practically no - whole fowl wheat, and the requirements of poultrykeepers can only bo filled with milling wheat. , . Thera is not much doing m oats. Prices are decidedly easier compared with what they were a few weeks ago. A small amount of shipping business with the north is being done when space is obtainable, but altogether the market for grain and produce is extremely quiet. LIVE STOCK SALES AUCTIONEERS’ REPORTS, Abraham and Williams, Ltd. At Lovin on Friday wo had a very heavy yarding of sheep and cattle, stock coming forward well in excess of advertised numbers. The attendance was very poor, due no doubt to the inclement weather, and bidding suffered- in consequence being somewhat limited. 1 rices for fat stock were well maintained, but the demand for the quantity was not forthcoming. Prices realised were as follows:—Fat lambs 15s Cd to 10s Id, fat shorn owes 17s to 18s Hd, fat woolly ewos 25s Gd. fat ewes and wethers (mixed) 19a Gd to 20s, woolly owes and lambs 20s 2d to 28s 4d 2-tooth ewes 13s Id to 13s 9d. 2-tooth wethers Us Cd to 15s 3d, forward wethers IGs Gd, fat rams 17s. fat cows AS 16s to A 8 19s. fat bullocks A 8 18s to A 9 ss, 15 and 18-month steers .83 3s to A 3 He. 2-year steers A 4 Us to A 4 15s. cows and calves A 4 Bs, yearling and 15-month empty heifers A 3 5s to A 3 Us, 18-month heifers r.w.b. At 12s. \\e wish to draw our clients’ attention to the fact that for the following few months aftor tho Now Year weekly sales will bo held by us at Lovin, also that we are commencing regular pig sales on sale days. N.Z. Loan and Mercantile Agency Co.. LtdAt Rangiotu on Monday we had a. good r,-ax-ding of cattle, all lines selling readily under the hammer at good values. Quotations: —Weaner heifers 30s Gd, small yearling steers A2 Is, good 18-mouth heifers A 4 9s, store cows (aged) ■A3 to A 3 le, forward cows A 3 16s to A 4 13s, fat cows A 5 to AG 5s Cd, cows and oalves At to A 4 14s, bulls A 6 to AG ss, dairy cows AG 10s. Pigs—Slips 18s. Dalgety and Company, Ltd. At Upper Hutt on Thursday we offered a good yarding of both sheep and cattle to a good attendance of the public. Most of tho sheep offered were two and four-tooth wethers, and these met with good competition and sold readily under the hammer. Cattle were also in good demand, and wo disposed of most lines under the hammer. We quote tho following prices:—Two and 4-tooth wethers 12s 9d to 17s. rams 9s Bd, 18-month steers to A2 15s. 2J-ycar steers to A 5 Is. springing heifers A 5 to A 5 Gs, weaner heifers to A2 10s, springing cows A 3 14s, forward empty cows to A 5 18s, bull A2 IBs. At Levin on Friday a good entry of sheep and heavy yarding of cattle came forward. Although tho weather was wet and boisterous buyers attended in satisfactory numbers, and a good sale resulted. Bidding on sheep was not animated. But cattle were in good demand, especialy grown bullocks, and prices Showed a slight rise on last sale rates. Some of onr principal sales were as under:—3so well-grown 4-tooth wethers 17s 3d. aged shorn owes with lambs 19s Id. medium 2-tooth wethers 14a Gd, inferior woolly hoggets 13s 3d, shorn fat ewes 16s 5d to 16s Gd. fat bullocks (light) A 7 5s to AB, fat cows AG 15e to A 7 Is, 3-year eteers (forward) A 7 11s, 3-year steers AG lls Gd to AG 14s, 2J and 3-year steers A 5 12s. A nice line of well bred Shorthorn 2-year steers on account of Mr J. Kobbell made AG 5s Gd. Empty cows A 3 4s to A 3 18e, cows with calves A 4 9s, yearling heifers A 3 Is to A 3 15a, 2-ve'ar steers A 4 12s, bulls A 4 to AG 10s. BURNSIDE MARKET. Press Association. DUNEDIN, December 23. At Burnside to-day 130 fat cattle were yarded. Though the yarding was small the demand was slack. Prices opened on a par with last week, but as the sale advanced there was a downward tendency, and taken all over prices declined about 10s per head. Prime bullocks made Al2 to Al 3, extra to All 2s Gd, medium AlO 10s to All 10s, others to A 9 15a, prime heifers and cows A 8 to A 9 15s. extra to Al 3 12s Gd, medium xG to A 7 10s. Fat Sheep.—Eleven hundred and fiftyfive were penned. The supply was short, and although there is never much mutton wanted during Christmas week the demand was better than was expected and prices were about Is lower on the week. Prime shorn wethers made 23s t 025? extra to 2Gs Gd, medium 20s to 225, light and unfinished to 19s, woolly wethers to 35s 3d, heavy shorn ewes 22s Gd to 24s Gd, extra to 26s 3d, medium 18s Gd to 21s, light and unfinished 13s to IGs. " There was a yarding of 2280 fat lambs. Several butchers had purchased privately to make provision against a short market and in consequence tho yarding was much, in excess of requirements. On an average prices showed a reduction of 2s per head ou last week’s rates. Taken all. over - the quality was good. Prime made 17s Gd to 19s, extra to 21s 9d, medivm 14s 6d to 15s, light and unfinished lls to 13s. Pigs.—Forty-five fat pigs and 88 stores wore yarded. Prices for fata showed a fall compared with last week’s ral. \. Heavy liaconere made A 3 10s to A 4, lighi; A2 10s to A 3 ss, porkers AT 15s to A2 7s Cd, slips _AI 5s to A 1 12s, suckers 15e to A 1 2a fid. THE SEPARATOR THAT PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS ON LITTLE OUTLAY! There are separators galore, big and little, good and bad, but all the other good ones cost more than the "Diabolo. 1 Hero is a separator that is the product of many years of study and perfecting of manufacturing methods. Systematic production and huge sales combined, make it possible to sell this machine at three-quarters or half tho price of siml tar machines of other brands. The "Diabolo’ 1 Separator is a first-class machine at a price within the boundary of every farmer’s pocket. It is clean and simple in construction. Every machine is well and strongly made, carefully built, and durable. The 27-gallon "Diahoio” Separator is only A 7 10s cash. Many a farmer writes to us to say how pleased ho' is with the “Diabolo” he bought. Read what Mr Menzies says on this page. A free trial offer can easily lie arranged for you if you’re interested. Send for particulars. "ASK THE‘man WHO USES XT!” Tho "Diabolo” Separator I purchased from you is giving me satisfaction. 1 find it skims clean and is also very easy to work, and can honestly recommend it to anyone needing a machine.—A. Menzies. Colyton. ‘

Buyers. Sellers. Sales. £ E. d. £ B. d. £ s. d, Bank*#— National of Mow Zealand —' 5 7 G New Zealand 10 16 0 — — Financial— Ftl tillable Building S 17 6 Welin'ton Invest. T. and A.Co. 0 11 0 0 11 9 — Wellington Trust Loan 7 5 6 — — Gas— Christchurch. <£5 6 15 0 7 0 0 Wellington. JJ10 — 17 0 0 — Wellington, pref. ... 0 19 6 1 0 0 — Insurance— Standard of Now Zealand — 1 13 0 Meat Preserving— Gear Meat Cc., £i ... ... 13 0 0 Gear Meat Co., £1 3 5 0 *- — ShippingUnion Steam. — 1 4 9 Uiuuii Steam, pref. ... 0 19 5 — — Manufacturing— Wgtn Woollen, ord. ... \ ... 4 0 0 4 2 6 Coal— Taupiri ... 1 0 9 Westport ... — — 1 10 0 WohiportStockton ... 0 3 10 0 4 0 0 4 0 Timber — teyland-O’Brien — 1 3 6 — MiscellaneousGolden Bay Cement ... — 0 18 3 -

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New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8612, 24 December 1913, Page 7

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COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8612, 24 December 1913, Page 7

COMMERCE AND MINING New Zealand Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8612, 24 December 1913, Page 7